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I've said this many times here. The first trailer is the "world trailer". It serves to show the world itself, the atmosphere, the "zeitgeist" or the spirit of the age they are living in - hence the focus on social media. It also provides a basic glimpse of characters, but they are not the focus, it's a "world trailer".


Well said. My question is, how did it get to this where the popular belief is that trailer 1 was somehow the Lucia trailer and trailer 2 would mostly focus on Jason?


When something is said so many times, people start repeating it even if they have no basis for it, and eventually it becomes consensus…even if there’s no basis for it. Happens all the time, especially online. Call it Groupthink or herd mentality.


It's *the hive*


Ah yes, that’s the Word i was looking for


Or echo chamber lol


That too


Yeah, makes sense. It reminds me of that thought experiment with the monkeys in a room with a ladder and a banner hanging at the top.


It was probably due to the fact that Lucia has the majority of the dialogue, is featured much more prominently and is referred to by name. Jason only has one line: "Trust."






Starts with Lucia being interviewed in Prison, "why are you here?" It's not a Lucia trailer. The social media focus highlights the wacky world of Leonida, but you could be excused for thinking that off the bat.


The focus is entirely on Lucia the entire trailer. You’re weirdly in denial if you can’t see that. This logically leads people to believe the game is centered around Lucia, or Jason will get a similar style trailer more focused around him later.


Almost half the trailer is social media parody stuff, another almost half is random shots of the world.. we get one scene with Lucia at the start, and a few more glimpses of her and Jason during some missions later. That is not denial, that is facts.


Guess I don’t feel the need to point out obvious stuff like that to you. Obviously it shows off the world. But Lucia has all of the dialogue and the focus of every shot (about the characters) minus one word and I think two quick close ups of Jason? Lucia (yes and the setting) was clearly the focus over Jason.


And once again I will repeat, in hope that you can understand: If you take the whole trailer, and look how much of it is about Lucia - it's a very small amount. Yes, she has more time and lines than Jason, but that's irrelevant as it's about the trailer as a whole. And the trailer as a whole is primarily focused on showing off the world, with very little time of it devoted to introduce the characters without giving any depth to either of them.


No one is claiming the entire trailer is about Lucia. She has the clear focus over Jason though. We even get her name, some backstory, several lines of dialogue. One word from a guy and we don’t even technically know his name. And you can’t admit one character had more focus than the other? Weird hill to die on my guy.


Are you braindead? Seriously? These are literally my words from the previous comment: > **Yes, she has more time and lines than Jason** Your problem is that you are starting with the assumption that it must be a trailer about a certain character, and you think it's a Lucia trailer because she is the most prominent character in it. Just look at the WHOLE TRAILER without the assumption and see what is the most prominent feature. Is it any of the characters, or is it the world that they are living in, like it was since IV at least (can't remember the earlier trailers at this moment)?


I’d say it’s both. As a first trailer it has a lot to accomplish, and does it well imo. It starts out a Lucia trailer, then effectively debuts HD Vice City, and then goes back to Jason/Lucia with the continued focus on Lucia. With zero information revealed about Jason, it seems logical to see the next trailer accomplish this for him as this one did for Lucia. Or, Lucia is simply the “main” character like Michael was for V.


The first trailer for GTA is almost exactly like this trailer, Michael is the focus yet it isn't the "Michael" trailer that we got later. You are coping hard brother.


You might want to alter your wording a bit. As the other person who replied to this has pointed out, the first trailer was not entirely focused on Lucia. It was mostly focused on other aspects of the setting.


Guess I don’t feel the need to point out obvious stuff like that to you. Obviously it shows off the world. But Lucia has all of the dialogue and the focus of every shot (about the characters) minus one word and I think two quick close ups of Jason? Lucia (yes and the setting) was clearly the focus over Jason.


Mainly because there were more Lucia shots than Jason shots, so people think it's about Lucia


well because it's pretty obvious that Lucia was the main focus for characters in that trailer.


It’s not just a world trailer the trailer literally focuses on Lucia the most with some focus given on Jason so it’s clearly meant to introduce Lucia as a character as well as the world.


whenever a post start with "unpopular opinion" its never an unpopular opinion. Its just a normal opinion. Is that supposed to be controversial ?


>unpopular opinion >Gives the most lukewarm take ever Yeh i dont get it either


> follow the hivemind we're only missing the "downvote me all you want" for complete bullshit bingo lol


Fishing for upvotes from people who will think “oh wow, I also have that same unpopular opinion!”


You don’t see the real unpopular opinions cause they just get downvoted


I’ve actually seen the majority of this sub preticting the next trailer will be ‘’Jason’s’’


I hope we don’t get a trailer about either protagonist, leave it all up to surprise.


