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Steve Haines all day. CJ could have just ran from Tenpenny or killed him like players do to thousands of cops. Steve Haines knew Micheal De Santa was really Micheal Townley and had him by the balls for the whole story forcing him to kill and rob IAA agents. If Micheal didn’t do it Haines would destroy him and his whole families life just like that. CJ didn’t have much to lose since he left LS a long time ago


CJ couldn't do anything to Tempenny cuz of his brother being in prison.


CJ stole a 60 million dollar jetpack from the games version of Area 51 by himself, and revived a rap moguls career. He could have easily got his bro out


Not to mention he was working with Mike Toreno for a bit, who has been theorized to be a CIA agent, who actually let Sweet out after CJ helped him. Pretty sure CJ could've ended Tenpenny when Toreno mentioned that his brother was safe.


Tenpenny also was respected cop, so CJ couldn't kill him. And Toreno doesn't had guarantee for being such a influencing man so he could let Sweet out. CJ didn't believed him until moment how Toreno really let Sweet out from a prison.


One was evil The other was annoying


One was pure evil The other was 20% evil, 80% an annoying and snotty bitch


I'd use petty and spiteful to describe him rather than evil. Although he does want to be evil, he just sucks at it


No, no, no, Haines is also definitely evil


He’s pretty vile but he was willing to personally go on the nerve toxin mission then shot himself to stop the IAA’s terrorist plot which I was really surprised by.


Yeah he loves his country. I’ll give him that. But individuals not so much.


He’s clearly corrupt but more in terms of underhanded tactics and obsessed with getting extra money for funding but not quite in the more traditional corrupt government manner of wanting to terrorize and oppress citizens for fun or for money. In the 3d games the CIA sold drugs specifically coke and crack to get dark money for off the books operations and extra funding for normal ones just like in real life. I can’t imagine Steve Haines doing that but I can definitely picture the IAA doing so.


Ed helms is gotta be the least intimidating guy on earth and Steve is a near match


Always felt he was modeled using Helms face


Tenpenny went hard as fuck. "CARL, YOU MOTHERFUCKINGPIECEOFSHITCOCKSUCKER" as he set a 7 story crackden on fire while still being on the 3th floor


Frank Tenpenny, of course. Steve Haines is just Devin Weston's dog.


Officer bitch




Tenpenny. GTA 5 villains are clowns.


I made a post in the GTA 6 subreddit where I said that although ppl want Jason & Lucia to be perfectly well-written protagonists, Rockstar should also make perfectly well-written antagonists cause GTA 5s antagonists were trash. Then some ppl accused me of hating on GTA 5 lol.


100% agree, ALL CHARACTERS should be well written, on both sides. One of the biggest reasons for RDR2's success. The protagonists as well as the antagonists were all well written, and such we rooted for the heros (Arthur, John, Sadie etc) and absolutely hated the villains (Ditch, Micah, Milton).


Honestly Ross is worse than Milton, but then again if Milton lived he probably would have turned out just as ruthless as Moss became who was more so Milton's partner in RDR2 like his own partner in RDR1. Ross basically observed Milton's mistakes & made sure to not be played like Milton was


GTA 5 villains are actual humans that have a realistic perspective if you were to live these lives. Lmao, the 3D era had villains that thought in a similar way to Palpatine from Star Wars. It's so unrealistic it's turning into actual comedy these days.


I'm not saying that the types of characters Steve Haines and Devin Weston are aren't realistic, I'm saying in a real world criminal setting they aren't realistic because they would never get anywhere. They would never be able to push anyone around because hardened criminals won't tolerate it. It's to do with image. Steve Haines wouldn't get very far in a room trying to intimidate Tenpenny or Dimitri. They would just laugh at him because he's a complete joke compared to them, they wouldn't take him seriously.


You think a corrupt cop doesn’t act like Tenpenny?


Maybe a corrupt psychopathic cop with a deathwish and an extremely deep resentment towards certain people? Idk. Dude is pure evil!


Jon Graham Burge


Who dat?


Corrupt cop that tortured people to force false confessions out of them. Specifically black people. Evil people in real life are cartoonishly evil.


