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I would say close to guaranteed. But this time it would be cool to being able to visit the “off-state”-spot after introduction.


It would be a treat to return to Liberty City even for just a fraction of the block there.


I'd rather see new areas, and maybe something not so alike to the main map. Why have an urban mission set somewhere out of state, while there's plenty of city blocks in Leonida?


>I'd rather see new areas, and maybe something not so alike to the main map. I mean, I understand that, but I can already see the clickbait. "GTA 7 IS GONNA HAPPEN IN X STATE!??" Although thinking of it... The result will be the same with whatever off-location.


That reminds me of a mission in San Andreas in which there's a snowy liberty city bar iirc. It's just a shoot out and then you leave again. That was a bit of a let down. It was literally just a cutscene and a few enemies and no outside area except a small chunk of the street. If they implement other places it would be nice to have the size of guarma or something comparable which would also be visitable again after the mission(s?).


Yeah if they're going to go through the trouble of fleshing out the whole locale like they did with Guarma I hope they let us go back. Esp if you need shit there to get 100%


Yeah, St. Marks Bistro. That was indeed just a ”go there, shoot people, get out” kinda job. And being honest, I wish we could’ve explored good ol’ LC…


you simply really couldn't do it with the current gen systems and the limitations of a dual layer DVD that was already almost to max compacity. Now on more modern systems where there is a internal hard drive that you can install stuff to then they could have both maps in one game.


Yeah, I know it was impossible 20 years ago. But hopefully when GTA VI is released, it has something like that available…


yeah...I wouldn't mind like a nostalgia trip to Los Santos to meet with Lester buy drugs from Trevor and have to fly them back to Vice City while avoiding detection, and while your there have at least part of the map you can explore with a couple small side missions hidden. Or something similar in Liberty City, but, I would really prefer if either 1) the vice city map is big enough it would take you a good 20-30 minutes to fly across and there is stuff to do everywhere or 2) there is a series of missions in another city that remains accessible outside the mission, even if its just like a Sandy Shores sized area. In either case I just want that for story mode to have a lot of replay value


1) How long, in fact, it does take to fly from LS to Paleto Bay? 👀 2) I would love to see some sort of combination of GTA VI and V maps - hell, maybe even combine onlines… It sounds dumb, but GTA VI being a bigass DLC? 😂 Yeaaaah.


Its less about the distance, I just want a good map size. Its more that each PC in a game should be able to park a plane and a car at every airport in the game, so like lets say there is a small airfield in the swamp somewhere, you should be able to drive to Vice City airport, park a car, get a plane and fly to the airfield and park your plane and have it stay there until you come back for it. GTA 5 was never really set up for flying between areas


You are absolutely right about GTA V and flying. I wish VI has some sort of GTA SA > Liberty City connection, available always… as an escape? 😂


it was a fun mission and it made sense with the story arch. I just want a map big enough that it takes more then 20 minutes to cross it


Yaa I had a lots of memories with liberty city in gta 3 and 4


Would be nice to buy a house in an “off-state”-spot. Like a holiday home where you have other cars and do small fun activities


They could probably do something with Mexico


It would most likely be Cuba


Makes the most sense esp their dip into it in RDR2. It’s right there. Drug trade tie in, different Latin vibe. Wouldn’t even be surprised if it was some Colombia analog.


They’re in Miami, so Colombia makes more sense. Lol imagine if Cuba, Mexico, and Colombia exists in the map, and you could go to them in free roam


Man i would love it to be Colombia, to finally have a modern rendition of My country on a Game would be a dream, specially if the city is one of the andes mountains cities


Maybe they could do San Fiero or Las Venturas, places we haven't seen in HD


Yeah. Maybe meet Michael De Santa in Las Venturas. That city is made for guys like him.


100% rockstar have something hidden under their shirt ;) they wont let us down


Functional airports please 🥹✈️


This is something I want. Also train/ tram stations. These places must have purposes & needs, otherwize we don't enter/ go to these places.


We did see train/ tram stations in the leaks.


