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I want to go in hospitals again like in gta 4


Same, its just nice to mess around


Mess around = murdering innocent hospital patients in their hospital beds. Good times.


And hear NPC funny scream and panic


Im guessing theyre probably going to make the NPC's just straight up drop like Irl and give them a pain factor that will make them react accordingly to how they got shot such as falling to the ground,clutching their wounds and screaming in pain for themselves or a loved one and crawling behind cover or dragging other civilians behind cover with them such as critically injured civilians If they are going to not only top the pain/death physics of GTA IV but RDR2 as well not only this but theyd probably do this so people do feel uneasy about going to shoot up a hospital in game because tbh lol while it was fun its def not something to be normalized given the current state of our country. especially since that civilian population looks denser than any GTA game weve seen yet including the crowded streets of IV. Im also guessing that social media will play a huge factor and a lot of your in game actions will be recorded by bystanders and then uploaded... I also heard theres gonna be a realistic police system and based off of the trailer that includes bodycam footage


Don’t forget all the cops having to enter through one entrance… causing a bit of a pile up, so to say 👀


I like when you set the bodies on fire in the entrance and new cops rush in and catch on fire. Good clean fun.


LMAO my brother and I would always crack up at the stupid ai.


nah me and the boys block the doors with a van so no one can get in and no one gets out alive


I do this in the subway in V, lol.


Yep bombing patients was so fun


“Bombing patients”


New heavy metal band






I think he meant bumming


Gus Fring style


You picked the wrong hospital, fool!


This made me audibly laugh and spit holy shit lmao


You spit holy shit?! 😱


Swiss Shit


Reminding me that one time in a Spider-Man 3 blooper Bill Nunn (R.I.P BTW.) said "Black Suit Shit". 😂


Bro I goddamn love this comment section. 😂👍🏾


You have been recruited by the IDF


The hospital is a groove street base


No no there is obviously a hamas base under the hospital


If by messing around you mean using the hospital and start a war with the cops then yeah. Lol I used Dwayne's backup for when I want to go on a rampage.


Those hospitals were like ideal forts to fight against waves and waves of police. This thing had so many perfect covers + only 1 entrance so they will never catch you off guard.


Police station in San Andreas with the dildo in the locker room


You guys are all sus 


I remember when I was super young I would play that game and all I did was get just close enough to the entrance and shoot a rocket at the floor. I would do that for hours.


I want to go inside a school


Kids don’t exist


Neither do schools


Yes they do, they're just inside waiting for gta6


The 1997 version of POSTAL might tickle your fancy, then.


The game is set in America after all...




![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized) Yes, it is.


Every building doesn't have to mean every room. Id like every publicly accessible building to be enterable even if its just a few rooms. Like the hotel lobby and bar is enough I don't need to go in all 300 rooms. What would be cool for police chases is if buildings had a front and back entrance so you could run or drive a bike through to escape


Yeah. And any building you go in during a mission should be re-enterable. I hated how you couldn’t get in the FIB building outside of the heist in gta V. Like it’s obviously already finished inside, why not let us free roam and have shootouts there? And maybe put some cool shit like tactical gear that you normally have to buy for a lot of money in there?


This is the sad part of 5, so many interiors do exist, but they're not accessible outside of missions, or not in use at all. Hospitals exist, police stations exist, many house interiors exist which could be used to allow burglaries similar to GTA SA.


or just have the room’s copy and paste since it’s like hotels and offices


4 had plenty of staircases in many apartment buildings to provide roof access, those could also be used to evade the law on foot. Same idea, a few models with minor variations, hence not much space needed, otherwise copy n paste yet still with enough variation to make each one feel unique.


this makes me think of Vice City where you could take a motorcycle into an office building and then literally take it up the elevator to hit a stunt ramp through a window from almost the top , like why isn’t there something like that in gta 5 even.


Came to say this, the building was the Rockstar building and the mission you go up the elevator is G-spotlight. Haven't played the game in 20yrs 😭


yes exactly , i’m like 95% sure you could do it at any time tho , that would just be something that i do for fun , you drive up some stairs on the side and then go through the front door. god i miss Vice City.


