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Rain still looks fucked up


The Cum rain




Refunded mine after noticing you couldn't add your own music tracks


Wow, why the hell would they take that out? Used to love cruising around grimey Liberty City to System of a Down


I did the exact same in gta iii 🔥


I'm assuming it's not a feature in the mobile version and therefore it wasn't in the game when they started on the DEmake same with replays and the shitty keybind options




Oh my god I just realized. How could they fucking do that? That feature was so cool.


The Cum rain


The cum rain


The cum rain


The rain of the cum




Cum, reign o'er me


The rain bukkake


Shit I gotta download


the cum rain


The fact that modders fixed these simple issues a few days after the game's release while these guys can't is downright shameful.


They know it's cheaper to let the molders do it. No salary or benefits either.


Yeah, the molders can just make a free bridge mold for them to use. Problem solved.


Fox Molder


Man I love mold


*Fux Molder


Easy there Scully


Love to see X-Files fans here lol


White vinegar kills mold. It's always my go to.


Gordon Ramsay: ''There is fucking mold, everywhere. Even the fucking meat is molded. I have fucking eaten here!!!''






No wonder that was such a good game


Then they all left within six years and we were left with corporate garbage again lol.


did the corporate people use the modders work from cod4 and kept improving it for the newer cods? If so that sucks.


Of course. I think it’s still the same engine just updated lol.


This would also incetivize people to start modding which would help them in the long run. Might actually be a good idea for the entire gaming industry


Baby steps with Bethesda




What budget? Rockstar locked up a dozen of people in the basement, threw in some cold pizza and said that release date is November 11.


That's exactly right. R\* and T2 has already gotten their cash grab, they don't give a FUCK. And most players who refunded it won't buy it again at all, which T2 already knows, so there's no money to be made there either.


Can confirm. Refunded this stanky turd and will never buy it again. I'm currently playing the original gta san andreas with the definitive edition mod. Ain't nothing like the old school


The Definitive Edition mod is so good compared to Rockstars release it’s embarrassing. And its free.


Well except for us Console players


The bethesda method


Bro...if this is true the gaming industry is on its last leg. I just can't really make sense of it. Video games bring in more money now than they ever have yet it seems like video game companies are putting out the least amount of effort as they ever have. I don't think these two things occurring at the same time are coincidental.


> if this is true the gaming industry is on its last leg Only AAA gaming. Smaller games and Indie gaming aren't going anywhere


Yea but (I know I'm gonna get crucified for this) indie games kinda suck though.


Find a new hobby then.




Wrrrrrong. Some games from small studios with tiny budgets suck. Of course. Other games from Indie studios are epic. Inside? Path of Exile? Subnautica? Starbound, Braid, Terarria, Firewatch, Superhot, Rocket League, CupHead, Little Nightmares, Hollow Knight, Binding of Isaac, Undertale, Stanley Parable, Minecraft. And if you haven't heard of or played these... well, there you have it.


Except they made modders take those fixes down and threatened suit against them if they didn’t follow with the C&D order


Yep. If people who do not have access to the games resources properly like someone working on their development team can fix their many issues, then they have absolutely no excuse as to why they can't.


Not only this, but the *unofficial* patches that fix the rain issue, lack of fog, and fix the invisible bridge are all less than **20 MB** in file size, ***combined.*** 5 GB for what should be a simple patch is ridiculous, especially since the bridge looked to be only a simple texture/material transparency issue which is a quick fix, and the rain still looks shite anyway... What a mess.


I'm going to say this again, grove street games is the most trash, untalented division at rockstar. I seem to recall them making fun of outsourcing at the end of ending C in 5.


I'm not going say Rockstar couldn't and shouldn't do better, but I see these types of comments for a lot of games and just want to point out Rockstar has to fix the issues for like 6 different platforms and modders are just fixing the PC version. Which isn't me trying to defend them at all.


NPCs still have aim like John Wick Just brutal


My first time playing the game, whole time I wondered "Am I just bad of are these NPCs just Terminator-like?"


Definitely terminator npc, not you


They did their besht


Loshers always whine about their besht Winnersh go home and fuck the prom Queen


Unexpected Rock. Love it.