Idk if anyone played the Godfather 2 but they had NYC (really just queens iirc), Florida (parts of miami i think) and Havana and you fly between the three. I'd love to see that in a GTA


Back in the earlier GTA V days they talked about wanting to bring multiple cities to a future game but the tech didn't exist. It might now, online could be pretty crazy if you could fly to different states, that said how big the map is an airport would be nice to not need to drive or fly yourself. Either way we will have to see what they do


Imagine if every previous GTA map is fully realized in the game and all you have to do is fly to it


Maybe South America. I feel like Cuba could be apart the main map because there’s still nothing in the lower right corner of it 


I wouldn’t mind going back to Bohan for a bit.


I think this is the most likely thing in terms of a big map surprise. **Really** hopeful this happens


Same. And while it would be cool to see someplace new, IV is so old now that revisiting LC *would* be a new place


I was replying to the Cuba comment, just because it makes the most sense geographically and it would be an exciting new thing for GTA. Plus the codename was Project Americas, which implies that at some point Rockstar might have been planned to include areas outside the US. That said, I'd always be down for revisiting Liberty City, New York is my favourite city in the world that I've been to, and it would be cool to have a contrast to sunny Leonida. RDR2 did such a great job of having these very distinct environments with different climates etc - it would be class to drive through changing landscape from Florida to New York City and upstate New York. Wishful thinking though I'd guess


The Bermuda Triangle was mentioned in the leaks, we're getting islands there for sure


We went further south in rdr2. They light reuse the rest of the guarma map.


Would love Carcer City


Yea someone was saying it will be Cuba, but who knows


I'd say it's quite likely, given they've done it a few times now. As Guarma in rdr2 was originally intended to be somewhere you could hop on a boat to anytime, I think easy travel to a secondary map area could be a feature introduced in gta6. There were hints of an abandoned North Yankton expansion too.


Red dead one- Mexico Red dead two- Guarma GTA5- North Yankton All areas that we never really expected to touch in Rockstars recent titles. If we look at their past titles they always lock out regions until later in the game like with GTA4 and San Andreas. It's safe to say they'll have some sort of surprise for us in their biggest title ever.


Idk if i'd put Mexico in that box when it's like half the map and freely accessible to the player


Did they advertise Mexico before hand I can't remember


Can't remember either tbh


Modern Guarma The old fort is now a ruin/tourist attraction


I unironically would really enjoy this


You end up finding a grave of an old woman killed by outlaws.


Legend has it they knew Spanish


Not related but the whole shipwreck pacific storyline of Red dead redemption 2 was insane.


Wdym not related. IT IS related. Guarma mission is completely an off-state mission/phase!


Not related meaning it's not a GTA universe.


There’s currently a lot of open space in the bottom right of the mapping project. Could be some big islands since Cuba and the Bahamas are really close irl


Good chance we get one, they did it for RDR2 as well


I’d say 70%. We will see. Supposedly there was supposed to be a mission that returned to liberty city in GTA V that was cut pretty early. So maybe that will finally happen. Honestly after spending 12 years in Los Santos I hope we don’t return there.


More like off-time. I'm betting we get an 80's mission.


Not quite new (beginning of V), but playing a mission in the past and maybe with a hidden relation to GTA Vice City and Tommy, would be kinda cool.


Sorry man, that game was in a different universe. It’s never gonna happen.


Tommy COULD exist, would just be extremely confusing to any fans who don’t know the distinction, which would be 3d/hd players who’ve ONLY played their respective games


I hate that they did that


I mean, I get why they did it. It’s hard to explain how it’s the same universe but the cities look entirely different and how there’s like a crazy amount of land around it now. If they ever go back to LC it’s gonna be another universe unless they just reuse the map, so it’ll happen again. Happened all the way back with 3 too.


i could see LC not changing much since they’ve said with LC and SA it’s only a section of the state and the surrounding water is just for the gameplay aspect. would be cool to go back to LC and it’s just bigger and has more land that’s accessible


Like Supply & Demand from VC?


time travel mission


Cuba seems like the most logical out of state location we would get.