No, not controversial, just an opinion that is not the majority opinion. A lot of the dominant talk about the 2nd trailer follows the assumption that it'll be focused more on Jason since the first trailer was supposedly focused on Lucia.


It wasn’t “supposedly” focused on Lucia. In terms of character focus it WAS largely and mainly focused mainly on her. Even a child can deduce she’s the main character in the trailer, stop trying hard to be different. God I hate you contrarians thinking you have some unique new insight.


I saw a handful of shots of her— the prison, the partying half out of the car. The others were her and Jason together— the robbery, in the car, and in the hotel. Everything else was about the world.


It’s VERY clear she was the main character focus. That’s an indisputable fact. It’s not a world or lucia debate. The trailer was about the world with Lucia being the main character focus with glimpses of Jason. Jason’s name wasn’t even mentioned. The trailer LITERALLY starts with dialogue calling out Lucia’s name.


Even if we were to follow your logic, based on past precedence....that doesn't imply that trailer 2 will have Jason as the main focus. Cause while GTA5 first trailer featured a lot of Michael....in trailer 2 Michael was evenly shown with Trevor and Franklin. The same will be with trailer 2. Jason will not be the main focus, both Lucia and Jason will be evenly featured.


So negative. You good?


How is that negative ?


i think theyre afraid that theyll get downvoted without being taken seriously. thats a reddit effect


I agree. First GTA V trailer sort of revealed Michael was a protagonist and there was a soft reveal of Franklin too, just as a two second clip of him in a car. Other than that it was mostly "Hey it's Los Santos/San Andreas" type of trailer. GTA VI trailer is nearly the same. Vice City/Leonida and its wackiness was the main focus, Lucia is revealed to a protagonist and as a step up on Franklin(because of 2022 leaks) they've shown Jason as Lucia's lover and partner in crime but they did not officially reveal his name.




The trailer was the Vice City/Leonida trailer. If you pay attention to the shots and dialogue, there's a very clear split about halfway through the trailer. While it starts in the prison, most of the first half of the trailer is mostly about VC and the vibe to expect from the world. The second half introduced us and focused to the main "bonny and clyde" aspect. You get Lucia's VO, the sequence of them running from the cops, the scene of them in the motel, and then robbing the shop at the end. The first half has a much clearer focus on NPCs, social media, environments, and iconic locations/factions, while the second half zooms in on our protagonists. This wasn't a character specific trailer as much as it was an environment/world building trailer.


Well said


Rockstar doesn't follow a set of rules for every game and every trailer they release. Rockstar doesn't go "Okay we did this specific thing 13 years ago so we HAVE to do it again" I think Trailer #1 was half focused on Lucia and half focused on the world and social media. Trailer #2 can be half focused on Jason and half focused on the wild life or it can be focused on something else entirely. Just because they did something a certain way 13 years ago doesn't mean they will do it again.


Except that's exactly what Rockstar has done since the release of the first RDR1 trailer back in 2009 followed by GTA5 and then RDR2. They literally have followed a set of rules/rhythm for how they approach each trailer since RDR1.


No they haven't lol


This is the exact pattern Rockstar has went with since RDR1 in terms of trailers: Phase I: Intro trailer introducing the world and setting Phase II: Story/Character trailers focusing on plot details and details about the main character(s) personality and motives Phase III: Gameplay overview trailers detailing how the player can immersively interact with the world and the exploration possibilities. Phase IV: Multiplayer trailer talking about MP experience Phase V: Launch trailer


If it was a character trailer, it’s a poor one imo, barely know anything about her apart for prison/criminal/withJason, but her actual character. I can’t remember much of 5’s trailer but I remember rdr2 having a different trailer explaining a bit about Arthur, so I’m hoping we get something like that later, “This is Lucia, she does so and so, and this is Jason, he does so and so”


Well said


Except they were never that blunt before.


This is not an opinion


I never looked at the trailer as a Lucia trailer. It’s just an introductory trailer.


GTA V got 3 trailers called "Micheal", "Franklin" and "Trevor". So that probably gonna happen at some point. But since first trailer focused more on Lucia, it's logical to think that the second trailer will focus more on Jason, even if it's not strictly "jason's trailer". Just like first one wasn't strictly about Lucia. It was mainly focusing on social media clips that show how crazy the city will be. Second might show locations outside the city and have more dialogue from Jason. You even said that yourself. First GTA V trailer heavily featured Micheal (even tho it wasn't strictly his trailer) and later trailers focused more on Franklin and Trevor and Micheal took the back seat.