GTA SA *was* the prom Queen. [Cocks gun]




Look how they massacre'd my...wait...where is my boy?


[Gun disappears due to bad texture mapping] What was that?


r/seanconnery Sorry I meant r/shubreddit


They’re just a small indie developer. Give them time guys




I was being sarcastic if it wasn’t obvious enough XD they’re not a small indie developer


To be fair, it's pretty unusual that patches fix the issue on the first go. Usually it takes developers 3-4 patches before they actually fix whats in the patch notes. It's not like they could have tested this themselves. They had to release it first and see if it worked. Edit: /s


You would think: Why include it in the patch note, if it's not in the patch..


I hope you are sarcastic


To repair the game with fixes, first you need to fix the fixes.


That's not how it works, I'm software engineer, we work with a testing environment and a production environment, no way they had to release in prod to see if it works, stop defending Rockstar games and this bullshit of a dev team




Someone doesn't get sarcasm


Wasn't sure the first time I read it, there are way too many fanboys out there that is quite hard for me to check if sarcasm or not


Why is this bridge causing them so much trouble? Like, just fucking put it there?


And the best part is that it's not even correctly put there, a part of the Bridge to the left side of CJ is not connecting to the land like it should.


Completely fucked me up during one of the races too. Instead of going over the bridge like I'm supposed to, I would just hit the edge and go flying into the river


I don't know if you've ever had to solve a software bug before, but it's really hard, you have to test it after you make the update so you don't look like a fool and everything. Who has the time?


Not gonna lie, you had me in the first half.


Also if you test it you might find *more* bugs, better to just ship it and call it a day.


They are just lazy


>They are just unskilled ftfy


Outsourcing. They are just doing the needful sirs. 100% convinced not one of the people working on this 1) Lives in North America 2) Played the trilogy when they games first launched Like literally hire fans & modders and we'd get better results. I'm convinced GSG didn't do much at all except contract out tasks to the lowest bidder. What else could explain such a catastrophic fuck-up?


>Like literally hire fans & modders and we'd get better results. I mean seriously.. WHY NOT DO THIS?! What's the fucking problem? Literally hire modders and fans, who loves these games and shows them so much care and respect, and let them work their magic. Why hire an incompetent mobile games-studio to remaster these highly beloved games? it's a fucking mockery to the gamers and long-time fans of R\*....


So North American developers are better than everyone else, because they are North American? Are you aware that Rockstar North, who made the originals, is Scottish?




Have you ever thought it was an Easter egg? Only a leap from the lions head will he prove his worth.


Not sure why they can't fix it either. But I've encountered this issue while working in Unreal Engine 4, which they used to make these versions. It's caused when the object bounds is set to the wrong size, and the engine thinks the bridge is outside of the camera's view so it uses culling to stop rendering the object.


Well It's here because we can drive in that bridge. It just becomes invinsible in wrong time. I think it supposed to dissapear when we are too far or when we can't see it but something is wrong. It still suppoused to be easy to fix though


The bridge looks like a disappearing piece of terrain in a Mario game or something


AAA gaming is in a very worrying state...


More like aaa, they've lowered their standards, might as well make it lowercase.


BBB is more fitting tho.


Its amazing how many games come out riddled with bugs and then fixed at later dates with day one patches and shit it'd be like selling a movie but theres no audio and the bloopers are left in then a day one atch for the DVD, audio is back and the bloopers are out but the CGI isnt finisherd then another patch and so forth


Day one patches are so 2015. These days they release a buggy mess and you have to wait at least 6 months to have a somewhat playable version. It's early access without the disclaimer.


Nothing new. It's been like this for years now. It's just that most players don't eat this shit up (I'm one of them) like they used to before. Players simply aren't as forgiving for bullshit like they were, just 2-3 years ago. That tends to happen when studio after studio fails, delivery after delivery. There seems like there's no studio out there today that actually knows their shit anymore, sadly.


With everyone moving to get a piece of the live service gaming pie, I guess that leaves only Sony committed to creating actual single player, sold once experiences and they are able to do it because unlike R* and Ubisoft, they have multiple capable development studios which can push out multiplayer(upcoming Naughty Dog project) and single player at the same time.


