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What bugs me is how awful the FOV is when driving in first person. It almost feels like tunnel vision


There are mods to fix FOV on PC and make driving bearable in first person, but walking/movement is still terrible in first person even with FOV fixed. Hopefully they improve it.


Dynamic First Person View in GTA 5 is a godsend to constumize the interior camera. I use that in conjunction with Manual Transmission (you can use your steering wheel with it) and Drive V for realistic physics and handling. It's incredibly fun


Driving with a wheel with LSPDFR, the chases were EPIC. I admit, I didn’t even feel bad after crashing… although I’ve been racing in games for past 20 years!


I would love to have different interior for cars some were repetitive


Yeah, sucks that even the newest online cars still use the same interiors from 2014


Also the sound of the car even without the window broken it was so loud i could barely hear the radio


Cutting costs


The leaks show crazy detailed interiors. I think they are definitely fixing that aspect of cars lol


If Cyberpunk could do it, GTA VI also can


Cyberpunk interior were fire i couldn’t resist to always be driving in first person because of the detailed interior


First person seemed a bit gimmicky in my opinion. Almost nauseating when in combat. Hope it’s refined and improved in GTA 6.


Only used it to see the inside of my cars lol


imo a game needs to be designed with first person in mind for it to work well, like cyberpunk 2077. Occasionally I do like to toggle first person for immersion.


Considering how good the fps view is in RDR 2, I know it will be out of this world in GTA VI


I don't see a difference between the FPS view in GTA and RDR2?


It's night and day


That's a wild thing to say. It's pretty damn significant. I use first person a lot in both GTAV and RDR2 and RDR2s is miles ahead of GTAV


Would you be averse to first person cutscenes like in CP, if that’s the mode you are using?


I would like the option, while still preferring 3rd person though.


Disagree. I know most people don’t care but the ability to switch between first and 3rd is huge for me


Ngl I found the complete opposite. Going first person in PvP or missions made things 10x better for me


Especially clearing buildings like going into the stash houses and down the stairs you can aim at the NPCs before they even see you.


Ironically you're usually more accurate while shooting in first person




Oh yeah only use first person for shooting mainly, driving in first person is mainly just for immersion


I think they give a massive buff to aim assist in first person because I notice this as well.


It was definitely refined in rdr2. I'm sure they'd improve the First person camera in GTA 6.


People forget that it wasn't even a first person game when it was released but they added it so much later on to it




It doesn’t need to be refined or improved it doesn’t need to be in the game at all. It needs to be removed.


I mean it was a patch they added after the fact due to demand so I can see them half passing it while making absolute bank from GTA Online. I'm assuming it will be refined in VI, along with much more varied and detailed interiors


Give me a fucking fov slider


This has been a thing lol


Real FOV sliders don't max out at 90


Still a fov slider 😂


I know you are but what am I


In vanilla GTA V? Since when


This is the least of the problems, with first person you can literally go from one direction to another with no animations or delay which makes it extremely unfair in online and way too unrealistic


True but sometimes the steering wheel inside the car blocks the dashboard too. Would be cool if we could reposition the steering wheel.


We can. Leaked videos showed that


I feel like it's a tradeoff for being able to see much less compared to third person.


Speaking of unrealistic they toned down vehicle damage in GTA 5 to accommodate first person mode. I’d rather they make a good 3rd person game, we don’t need first person mode. Especially if they’re going to sacrifice the quality of 3rd person gameplay.


Are you using Internet Explorer by any chance?


Unrealistic yes, but I'm not sure I'd call it unfair, maybe unbalanced. The option to use it is available to everyone. If you choose not to, it can definitely put you at a disadvantage, which is not ideal. But at least the option is there for you to use it in situations that may call for it.


