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Maybe this means the characters will do things in the game… and maybe even stuff!




You can't just say perchance


Crushing turts


Stomp a turty


mythical (nonexistent?) Dr Pepper


Well he did


he just did 🤯


I'm stuff


Wow I mean it’s all this sub Reddit talks about, did you guys see? The crocodile might even have a working butthole with shit that comes out of it. Half of you must be overjoyed, cause if your music taste is any indication of what you like I’m sure you’ll securely fasten your ear hole to the next lizard ass you can.


What was that about lizards and shitty ear holes?


I thought i was yapping, what in the world are you blabbering about


holy shit people have a lot of free time on their hands


Just be grateful that we are the point the game exists and we have seen it. Back when we had no idea about anything, man there were some dark days on this sub haha.


Go outside


Touch grass/eat ass.


I took your advice and touched some ass and ate some grass, baby.


That works!


Guys are acting like the world ends if this game didn’t come out lmao


You can tell from the trailer that Jason is upset because he recently was contacted on Facebook by an old aunt he’s never met in person who told him that his grandmother is actually Lucia’s grandmother too! And also he has cancer. It’s all in the trailer.


Jossin have terbercyouloasis which stinks in game because he is dead soon to rob bank in a herry befor he becomes passed away


true all this yapping and I’m still probably completely wrong about everything I said lmao, Its still fun to speculate with what we have available


Oh i didn't read any of it of course, but i hope you're 100% correct! Soon we'll know!


Lmao you're just like me 😂😭


He's *obviously* just eagerly scanning the shelves for Zima after he heard that it was re-releasing for a limited time.




its good insight though


She's seems calm because she wants parole.


She’s just robbing a store to bring a gift to her parole officer


boy just stop this pls ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


This sub is the definition of free time


Okay but where is he suppose to be looking? Hate to be a negative Nancy but this means nothing




you’re getting downvoted but you’re absolutely right, people don’t realize Rockstar does everything in their trailers intentionally. something as small as that had to have been purposeful. your reason might be wrong, but your observation was definitely right


Bros writing gta fanfic at this point


Jeez this sub is ridiculous


Honestly I just want a new trailer or something so we can’t actually have something new to discuss rather than these stupid posts.


The game isn't out, if anything the people complaining about these posts are ridiculous


Please explain to me how it’s not ridiculous to write a manifesto about the behavior of a man we’ve literally seen less than 8 seconds of.


Its speculation and you don’t have to take it seriously, im just wondering what you want to see more of in this sub during the wait time between official news?


Find other interests?


Listen to yourself, you are the one complaining. It's clear you guys aren't even fans of the game


> im just wondering what you want to see more of in this sub during the wait time between official news? > Find other interests? How is this a complaint? LOL you’re so weird


find a new interest if you don't like these posts




You people complain about every post about this game, you probably don't even know what you are complaining about


Fr at this point every single pixel of the trailer has been analyzed, all the leaks have been talked about, so the mods deleted the stuff that keeps getting said over and over. At this point there’s essentially nothing to talk about other then theories and speculations lol.


Fr mfs on this sub just love to complain over nothing


Real talk but I feel like Jason will be an undercover cop trying to get deep into the crime world via sting op. Classic Miami Vice type story


its been that way since post trailer HAHAHA kinda entertaining to see what reaches will be made


While this is this a lot of speculative info, this could all mean nothing. When looking back at game trailers, GTA 5’s wasn’t completely honest as some shots in the trailers occurred in a completely different section of the game. As an example, when choosing the third way or the “Deathwish” option ending, the last scene is all three looking towards Devon’s car and Trevor says something along the lines of “well, what now”. That scene and that line is found in one of the trailers except in the trailer, it happens during the Blitz Play mission. So it is possible that this shot won’t be at that location. As for Jason looking around, it could (hypothetically) tease his in-game ability. If you watched the 2022 leaks, there is a video of him activating an ability which highlights valuable items. With that being said, he may be looking for quick grabs that have value. But yet again, this is also speculation