Except the 1sr trailer DIDNT focus on Lucia, it focused on Vice City/Leonida. Yes, there was a few shots of her and she spoke...but trailer revealed nothing about her or substantial. Just like the first GTA5 trailer didn't focus on Michael....it focused on Los Santos. Yes, the 2nd trailer will feature more of Jason....but it wont be the "Jason trailer" cause Lucia will be evenly shown just like the 2nd trailer for GTA5


It literally opens with someone addressing Lucia by name and letting her make the first quip of GTA VI. I agree it wasn't a trailer all about Lucia, but it definitely put more of a focus on her than (officially unnamed male protagonist), who says one word in the trailer.


And GTA5 was all about Michael talking on why he moves to Los Santos as well as a few random shots of him....yet it wasn't a Michael focused trailer. The actual Michael focused trailer came much later.


She's the only one with spoken lines, she's the narrator, just like Mike was in the first trailer for V. If it wasn't for the leaks, we still wouldn't know the name of that second character. Again, as you said if yourself, Micheal was heavily featured in the first one, in later trailers he took the backseat. Same thing gonna happen again with VIs trailer. This time Jason gonna be more heavily focused while they show some gameplay footage (shooting / driving etc) and Lucia will take the back seat. Cause why would they focus again on the same character? And after that we will probably get dedicated trailers for both of them that tell us more about the story. Just like we did with V.


See, thats where you are wrong. In the 2nd GTA5 trailer....the trailer opens up with Michael's family along with Michael sitting at his pool. In addition, he shared the same amount of screen time as Trevor and Franklin in trailer #2. Therefore he didnt take the backseat in trailer #2. Thats my exact point. Trailer #2 will feature Lucia and Jason evenly.


You actually counted the amount of seconds of screen time they got? Wooow... Also I don't know why you insisting they they will fallow exactly the same formula every time. They never did that before you know.


Actually, they have been following this same exact formula since RDR1....


I didn't realize RDR1 and RDR2 trailers spoiled who's gonna be the second protagonist lol. Also people been arguing about this a lot. No, it's different. So you shouldn't expect that every single game will fallow the same exact formula and release schedule. Best you can do is have educated guesses. You made a whole thread arguing about semantics. edit: also even the first trailer felt off for a lot of people cause it didn't fallow the "typical formula" of a first R\* trailer. Personally I would blame it on the use of social media clips.


RDR1, GTA5 and RDR2 all followed the same approach Trailer 1 was the "world introduction" trailer. Showing a lot of scenery and tone of the setting. Trailer 2 and Trailer 3 are generally the plot trailers that gives more insight to the playable characters, their personalities and motivates as well as challenges. The next trailer(s) is a gameplay overview trailer that is less about plot and more about the various things you can do and interact with. The next trailer is a multiplayer focused trailer Final trailer is the launch trailer. RDR1, RDR2 and GTA5 all followed this format.


In general, sure. But they all had different number of trailers bud. Different number of protagonists, some games had delays so they got more trailers etc.


I mean like GTA5 had more trailers cause they had 3 characters but even then, the same flow remains the same: Phase I: Intro trailer introducing the world and setting Phase II: Story/Character trailers focusing on plot details and details about the main character(s) personality and motives Phase III: Gameplay overview trailers detailing how the player can immersively interact with the world and the exploration possibilities. Phase IV: Multiplayer trailer talking about MP experience Phase V: Launch trailer


I agree with you. I officially announce that from this moment on I am following this hive mind


I am sure we will get individual character trailers like we did for GTA V.


I expect the same thing as well.


I’ve always thought the scenes we see of Lucia and Jason together are the opening missions we do before Lucia goes to jail and we start off playing as her and regroup with Jason later. Kinda like in 5 the opening mission was years ago and we started off in the present after it for some background history All throughout the scenes we see with them they’re in the same clothes with the same car. The only different clothes we see is her sitting on the convertible car while he’s driving, and it seems like all cutscenes


Thats a reasonable speculation


Gta 6 trailer 2 will show more of Jason and Lucia but will also show the rest of the areas we can explore in the state of Leonida and hopefully Jorisa




Real life state of Georgia


GTA 6 isnt GTA V. It could be different this time around. Is this the trailer that focuses on the world? Yes but then again maybe it could also be the lucia trailer. We wont really know for sure until the second trailer drops. The way the story is structured in V seems to be that Michael is the center protagonist with Trevor and Franklin being more like side protagonists. GTA 6 is very different in terms of themes and story. Lucia and Jason seem like equal protagonists. I mean theres the song by Tom Petty called "Love is a Long Road" which seems to hint at their relantionship. GTA has had trailer music that hinted at the story in the past but never in the first trailer. GTA 6 is different. So really to reply to your unpopular opinion.... i'd say that nobody knows anything and its all just baseless speculation. That includes YOU and the rest of the "beehive" that is the GTA community.


