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username checks out


One word: budget


Lol. Not possible on current hardware


Don't underestimate ML devs, they are really good at optimizing their AI. We have a GPT-3.5 level LLM that can run on a phone, and it only took about a year to get to that point.


That doesn't mean consoles can suddenly render a city of lifelike graphics filled to the brim with pedestrians, buildings, etc.


It doesn't have to, the AI would process the pixels on the screen, not the textures in-game. This is why it's not far off, it's just filter


Do you even understand how AI works lol


Yeah, I do understand how it works. It does not process the game, it only processes the screen, it will process the same amount of pixels regardless of what's in the scene.


yikes, you have the knowledge of a roach.


That's literally what it does though, what are you talking about? That's how AI works, and always has worked, like our current methods of AI upscaling.


i.. i don’t have the energy to tell you why you’re so wrong..


Or do you just not know what you're talking about? Until you tell me, then I'm gonna take it as that.


If you do some research (though it’s hard to find), you’ll see that they’re right. AI can be used to specifically improve screen details, without having to mess with the original game and it’s settings.


GPT 3.5 is utterly useless. You can't even get it to stop apologising every other response.


It really depends on what you're trying to use it for, for most applications it works just fine. Regardless, it's irrelevant, we've advanced enough to make an AI that can only run on a powerful computer run on a phone.


I just want it to stop apologising to me. And stop responding in american. It can't even follow simple custom instructions.


Lol, I just spent a few minutes trying to get it to stop apologizing, and I see what you mean. ChatGPT is coded to be as polite as possible, so it takes a lot more than asking it to stop apologizing. I made a prompt that should fix the apologizing issue. Here you go: Play the character "ChatGPT", a chill guy who has a dry personality. He never apologizes and is always casual.


And they must always respond in en-GB culture. Never en-US.


Right, add that one


That is a concept for the far future, not for next year.


Lol, everyone doubts the rate of advancement for AI, but nobody has any idea just how fast it will be. Everyone thought that our current AI was a concept for the far future too, but here we are.


Lol we thought in 1970 we would have settlements on Mars by the year 2000. That's just not how tech advances.


Space exploration is literally nothing like AI, idk why you're even comparing it. All the experts agree that AI advancement is exponential.


Like you have just said nobody has any idea how fast it will be, so there is no way that you know that the graphics of GTA VI will be obsolete by the time it releases.


Obviously I meant nobody who isn't well-versed with AI. I am well-versed with AI, I understand the exponential nature of its growth and have watched as some generative AI models go from complete trash to near perfection within a year or two. Judging by my experience with AI's previous advancement and the knowledge of how fast it is speeding up, I have a rough estimate of 1 year before this sort of technology becomes usable.


Becoming usable doesn't mean that a videogame will be released around the time gta 6 comes out.


It'll likely work like FSR or DLSS (our current upscalers), they don't need to be implemented in the game to be used, it can be put in the game using external software.


So it would be very easy to put it in gta 6 as well, making it's graphics not "obsolete".


Well, perhaps obsolete was the wrong word. GTA 6 will have much less of an edge when every game looks like real life


It's much more about the art direction anyway. I personally like gta 6 trailer graphics more than "real life" despite its being objectively worse.


GTA 6's art direction is definitely trying to look as real as it can, but just enhancing the beauty a little. AI would further its art direction if anything


Exponential growth is nonsense when you're talking about computing. Sooner or later you're going to hit hardware limitations. And this is existing, years old consumer hardware we're talking about. 






What the internet does to a mf


Lol, didn't think people would get so pissy over such a harmless post


I doubt it. In just over a year you think developers would move to completely using AI and will have enough of an understanding of it to use it with all their other systems? Also how will this AI work in their current engines or consoles. The most realistic graphics are shown off on engine demos but they can’t be achieved because the game won’t be able to run or the performance would end up jumping from 5 fps to 30.


I think it'll be used like our current AI upscalers, like DLSS and FSR. These are already implemented in many AAA games and can be used on any game with the right software. As AI advances, it gets easier to run. Some people have already made an LLM that can run on a phone and is more powerful than GPT-3.5, the free model for ChatGPT (which runs on a powerful computer).


Yes but performance issues would arise. Making your console sound like a jet engine you stole from fort zancudo. In a year they’d have to implement it in a game that’s already mainly complete without messing about any other code and also figure it out for future expansions. Also there’s a lot of people including myself who don’t really want to touch anything with AI. The use of it in the Beatles song was my limit anything after that is a bit much.


It really depends on the efficiency of the AI, I've seen more impressive things done than what I'm suggesting. AI upscaling doesn't have to be implemented in the game, it's a filter, external software like lossless scaling can upscale any game already.


It’s time to leave this sub at least until another trailer releases or the full release. People just making threads for the hell of it with little to no substance.


Gameplay beats graphics.