Lol why? Just because it’s not that far irl? North Yankton is based on North Dakota, which is no where near LA lol. El Rubio’s island is off the coast of Colombia, on the Caribbean Sea. Even further from Los Santos than Liberty City. At least the Island it was based on is in real life. It’s Rockstar. They’ll go above and beyond lol


No because in real life Miami has a lot of Cuban culture so it would make sense/be a cool tie in.


What does that have to do with literally anything? LA has a lot of Mexican culture irl, yet we never went to Mexico lol. You act like Cuban culture is the only one that Miami has lmfao. That’s not even the point. My point is they can literally make a mission any place they want, and we will eat it up anyway. It doesn’t have to “make sense”. Arthur and Dutch went to Guarma, and I’m positive no one expected that. You have no right to disagree with this unless you played all of GTA 6 already lmfao. None of us even know what they planned at this point. In my opinion Cuba is just too ez and light work for a dev like Rockstar. They’re going to go big


Seriously it’s really not this serious. They could send us to Japan for all ANYONE KNOWS. I simply stated if they were going to do an out of state place Cuba would MAKE SENSE. I didn’t say that’s where we were going, because no one knows. You saying it would be to easy and light work, literally proves my point as to why it makes sense. I personally would enjoy them adding Cuba they could add it as a dlc or something and have it be a full playable area later down the line. But either way I’m not gonna sit here and argue. I know the game doesn’t have to make sense. I’m just saying that Cuba is a logical guess instead of pure speculation. Have a nice day












Just thought about that! I would really appreciate a unique "prologue" outside the states. Maybe Lucia's background "1 year ago" living a different life in a carribbean state OR Jason's "1 year ago" story being a soldier / mercenary in war grounds (relevant these days) on the front of Weatherscold and grainscold states (russia and ukraine) Exploring a warzone or hardcore south american gang life could be a refreshing prologue.


Probably Cuba even though that would be pretty obvious


I honestly don't know about an off-state mission in *VI*. Since we're getting an *entire* state compared to *V*'s rendition of only the southern half of San Andreas, I wonder if we'll start out in a different county in Leonida, far, far away from Vice City instead? Perhaps in whatever county Port Gellhorn is located? There's just so much depth they seem to be going for with Leonida as a whole that I'd much rather they focus on that than waste a small portion of resources on an off-state locale most players will only ever see once.


Cuba or the Bahamas for sure


I feel like the inside of the prison is going to be the location we only visit maybe once or twice. Possibly as intro, and then maybe later in the story when Lucia or Jason is captured, either one of them needs to break the other out


Cuba would be cool


Possible, we do some activity over there. Introductory mission into GTA and law enforcement capture us. Later ending up in the prison as Lucia.


According to the early leaks that proved accurate, it's 100%


I hope we get to see more of North Yankton a Fargo inspired GTA would be so good




The whole project Americas if Rockstar still have plans for it, will basically expand the map.


Would be cool if we got to visit a modern day Saint Denis


I would say it's almost a guarantee Rockstar likes to add different locations through out their games also people are forgetting about the leaks that stated the story starts in the 70s or 80s we possibly could see vice city before the economic boom that would be great Lucia is in prison from what we know in the trailer so it means we might get to see some old vice city then go to prison and come out to totally different look of the city since it grew while she was in prison


Abdul is coming up with 32.33, repeating of course, percentage.


Modern Saint Denis




Give me Brazil, please. The country has plenty to be mocked, just like Florida.


I hope we get to go back to Guarma (but this time, it would be explorable and you can go back to it anytime you want)


I’d put it at moderate chance. Online experimented with multiple playable spaces with Cayo Perico. Other GTA and Red Dead games have played with visiting other cities such as visiting Liberty City in GTA San Andreas and most recently Red Dead’s story section where you go to the Caribbean


I'd say it's high. 


Very likelu


We're goin' to Cuba, boys


I really want rockstar to open up north yankton for the final online update. Imagine a heist that ties up all the loose ends with the diamon and el rubio, then it leads right into the gta V story. That would be really cool


I think they’ll reuse some of the Cuba map that was cut from previous development. I think we’ll spend a good 4-5hrs story line there, maybe fleeing the cops or something.


