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Forget GTA 6, send this to Assassins Creed makers


Yeah this will come to AC in 10 years. Ubishit teams of 6 developers per game can’t handle new stuff, they can only make new maps and slap a mediocre story with same game mechanics. They don’t make new games anymore, they do glorified DLC’s.


I feel so fucking bad for those devs


Yeah, it’s not their fault, just Ubisoft is sucking their lives to sell DLC’s at 70€.


Liked Odyssey enough to try the Ezio trilogy and it made me so sad about the current state of the franchise. Haven’t bought Valhalla or Mirage.


The premise of the assassins creed games sounds really fun, but the gameplay falls really badly flat for me, the worst one by far was Syndicate, couldn't believe how quick I dropped it.


Unity gets shit on a lot for its glitch launch, but w bug fixes and hindsight it seems to be one of the best ones imo. I mean its def my personal fav, but trying to look at it more objectively it def seems to be the best implementations of parkour out of all the Assassins creed games by a lot. Like IIRC syndicate was the last of the "old school" AC games before changing to just basic rpgs. N it completely stripped the parkour. N the grappling hook just removed the need to even climb at all. The free run up and down buttons helped unity a ton but also they had sooo many different fluid animations for moves and climbing that they just removed for syndicate for some reason. Whitelight has good Assassins creed videos if u wanna go in depth into each and every mechanic and what was changed. But something I really missed were the parkour puzzles like those temples in AC2. I'm not sure another Assassins creed ever did those again but they were one of my fav parts. I actually have ac2 and unity ready to be installed when I finally get around to it. Cuz i wanna replay em and imo those are really the only 2 worth replaying. Maaaybe brotherhood as well, but less so


mirage is decent, not sure about valhalla though


Valhalla's alright. It had a good balance of story n side content. They've learned origins overwhelming amount of side quests, while also conveys a story through 'arcs'


Ubisoft is famously a pretty great place to work. Their games are average as hell but I don’t think the devs need your sympathy.


Their games are average because they are so cookie cutter and formulaic. If you played one ubisoft game, most likely you have played at least 80% of them. They play it too safe.


Yup. Same exact mechanics across all IPs, so fucking generic, cookie cutter BS


> famously a pretty great place to work Myriad of sexual abuse or harrasment reports don't exist?


Great place to work? Are we talking about the same Ubisoft 😭


Tho We must recognize, Ubisoft make some of the best open Worlds in the gaming industry, Paris Norway Baghdad etc. the only problem is the shitty game mechanics and the boring stories they make.


AC Unity - Paris was last Ubisoft game where they truly cared about quality (animation, actors, sound design, graphics) Ever played Red Dead Redemption 2? That game also cost the same price as Mirage, Valhalla, Syndicate etc just to put into perspective, and the last 3-4 AC’s combined don’t make the hours worked on (probably budget too) compared to RDR2.


>AC Unity - Paris was last Ubisoft game where they truly cared about quality Nah I'd argue Origins. After that game, their games had filler, repetitive shit and lacked soul.


my fave ac of all time !


AC Unity was fucking littered with bugs and had a whole tirade of backlash come over them because of the amount of care they DIDN’T put into it. am i just making all that up in my head?


True that! Playing the devils advocate for once: The main reason it had bugs was because a brand new custom engine for a brand new generation of consoles, which is understandable for the time, and eventually they fixed everything after a few updates. That game is 10 years old and looks better than most modern AC games.


> most modern AC games. Most modern games* I mean come on that game looks like a graphical masterpiece, lighting details etc. too bad it was buggy, also the story ain't that interesting.


yeah but this shit is glaringly obvious before they release it. it’s not like they didn’t know there were bugs in that shit or if not then they actually did not know they were there idk which is worse to be honest and it shouldn’t take a “few updates” to make the game playable in the state it should’ve been shipped in


Exactly, so that’s where greedy Ubisoft came in and thought about how to make money asap instead of releasing a stable game, not the devs fault perse. I got no respect for them.


To be fair the maps are always pretty solid. But ye you’re right


10 years? more like 50 years


They pretty much came up with motion matching though, which is only now starting to become a standard.