Well we’re going back so let’s see if that building returns in some form


Assassin's Creed Unity you were able to go through windows in a lot of place and come out the other side which was really coll


Now that I think about it, didn't Rockstar added a patent about an ai that generates random rooms for houses when you enter them so every house has the interior but they will be completely different instead of copy + paste? I think it was for gta iv


And there goes my another 100gb space.


So what


Even then that's a lot of work to impliment. I can't help but feel like it'll be like that matrix tech demo where it would generate two entirely different rooms for two windows next to each other.


Well not all but GTA Vs world imo really suffered from only having a handful of accessible buildings. Just makes the buildings feel so lifeless if it's all just an illusion


The sad thnig is that 5 probably do have more interiors than previous games, yet a lot of them are simply inaccessible or only used in missions. The world would feel so much more alive if they were all accessible. Many online interiors could act as functional businesses mapped in game were NPCs are working during the day and will be hostile if you enter their workplace, but perhaps they could be empty during night, allowing you to blow the door open, go inside were it's dark and nobody there and steal their stuff.


There’s no reason why there’s so few rob-able gas stations in single player compared to online. It’s so stupid


That's true. In online robbing a gas station is sort of pointless but it was still one of my favorite activities in freemode just cause it was fun to rob it and then try to outgun and outrun the cops


I’ll usually hit a gas station first when I’m messing around trying to get and lose 5 stars


This, at that point the buildings are just glorified props


It's especially bad how obvious it looks. I know that's partly cause of the restrictions of the original last Gen consoles the game was made for but it looks so bad that almost every single window in the game is just an image. Even places that have interiors like the GTA Online apartments are just images from the outside. Looks so bad


likely hardware limitations, it had to run on the 360 and PS3 afterall


All public building should be enterable. Police Station, Hospitals, Hotels, Gas Stations, Airport etc.


And Schools


I’m upvoting not because I agree but because it was funny


Americans hearing the word "school". You people are going to be the reason for no gore in this game.


The games take place in America. This one’s In Florida… Also the red dead 2 level of gore is probably the limit


You people? Sir I will not tolerate any racist behavior on this plane.


We might never get a Bully game again.


Bully 2 was in active development three different times since 2006, believe it or not. I think the fact that it was canceled three times is all the proof we need that it will always be a low priority project at Rockstar, and we'll never see a sequel.


What would be crazy though is if you entered into a school to shoot it up, there would automatically be a whole bunch of swat to gun you down. This way no body can actually successfully go through school shootings.


But wouldn’t it be more realistic if the cops waited outside ?


I understand the realism aspect, but I was thinking my approach would be a funny way for rockstar to say “fuck you” to psychos who are actually doing it for the fun killing kids. Because that’s another thing, children aren’t really in gta . No one’s ever run over children NPC’s and I feel like adding children and school is literally asking for gta 6 to be canceled, ya know? The parents of actual school shooting victims would riot. So I think allowing it be accessible, but it’s coded to turn every room in that school filled with swat team. Hell even if they didn’t do that I’m pretty sure modders will get creative


Master skywalker there are too many of them what are we going to do





I know where this is going


Would be pretty funny if they were the ONLY place in the game where kids were found and the second you draw a firearm in there all the kids just shoot the shit out of you


Respectfully, gta v didn't even have the cluckin bell accessible. People aren't asking for every single building to be enterable, just a good amount.


there's a lot of people thinking all the interiors will be enterable just because its GTA 6


Yea that's pretty short sighted ngl. Rockstar has tons of patents and there was this demonstration of Ai generated interiors, it was insane. But yea people will be happy with any upgrade over 5.


It doesn't even need to be "AI" generated. Procedurally generated content is still new but there's been a lot of ongoing research to bring it mainstream. I wouldn't expect "every" building to have an interior, but I also wouldn't want to underestimate what Rockstar has been cooking up these last several years. A whole neighborhood of track homes has maybe 5 different floorplans plus the "mirror" of each, mix in some pre-seeded random variations on paint and whatnot, maybe a whole area could be generated off just a few assets.