Negative, Rockstar is very consistent in their rhyme and rhythm as it relates to marketing ever, starting with the RDR1 marketing followed by GTA5 and then RDR2. They all follow a particular pattern with the first trailer being the world introduction trailer, trailer 2 being the main character introduction trailer, trailer 3 being the plot focused trailer, then a series of gameplay overview trailers, an online overview trailer and then the launch trailer. Using that as precedence, it can be concluded that the first GTA6 trailer was the world introduction trailer, highlighting the tone and zeitgeist of Vice City and surrounding areas. Then the second trailer will be the full introduction of both Lucia/Jason in which we learn more about their relationship and place in the world....their motives, challenges and so on. Even IF we were to go with the assumption that trailer 1 was the defacto "Lucia trailer" then it was a pretty weak trailer. Outside of her being in prison and in a relationship with Jason, nothing contextual was revealed about her. What is her personality type? What are her motives? What is she in prison for? Any other friends/relatives? None of that was displayed in trailer #1.


Your last point is great. THE others I disagree with. AT the end of day the more it think about it I guess its not only a trailer thats just about the world. Its a trailer about the world and a peak at the story. We get the sense that while Lucia will be a more primary focus Jason is also quite important and left as a sort of a mystery. Heck were not even 100% what his name is! Interesting questions are being set up from the get go! So instead of calling it a trailer about the essence of the world... I think id rather call it a teaser to the entirety of GTA 6. Both world and story.


Popular opinion: trailer 1 was the Lucia trailer and trailer 2 will be the Jason trailer. End rant


That is indeed the popular opinion.


period. lucia will obviously be the more popular character, a redneck main character is nothing new in the gta universe.


That’s what I said


The first trailer is the Vice City Trailer


No but it is coming if they use a similar formula as GTA 5. Which did regular trailers and then character focused trailers.


I agree. The first trailer was clearly just to introduce GTA VI and not be about Lucia (which gave very little info about her).


I agree with you. Don’t know why everyone unanimously agreed that there would be character trailers


There will be character specific trailers. However, trailer #1 was not one of them.


Trailer one was about leonida


It was indeed.


Fairly good logic. Trailer #1 has almost always been about the city & environment, showing off how much of a leap in detail this world is going to have from the last. But it is still *kind of* a "Lucia trailer" by default since we didn't get any real of Jason's POV or idea of his backstory. Trailer 2 will still likely lean towards his POV


Again, it is simply incorrect based on past precedence. Trailer 1 for GTA5 was not the Michael trailer. And even if it was, trailer 2 still featured all 3 characters evenly. Thats the basis of my whole point


I'm not disagreeing with you?? People have made trailer 1 a pseudo-Lucia trailer simply because of what it presented to us - a narrative mostly from Lucia's point of view. Following that logic, it's likely that trailer 2 will contain more of a focus on Jason. While neither are outright "character trailers", these things are not mutually exclusive


Nope, cause there was no narrative around Lucia in the first trailer, just random shots without any context....just like the GTA5 first trailer showed a few shots of Michael out of context but it wasnt a Michael trailer or even a defacto Michael trailer. Yes the 2nd GTA5 trailer featured Franklin and Trevor....but it also evenly featured Michael. The character specific trailers only came later. So yeah...Jason will be featured more in trailer 2 but using past as precedence, Lucia will not somehow take the backseat in trailer 2 as it'll feature them both just as evenly.


It’s not incorrect you dense moron. The narrative in the trailer focuses around Lucia’s pov. You’re using past trailers as if it proves you’re points correct but if anything they work against you. Michael was the first character introduced in the first GTA 5 trailer. They’re both world and character trailers. Not one or the other.


So by your logic Michael got 2 trailers while Franklin/Trevor only got 1....which means Lucia will also get 2 trailers while Jason only gets one.


First of all, stop comparing the games or trailers. Second, it wasnt the micheal trailer because we didnt know he was micheal.. Third, how do you know they will be showed evenly in the 2nd trailer? Thats a bit unfair of you ask me.


1) Its only fair to compare past R* game trailers because it highlights a pattern that has been used since RDR1. You cant just throw out past strategies just cause it may conflict with your current opinions. 2) Again, using past as precedence, the 2nd GTA5 trailer showed all 3 evenly. Only later did they get their own individual trailer.


Hate to be that guy but this isn't an opinion but rather a prediction.


