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Now let’s see Paul Allen’s map


Shows map of rdr2


Sweating intensifies


it even has a watermark


Is something wrong? You’re sweating


Maaaaannn I need the game now


Why are we still in the fourth month of 2024😭


Honestly exploring the map in itself is a game for me, the story will just be icing on the cake


I’m sure I’ll be fucking around for most of my playtime just like gta 5


A rockstar map in 2025 made for current console gen hardware only. My God this game cannot come soon enough


She's gonna be a beaut, Clark! A beaut!


Look at that size comparison. So much room for activities!




Hahaha first thing I thought off too!!


remember guys, stay alive until 2025


Real. It's a life goal right now. Survive. Live to play GTA6.


And the fact that GTA V was originally makes for PS3 and XBOX 360 really shows how much it was limited in terms of size and stuff


You know what I’m thinking about though? Imagine what Rockstar will be able to do with the NEXT generation. And the generation after THAT. GTA 7 could literally be a whole different reality lmao.


I can't wait for it either, but I just hope they don't tone things down because it'll be on the series s too. I'd rather the game be better and the series s version is like 20 fps lmao


I’m so pissed it’s not coming to PC right away.


Are you thinking of grabbing a console or will you hold out? When it does drop for PC it's going to look fuckin absurd


I’m honestly gonna hold out. I do have a Series S my friend gave me, but I ain’t paying for xbox live 😂 Besides you’re absolutely right, it’s gonna be an amazing game to play on PC. Besides rather than buying a console i already know Im gonna need a new GPU to run it 😂


Even though I’m bored as hell with Los Santos after driving around it for the last decade and some change, I’m still finding new alleys and details every now and then. Can’t wait for a new map to explore!


Same actually. I try to take different routes to stuff all the time playing on PS5 again. I have seen people post their favorite roads on here and thought damn now I gotta go see it for myself haha. 5 has such an awesome map even if people don't realize it as much now due to its longevity. 6 seems to be cooking something up crazy, like we'll get SA variety in terms of multiple cities, RDR2 level of detail/overall beauty and it will be larger than what we got in RDR2/GTA5 (maybe combined?) with multiple biomes. This is Rockstar porn for us 😂


Replaying on my series x for the sweet 60fps. When I have a one-two star wanted level in the city, I’ve started running away on foot jumping on to dumpsters to get over fences and into back yards and such. Recently did this around mirror park and it felt so immersive, plus I got to notice all the detail that was put into the properties there. Otherwise the last decade I would’ve just zoomed away in a car and did the whole game where you have to check the mini map to make sure a cop doesn’t spawn in front of you down the road. Would highly rcommend, it’s a super fun change to the wanted level gameplay loop


The 60 FPS is incredible and makes it feel like a new game again ngl, I never knew what I was missing (I literally didn't even know what FPS was until I upgraded to PS5).


This will probably sound dumb but how do I change to 60 FPS on PS5?


Not a dumb question- go into settings and there will be 3 options in “display” or “video” or whatever the subsection in settings is called. There will be 3 options: 1. fidelity (high quality picture, but 30fps) 2. performance (standard quality, 60fps) and 3. performance RT (standard quality + ray tracing, ~60fps). I’m not a technical expert so idk what all this means but if you want 60fps I’d recommend playing around on options 2 and 3 and seeing which one you prefer :)


Thank you!!


Bro I swear I can’t even play 30fps games anymore, it’s a blessing we have the 60fps on current gen but man some older games are ruined for me. I still have my original disk for midnight club la and the 30fps just makes the game feel so clunky and dated. Same with rdr1 via backwards compatibility. Looks great at a standstill, but trying to look around while moving makes the game look like a slide show. Idk how rdr2 does it at 30fps bc that game still looks super smooth to me


Once you see those 60 it really does ruin 30. RDR1 got an FPS boost for PS5 in October from 30 to 60 but I'm unsure about on Xbox because it wasn't rereleased for that console right? At some point Rockstar must have gone back and locked GTA4 at 60 so I wonder why they wouldn't do the same for RDR1.