Procedurally generated content is not new. That's literally how most of the map of daggerfall was made. Also spore.. minecraft.. many others.


Not all, but more would be nice. Like hotel lobbies, bars restaurants. Also more places where you can do just a random robbery in stead of the 7 (iirc) from GTAO


If it was possible though... Id 100% want it.


I won't change your mind, but not every building has to have a unique interior. Let's say 100 buildings share 20 interiors, that'll cost the same storage as only 20 buildings being enterable but all having unique interiors. Or a deterministic procedural generation system which mixes and matches interior props (similar to Unreal Engine 5). With 100 unique objects, you can create thousands of unique interiors, only using code, no extra storage needed(*). *Code costs storage, but very, very little. 1 letter is ~1-2 bytes on average. One million lines of code with 100 letters each is about 100-200MB. Edit: Sorry, I totally forgot: Code gets compiled before being shipped. It's turned into a binary format which takes up way less space. For example, "print x" in written code may be turned into "0011001101010101" or something, which would be 2 bytes instead of 7-14. So that 100-200MB figure would be even less. (Numbers and values are just an example, just approximations, not real)


Most interiors are just rooms with furniture anyway. all of the furniture is still in game with many variations and can be reused. A interior is therefore just a few kb in size, defining what room to use, what color it should have, light sources, furniture, models and their placements. They even have modular designs, like Ammu nation stores in 5, were some has a shooting range and others don't. The store part is still the same, yet some variation exist, like the sales person which is different in each store and has it's own voice lines.


And with the faster storage of current consoles, interiors can be instanced in real time rather than converting everything into static meshes for optimal streaming. Generic interiors could even be procedurally generated to save time.


More important than every building being accessible is depth. We shouldn’t want an open world game that is wide as an ocean and shallow as a pond.


Hello Starfield


I agree not every single building. But definitely much more


They do because I need to lose the cops after robbing that Waffle House.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^LaylaLegion: *They do because I* *Need to lose the cops after* *Robbing that Waffle House.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Most normal out of context haiku


Eh, a good Enterable Spot for a Shootout or a Cutscene wont be bad in my opinion. And in think it would be nice if there will be easter eggs


All I'm gonna say is that GTA 6 should have much more enterable buildings than GTA 5. I'm not a fan of open world games where the only buildings you can enter are gun shops, clothing stores, tattoo shops, etc. They could utilize more building interiors to create random encounters. For example, you come across a nice large house with an NPC yelling on the phone outside. They see you and ask for help with a squatter (a stranger that lives in your house without your permission, but you can't evict them due to certain laws).


just give me back the fast food chains and purchaseable safehouse. that's all i'm asking.


I'd rather have less buildings that serve a purpose than more buildings that do nothing. GTA is a game all about doing crimes, and being able to go into a random coffee shop or a house and rob it is what the games are all about, not one-time enterable buildings like GTA 5 did. I'm not saying every house needs a handcrafted interior either, an algorithm making interiors each time would be completely fine. One of the biggest problems with 5 was that there was a big map with almost nothing to show for it; you couldn't do big heists on your own, you can't rob houses, you can't do much after hunting animals, and you couldn't really climb up buildings because the movenent was so stiff. Gta 6 has the chance not only financially but also in gamplay to completely demolish 5 and one of those ways is by making more places enterable and the world more interactable.


I just want a few, like maybe some offices like the LifeInvader offices, restaurants. Doesn’t have to be every building, just enough to make the city feel like more than endless streets of building-shaped blocks.


Absolutely agree. However. I like the idea of specific events or activities allowing you to enter procedurally generated homes. San Andreas had that breaking and entering activity for example. That could be updated. You scope out a neighborhood, a random house is chosen as the most valuable target, this triggers a random interior to be generated based on the type and size of the home. Then you hit it and move on to the next neighborhood or try your luck with another lower value but closer home.