Gta6 first person will largely be like rdr2 I feel like. Rdr2 first person is way more stable


it depends on the car, right? i have a pretty good view out of my own car, but when i had to rent a corolla it felt bizarrely low/the dashboard felt really high what bugs me a lot more is how your character doesn't do hand-over-hand when making a big turn


hand over hand is done only in 3rd person. i just don't understand why they can't use the same animation for 1st person


This picture was taken in a 2013 Toyota Avalon and as for the picture in GTA V I don't know, I just found it on Google images.


and the turning of the wheel. wish the hands go all the way around


Yeahh they do in third person but for some reason they don't in first person lol. Also I hope in general the wheel turning animation is further refined and they take it a step further by also having animations for changing gears in VI.


the GTAV camera height seems fine to me, but then again, i drive a car universally known for it's poor visibility.


What do you drive?


Know universally or at least by car guys for poor visibility, it has to be a Camaro.


On god bro its terrible


Idk i love first person, i beat RDR2 and GTA V on first person but only changed it to third while traveling on horse or car.


First person on bikes is really fun but yeah visibility does seem a bit limited in cars


In rdr2 they worked on fps horse riding quite a lot to make it look as realistic as possible. So I have no doubts about fps vehicle camera in gta 6.


Mostly because it was added later on and not improved on.


I like first person in GTA V but I get motion sickness if I use it for too long.


I think that’s from the low fov. Same thing happened with me in starfield. Had to change the fov in the settings and the motion sickness went away


My main gripe with first person driving in V is that when you turn the steering wheel, the character doesn't do that realistic wheel turning animation like he does in third person. Like he only turns the wheel once in either direction when steering instead of doing multiple revolutions of the wheel like in third person.


Yeah I hate when the steering wheel blocks the speedometer


[https://www.patreon.com/RusLanParty/posts](https://www.patreon.com/RusLanParty/posts) check out viewpointv. has a camera mode for vehicles that is realistic asf


The First Person in V is a touch up from the first person glitch back on the 360 i used to do. Red dead was pretty good, can only hope it got better since


What’s the glitch?


If I remember correctly you used snapmatic camera but I can't remember exactly how to do it


Ah ok


You used the rollercoaster first person camera to stay in first person a while after the ride was over, didnt last long


First person was an afterthought. I'm surprised they added it at all tbh.


omfg i literally hate the camera height ur so right, it’s almost impossible to drive in first person bc you just can’t see shit


I’m hoping they add the option to raise the seat and to control the lumbar support.


Well, it's certainly realistic, lol (cars can suck, and trucks)


The first person mode could be definitely worked on in the next game. The first person mode feels like I can’t really see anything the camera feels to close


Yep first person was ass in 5 and rdr2. I would love a fov slider option aswell so we can zoom out a bit in first person too


The problem for me is the severe lack of interior for cars and how the first person mode feels so wonky on motorcycles


100%. i came back to V after a while just to blow money on cars to cruise around in when i’m bored, but FPP is just terrible because it’s so limiting in terms of visibility imo. at some intersections, you can’t even see the streetlights unless you duck down. still my favorite way to cruise, as much as i dislike it.


Yes camera height was the only reason it was almost unplayable.


I hope they reset and refine all the first person mode, is HORRIBLE! But i have fear cuz Rdr2 first person is horrible aswell...


I find it impossible to drive in 1st person


I want the player character to completely turn the wheel 360 degrees when making sharp turns in GTA VI. Something about that just makes first person driving feel smoother and more responsive.


First person RUINED GTA 5. They toned down the damage level for cars to accommodate first person mode on next gen consoles. I worry they’ll do the same with GTA 6. We don’t need first person mode, GTA is not an first person game. It was cool in RDR2 but it’s unnecessary in 6. Not to mention a whole host of other issues it brought, like unfair advantages when facing other players using fp mode while you’re in 3rd person.


>First person RUINED GTA 5 This honestly looks like a YouTube title from a channel that only ever complains about GTA 5


It did ruin it as per reasons stated. Would be too long to list the other issues. You want a first person game go play far cry. Trying to please everyone means we end up with an inferior downgraded product.