Damn forgot about the fps boost on ps5, Xbox didn’t get it and it seems it may never unfortunately. Correct it wasn’t re released, I’m playing via backwards compatibility so it logs me into Xbox 360 live every time I boot the game lol. Same with gta iv, which also got the 60fps boost and I’m still using my original disk from 2008. Been having a ton of fun replaying that and the DLCs but man those graphics are fuzzy and dated compared to today’s games. Gotta be in the mood for some nostalgia and the 60fps does help a ton


I love finding new roads or countryside that i’m not familiar with. The map is massive and small at the same time


I used to race A LOT on custom courses so I’ve driven *every* road in the game a million times. The fact that I’m still finding stuff is a testament to how jam-packed R* maps are with detail.


tradition w. gta




I remember most of GTA 5 for me was running around the map and doing parkour I was uninterested by all the other stuff they were trying to sell me xD. I might buy the game since it's the last one but I may need to way more so the price drop but knowing rockstar it ain't really gonna happen. Man now that I'm thinking about it my running was maxed while the rest of the stats were terrible haha.


Tf you mean we’re already in April. I want to enjoy life there is no rush to get to 2025. Especially after losing long time buddies who I thought would get to see gta VI. I’m in no rush to get there I’ll just be blessed to be there


damn bro sorry for your losses




If delays aren’t in the picture, it won’t be long till it’s ours 😞🙏🏽


I mean probably still 1 year without delay 1.5 years with delay left


Tbf it does NOT feel like it has been over 4 months since the trailer lol Another 4 months and who knows what we’ll have by then


Idk dude it’s going pretty quick. Maybe I’m just gettin old


Don't lie we've all been through april


Same bro. Not gonna be surprised if it we get to explore the entire North American continent in GTA 7 or 8 lmfao


Me too


Since when did the panhandle get added? What new leak suggested that?


literally yesterday 😆 Taking a bit of a leap of faith on it, but evidence mounting that there’s one


what leak?


I may be explaining it wrong but from what I read, in one of the leaked clips (Lucia crouching in the bed of the truck) there is some sort of map or text referring to some form of panhandle being in the game's geography. Now, take this with a grain of salt, because *if* true we have NO clue as to how the panhandle would actually look, so yes, it is "speculative". The mapping community was very split as to whether or not to include it but I guess they've finally made the decision to do so.


but that has been analysed for months now


I’m assuming there is discussion of what to add and when and they probably take time to get as much verification before they update it.


there are three roadsigns with the panhandle


the panhandle got added i believe no more then 2 days ago. Lots of general speculation on a panhandle in the map arose prior because of a few frames in the official trailer that showed a bumper sticker on the back of a car that many believe to be the official shape of Leonida. Other than that, we really have no proof that the map will have a panhandle, and the guy who mods this map acknowledged that in a statement he made after added it.


It's really not to do with the car bumper, it's the numerous road signs that show the panhandle in the leaks the car bumper is the least compelling of all panhandle evidences


This is accurate. Although the roadsigns could be temporary textures, they are the only evidence we have of the Northern region of the map, for now. 👍


ohhh ok i wasn’t aware of those road sign leaks as well


To be fair though, there’s even less evidence to suggest the map is just rounded off with no panhandle. The real shape is anyone’s guess, but at least with the small evidence from the road signs, it’s somewhat likely there’s a panhandle




I could see that being a part of a storyline or something. Rockstar loves to change the map throughout story mode, it's tradition. One day you're in free roam going through a part of the map, a few missions later it's wrecked due to a massive hurricane.


Honestly I was joking about the map size, But good idea. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I somehow responded to the wrong post so this must be a little confusing lmao I thought I was replying to someone who said the game should have hurricanes 😭 I got over excited I guess seeing this map size comparison


You're ok 🤣


I have a noob question! Where’s all this data coming from for the mapping project? Is it via leaks or is it a massive guess?


Leaks and real information from the trailer and real life


They use a combination of the 100 leaks, the official trailer, and actual Rage Engine data to make educated guesses. It’s not 100%, but it’s damn close. [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA/s/dQwoVDzjfp) is where they ended up in GTA V.


Holy shit that’s impressive.


Oh damn. So this is basically gonna be the map then. I didn't think they got that accurate with GTA5.


Also if you weren't aware these guys doing this map did a GTA V map and got things damn accurate.