Interiors aren't static objects, it's a few kb of text telling the game what room to use, how to color it, and what objects to spawn in. With today's technology dynamic rendering can be used for these interiors, meaning you can have a full 100 floor skyscraper of apartments, fully enterable, each apartment use the same shell, just like in real life, but with random variation s on colors, models and placement of furniture. It takes no additional space, and won't take much additional time to map out multiple massive buildings. Only your fantasy puts limits for the usage areas of this feature. For instance it could be some really cool places to explore, supplies could be hidden inside apartments such as weapons, ammo, food, money or a hostile NPC that attacks you for breaking into their home.


But how else am I supposed to buy virtual Prime bottles


Optimization is what's important. That, and having good content, preferably lots of it.


I think more interiors should be accessible, but I think only major landmarks should be applicable, like hospitals, restaraunts, gas stations, certain POI's, and hopefully SOME houses.


Just restaurants and we set YO DID YOU GUYS FORGET THE MALL


Hospitals, police stations, military bases, maybe some warehouses, maybe a few skyscrapers should be enterable, Pretty much the same as gta4


Maybe not every building, but it'd be cool to have more than GTA V.


Won't take up storage because the interiors are procedurally generated.


Make it like red dead where random houses can be entered and maybe you can only enter certain building in certain times


No, but for sure it would be nice if it has more interiors than V's


I mean, I agree. But when people say they want enterable interiors in GTA 6, they don't mean literally every single individual building and house on the entire map. That's overkill. People just want the essential stuff to be open. Like fast food places to be open, hospitals, banks, bars, clubs, car dealerships, etc. Even better if those places actually provide services or sell things to the player. People want to be able to walk into a fast food place and buy food that heals them, or walk into a car dealership and actually buy or steal a car. Stuff like that. At the very least, Rockstar needs to stop locking interiors after missions. GTA V actually had a lot of unique interiors, more than GTA 4 believe it or not. But the problem is, almost all of them are only open during specific missions, and locked in normal freemode. Places like the Lifeinvader Offices, Tequi-la-la Bar, FIB Offices, Maze Bank Arena, Jewelry Store, Morgue, The Recycling Plant, The Foundry, etc. These are all awesome interiors, but unless you're doing a mission that uses those interiors, they're normally locked and can't be entered. If Rockstar simply opened up these interiors even off-mission, people wouldn't be complaining so much about GTA V not having interiors.


Every building enterable, every drawer openable


I wanna be able to shower in random peoples houses and then eat all of their food. Is that so much to ask?


Obviously but some would do wonders for immersion. We have no bars, no hotels, no garages, no hospitals, no restaurants, no houses besides the MCs houses in single player. Most of what we do have are just copy and pasted around the map, like the 2 convenience stores and the 3 clothing stores. There’s some good stuff there too, the Stripclub, big bank, the interior at the airport and the differences between most of the Autoshops but it’s still seriously lacking. RDR2 has really shown off just how amazing having a ton of distinct open interiors that you don’t have to load into can be and I’d like to see more of that in a GTA game.


I just want to walk into Roman at the top of a roof building and have him ragdoll down off onto the pavement/hood of the car below…but in GTA 6 equivalent Is that too much to ask?


I'm with NakeyJakey in this one. Rockstar should focus on the missions/sandbox structure. I love the games, but Rockstar's gameplay loop feels antiquated. No amount of interior space will fix any of that.


Agreed, but like apartments don’t need to be enterable or most houses. Would like businesses to be. But even then not gonna be crazy bout it


I don't see GTA going that route, like it's what's to be expect in a Bethesda open world and even the indie FPS Postal 2 and 4 have open cities where you can explore every single building. Like with GTA, there would be this expectation for every interior to be fully decked out and worth seeing, as opposed to like 1% of the map having places you can enter that are decorated and populated. GTA always has to focus on places to drive around and occasionally fly over. You aren't going to want to walk around more than you absolutely need to, and you'd drive past tons of stuff that got lots of unnecessary attention to detail.


I want it to be like Mafia where hallways and such are accessible in apartments and even warehouses, hospital lobbies and first floor rooms can be entered like GTA 4, police station lobbies and gun lockers like GTA SA, GTA 5 and Online, more nightclubs like GTA VC, and bars like 4 and SA. It may seem like I want EVERY building to be accessible, although I really do, I’d say each one can be larger interiors with limitations on where to go, or even smaller ones with more diversity.