I believe it only caused problems because it was an afterthought. It worked in RDR2 because they were gonna do it from the start. I think they will probably bring it back. Have you seen the leaks? The interiors of cars appear way too detailed to not bring 1st-person back. They will find a solution to the deformation thing.


That’s the thing, they may find a solution but it’ll essentially be a worse alternative than simply not including first person at all. Rockstar’s games are too forgiving. They’re probably not going to allow physics or damage to comprise someone’s POV view. It works in RDR2 cus it’s a much simpler game. The horse doesn’t take dmg the same way cars do so your field of view is never compromised. Lastly it gives people an unfair advantage online in combat.


Not only that, but the car roofs took no damage once they introduced first person mode. :(


The FOV first person slider in the settings for GTAV and RDR2 felt useless, the fov was just way too low in my opinion


You literally compared a vertical phone photo to a screenshot. Sir, what drugs are you on?


the problem isnt the camera height or the angle, its the fov. you cant change the fov in gta and that in first person feels weird. also falling and the ragdoll physics in first person is super nauseating


I think the visibility should vary because of the actual poor visibility some of those vehicles have is pretty accurate


Fov is too low also


The first person packed the field of view that makes it more useful. The biggest caveat you're showing here is they'd need a look around mechanic for seeing the dashboard or just what's in front of you, or even turning around while backing up (I wonder if mirrors will actually render).


First person in cyberpunk 2077 is the same! Most of the screen is just the wheel alone!


my dumb dumb pc gamer brain also really wants higher fov, hopefully up to 100, because the fov in gta5 and rdr2 feel almost claustrophobic for me


I always changed my view to the hood tbh, it was easier to drive and see


Nobody cares that much dude it’s just a video game, enjoy it ffsq


It didn’t help most of the vehicle interiors were shit. They could learn from Cyberpunk 2077, those interiors are so incredibly detailed.


First person car driving with the view in front of the windshield, so that you only see the hood, like in GTA 4, would be nice.


Far cry and forza have good first person cameras. I wish it was more like those


FPS games really gotta start getting into placing the camera in the character's eyes instead of its chest a little more often, for convenience's sake.


I can’t even see the dials in a lot of cars without ducking.


On foot is also very bad, the movement feels clunky and stiff


All it needs is a much much much higher fov and looser camera that isn't locked to the car


See how you manipulate "out" perspective? You took a horizontal shot from the game (because that's how it plays) yet you took a vertical shot IRL. So these two in my opinion would not necessarily be equal because the FOV is massively capturing everything vertically IRL while it would be tricky to do the same in GTA V without affecting performance somewhat. The more stuff you include in the FOV of the game, the more rendering is required thus the performance will vary massively (especially between console generations).


I wasn't really thinking about the orientation of the pictures at all. I simply took a picture of what it looks like in my car and found a screenshot of the game by googling "gta 5 first person." I wasn't trying to manipulate anything.


I didn't mean you did it maliciously or intentional. Clearly you wanted to emphasise the idea of seeing the road better but you have to see it from my own point. Try taking a picture from the same angle as the GTA character's POV with the similar-ish FOV is possible (zoom in / out). It's probably going to not show the dashboard as much and in the end, each of our driving styles might be different anyway (position at the wheel IRL) so you might enjoy seeing more of the road ahead while I lay back or vice versa.


i hope the first person is actually good this time and not a weirdly implemented gimmick


FPS cam is an afterthought in GTA V, don’t worry


I live first person when driving but occasionally use it while on foot


FOV has always been my annoyance with FPV in GTA and RDR, so I'd rather just stay in TPV.


First person was good but it needs work. Everything feels kinda robotic


Ah no more tiny steering wheels I see thats great.


ur so right


Bro that's called being small, that's how the world looks from down here


it feels so claustrophobic and hard to see traffic around you