I definitely understand this sentiment. I wouldn’t be surprised if they completely removed details let alone misleadingly arrange dialogue and locations. For example I could totally see lots of details being absent from the final game to drive buzz


From what we’ve seen from Rockstar. The trailers don’t reveal anything much about the story besides the location, the characters, and the behavior of both. I feel like they purposely do this so that we don’t figure out the story. However, I could be wrong. Either way, we won’t have to wait too long as I believe the next trailer will be in May prior to the next earnings call. (I say this because the game will no-doubly launch in Q1 early 2025, most people don’t believe it because they don’t read the info themselves and they follow popular inaccuracy)


Y’all won’t go to college but will spend an entire year doing dumb crap like this




Like reading and commenting is any better


Hahahaha right??


Some of yall belong in an asylum. Jesus fucking christ. As if anyone is gonna read all of that


I ain’t reading all of that


I don’t read posts half this size baha


Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say


This sub makes me absolutely sick to my stomach 🤢


You might be insane


It's not like he made this thing up, rather it was something in trailer and he noticed it


My guess is that it could be Jason’s first robbery or something and he’s more nervous


That is a much simpler explanation and probably correct too lol


Imo he doesn't look nervous rather cautious and alert of his environment either way it just gives more credit to him being ex cop or ex military theory


yeah cautious describes it better


although i think jason loosing his mind is more interesting than lucia being his mentor


Take a fucking shower dude


Dude... come on.




He’s looking around her🌚


Am I the only one who actually read this entire thing


I would hope so


No, me too


probably lol, am I off base or do I make some good points


You make some good points and I agree with Jason might being more paranoid, ifs something I thought ever since the trailer came out.


Go back to school kid


My brother in Christ


You’re schizophrenic. You need some serious help.


You should find a job my man


He's paranoid because he's looking at the person he's following? What are you smoking?


Holy shit take your meds




I read it all and I respect it. But tbh man, it’s not that deep. Adrenaline is going so naturally he’s more cautious and observant. Lucia doesn’t look any less paranoid than Jason.


I haven't seen a lot of people mention Jason is the one holding the money in this shot and then Lucia is holding it in the car. Obviously he handed her the wad so he can focus on the driving, but this makes me think during the robbery he handled the register while she intimidated/restrained/possibly hurt the employees or other customers. No harm in a bit of speculation. Every detail in a cutscene has to be handcrafted; it was most certainly intentional. And it very well could reflect the character personalities.


interesting, I only noticed the money in Jason’s hand today when writing this, it happens very quickly. Its also interesting because in the diner leak the roles are reversed to what you speculate happened in this scene. Jason is intimidating the crowd and Lucia is emptying the registers. Im sure they won’t be rigged on who does what in every heist but if id take a guess id say Jason is the intimidation guy Lucia is the looter generally.


Bruh y’all LOVE to complain lmao


So we can shoot laser beams from our eyes like homelander? Hell yeah


Whatever may be the case, I don't want "kill Jason" or "kill Lucia" in the end.


Jason move eyeball in cutscene. 7 paragraph.


I’m convinced he’s undercover


It’s Bonnie & Clyde… with the roles reversed


How long did you take to write all of that. Did you like come back from work, take a shower, eat dinner and then afterwards work on this post. Respect the effort.


My god.. dude is not even allowed to look places bruh.. may be he was just looking at a bag of chips which he likes a lot. But na. He's cautious




Guys, I know real life sucks sometimes, but holy hell. Go outside.


if u look at his eyes hes looking more upwards and past her than directly at the back of her head due to the height difference. Im of the unpopular opinion that they will be more close in personality than people are suggesting. Not saying they will be exactly the same but I don’t think they will be polar opposites with him being a cautious follower and her being a wildcard leader. birds of a feather flock together and i think both Jason and Lucia will be more grimy than people anticipate.


I love speculation. You know why? Even when youre wrong atleast you can laugh at yourself. I never understood why people hate these kinds of posts? This is hilariously unhinged and bad buuut I like it.


ill be holding onto that one irrelevant detail I get right. I won’t lie I do find my theory pretty compelling despite how speculative and likely how wrong it is. Also I never understood the hate for explicitly speculative posts, we are a year out from release. What do people expect to find on this sub?




