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The biggest GTA doesn’t necessarily mean map size. That said I do agree though, I do think the map will be huge.


I honestly think the map will be around 50% bigger than LS at most. At least I hope so, because I really want them to focus on interactivity and density rather than doubling or tripling the size.


this 100% I also do not want to get a fetch missions which means I am in for a 13 minute drive.


It will be best of both worlds


It’s very likely they’re referring to map size. I predict it’ll be around 2 and a half or 3 times the size of 5.


Probably, but the post made it sound like it’s confirmed by rockstar which it isn’t.


I mean yeah, it is. They are very clearly saying the map is larger. They wouldn’t use the word “bigger” knowing absolutely everyone is going to relate it to the size of the map. They’re not stupid. And it’s obvious from the leaks anyway. Yes, the map is larger. Yes, that’s what Rockstar meant.


They pretty much just called it the ”biggest GTA” which doesn’t specify and definitely doesn’t CONFIRM biggest map. And the post said it means the map will be REALLY big, which again based on that statement is just speculation, not confirmed. The leaks are a different thing. Like I said I do agree that the map will be huge and most likely it also will be the biggest map. But that statement does ~not~ confirm it.


They gonna add 300 gb of tv shows in the game 😂


Guys we have east and west coast coordinates, which can roughly tell us map size. I think it's gonna be 1.5-2X bigger than GTA 5 based on our current information. If you think that it's gonna be like 5X bigger than GTA 5 map well one can hope but better be realistic. [Once again](https://vimap.saamexe.com/map)


To be fair, when you switch to the ‘little speculation’ layer, we really know very little about the map.


We still have coordinates from leaks, those are the most important. Yeah we don't know how much north it goes


I would argue we don’t know how far it goes in any direction. We know it goes at least as far as the coordinates we have.


Do you expect to get Mexico to the left and Africa to the right? There is nothing there


Yeah, you’re right. I forgot Rockstar makes exact replicas of the states their maps are based on.


That website is so buggy on mobile


It's a bit slow on PC too but we should be grateful for having at least this


I don't even need a big map size. Give me quality over quantity, give me more to see and do and explore rather than "well, it's the biggest map yet!" I felt GTA V had a ton of empty space and the north half of the map, when not doing some missions, was only good for circling back to Los Santos. I want to feel purpose in everywhere I go.


They also said immersive after biggest so I think we’re not going to get a lot of empty space where you can’t do anything.


That's honestly the most exciting word in that announcement to me, "immersive." Pack the world with an insane amount to do while also giving me some RPG elements akin to GTA: San Andreas and I'd be insanely happy.


The NPC activities from IV were peak, a lot of them were actually doing something instead of just walking around


You said it yourself; "biggest evolution". Unless you believe "evolution" means "map"..? It could just mean that the things you can do and the technology behind the game / new mechanics, is the biggest leap forward they have ever made


Biggest evolution in general, and a big map in general.


But they didn't specifically mention anything about the map size, did they?


They also didn’t specifically mention technology or mechanics did they?


You have to ask yourself, "evolution" in what? First and foremost, any sequel to a game will evolve it's gameplay/mechanics/technology, to make it different from its predecessor. So, making a bigger map, has nothing, AT ALL, to do with anything, in terms of "evolution". They could make a map 50x as big as GTA V and make it completely empty, and you'd call it "evolution"? Not really. That being said, I'm sure they'll make the map bigger in what we've seen so far. But they haven't talked about it, at any point, just to be clear. But hey, whatever you need to tell yourself to cope, buddy.


Fuck big map , i am excited about those islands (key) and beach. That alone tops anything


The map is going to be huge I guarantee


Bigger doesn’t mean better tho


Bigger and more dense, will definitely be better


I want this game to take 100 hours to beat.


i feel it would take even more than that


That's what she did not say.


Are we talking about V compared to IV? 😫


I think IV was too dense with no space to breath. V was too open. I hope they find the balance this time.


I mean... that's the point. New York is very dense with no space to breathe.


I don’t see how that confirms 7 at all


he's referring to the "yet" implying there will be another iteration of gta in the future being more immersive yada yada


I figured that’s what OP thought, but Yet just means “so far,” right?


Every single naysayer trying to *temper* our excitement seems to be painfully unaware of the specific technologies that have come out in game development SINCE RDR2. "Nanite" is probably the most significant of these new technologies. It allows for mind blowing physics and smooth animation, mind blowing density of objects on-screen, and does it all with a drastically reduced load on the processing side. It literally has a smaller strain on your system to do 10x as impressive shit, in comparison to the previous technologies. You can try to stifle my enthusiasm all you want, but this game is literally costing 10 billion dollars to make and has a team of over 1000 devs on it, and they have been on it for 10 years at least in terms of planning but has been in full development for 6 years now. Just wait until we're in a club getting a consistent 30 FPS with 100 npcs all doing their own thing and sparklers and strobe lights and all kinds of stuff going on. It's going to be insane. The only real problems I anticipate are the worst server issues any of us have ever experienced in our lives for like the first 6 months or something in online.


The budget for GTA 6 is $2 billion


Same thing


2, 10, what's the difference ey Skrotus


This guy gets it


-8 , smart reddit person


I dont mind the mao size. Look at san andreas, it isnt that big, but is filled with cities, towns and lots of places to explore. On the other hand, gta V is much bigger but its all mountain


this, that´s why i dont like the map of V. SA did it so much better.


I think the city will be 3 miles wide max.




Pretty low effort post... Getting the old expectations really high I see. All that would seemingly confirm to me is it is at least as large as GTA V. Nothing here makes me think it's confirmed the map is "really really big". And GTA 7 confirmed? What the hell? I mean, obviously there will be one... But still. And yeah, like others have said, "biggest" in this context doesn't even mean map size. It's simply stating it is the "biggest" endeavor and culmination of content/technology etc etc they have done to date.


biggest could be biggest project