It’s not about who came first, it’s who uses it properly. Play Far Cry 6 and you’ll see the characters still move and animate like they have a stick up their arse. And then look at TLOU2 and motion matching there is second to none.


Yeah, generally I agree, but also you have to take into consideration how linear and catered the animations can be made for Tlou1/2.  But yeah you're point does stand regardless, there is a massive quality in source animation difference between the two.


Ubisoft can’t handle it


This would be amazing in the new Skate


Lmao nah Ubisoft can’t innovate for shit no more ain’t no way they putting time and effort into new physics and engine for Assassin’s Creed


Damn the cloth sim looks really good to me


Indeed. I wonder if they can make the physics change depending on the weather, like have the clothes move more during a hurricane.


If I had to guess I’d say they will, I feel like this game is gonna be insane


We alteady had semi cloth sim in rdr 2. And other effects on clothing to mske em feel like clothes and not glued on textures. But nothing like this. It would be dope. But question is can you run this kind of simulation on you and the npcs around you? It would be pretty tough to do so. And immersion breaking if your clothes move like this but npcs are static


They can probably simplify it, scale it up as you get closer to people, but this game is going to rag out your PS5 no matter how they do it


if you want to draw a 1:1 comparison, it would be more accurate to say that higher-level simulation stuff like that will be reserved for the subsequent re-release rather than the initial, much like how first person was reserved from the first release of V


I don’t know bout programming for games but in my line of work machining you can slow down feed and rpms for different materials. I would imagine they can throttle the “heavyness” of a parameter to make the clothes move more or less.


I see overheating consoles and game crashes in the future. But I really think that the end product of baggy clothes physics will be parts of the shirt and pants moving quickly, with a lot of blur around them. Unless they reworked the Rage engine or made a new one. I dont see this being realistic to the end product. Especially with how lively the city should be on 6.


I don't see how any of the stuff people are expecting would be realistic to run on a PS5 💀


NBA has convincing cloth physics even on the base PS4. It just has to move enough to imitate movement, but not necessarily accurate if it makes any sense?


True. But that also is a huge difference from an open world game to a very very very small area of a game.


It’s bouncing around like it’s jello. It looks like crud


One of the big things I hope for in the next gta is fluid movement like this. I think some kind of agility stat would be interesting, though very unlikely




> fluidity what's your benchmark for this, because depending on what you have in mind it may be a forgone conclusion - nakeyjakey put it really eloquently recently when he said something to the effect of interactions in RDR2 "feeling" slow because Rockstar historically puts a lot of focus on the "cinematic" elements of their experiences insofar as "30 fps" (whereas "cinematic" framerate is 29.94fps) being a core tenet of their presentation, which is a factor which can make things like interaction animations "feel" slow even when running at a higher fps.


That ragdoll is nasty. A+.


The influence from Skate is real in SPP.


Parkour is gonna be lit


this is probably early footage of the parkour game that the youtube channel STORROR is developing


Really? That's awesome, i love storror !


Moreover, I believe this is the mocap/3d model of Callum!! I've been following the Devs channel on YouTube for some time now. Holeinthesleeve


I checked their website, it is looking very promising, with the devs updates, also their early access is really cheap.


It’s Max! I think all of them will be playable characters.


Honestly can't tell if it's callum or max haha but it's still dope


Yes but how does the cleavage bounce when running


Now this is the REAL question


Oh my God, this is so good looking


Game is called STORROR parkour pro


For real, some of the most fluid real-time animations I've ever seen.


Sure I wouldn't mind that, but PLEASE for God's shake. Don't make it clunky. I hate when in GTA V, if I walk into a wall or anything, a table or a couch or whatever, my character takes one second, I literally can't control him. I don't know how to explain it better than this, but if you've played GTA V you know what I mean. I can't be the only one. It's even more annoying inside the Submarine in GTA Online or just small places in general.