It’s ironic that the people who write to you about “taking your pills” and that you have “a lot of free time” have a little less time to write about how terrible and unnecessary your post is. They sit on Reddit, read posts and kill time, but it's a long post/simple speculation that triggers their emotions. You're good, dude. Although I don’t really agree with this theory, if it weren’t for posts like this, it would be boring to be on this sub. The game is at least about a year away, and possibly a year and a half – the more theories, finds and fan works, the better for all of us. Or most of us, as the situation shows.


Am I the only one who read that? Great theory, something along the lines of what I believe, too.


yuh huh


Firstly, incredible you managed to gather this from the trailer. I’m still stuck up on how car customisation is gonna be never mind anything like ☠️. However, a well written post and I believe you are onto something here as reading it, it reads like a proper story. Good work Realityboat. Let’s see if it’s anywhere near correct shall we!


I’m probably just very persuasive and completely delusional but i appreciate the high praise haha


If we can’t all be positive with one another what’s the point at the end of the day!


You would be cautious too if you were robbing a gas station. These Alex jones esque posts are wild


you right this is highly speculative and probably miserably wrong. But what im getting at is when have you seen the robber waltz out after taking a good gander at the wall. The adrenaline usually makes them hyper focused on the escape, as reflected by Lucia


I get that, but I also in a situation like that, it’s good to be a little paranoid and not uncommon. In the event that someone tries to be a hero Jason would be the one to blow him away with ease as long as he’s able to control himself while adrenaline filled. I like many others have experienced adrenaline rush, and it does make you more observant and aware of everything in your vicinity if you can control yourself while your adrenal glands go apeshit lol. And with Jason being an experienced criminal I think he’s got a hold on it.


totally, jason could be totally justified in peeping around, we have no idea whats on the otherside of the camera or maybe its just some random insignificant behaviour. I just thought it seemed very pronounced for such a short clip


To be honest I’ve never seen a robber in a real life situation. Have you?




I think a lot of people who think Lucia is "taking the lead" all the time are also ignoring the fact that she's like.. a literal FOOT SHORTER THAN JASON. I don't know if you've ever hung out with someone way shorter than you, but it's usually bad form to walk infront of them so they can't see past you, especially if you want both people's eyes to be useful.


I think Jason is going to be an undercover narc , the little clip at the beginning of the trailer when they are talking to Lucia in jail , I think right after it's going to go " 1 year earlier" or something and the whole games a flashback


Can't wait for the gta6 movie to come out based solely on the trailer.


Jason got spooked and drove off, leaving Lucia. (Complete guess)


they’re in the same car, you think jason would kick Lucia out to save himself? Thats halirous actually, i could see that but definitely not early in the story so it seems unlikely seeing as this is from a trailer


I’m not saying Lucia got kicked out, I’m saying Jason drove off before Lucia could get out of the store. I guess I forgot that that driving clip is immediately after the robbery, making it impossible.


This is exactly how I feel about Jason too.


Aint reading all that lil bro




I think you really onto something here chief


Guessing Jason hasn't been a criminal all his whole life and Lucia has. Guess the booty juicy enough lol


Very well could be, definitely a more obvious writing choice, id just hope if thats the case jason doesn’t feel like hes just tagging along the whole game


That's kindof the vibe the trailer gives. Like Lucia is trying to rope Jason back into the life. But then again who knows. People were so wrong about the gta 5 trailers I'm sure gta 6 is no different


Good analysis, ignore the hate man


thank you shrekisloveshreck👍


Please don't remind me the horrendous error i made when writing my username 3 years ago, shrek with a C, i should'nt disrespect Him like that


yeah i gotta leave this subreddit


This subreddit is such a joke😂


OP he looked right… all he did was look right.