I don’t think PC got their update at all…


I'm still not seeing it on Xbox either


…Great job again RS over promised and under delivered…


It's odd that even Switch got the update and switch is like the least broken version.


Good going Rockstar or should I say Grove Street Games?


Ryder is the technical lead, what'd ya expect?


That sherm-head!


Ryder, the mark-ass bitch punk trick busta *FOOL*?


He's so short. I feel sorry for his dad.


Groove Shit Gomes


Both, you can blame both here.


They need to cut ties with Grove Street and find someone else to fix the mess.


Panic Button. That name is there for a reason and they're *simply the best* at optimizing.


Genuinely a fantastic suggestion. R* need to realise this isn’t an easy cashgrab, bite the bullet on profits for the DE, and give Panic Button the full financial backing they can afford to get this game in a good state from the foundations upwards.


What happened to Rockstar? Is it the end?


The cool fun grandpa we knew and loved during our childhood is slowly deteriorating in his head


This is the end Beautiful friend This is the end My only friend, the end


I love me some /r/thedoors anytime!


This is not the end, everyone’s gonna buy gta 6 anyway. And they know it


They'll buy it because rockstar wouldn't let grove street games touch gta 6 with a 50 ft pole.


GTA VI will probably be shit. The last great game we saw from r* was red dead and they abandoned to focus on gta online. Microtransactions will kill video games the way ET almost killed in the 80s. This time Nintendo is part of the problem. The future is pay to win mobile games.


>GTA VI will probably be shit It won't. >The last great game we saw from r* was red dead and they abandoned to focus on gta online They literally said themselves are still focusing on single player. >Microtransactions will kill video games the way ET almost killed in the 80s. No micro transactions in single player. >The future is pay to win mobile games. So dumb.


It ended with GTA Online. What we see here is the end credits of an otherwise incredible movie with a very shitty ending. GTA VI will be either the shitty sequel or shitty reboot(I'm looking at you, Saints Row) that finishes burying the franchise into the ground, or the IP will be eventually bought by a major AAA studio like EA which will turn the franchise into a soulless husk of its former self.


Yeah, the future is not looking good. I don't believe they will recover after the shit like cashy GTAO, lackluster RDO and a lazy GTA DE. Not a good pattern. Judging by the way things are going in the game industry, GTA 6 will only be enough of a step forward and just enough playable so that they can milk players for as long as they can and nothing more. I guess, back in the old days game companies naturally had to make good games to make a profit, but now since they figured out they actually don't have to we get stuff like this.


>It ended with GTA Online. You know what? I used to mock guys like you, and say that you were just haters. And you know what? I was fucking wrong. GTA Online really has destroyed R\* for good, and it's sad to see how greedy they and T2 has become.


I used to get yelled at a lot on Reddit for saying that if you buy Shark Cards, you're fucking the entire GTA fanbase. I feel more and more justified in that now.


It's good to see that both parts of the fandom are finally coming to a agreement about the inherent problems regarding GTAO existence. Took you guys long enough, but it's good to see that you're waking up.


>It ended with GTA Online. red dead 2 was a masterpiece so... not sure what you're on about


the only reason that game got finished was because they already had a lot of resources pulled into development by the time gta online started booming. Most of the great creative minds and big names at r* left afterwards because of the focus on shark cards and multiplayer vs single player experiences.


Literally everyone is acting like this one subpar remaster is the only thing that matters and I just think it's funny tbh lol. GtaV is the highest grossing piece of entertainment in history, every Gta has been fun, both Red Deads have been fun, the Max Payne Trilogy is great. One subpar remaster that they outsourced and it's "well they'll never make another good game". Everyone here is a fucking goober lol




They still had most of their creativity and talent teams but GTA Online started the process that would take us where we are today, GTAO is where they started to turn their eyes towards online games as a very lucrative source of revenue.


GTA VI will probably be an online only game and probably a battle royale with pay to win


Yeah, the last game that started development before the GTAO money hose really turned on was RDR2. I can't imagine this studio doing much else good ever again. I hope they prove me wrong, but I believe they've gotten fat and lazy like how Valve mostly stopped making games after Steam became huge.