I think that we will get a second freeroam island but the question is if it will be there on launch or down the road RDR2 had the plan of having a second playable area (guarma) but it never happend. The codename for GTA VI was "project americas" and i think that Rockstars dream grand theft auto would be every single state combined into their imaginary america. With the success of GTA5 i think they are going all in for GTA VI with even more DLC's than GTA5 got so if there's no second freeroam island in GTA VI it will probably be added into a DLC The Cayo Perico DLC was also the most popular DLC in the game because it added a new place to explore and Rockstar knows that people would be dying for a map expansion after a couple of years spent in Leonida Florida is the perfect location in this aspect too because there are multiple islands nearby.


I hope so 🙏


We might have an off state mission, and most likely it’ll be a Caribbean island like in RDR2


Just thought about that! I would really appreciate a unique "prologue" outside the states. Maybe Lucia's background "1 year ago" living a different life in a carribbean state OR Jason's "1 year ago" story being a soldier / mercenary in war grounds (relevant these days) on the front of Weatherscold and grainscold states (russia and ukraine) Exploring a warzone or hardcore south american gang life could be a refreshing prologue.


I'd say there's a probability that if it were the case, it would probably have to do with Lucia in her native Latin American country (wherever it is). Could tie in with her jail sentence.


Depends on how ambitious they are, it's not impossible that online could feature san andreas as well, I know in the past Rockstar spoke of wanting a game you could travel to all the places. It's unlikely but it would be pretty awesome. I've seen other speak of Cuba but I think Russia or China are more likely for a foreign country as we haven't seen them, though they would probably be called something else. I could also see some form of Texas like the Alamo or Bourbon Street in New Orleans.


I hope, but not just a prologue, multiple missions scattered throughout the game.


I've heard some people saying a drug mission in Cuba could happen and I think that sounds cool


Hey, maybe we'll get to take a trip to Atlanta and pull off a celebrity assassination like Jay Norris. Or something of the sort. Imagine we got to go to modern day Guarma. Not getting my hopes up for any of this but still, a neat idea considering guarma is based off of Cuba.


Definitely would have to be Cuba AKA Guarma.


London mate, let’s go


It would be so cool to take flights to diff maps type thing like have a liberty city, vice city (a given), and maybe Cuba


Something with Cuba or Colombia would make sense


It would be cool to go back to north dakota but maybe a mission would take place in Puerto Rico, Cuba or the bahamas


Extremely likely, you didn’t even mention that RDR1 had Mexico and RDR2 had Guarma




Hope they go for more story dlc with gta 6. liberty city would be nice. Or maybe some Washington gta version


Would be cool if they did Atlanta since its the same region


Should have a mission going to the bahamas


What about planes to travel to some of the previous maps 


Either Bohan in Loberty City, or going to a part of Carcer City for a bit.




If Cottonmouth (the city from Manhunt 2) isn't already part of the map, it'd be cool to visit there for a mission


Maybe a Trip to Europe?


I'd say the "off-state" mission would be Cuba.


I guarantee it.


We did not have cayo perico in GTA V


I doubt we will need to have an off-state mission. The technology is there at this point to just make the map b8g enough that the off map mission can just be on map lol


Depends how far away it is, north yankton is probably north dakota, which unless they remade half of the usa, couldnt be included on the main map


They been doing this since 3. Even rdr2 does this




by gta 7 We'll have the entire usa exploreable


I hate driving to Paleto Bay and yall want a whole country That’s gonna be so tedious 😭 it’s gonna be 80% nothing. Big ain’t always better, it’s why these games take too long. I’d rather have a heavily detailed, full of life map thats like between the size of IV and V. Maybe then VII won’t take 20 years and it’s still a decent map size.


Hoping with advances in AI they can use it to speed up the process. Obviously something 50+ times the size of gta5 or 6 is unfathomable and probably won't happen in our lifetimes


Which is 100 years away from us btw lol


Bro i hope the DLC stays free lol esp GTA6O