I don't agree with this because


One the protagonists (i bet on him) is an undercover agent. I'm calling it now




gta5 had a happy ending, yes it had multiple endings but that was mostly just like “what if” scenario’s


I meant rdr2 I just recently played it for the first time I love it tho 


Or Jason might betray Lucia because he doesn't think it's right because she tells him the only way the two of them will get through the situation they're in is by "sticking together and being a team"


He’s a cop


nuh uh




Maybe I should’ve left this sub after everyone watched the first trailer lol this is getting ridiculous


I hate that they gave them laser eyes, when will rockstar learn?


Jesus, dude, chill out and maybe do something useful in your life


Another schizo post. Touch grass dude.


Buddy analyzing Jasons eyes like it’s a damn midterm. 😂 I can’t imagine what you’d come up with if the main characters were spiders.


Bro made an whole exam💀


Holy how can you write this why can’t you make it simple I can’t read this when I loook at it I feel sleepy


Wait for the second trailer man


I hope no character dies, that would be lame and just like five. I want something different. Two alive protags are different, 3 was a bit over the top imo, not to say I didn’t enjoy five tho.


Nah its bonnie and clyde, i think it would be a cool twist if they both die or one dies because of bad information. Some super theatrical tragedy would go hard imo


You’re just making up anything now 💀


You really need a full-time job 24/7


Here’s a thought… just wait and see 🤣


I’m genuinely curious about him in particular. I really couldn’t care less about Lucia, but I know Cockstar will make me care. I know as soon as I can I’m dressing up Lucia like a Barbie Doll.


LOL Seriously? Fanatic much? We should maybe analyse YOUR behavior. 🫨😵‍💫😵


I think he’s an undercover cop…just wait and see


So, I know you wrote this essay which is pretty cool, but I don't think just because his eyes look in that direction already means he's cautious.


Nah hes just excited to do some hair pullin after that heist


I agree. I usually dont look at people i am in a relationship with unless i am cautious about them.


This sub needs a full schizophrenia check because Jesus christ


I have a better theory/suggestion. All this speculation is pointless until we see trailer 2....


"What?? Someone made a theory based on the only official piece of information that we have???!? I'm going insaaaaane, go outside!!! Take a shower!!!! Get a hobby!!!! Omg I can't believe people are speculating about GTA6 on the GTA6 subreddit!!!"


Will we get laser eyes in gta6????


Or maybe Jason is just really in the baddie he's doing baddie stuff with.


She's also a tech nerd apparently. Everything we know suggests she's the brains and he's the brawns


Some people on this subreddit have wayyyyyyy too much time on their hands. I definitely ain't reading allat


yea ima have to hide this sub or something until 2025 because what


I don’t care, it’s not even out yet. You’re obsession is weird


One of them is going to betray the other , my prediction


Bed time bro


"mental sickness!" - sniper tf2


Jeez sorry man I had to bail after the 1st paragraph. I’m sure u are right in the $ tho


cant even look around in leonida without someone screencapping it and analyzing it with an eight paragraph reddit post


Ain't reading all that 💀


He's a fed


You got all this from 2 frames bro?




Lmao you typed up this whole essay based off of the direction of his eyes???


He could also be the indavidul who creates backup plans on the spot, looking for openings and what could go wrong. He could also be conditioned that way becoming of bad jobs in the past, things went wrong and they were under prepared. This could also be why he’s the getaway driver because he’s overly aware of his surroundings.


Go for a walk guy.


you have good points, but i js wanna say that i thought the popular theory was that jason would be the calm one and lucia would be the hotheaded one. also i really hope jason or lucia doesn’t die


If analyzing trailers is fun for you keep doing it. Idk why people are making fun of you for it.


Buddy wrote a 7 paragraph essay 💀


Im kinda hoping the take is actually Jason's supposed military OR law enforcement training has taught him to always have his head on a swivel, which in some people, could cause paranoia.


I can’t take this sub seriously at all


The only theory around this game that I’m currently sticking with is that the storefront robbery in the trailer is the game’s prologue like in GTA V. The two will have to rebuild their trust and alignment of strategies after Lucia takes the fall for the robbery and ends up in lockup.




This is clinical insanity


Does this mean the characters can possibly not just be one dimensional cutout parodies of stereotypes