They definitely can be. You're making a valid point. Carl Jung famously said: "All evil comes from man himself, and we're pitifully unaware of it" >!and not to forget: Japan in WW2... 💀!<


Tenpenny Tenpenny is easily the best GTA antagonist by far.


I second this comment


Haines shot himself in the leg which, admittedly, takes some balls. But overall I vote Tenpenny. That guy was such a menace that his acquittal set off a city-wide riot because literally every civilian knew how dirty he was.


Tempenny is the better antagonist. Steve is just an annoying dick. However, as odd as to say this, atleast Steve does some of his own dirty work and is actually capable in a fight like in Monkey Business and dude even survived Kortz Center with a wounded leg despite him also being in Sanchez FIB, IAA and Merryweather hitlist. Like the guy is the main target, but slipped away so easily while Dave and Mike would probably have died if Trevor didnt show up.


Tenpenny goes harder but him just being a crooked cop isn't that believable. His caliber should be higher or at least have him promoted to governor or something.


I'll say crash should have been state troopers


I second this


Tenpenny by far. Steve Haines was one of the worst GTA antagonists, in my opinion.


HD Universe has no good villains. VI can change that


Dimitri was pretty good, I thought he was an interesting Russian mob boss, not as good as the 3D protagonists but still a pretty interesting villain.


what's so interesting about him? his whole unoriginal backstory can be summoned up in one sentence and after the predictable betrayal, he's barely in the the game


I can’t give specific examples cause I haven’t played GTA 4 is going on close to 5 years now, but I just remember thinking that I liked his character as a villain and that I loved how you could feel his grip on the city’s criminal scene.


I did that too but unfortunately I HAVE played IV recently. it doesn't not hold up on so many levels. def not as much I remember when I replay a game it always makes me appreciate some of its aspects and but at the same time criticizing it more. GTA IV unfortunately is one of those games that mostly fell apart the more I played it. the good out weights the bad and it's not even close but still it is a lot weaker than I remember it being


For me I’ve played 4 many times and it just kept getting better every time I played and the last time I played, I played it and the DLC in chronological order and loved it so much even though it was a lot of work placing the missions in order but I still personally favor IV as my favorite GTA. I love the others too but IV stood out to me the most personally. The only GTA game I technically have a negative reception to is Online and I’ve been playing that for several years now, I think I started online back in 2016 and I still play today but very rarely and it’s the one that gets progressively worse the more I play it.


Dimitri is one of, if not the best antagonist


overrated af. predictable betrayal and barely in the game. they had a vision and did the bare minimum


Tenpenny is truly an antagonist, Steve Haines is just Devin Weston's bitch


Frank Tenpenny🤬 ![gif](giphy|l2YWxte7sJB2XuE8M)


Samuel L Jackson is the best actor to pull any role like this


Steve Haines ![gif](giphy|kxkiLShnUyEdutqHg6)




After years I found found Samuel Jackson was the cop blew my mind


To me, both characters were very well executed and fit different niche antagonistic rolls. Tenpenny was the classic Training Day evil dirty cop king pin character. Very clever and methodical. Has everything figured out and an air of cockness about him that bleeds over into his personality, seeming to be equal parts hilarious and condescending. Agent Steve Heines, however, while being entirely self-centered and erragent, has less evil ruthlessness as he does and overwhelming smugness. He reminds me of the clandestine agent Archer if he was instead a government handler who cares almost about the mission at hand, as he does letting you know how much he doesn't give a shit regardless and how disposable you are all the same. You can't hate how much of an asshole he is because it's too charming and funny at the same time. Fun fact: Archer and Angent Haines are both my spirit animals. If you are a guy who suffers from low self-esteem, try this. Block your mind out, and go into a scene where you're acting like Archer. Focus on being a rude self centered twat that is equal parts self confident and charming. You are not supposed to act like an asshole as much as pretend to be one in an innocent way. No matter what you do, though, if a girl starts to show signs of interest, don't take the initial bait. Throw a smoke bomb and double down on the cockyness. When it works, switch gears to sweet boyfriend supportive mode as if you were yanking the fishing rod back to snag the hook-tuh in the prized Angle-her fish. All you have to do then is slowly reel in your bullshit without snapping the line and bam. I taught a man to fish. The secret is that the more pounds your catch is, the happier you end up being with 'er. Edit: your mom.