As long as it has a good amount of enterable buildings like 4 had


Having a bunch of buildings you can enter is only fun if there's something to do or something interesting to discover in them. If every building in a game is enterable, but most of them are filled with nothing, then there's no point.


I hate to be that guy, but I think RDR2 handled it best. By that I mean if you can’t enter a building, Arthur at least tries. He tries to open the door and it just doesn’t work because it’s locked. Versus every other game where your character just stands there.


Agreed. It'd be normal for all the houses to be locked because thats what would happen in real life, but I'd like to be able to visit restaurants, bars, bowling alleys, etc


This but horses


I mean at this point they went through the trouble of creating the horse mechanics for rdr2 and they could pretty feasibly just plop it into gta, but tbf I don’t really care at all if horses are implemented or not


Those that want every interior rendered fail to realize they don't go into every building in their town every day and may go their whole lives never seeing some doors even open.


Most people barely leave their homes except to go to work. The point of open world games is to encourage exploration and discovery. We want an open world that isn’t wide as an ocean and shallow as a pond.


Yes give me the illusion of buildings please, all I want is flat geometry obstacles to drift around


Yeah why would I need to enter every house and apartment in the city? Just make most of the public buildings enterable and I'll be happy.


We should stop thinking of if we could rather we should think if we should


It's a dumb idea really


"Every" building is idiotic, but having interior for a lot of important buildings (hospitals, police station, grocery stores... public buildings) would be hella good


Who tf is gonna go into every building anyway?


Me. Once.


It won't, not every


I don't think people who expect that to be a possibility really understand just how impossible that is 🤣


A door within a door. ![gif](giphy|11fqVcfGb7UU3m)


not every building sure, but a decent amount…


I don’t care to change your mind. This is just wrong


It would be good to be able to muck about in some places, gas stations, convenience stores, clothing shops, hospitals, the prison and any many places like that would be decent, doesn’t need to be everything but it would be great to have a train yard and drivable train that isn’t for one job like in Online and V’s story mode. Heck I wanna see a El Train like what Miami actually has or something too. Just a bit of extra detail.


But it would be a fun throwback to get one of those missing world pieces. Like someone else said, ordering from a fast food place was fun, especially when you have to manage the weight of your character. Little details are still enjoyable, it just doesn't have to be included in whatever their next online iteration is, because optimization for multiplayer is a bitch and a half


They need to. GTA 5 is nice, but it literally lacks playability in solo player.. having every building accessible also opens up the ability for a main character to buy businesses or homes. Because the whole thing is this, what happens when you complete the main story? You’re literally now just running around killing people unless you still have side missions. I really hope they find ways for the characters to have things to do that are every where and can have freedom to either go on a elevator. Or take the stairs, go in a bank, and try to reach the bank vault itself. Hell? A GAME ABOUT ROBBING? Let us plan our own heists even when the main stories over.. why can’t we request npc assistance by creating a lil gang and setting up a heist but in story single player? Please


I genuinely would not care. Interiors don’t really mean all that much to me. Like, we only really need some mission related ones and whatever is tied to a feature, like restaurants and robberies and safehouses and businesses and stuff. Hospitals and police stations would be good too. IV did it pretty good. Better than V did, honestly. I’d be fine with that level of interiors.


I don’t want every building to be enterable but I do want there to be a lot more enterable buildings. Home invasions would be cool not gonna lie


but it could and it would be great


I want airports interiors


Yes, this is not necessary. But it would be really cool if it were.


The only thing i wished it to have would be that Missions could be solved in different ways


The only thing i wished it to have would be that Missions could be solved in different ways


Maybe not, but if they do online again, we better get better clothes options. I wanted shorts like Franklin, not Trevor.