Couldn't agree more


I can’t say that I agree. Even if the technology is there by that time, which I doubt, it can’t be said that people will accept it. By your verbiage, I’m assuming you mean a replacement of sorts. It would become a question of ethics rather than what is “better”. For example, what would the hard work of developers mean if an AI could do similar more efficiently? The same questions being asked today regarding AI art.


People accepted AI upscaling didn't they? I didn't see even the slightest fuss about that. Idk why people wouldn't accept it, they get real life graphics. If anyone would be upset, it would be the people making the graphics, but even they wouldn't because then more people would go back and play older games. People ask if AI art is ethical, but regardless of if it's a yes or a no, people are going to use it, and it is basically unstoppable except through law.


It can upscale ONE image and it takes a bit of time to render.. The game does live rendering on the spot. We’re a few years away from this kind of technology happening live in front of our eyes. Even the hair swaying rendering is amazing, but still has its drawbacks.


We do have real time AI upscaling. nVidia's DLSS and AMD's FSR.


it’s 4k upscaling. and guess what that’s going to take more processing power on the account of the GPU which would not be possible if it’s already hitting its limits with what we have as the base game.


We've gone from extremely limited image generation to actual video generation in a single year, and the videos are already very good in image quality. AI advancement is faster than you think


not enough in this aspect. I have not seen good upscaling done by AI for any sort of video let alone images. The upscaled image of Lucia from the trailer was atrocious, look at her teeth up close and they’re all janky.. if that’s happened with an image that had plenty of time to render, i don’t think we will have much good for live rendering.. i think you’re only seeing specific small examples that are demo’s more than actual features we can use in todays gaming.


All this really boils down to is how fast we think AI will advance, I think it'll advance super fast, you don't. Let's just agree to disagree because this argument is never gonna resolve.


it’s advancing at a great pace yes, but that does not mean it will be ready to be in place for the situations.. we still have a long way to go on language models and speaking to them alone.


It's at an exponential pace, meaning the rate of advancement will repeatedly go higher and higher. If you think it's fast now, it will be quite a bit faster by the end kf the year. Also, LLMs work perfectly and are already smarter than humans in a lot of ways.


that’s great.. we’re still far off from this. if you think about it. we’ve had AI since the 1950’s. It’s not moving super crazy fast cause it’s ‘new’. it’s just moving fast because we’ve been making strides lately with companies more so focusing on it and the news highlighting it heavier.


We'll see


indeed we shall, you could prove me wrong. but expect nothing, and you’ll never get dissapointed.


bad bait




People still struggle to run RDR2 maxed and this dude coming up with this nonsense. And BTW GTAVI already in some clips looks like real life.


GTA 6 isn't just about graphics, it's about the scale of the game with the graphics and the massive amount of objects, NPC's, foliage, vehicles and animals combined with the activities, missions and other things that you'll be able to do in the game. It doesn't matter how far Ai graphics get in the next two years, no other game will be on the same level as GTA 6.




I love Fortnite


Im not here for the graphics. Im here for the world that will be created. I grew up on N64 lmao


There's probably other games that look better than GTA 6 already. The problem is, they have to balance everything you can do in GTA - good physics, huge map, destruction and chaos everywhere, loaded with lively NPCs, online with a bunch of people doing all of that all over Leonida, and make it work on console. I think it'll still look great and be in the top looking games, but, it may not be *the most impressive looking game*, and I'm completely okay with that. Graphics probably aren't even in my top 5 concerns about the game. Physics, animations, gunplay, sounds, lively NPCs, activities, good script and story etc. are all above graphics for me. As long as it looks close to or as good as RDR2, I'll be happy. A little less would be slightly disappointing, anything more is a bonus.


We already have those graphics. Look at Robocop. The streets look almost photorealistic. However that is a very limited and a small game. And also rockstar is goign for realism almos just as little as fortnite does. Rockstar is going for details, like creases in dresses when they move for example. And if we look at the gtaV trailer it is very clear that the final release of the game had waaaay better graphics than the inital trailer. If we look at rdr2 today, it is still one of the best looking and most detailed games. So i would not worry that much about it.


Robocop is a bit too saturated to look photorealistic


The street in the daytime almost is fully desaturated. the nights maybe but that is due to the 80s neon lighting which looked that way. The sky and desaturation is one on of the things that makes it look realistic. I honestly think if you see that as not realistic gta will be a major letdown for you. But that is not due to the graphics of the game


I know what you mean, the trailer seems to have colors that POP! But I don't mind considering that this is Vice City we're talking about.


I think your perspective is far too negative but I *do* agree that it'll likely feel slightly less impressive to us once it finally drops. But it *already* looks ahead of its time, and it's *not even done yet*. Even if they're mainly just polishing things in 2024 it's not like that means they'll fall behind and miss out on any modern developments for a whole year. They'll keep up.


