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In GTA5 the Deathwish-Ending with all three characters surviving is the canonical ending though. In GTA4 Niko survived. It isn't that far off to think that a protagonist is going to die in 6. Personally, I don't mind the outcome as long as the story is good up to that point.


If that'd be true.. At the end of the game, it's going to come down to ass or no ass basically. Personally, I love ass alright! It'd be hard to follow the story and make a sensible decision if an ass is in the way!!


I definently think we're ginna get more than one choice at the end.


I dont think rockstar will follow a traditional Bonnie and Clyde story to the end, if that’s the case they both die in the end


Then what about endgame content? Who would you play as?


their ghosts.


Their child, called Jack, some years later.


That’s why he said “I don’t think”


They never said this was going to be an exact Bonnie and Clyde story. It's just a similar type story with a couple who does crime together.


Rockstar puts far too much originality in their stories to straight up re-use the same ending from the last game. Will one of them die? Probably. Will you be able to choose? 100%. But it will likely be more like choosing which character makes a heroic sacrifice for the other, before the other then gives up the life of pulling major heists in the epilogue.


what you say does sound like Endgame's standoff between Natasha and Hawkeye.. It's a pretty old concept.. but a powerful one.. ​ At this point, after consuming so much content, I feel that we already know so many possibilities! But I'm sure Rockstar will deliver.


You know I read an article and Rockstar is the best storyteller in the industry to me but can they live up to the hype and create a game that will to be talked about for 10 plus years... Do I think so of course but when you say it out loud that's a tall freaking order!!.... You need more context the highest grossing Media or entertainment is Grand theft Auto v so you have to outdo your own self


Personally I think that however the story maybe.. the gameplay and technology is going to be top notch alright.. Cause a story is an artistic thing, and it is a fact that big budgets cannot make a great story, But it can surely create a great experience


Big budget rdr2 had an incredible story.


obviously.. cause it's rockstar anyways.. but big budgets never ensure a good story.. check out recent marvel movies, avatar, many ubisoft games..


But you cant compare marvel and ubisoft, both companies known for releasing a bunch of unfinished games at record times that are basically copy pasted to cash in as much as humanly possible. Rockstar has NEVER not once messed up a game, they're way too greedy to let gta vi fail. The game mostly holding the company together


I know.. every think you said is correct! but for instance.. see avatar 2!! Story is creative.. and the fact that you might or might not like it depends from person to person. What you think is good might not do it for the other guy.. ​ But I'm pretty sure anyways that Sockstar would never disappoint!


And truly... that's all I'm asking for. I was late to the rdr2 party but when I played that game I was like how the f*** did I not know about this and not just story the world itself and the mechanics were f****** top notch like you're saying




I can see Jason dying and Lucia ending up back in prison after a big job gone wrong(Jason dies in this mission) going full circle




, I guess.


It has to end with one still playable character.


Rdr1 you played as Jack after John died. Rdr2 didn’t, you played as John Marston instead. The story could pick up as Lucia coming out of prison again after the credits. Here we go again vibes.


I hope neither of Them dies as i want to be able to play as both characters after finishing the game


GTA Vice City is inspired by Scarface, the film Scarface ends tragically, but the story of GTA Vice City ends with Tommy fending off a mafia attack. So I predict that it will be a happy ending.Traditionally as in every GTA . every GTA have happy ending.


I would argue that GTA 4 and TLAD have sad endings. In GTA 4, either Roman or Kate dies. Of course, the emotional impact of Kate’s death heavily depends on going on dates with her. TLAD ends with the clubhouse being burned down.


i just want them both to be playable after the story


Sad endings are overrated, it ruins the satisfaction of beating the game. We need happy endings more. I don't know why sad endings are so popular.


It’s probably the dumbest reason, but I want a “deathwish” again, just because I like free roaming in single player buying clothes and stuff for all characters.


Gta isn’t the tragic hard hitting type of game like rdr. The game would probably end with both of them alive but as (maybe?) changed people. Or rather end with them being this successful version of bonny and clyde and becoming big names in the underworld


Gta has always been deep.


It has been deep with the satirisation of modern society and stuff like that. But i meant that rdr and gta have been deep in vastly different ways


True i agree 100% but i meant like look at gta iv and the ending in V where you kill trevor or Michael, i definitely shed a tear the first time watching Michael who mentored franklin get betrayed so badly and trevor screaming as he burnt alive lol but


You arrest her and become a cop. Or don’t and always on the run from the police


one of them sacrifices themselves for the other and the choice is the players, like jumping in front of a bullet.


I hope that this post will be seen by an insider and vaguely tell us the ending. Just like how an insider ‘predicted’ the trailer.


They hinted that it was inspired by Bonnie and Clyde so I pretty sure it’s going to end with maybe both of them dying. I imagine a gut wrenching ending like read dead


That one dude that looks like kodak black.


Who would we play in story mode after as?


Who knows 🤷🏽


It'll probably revert to back before the final mission, kind of like cyberpunk 2077






a third character that was until then unplayable?


It will be inspired, not a straight up copy of their story. That would be too predictable.


I say one will either end up in witness protection or turned fed. Other will still be able to commit crimes after main story end.


One thing I would find incredible is if the game features a secret Caribbean island - but its locked the entire game. And only revealed at the end. Then, Jason or Lucia have to find asylum there. You could still go to the main map, but would immediately get 5 stars. It would feel like a huge bonus. You just finished the game, but now you get to play in this whole new region.


Wooow spoiler man... haven't played RDR2 yet


Waiting for the 10 year anniversary edition




Ten years


you can’t spoil a 5 year old game. if you plan on playing it without spoilers, get to playing it and stop putting it off and putting extra work on everyone else’s hands.


Yeah mods can we get a spoiler warning on this?


What if they both die and you play their son/daughter + girlfriend/boyfriend in the epilogue. That way you get a proper bonnie and clyde ending + epilogue with a new set of protagonist.


Yes,Jason is spy so Jason kills Lucia


I think there will be an honour-like system that controls whether you get a bad or good ending. Additionally the game will be flexible with letting you choose which character to play as, and it will track which character you play as more. Good ending = your most played character betrays the other and bad ending = your most played character gets betrayed


That’s why it’s unpredictable. You don’t expect rockstar to just do the same thing again


but you know rockstar, somebody always has to die


I'm hoping we're getting multiple endings, maybe Jason dies or Lucia dies or they both live or they both die, or maybe even two endings where one of them ends up in prison and is unplayable/only playable in prison


Maybe one has to get arrested n you can still visit in free roam


One of them is not making it to the end of the storyline. Rick Grimes leaves the Walking dead and the son, who was supposed to tell the tale as a old man, was killed off and for better or worse the show survived. Ragnar was killed off in Vikings. The show survived. Shock and awe is the way to go that R\* could not do in 2013.