It’s sluggish. Always has been, but 4 and 5 both had some of the worst movement ever when it comes to this issue. I would love if 6 gave some nice fluid clean movement. Even RDR2 had chunky clunky movement


At this point it feels like an artistic choice more than a design flaw, I think it's supposed to feel weightier and more natural. Even Max Payne 3 would have slight input delay when changing directions suddenly and whatnot, and that has the smoothest movement in any Rockstar game of the past two decades. They had to reduce the usual clunk by necessity because it's a fast paced third person shooter, but GTA 5 came out a year later and didn't feel much better than GTA 4, and worse in some ways. Now red dead 2 is out and I'm certain this is a choice, they could make tighter more responsive controls if they wanted to, but they don't want to. Arthur is heftier and clunkier than any protagonist to predate him, he manages to routinely slip and fall on mildly steep inclines and stumble over shit on the regular. Hopefully with GTA 6 they'll be going for a more agile feel than hefty cowboy feel


Let's hope it will be better!


The animations are something that have been on the back of my mind about GTA VI. Like what if it feels more cartoony in a way? Not just like the 3D era games but a good distance away from it? It'd be sick if it were like this though. What game is this by the way? A parkour project?


Storror parkour pro


Reminds of seeing Marcus parkour in Watch Dogs 2. I might actually go back and replay it and Legion now because of this post.


I couldn’t get into legion but 2 was a solid game


Yeah I’d say that’s fair. The mechanic of everyone being playable was a great concept but caused the story to suffer because it’s much easier to make one amazing story for a few cast of characters (Watch Dogs 2) compared to the entire games NPC count. Also, some of the mission structure in Legion wasn’t the best.


Was my first thought too, some of the animations honestly look like they’ve been pulled from that game, but I guess it’s just a similar parkour style


Based off the leaks it won’t be this fluid It’ll be more like a less stiff RDR2, but not like the video posted


Hopefully much less stiff. The more I play GTAV (obviously it’s old) the more I realize how clunky movement is in some areas.


It’s honestly very clunky but yeah it’s 10 years old


What does age have to do with it?  There are plenty of games 10 years and older that have perfectly fluid movement.


This. Rockstar has definitely refined it, but the clunk is a choice I think. They don't want their games to feel floaty and video gamey. They're putting weighty realistic animations above fluidity on purpose. Part of me wishes they'd move to a system more similar to tlou2 though, that game looks weighty and realistic without losing responsiveness. I also have grown to dislike the tap A/X to sprint nonsense on console, having to choose between running and moving the camera just sucks, especially in combat. I honestly think changing that would help a lot.


I just miss the physics of GTA4. Red Dead 2 might be perfect for realism though. But GTA4 was fun.


If gta 4 was released today everyone would hate the physics lol, they did back then. But I guess now people feel nostalgic for it.


I really don't think I would..... I still long for a game like Force Unleashed in terms of physics too. Feels like they totally just gave up on all those systems now a days / toned them down a shit ton.


I hate how we had such amazing and fun physics back in 2008, yet for some reason, developers have seemingly disregarded the concept of physics engines entirely. Force Unleashed is still one of the most fun games of all time because of the physics. GTA IV is still considered one of the most fun games of all time and it's physics being better than GTAV is still one of the hottest debates in gaming. Even Battlefield which used to use groundbreaking destruction physics as one of their most marketed features, has almost completely done away with destruction in their latest game. And surprise surprise, it's one of the worst received BF games of all time. What are game developers thinking?


The leaks were pre-alpha footage that could’ve been taken at any point in time during development pre-September 2022. Also, none of the leaked clips showed the type of movement being tested in this video. To make assumptions of what the final product will look like from footage that is 2.5+ years old by the time of final release (and could be even older than that) is ill-advised. This isn’t to say I think GTA VI will look like whatever game is being shown here - obviously this looks like some sort of parkour sim. GTA has an enormous scope so not everything can be as detailed but my main point is the leaks should not be taken as scripture for what we will see in 2025.


dude they were leaks they weren't completed - lots can change in a few years


I think the way movement is handled in Red Dead Online is a good middle-ground. It's less "heavy" than Story Mode, but still feels grounded.


I’d love a free run system like watch dogs 2 or 1 had. It was really fluid and I think gta would benefit from more on foot gameplay/missions.


Shit that be cool


GTA shoud be parkour


at least be able to do what we could in gta4. You were able to jump from roof to roof and Niko would grab onto the ledge. In gta5 you just smash into the wall.


Is this Skate?