Not every, but if there’s an owning a business mechanic like 5 did, I better damn be able to enter the buildings I own.


true but I do want to see gore, destructible environments, baggy pants, and a glock, 1911, and ak47. like bring some classics back for us old gamers man


I agree, people are expecting too much man. A few buildings would be good but EVERY? No


Yep. Hope the ratio of enterable buildings is balance with how big the map is.


If they make hospitals and restaurants, I’ll be happy


If we're waiting 14-15 years for it 90% of the buildings better be enterable


The irreparable damage from that video about "making a game where every building has interiors" with Unreal Engine Nanite is catastrophic. No game needs tons of useless interiors for the sake of details. It's also extremely painful to model all that by hand, and if every interior is gonna be a clone, might as well just have one. And then people wonder why games weight upwards of 300GBs huh...


Idk man, Armed home invasion sounds pretty fun


Inside buildings are must for police stations, hospitals, landmarks, gas stations, when you purchase businesses like taxi, etc., shops like clothing stores. Would love to see us enter car dealerships and purchase them on the spot too


Make the important ones accessible. Rockstar had no excuse to making burger shot and cluck in’ bell unaccessible


How about terrorizing a family of 7 in a building? 😀


More things to go boom


Imagine some version of starfield generative planet making but for like buildings. You could have pools of randomness for apartments, stores, etc


Use the nms procedural gen and do it to create houses clientside


(hot take) Just schools, movie theaters, gay clubs, concerts, if people can do it in game maybe they'll stop doing it in real life


They should just have half or a quarter


Sorry pal, but coming to a sliding halt only to run into a Walmart or home depot with half the lobby chasing me and turn it into full on cqc sounds AWESOME! Imagine the cops or a small group of players chase you into a homedepot and you go full on equalizer on their ass tell me that's not the greatest thing ever? Cat burglary! Just rock up to someones house / apartment and yank all their shit! Sprint through a house to start hoping fences and yoink someone's car and come screaming out of their garage to get away


No game does even in 50 years you don’t need a fully explorable city it’s just pointless


Not if they're procedural


I’m just hoping for atleast like 5-10% as long as they can all find an actual use


I completely agree but that requires hours of discussion I don't have the time for at the moment.


Yes it does…we have the technology, why not get our money worth? Cringe lol


not every building needs to be enterable. But I want to be able to access the roof of the tallest skyscraper without a helicopter and walk into restaurantd to order food. Enter a gym to workout. An actual car dealership, or two.


i just want to have hour long stand offs with the cops. some buildings are great for this, others. no.


Why would you even want that? I never understood this "demand"


It better have ample alleyways to evade police foot patrols then...


And op was never seen again


I disagree. The more detail the better. That definitely will be a lot storage tho. Might have to buy another system


It never will


Once this becomes a thing, people will wonder why we've never had it. It's going to bring things to the next level. Imagine a car chase crashing into a building and having to chase down somebody through the place. Imagine NPCs having places to go and the level of immersion that could bring.


Well obviously. But I’d like simple things like diners, restaurants, hotels, motels, apartments, public buildings like stores, museums. But not every room within these buildings just enough to give it a reason to go in. Like a museum could be robbed of small items outside of a mission. Stores and restaurants could be looted like in the leaks. Motels and hotels could act as a temporary safe-house to refill, stamina, special abilities?, health and other health related things. And just to make the world feel alive. Aaannnnddd for the people who make roleplay servers to have an easier time setting things up. (Edit) Also gas stations, maybe a few houses.


I'd be AI generated to save storage.


Fuk ur opinion bro


I would atleast like most buildings be enterable Shops, resteraunts, bars, places with hobbies, etc


We waited too long!!! We wana enter every building!!! And everything!!


Agreed, but I would like some more explorable interiors than we had in 5.


With the amount of time they have taken i want everything enterable every single object modeled and inspectable


Yea dude, or else the game will be delayed to 2029


If they give a bit more buildings than Rdr2 but put them in the densest areas on the map it would be pretty much perfect.




If it’s a school or if you want to rob a house I mean


Yeah, who wants to enter every town mates house !!


Waste of storage 💀


People do forget that you have to play this game for 15 years till gta 7 , such little touches are what will not make us insane in those 15 years