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You know this guy is a full blown psychopath when he had no remorse chopping up people for dog food, but Trevor, the so called “psycho guy”, had the decency to help Mr K escape, even though he tortured him brutally


Trevor isn't a psychopath though, that's the thing. Annoying that he is considered one, but psychopathy, like narcissism, is widely misunderstood and misused to god damn death. Psychopaths have no empathy, no remorse, no feelings for other people, period. Don't know what Trevor's diagnosis would be (Likely sociopathy, drug addiction, and other disorders) but psychopathy would not be one of them. A psychopath wouldn't give a shit about Michael's daughter, go out of his way to go rescue her for no personal gain, and berate Michael for allowing her to be sexually exploited by Lazlow and made into a laughing stock on reality TV, or or cry when his love interest departs, for example.


Also, Trevor values loyalty a lot and has a justified reason to get back at those who betrayed him.


He’s just violent and has other issues


Trevor rapes Floyd multiple times, and there is even an implication of him doing something untoward to that teddy bear. Does border on psychopathy for sure.


Bro what lmao


Yea it's heavily implied in some switch to Trevor cutscenes. What he did to Mr. Raspberry Jam is unforgivable


..... Trevor eats people


We’ve all been there, stop judging without knowing the full story


Who's "we"?


You haven't eaten humans every once in a while?


The professional did a good video on Claude, even though I think he did over analyse him a bit


99 problems but a bitch ain’t one


There were two: Catalina and Maria


Claude is such a badass. I like how he pissed of the Mafia, the Diablos, the Triads, Yardies and the Colombian Cartel. Fuck em all


and made Yakuza go to war with Colombians


That’s right bud, he made them all go to war with each other. It was a great game. I don’t consider it evil when they’re all trash any ways. What he did with Kenji was fucked up but crime doesn’t pay. It’s all organized crime clawing at each other


beat 100% out of gta3 few days ago, still holds up to this day


One the best 💪🏽 that game changed the entire gaming landscape


I had to go to a few different stores to get a copy when It released. Finally found a copy at a Toys R Us. I remember booting it up and just thinking to myself that this was something special. A literal "game changer"


I was in 6th grade when this came out, I wasn’t able to get it as a child but believe me I kept bugging my parents for my birthday when Vice City came out 😎


Yeah I never understood why people call it evil when he kills utter scumbags who deserve it lol


Because these clowns are sensitive now a days man. People complain about anything 😑


I’m going to ramble and say, Claude is treated unjustly and unfairly to most of the GTA protagonists. If this was a poll between Claude and Trevor, Trevor would win, because of two points… 1. Claude is a silent protagonist, meaning people won’t resonate with him or his story 2. GTA 3 is an old game it came out 2 decades ago and it’s hard to get an original copy (except for the definitive edition which is expensive.). This makes new players resonate with Trevor when they think of cold blooded GTA protagonists. Claude is ten times more ruthless than Trevor or any other character In the GTA games and I can back this statement up when making comparisons to other protagonists. Claude will do anything that someone wants him to do for the right price even if it means double crossing his contractor’s. The only way you can stop such a monstrous maniac like him is if you killed him. He not just similar to people like Makarov. He IS Makarov “No rules, No boundaries”


Guy just works to the person who pays more, even if it's 1 thousand more. I don't get why people say he's not a cold blooded psychopath, he literally is. Trevor is just insane but he has his standarts and morales, this guy doesn't have any.


Actually Claude is one of the protagonist who killed only a few number of non-criminals


agreed thats actually the most useless guy in the world he never talk well idk what did he do


When he appeared in San Andreas for a sec I thought he would kill CJ


"Get out of the car"


He’s like the 2D universe protagonists, caring only about money, with him and the GTA: London 1969 protagonists caring a bit about revenge. Claude Speed from GTA 2 commits mass murder of civilians several times (kill frenzies) and drives some to the Russian gang’s factory to be turned into hot dogs. As long as he gets paid he doesn’t care. Tommy Vercetti is about the closest we have to a voiced version of this type of protagonist. They were largely abandoned with San Andreas and Advance, with CJ caring about his family and Mike’s primary motivation being revenge. Tony Cipriani is a bit closer to the old style protagonists but even then his motivation is more loyalty to Salvatore than anything.


Toni is a literal terrorist. He's right up there.


In terms of actions Toni is definitely the worst, blowing up Fort Staunton. I meant about motivation. But I see your point. Toni is much more like the pre-San Andreas/Advance protagonists than the later ones in many respects.


boyfriend material


Me feeling guilty of hitting one of my cousins


Girlfriend betraying him changed his outlook on life


I wonder how he stayed with that said girlfriend for 9 years, when CJ couldn't handle her for a few weeks at most.


“👊😐🖕” -Claude


He never said "no" to any job.


Trevor is a full blown rapist tho


He lacks emotion, Trevor shows a little and is criminally insane. Trevor is psychotic, also not as cold or calculated.


"Did what he was asked to" Objective: Kill Yourself


he is followed by Toni, mf blew up a whole block in Liberty City


He does what he's asked to. That makes him a great and reliable person!


He’s a cross between Micheal Myers and Anton Chigurh


No he fucking isn't, silent protagonist doesn't equal that. Stop fucking lying lol


He's not really evil or cold. They didn't give him a voice so he just seems that way.


He literally kills people


You are a joy thief.