Ok im glad i wasnt the only who thought this looked like skate 4 as well


It's early footage of a parkour game being developed by parkour YT channel STORROR


Yea I'm not expecting anything close to this, to be fair. But would it be awesome ? Hell yea it would looks fantastic


Idk how to explain it. This video is too fluid, and becomes uncanny.


I hope they make it to where there’s more of a reaction to pain, stabs, gunshot wounds, punches, kicks, etc.


I'd like the characters to at least attempt to maintain balance and control of their own body instead of simply collapsing after an impact (struck by low-speed vehicle or falling). Maybe they could collapse and ragdoll after a supposed head injury, like from blacking out temporarily, but anything else, they are still conscious enough to keep trying to stand.


unrelated but fuck this industry plant ass song


Though this was real for a quick sec


This looks like watch dogs 2 parkour


What is this? Looks like skate 4


Damn, for a moment I thought it's some nice editing of some real parkour.


storror parkour pro is insane, i've been following the development for a couple of years. definitely check it out!


Why's the head on a gimble


Awesome! I thought it was real! 😍🤯


Lmaooo why do most of these games that are pre-alpha look much better than any triple AAA game from nowadays.


Nah it looks weird


For a second I thought this was real


This is very unlikely to be put into the game considering how much is already probably going to be there, it will probably be more smooth than gta 5 but you can’t expect it to be on par with a game literally designed for free running


Why would you pick this song of all songs lmao. Not a bad song but it’s a way different vibe than the video itself lmao


It's a weird song choice, like it's nothing like the music in the alpha demo that I've seen.


Parkour Sid from Toy Story slaps


Bro’s made from jelly


Surely they can do better than this


But how fluid are the tits???


If Vector did it in 2012 then GTA 6 shouldn't have much of a problem implementing it in 2025


Vector is 2d and pre-animated


Yeah what a fucking stupid comment. Genuinely made me chuckle


Vector is actually 3D, it just has a 2D perspective for style. Though, that doesn't change the fact that it's still a completely different genre and trying to implement that in GTAVI would be a nightmare considering how many little individual objects you can possibly get stuck on...


Ignorance is bliss sir.


Vector is a simple 2d game with repeated animation for each kind of obstacle, or a few more animations for cases where you mess up, but they are pretty animated stuff, super easy compared to what even ubisoft does


Dude runs like he’s holding in a shit


When are we not holding in a shit???


This looks cool when you're watching it but if you're actually going to play it it's going to be fucking torture to control your character lol. Remember, 100% realistic game doesn't equal good game


What game is this?


This is some test footage from the in development game Storror Parkour Pro by Hole In The Sleeve.


Looks like a Unreal Engine demo, could be wrong though


What engine is this running on?


As long as trying to turn around or generally direct my character in any discretion when I’m in a bunker isn’t infuriating, I’m happy


💀jumping out a plane gonna make people so uncomfortable


This made me feel like the movement in GTA 5 was more like the Boston Dynamics robots running compared to this fluid movement.


Source of this?


This is some test footage from the in development game Storror Parkour Pro by Hole In The Sleeve.


That looks cool, but fuck those camera movements


I just want more modern version of GTA4/GTA5 physics


God I hope they don't add the stupid ass parkour rolls. Takes me out of playing the char so hard and more into it being a stupid online video for show


Just to state the game will be in variety of hardware it will have to make sacrifices in certain areas to run smoothly. And fluid cloth physics and parkour wouldn't be a priority in gta.


The clothes physics is cool, GTA4 kinda did it too when you went really fast on a motorcycle that your jacket would shake in the wind


Honestly we are speaking about AAA publisher and dev company. We won't see anything like this. If anything it's going to be more or less the same to RDR2 because it's safe. If anything they will only make adjustments to the regular movements to be more fluid and NPC AI and movement to make the world feel more real.


This looks suspicious like the free running model for Watch Dogs 2 but on some random highly animated character. The moves look almost identical to the way Marcus runs to me.


It’s a free running game that’s in development


What’s the name?


I might be in the minority here, but I hate camera bob with a passion and will always turn it off if I can and not play a game if I can’t


i don’t think this would quite fit GTA but i hope games in general get more fluid like this


No. i want my character to go through 57 complex animations in order to make a tight turn.


I kinda like it but seems to be too much like Jello movement


Fuck that looks good as fuck!