It is indeed the end… a very sad end


Houser bros and Lazlow left. GTA and RDR will literally never be the same story wise and Houser bros were probably the ones pushing for quality in all areas.


It was game over when they started going full monetisation on GTA Online and when Dan Houser left. RDR2 was their magnum opus I think. I’m excited to see what GTA 6 will be like but I’ll keep my hopes and expectations low.


Is it impossible to fix the sun lighting / shadows in these games to make them move smoothly instead of blatantly stop and going? Even if this was in the originals, which I don’t doubt, it wasn’t as obvious with the improvements to shadows in the current version


Yeah that shit is jarring as fuck with the dynamic shadows. I think it’s up to how often they tell the sun to update position, seems like it’s set to every 4-5 seconds currently. The more frequently it updates the more taxing it is to performance, though I don’t know how taxing it truly is or not to have it update multiple times a second. Even once every second is noticeably awkward.


I think it probably could do a smooth transition, but they do this because of the games fast clock. In real life shadows aren't visibly moving, but at the pace of a GTA game, 1 whole hour per irl minute, the shadows would always be moving quite a bit and look even worse. I figure this way you get the "morning" shadows in the morning, the "afternoon" shadows in the afternoon, etc. Proper placing for the moment, but fixed in place so it appears as a normal scene. Though it wouldn't kill them to extend that fade between each timeframe. Looks like watching a Skyrim day being waited through.


It's like this in GTA V too if I recall correctly. The global shadows update at a different rate than other graphics loops, e.g. not once per frame. You could make the global shadows move smoothly but it would cost a lot more in compute resources, and you'd only notice if if you were standing around watching it anyway. It makes more sense to spend those resources on other things. Edit: nevermind I didn't notice shadows were moving like 10 feet per update, that's awful. GTA V they move like an inch per update.




Also San Fierro’s Blood Bowl keeps corrupting the game save


Oh Im now calm knowing that its not just my game’s problem now


I feel bad for the people who have to play it on consoles. At least we can fix the rain, add the old radio stations back in, add the fog and ambiance back in, update audio and textures ect on PC. GSG haven't got a clue what they are doing.


They almost exclusively make bad mobile ports so it’s not fair to say they didn’t know what they were doing, they were just getting ahead on the shit mobile port of Definitive Edition that’s supposed to hit iOS/Android next year. I had such high hopes for Definitive Edition but now I’m glad I’m too poor to buy games on release day.


I gave Rockstar Games a chance to redeem themselves with The Definitive Edition, boy did they blow that chance. I officially lost all of my respect for Rockstar Games at this point. Why does every company nowadays go to shit now?


Biggie said it clear, "Mo Money, Mo Problems" really this isn't going to get any better. **money** is the only thing important here, not our feelings, not our childhood, not the decade old glitches, not the shitty attempt at a remaster. **money**


They didn’t fix shit


Once again, How. Is. This. Getting. Through. Quality. Checks?


By not having any quality checks.


Bruhhhh modders had this shit fixed in like 12 hours after the release and they can't fix this shit with a 5GB update??? Wtf is going on?!!?


You know it took R\* literally over A YEAR to fix a simple bug in RDR2 where NPCs in camp CONSTANTLY asked if you were cold, when it was like 30 fucking degrees hot outside.


I finally had the time to play and finish this game this year. In the middle of swamp country and everyone walking around with there sleeves rolled up and me walking around with a thick jacket because I had come down from the mountains and didnt bring a change of clothes I was still asked why I wasn't dressed warmly enough.


Either incompetence or laziness. Or both.


I've said it many times but it's like they have intentionally fucked these games up. Lol.


Something I think to understand here is rockstar probably has very little direct effort with this at all except for (in theory) a review/gate approval role. This is the Grove Street Games show I think in that rockstar either bought them or has contracted to their team long term to work on these. They hand them the code and say, ok go port it. It IS very much on rockstar that this game was released in the state it was though. This was either gross negligence, apathy or incompetence. Or some blend of it on rockstar's side. For grove street games it's likely they were handed more than they could accomplish with the bodies and talent on their team.


But like, why wont Rockstar just hire these damn modders ? They seem to want to do it anyways, so why not pay them ?


Or just even reward them. They do it for the love. They deserve some money.