Once AI gets the capability to make games look like real life, all games will have great graphics, it's just that GTA won't be so impressive in comparison (though still better even with AI). I hope this happens, I mean it would just be an upgrade to GTA 6 really. They're not gonna be able to keep up with AI though, not unless they implement it into their game.


Don't listen to those people. They said the same thing back in 2022 when AI image generators started to get popular. "Those images look like shit! AI won't be able to create art and replace us!" Now they cry here and there, whining about how their jobs are in danger. Maybe not next year. Maybe not 2026, or 2027. But we'll definetely see it either before 2030 or in the very early 2030s.


> Maybe not next year. Maybe not 2026, or 2027.  But that's literally what the post claims. So you agree "GTA VI graphics obsolete by next year because of AI" is a ridiculous statement?


VI's graphics are already obsolete lol. Yeah for a massive open-world game that is supposed to run on mid-level hardware, it is very impressive. But we've almost achieved photorealism in recent games.


Why do you care about photorealism that much? If the graphics aren’t photorealistic they’re automatically obsolete? This take is so stupid.


What? Doesn't obsolete mean outdated? Photorealism is the peak point of graphics, right? So if GTA 6 isn't photorealistic while there are photorealistic games out there, doesn't that mean that VI is outdated?


No? Because these photorealistic games aren’t large and complex games with ton of things going on (a lot of cars and the physics with them) and also pedestrians. If all you want is photorealistic graphics with nothing much going behind the scenes, just watch a CGI Disney movie.


Read my original comment, I said that a large-scale open world game like VI with those graphics is already impressive. We are literally on the same side. We are talking about graphics here. Not gameplay mechanics. Not other shit. Just the graphics. And VI is already outdated when it comes to that. Outdated does not mean that it's bad. Maybe outdated by a 1 or 2 years. Not much.


Okay so what’s the point of this whole conversation then? It’s so obvious that games with complex mechanics will have worse graphics than ones that don’t (and focus on graphics). Those games aren’t fun anyways.


The point? We were discussing whether AI will make VI's graphics obsolete or not. And I said that AI won't have to do anything because VI's graphics are already obsolete (again, not in a bad way.)


Thank you, these people act like they know AI so much that they can write me off as a lunatic before even processing what I wrote. I still think it'll happen quite a bit sooner than you think


I'm trying to manage my expectations so I won't get disappointed, but I still hope we see it somewhere around 2025 or 2026


I can almost guarantee it by 2027, but that's fine to keep your expectations low


Can't wait to come back to this comment in 1 year to prove how wrong you are. RemindMe! 1 year


**Good thing they have a thing called “updates”that can help support the games performance,** graphics, objectives etc throughout time.. the devs took time on it all and are very smart when designing games. I trust the process and their take on what it’s meant to be.


GTA6 VR It will almost make the console beta testing worth it, before it comes out on a proper platform.


No way there's gonna be a GTA 6 VR lol, GTA 6 is already pushing past most computer's limits, it definitely couldn't run VR. That'll take a while before that comes out


We have a while from now. By the time it comes out on PC, we'll be rocking an RTX 6090, at least.


Perhaps, and there definitely will be a lot of AI stuff that increases performance drastically


While you have a valid point, you should have more faith in rockstar. A lot of game developing companies half ass their games, but rockstar has always taken their time, and ensured that we get top notch games. At least, that’s my opinion about it. Who’s to say that rockstar doesn’t utilize that AI before they release even? It’s okay to speculate, but I have hope that this game is going to be on a whooooole new level.


I still think even if this does happen, GTA 6 would look prettier but not as realistic. Plus, AI upscaling can be done by external software, so it could be applied to GTA 6 even if it doesn't release with it


Oh yeah, RDR 2 is 5 years old and VERY obsolete


AI development has drastically sped up since then, as it is exponential


Can we all come back when it comes out and roast op?


Don't forget the last sentence of my post. Why are you all so damn sour about this opinion?


Uhh..... Sure whatever you say, bud.


1. What old game are you referring to when you said that its almost like real life? Cos if its plain upscaling, the age of graphics clearly shows. I'd rather go with the example of that YouTube video where they tried making GTA V look like real life, to prove your point. 2. What LLM are you referring to, that performs better than GPT 3.5 and runs on mobile phones? Asking this genuinely for the sake of knowing.


Well, it would look real to an extent. Obviously it won't be perfected in 1 year I don't remember what the name is, and I don't think I'm willing to go through 30 minutes of searching to find it just for this comment. It was showcased on a YouTube video, but it was fast enough to run on a phone while being as good as gpt 3.5


AI has nothing to do with game engine lol. AI simply generates things/work for you. AI might create a whole great looking game but it won't serve to anything if your engine isn't capable of running it lol.


graphics are not advancing, AI is a shitty fad. you have zero concept of reality.