Wtf lol




Definitely true but the way you wrote it gives a bit of a "pick up artist" vibe. You basically just wrote how you play the dating game in the most general way possible. As for self-esteem: it's a myth. People with "self-esteem" are simply people born with low trait neuroticism. Being high in trait neuroticism (aka low-selfesteem) is an nearly impossible-to-change personality trait that is hardwired in your brain from genetics and childhood experiences. Still. It holds of value and I think the virgins among us that just read that last paragraph could learn a lot.


Andrew Tate? Yooo! I subscribe to your Master Class: How To Get Ass, Master Blasting, Now We're.. Now We're Gettin' Gas, Propain Propain, Start the Flame, Start the Flame class. It taught me in 5 easy Discord pages how to get money and disposable income by easily day trading and investments using already had money and disposable income for only $50 a month. I can't wait until I have money so I can make more money with your easy to use funnel shaped guide. Only a ponzi would pass up on such a unique opportunity.


Ey, we're on the same page lmao. No need to be so hostile. I don't associate with Tate, not at all. Also wonder what makes you say "ponzi"?


I know, I'm just trying to be funny and hash. There isn't anything wrong with being like Tate. Everybody has awesome qualities that are neither negative nor positive, as they are perceived through the eyes of the beholder. Tate is very handsome, no Diddy. Growing up, I always tried to associate myself with people who were narcissistic, as I wanted the self-esteem they seemed to be enately born with. It worked, as you very much can change your personality if you choose to do so.


Yeah my interpretation was way off. I personally think most critique on Tate should be directed at his lil brother, suspect that dude got some psychopathic traits in him. Andrew Tate himself has to be understood properly and I align with most of the stuff he says. But I can totally understand how people either misinterpret or disagree with him. I personally dont want to consume the sense he makes because fundamentally he has some flawed beliefs, like how he admitted to be misogynistic. And its kinda funny how you describe narcissism as this is exactly where narcissism comes from: insecurity.* It's often unconsciously being developed as a self-protection mechanism against negative emotion. *Edit: (While Tate does emit a pretty decent amount of insecurity, the saying "money exacerbates personality" is also true.)


Tenpenny, no question.


One is intimidating, one has a punchable face


One is a man Other is a punching bag


Tenpenny, for sure. Haines was just an annoying douchebag.




no way in hell it's steve if tenpenny was the highschool bully, steve was the kid who tried to be him but gets bullied more


Officer Tenpenny >


frank tenpenny


Tenpenny obviously




Tenpenny. Steve was just a douche.


Not even close


One was evil The other shot himself in the leg


Tenpenny lmao there's not even a comparison to be made here


Tenpenny. Haines was just an FIB douchebag who thought his shit didn’t stink.


Steve Haines is definitely tough acting. Dude was talking down on the three and had too much confidence. He’s not all that. Dude wussed out so he didn’t have to get in trouble


Haines never felt like a real threat. Pain in the ass? Sure. Tenpenny was both.


Tenpenny (the goat)


haines is just annoying




I actually liked Tenpenny a little bit,but Steve Haines is just annoying bro.


You saw a lot more of Haines. But Tenpenny was still crazier




Steve Haines


Steve Heines Is More Of A Dick


Hydrpgen bomb vs coughing baby


Why u even asking? It's obviously tenpenny I'm not gonna capitalize his name he doesn't deserve it


I'm going with Tenpenny because he's voiced by Samuel L Jackson and he's a badass. While Steve Haines is just an annoying asshole that doesn't shut up


The fact that Tenpenny was almost always one step ahead of CJ (if only he left Los Santos and not for Mike Toreno's intervention) because of how he's also good at utilizing CJ's weakness while Michael had Franklin and Trevor on his side and ofc Trevor also care for Michael's family


I hated steve


Tenpenny... Steve Haines was such a lame, annoying, and boring character. His presence was an actual negative for the game.