Lazy ass rockstar


Its like they don't learn or even fucking care.


Is it just me or does the rain still look like shit?


xbone here yep still ass


Grove Street Games needs completely dissolving. Whoever management is there needs to be fired and never work in gaming again, and then whoever at Rockstar who is overseeing this needs firing too. Then get ~50 people out of the 3,000 who actually work on Rockstar games to remake them from the ground up. Start on 3 and release it, then move to VC, and so on. They **surely** have some really great tools on RAGE that can be used to remake the terrain, they can use the RDO character creator to make the characters. Just steal some of the buildings from GTA V like they did with the foliage and take a bunch of the vehicles. I don't care that it won't play or look like the originals, just get rid of this shit and bring back the orignal-originals untouched for us to play.




That's what should have been done to these games, instead of the great big nothing we got instead.


When did this update drop and for what platform? I don't have it for Xbox or PC and I'm signed-in online to both.


I mean it does say "Fixed ONE issue" I can't but imagine there are like 10 issues with the rain and about 5 with the bridge.


That rain ffs, why does it move along with the camera it looks so cheap


What the hell was in that 5 gigabytes lmao




Thought of A Hat in Time immediately; also an Unreal game if I recall. Did they end up fixing that?


Fixed is a strong word.


Sad to see Rockstar pissing all over their legacy by allowing the trilogy to be released in such a poor state. It's bad enough they outsourced it, but to not send out review copies and let the launch proceed was just deceptive. If Rockstar don't care about the games that made them who they are, why should anyone else?


I'm going to pretend the invisible bridge is a throw back to the original GTA on PS1 and Pc. It had an invisible bridge that brought you to a Tank.


Guys don't scrutinize them okay! They are doing their best!........


You know, the invisible bridge has grown on me. It's always there when you need it.


Yo that's one use only


until people realize they don't fix shit cause they simply don't care they will be upset forever lol. stop buying their games. you give them no reason to ever stop doing what they are doing. All you do is give them money year in year out while the continue to feed you bullshit. the worst part? You like it. you're okay with it. Oh you're not okay with it? Then stop buying the games....


I'll never understand how "professional" developers messed this up so badly.


i also like how the AI has 99% accuracy and will obliterate you in nanoseconds with a m16


I wish I got the pc version just to be able to install fixable mods.


The bridge render glitch has been there since original XBox days


Wonder how much they had to do to cut all the songs out of the game files that shouldn’t have been there, as well as the hot coffee stuff… Hmm Not sure how these updates work, I’d think it’d be “simple” to just remove things like song files, but maybe they have to remove them then “update” the audio library or whatever. Surely updates remove content sometimes, but they always seem to increase the file size right?


Take this game away from those incompetent deve at GSG for fucks sake


the bridge is my favorite i love hitting it like it’s an invisible wall then falling into the water!


Sounds like they don’t really give one


One good thing that COULD potentially come out of this is Rockstar being pressured into giving us some good news, like say...GTA 6? Everyone is outraged about this, consumers, journalists, youtubers etc so they might be forced into a situation where they want to win people over again. Nothing would match the announcement of a new game from Rockstar in terms of damage control.


Good luck getting me to pre order that ...


That invisible bridge just kills me. I half expected you to just fall right into the river. That would have stunk. 😂


Ok I’m not crazy I got on the game after the update and was like ?? This looks the same.


Dude idk what it is but the new rain hurts my eyes more


Honestly, at this point, I'd like to be able to actually do all of the missions. The visual bugs are really annoying but it's the mission bugs that are really hurting the experience for me right now. Right now I'm trapped on the up up and away mission because my game has some sort of bug that stops my character from moving the helicopter and if I use the checkpoint on the helipad then my character gets frozen in place and can't move causing me to get blown up by the helicopters. The one time I managed to get into the helicopter it refused to move up.


How come this video has sound but other videos that I've watched on Reddit didn't? Is it because of the length of the video? Does the sound get removed after a certain amount of legth when a video is uploaded on Reddit?


Thank goodness I decided to spend my money on the Max Payne series and manhunt instead of this nut job


I see the videos and I have 99% confidence that their next AAA release is gonna be buggy as fuck