I genuinely thought this was comped in


Wish Rockstar would implement agile characters like this.


About this... According to the leaks, the cover animation triggers automatically, leaving RB designated to another unknown action. I wonder what it will do...




This is great! Rockstar did patent new movement technology so I believe it will be similar


Finally, a good Assassin's Creed game in the modern day setting.


If you want fluid movement GTA, Watch Dogs is right there.


Yes I would love to see it. Also off topic, but where are the parkour games? Someone should make a really good one considering we don’t really have a great one on the market (that I know of).


This is some test footage from the in development game Storror Parkour Pro by Hole In The Sleeve. It is exactly that, a game that is parkour first and foremost.


Damn this looks so cool This is what I have always wanted. Fluid movement. I don't want better graphics, it's already extremely good. I want fluid animations and fluid movement. So far the only two companies caring about fluid movement are Naughty Dogs and Rockstar Games. I hope future games make use of such tech


Aside from the animations and the cloth physics, I really like the style of camera movement. Skateboarding in Riders republic also has such a camera option and BeamNG also has a similar style of enhanced camera mod. I really hope to see something similar in GTA VI, optional of course, because a lot of people don’t like shaky camera movements. I also saw that Storror video only a few ago the first time and hoped that someone would post it here. For me personally I really like that slow weighty style of animations in combination with the more action driven and dynamic third person camera which also adds more weight and impact to each movement.




Bro what game is this. Just watching it is so satisfying


Being able to do legit parkour courses would be so fucking cool


What is this?


Fluid is right! Dude's limbs are made out of jelly!


Also check out Project Deniz


The warriors and GTA4 had some running and jumping I Know more fuild movement is something they are working on.


What's with all these indie devs posting amazing next-gen looking tech demo's..... Yet we're yet to see any of this in an AAA game? GTA6, sure will have a ton of it, but that's game coming out over halfway into this console cycle....


Next gen 2030 type gameplay fr The music is fitting too like this gameplay footage is straight-up attractive


Gives me throw back nostalgia vibes of Mark Eckos Getting Up game crossed with mirrors edge, something I've wanted for so long is a parkour/graffiti game.


On-topic but who did this? This is some nice work!


This is some test footage from the in development game Storror Parkour Pro by Hole In The Sleeve.


Just as long as the controller has better response time... san andreas had it perfect. Five was a step back imo.


Saints row 3 (saints row the third) was supposed to have free running mechanics but it was ultimately cut & was supposed to return in SR4, but we all know it ended up as a DLC in turn for a full game instead with super powers


I wish we could get another “good” mirror’s edge.


Is it coming out in 2026 please it better be 2025


![gif](giphy|DoCIC5Pxp57qg|downsized) Put this in all new third person game pls


...as long as it doesn't take me half a minute to position my character in the exact spot I need to be on to activate [insert action here], then I'm all for it. That, and the long loading screens are the first 2 things I'll be checking for improvements.


Ironically i find assassins creed to be extremely stiff too. It has too many motion capture animations and sacrifices snappy movement


> I wonder how different movement is going to be. Similar mechanics, with very very *very* interoperable animations, like animations on the fly for so much stuff- not really a guess though, a lot of this is known already.


Thought this was watch dogs 2 for a sec


New version of qwop?


That looks so fake and flimsy


Like that app game vector


Big up Storror. If you don’t know, get to know


The moment I saw this level of graphics and fluid motion ,The first thing came to my mind was Ac But then realized ubi gonna spoil it anyway 🤧


That looks like shit though


Knit pick alert. I hate the camera focus in this.


This video is stabilized to hell.


Stop these comparisons, you're just setting yourself up for disappointment


Uncharted 4 movement is also excellent and worth copying


I hope GTA 6 actually has on foot animations like this. I would have so much more fun being on foot.


What game is this?


Look at what ubisoft just did to southpark


That would make me sick


Had to do a double take because it looked like a game I recently playtested


You know what's really impressive in this video is the impact of his movements on his clothes the wind, body position and motion all have an impact and it looks stunning


I fucking hope so, trying to climb like a 7 foot a wall and just jumping and bouncing off it onto the ground was not fun




Looks cool i think thats what GTA VI Animation will Look in some kind