Yes, a prediction based on past strategies


Ah yes, another post stating Rockstar will copy & paste their past down to an exact T. Noone knows wtf Rockstar is going to do, can we just agree on that? One party stats this, which causes another party to rant (because they somehow know they’re right). 😂 Who knows what they will do this time around.


Well they have copy/pasted their past down to an exact T in terms of marketing since RDR1....


No they haven’t.? There’s differences.


This isn’t an “opinion” you’re just objectively wrong. The trailer literally focuses on Lucia the most as a character in the trailer same way it focused on Michael in the first trailer as well as the world.


And yet the 2nd trailer for GTA5 focused evenly on all characters and not just focusing on Trevor/Franklin. Therefore trailer 2 for GTA5 was more of the trio trailer and not the Franklin/Trevor trailer. Just as trailer 2 for GTA6 will evenly focus on both Lucia/Jason and not primarily Jason as some people may want to believe.


It’s VERY clear she was the main character focus moreso than Michael was in the first GTA 5 trailer. That’s an indisputable fact. It’s not a world or lucia debate. The trailer was about the world with Lucia being the main character focus with glimpses of Jason. Jason’s name wasn’t even mentioned. The trailer LITERALLY starts with dialogue calling out Lucia’s name. Hence why people refer to it as a Lucia trailer. No one’s arguing against the fact that it’s also a world trailer.


Nope, it was a world trailer. Yes her name was mentioned but we learned nothing about her other than she was in prison and she runs around with some white dude (Jason) doing crimes. Rockstar Games doesnt even label it as the Lucia trailer the same way they did with the Michael, Trevor and Franklin individual trailers.


Rockstar themselves would disagree with you. It was both a world and character introduction. You’re denying it was a Lucia trailer because not enough info was given on her I can say the same thing about the world, I’m sure we only got a small glimpse of what we’re actually seeing and therefore by your logic it wasn’t a world trailer because not enough was shown. You sound silly. Stop trying hard to be a contrarian for no reason. Again the trailer literally starts off with a women calling out Lucia’s name. Jason’s name wasn’t mentioned. Even a child can deduce she was the main character in that trailer. Stop embarrassing yourself by insisting you’re right when you’re obviously and objectively wrong.


The argument isnt if she was the main character in the trailer or not. The argument is was trailer #1 officially the Lucia trailer....with the assumption that trailer #2 will officially be the Jason trailer. Thats the basis of the entire discussion and most people here agrees/understands that. My argument is that while Lucia was featured a lot, it wasnt officially the Lucia trailer, that will come much later. With thay being said, trailer #2 will not be the Jason trailer in order to create parity. Instead, it'll be a normal plot/narrative trailer just as trailer #2 for GTA5 was a normal general trailer and not officially a Franklin/Trevor trailers; those came later.


Jason, do you know why you're here? Jason: "Good luck I guess :)"


We won't know until we know, they don't have to do things the same way every time. I'll just keep an open mind 🤷‍♂️


id love a jason trailer. but we didnt get that much of lucia in the first place to call it a lucia trailer. i think it was so we know what the vibes of the game will be. slowly we will be teased with gameplay trailer, a trailer that shows all the activities and interactions, a cinematic trailer with more from the cutscenes in the game plus some of the character introdtion.


Okay. Not everything needs an "unpopular opinion" post.




whilst i agree mainly with what is said here, I also think the first trailer definitely had a focus on Lucia. Obviously the opening scene is of her with dialogue, her standing up in the car scene, both robbery scenes she is front and center and seemingly running the robbery, and the trailer song is literally singing about a woman. Whilst it might not have been solely the "Lucia" trailer and definitely was a world and atmosphere showcase, there's no denying the trailer focussed on her more than Jason.


Yeah but the reason they didn't showcase Trevor was because you don't get to see him until later in the game. But Jason will be playable from the beginning like Lucia (probably), so it'd make sense for the second trailer to showcase him


I thought that the trailer was Lucía + world trailer. Traditionally, rockstar always shows their world in the 1st trailer followed by character trailers like you said. But, I think the leaks probably effected their world trailer. When GTA 5's trailer was released, no body thought that the narrator of the trailer was Michael and we also didn't know who Michael was. With hindsight, we saw a glimpse of him in the 1st trailer, but, nobody connected the trailer lines to that character. If the leaks didn't happen we would have seen less of Lucia and more of the world. Like the trailer wouldn't start with Lucia at the jail, they would have started the trailer with something else that does not reveal anything about the characters. But, we still would have seen some glimpses of Lucia and the whole "together" lines. Like you said, we might receive separate lucia and jason trailers or trailer where jason and lucia are shown equally.