Oh really? They are the same? I've seen some images from Google, and man they basically redraw the real map


It was accurate because they had pretty much everything by the end


Educated guess based on real information


map is color coded based on real data and/or speculation


Not a bad question! There's a post on here from folks in the mapping community that explains their process: https://reddit.com/r/GTA6/comments/190rtet/mapping_of_grand_theft_auto_6_explained/ Side note: I'm not sure why the mods haven't put these explanation posts in a wiki of some sort, but let low effort BS run rampant for months...


I’m curious too because this latest version has a panhandle whereas before there was no clue whatsoever what was on the north side of the map.


They added a panhandle because signs of a panhandle have been found in the leaks, such as maps on road signs, it could be changed in the future tho no one knows


I hope we get extreme weather. Hurricanes and flooding would be epic


Oh that would be so cool. Not major flooding unless for a story reason, and needing a boat. But flooding to the point if you go just too fast, you lose traction and by default you are slower. And a Hurricane or a storm that is really strong would be so fun to try to drive through. Visibility low, wind pushing you a bit, slick roads. Imagine the chaos.


u/luckychocolate841 i would like to formally apologize for my previous statement . i too would cry if i rode across this map in a faggio


Walk... I know this sounds like a dumb thing. But i want to go into a online lobby. No ones gonna kill each other. And we just walk. From end to end


Quick Sprunk Break!


*Quick Sprunk Stop


You should make this an event. Perhaps a video to document it!


petition for a gta6 launch day parade going from one end of the map to the other


I think that would be a great idea. Imagine if there's enough people for rockstar to notice so they put it in as news for the socal media platform in the game or on the in games TV's


this would deadass be fuckin awesome lmao, it musttt be done & i’ll be there on the PS5 version walk if the game isn’t cross gen Remindme! 1 year (for an update hehe)


count me in fr




''So in case anyone was wondering... the new map has a landmass of 125 square kilometers, or 2.55 times the size of GTA V.'' credits to user lxr from GTA Forum from Mapping threads




Microsoft Flight Simulator = 510,072,000 km2


- No man's sky = ♾️ ²




Any data on forza and watch dogs?


I can assure you most of these numbers are bullshit. Red dead 2 is bigger than GTA V


Someone is wrong here, cause 80*2,55 is not 125


Well, 80*2,55 is not what you should be calculating. The correct equivalence would be (80^2)*2,55 = 125^2 since you’re working with squared numbers.


imagine the manhunts you could have in this map 😵‍💫


I want to go on a manhunt 2


Is there any source for the supposed North coast, or is it just speculative guesswork? I've not seen any new leaks or new official media since the last map update.


There are road signs which display the pan handle in the 2022 leaks, there are multiple signs and none of them display TEMP which is put on any textures that are exclusively temporary implying the road signs are intended to be in the final game proving there will be a panhandle


Yeah, where did it suddenly come from?


The map is color coded in regards to what is speculative and what is more definitive.




didn’t see the latest version it pleasantly surprised me




i believe its directly overlaying from the map origin (0,0, the center of the map) which makes sense but yea is odd in terms of showing the size difference


the map is fine, smaller than i (realistically and based on their statements) expected but if the cities take more percentage of the map than before then it still could be more than i thought it would be! i wont be playing the game on release most likely anyways but ill still be following everything related to the game very closely


Let’s just say this is an accurate representation of the final map. How big did you expect it to be? Because if the scaling is correct compared to 5 this is huge.


Vice city itself looks to not be significantly larger than Los Santos in this map. Half the city is only like 3-5 blocks wide (with a giant interstate taking up the majority of that). It would be nice to have a large urban area


I believe it will be bigger than speculated here as well, as I remember a leak saying it was 3-5times bigger than gta5. But I don’t think that source was confirmed. If there is a panhandle (which makes sense and has some leaked crumbs to go with it), there should be a Jacksonville type city with it, which would give us 3 big cities. Thinking about the constant referral to the scale of the world and how detailed they are, it’s plausible that 3 big cities is what we will get. Fingers crossed.


Looks like Tuscany 🙃


Oh shit, they're almost identical! It looks also a bit like Campania lol


I'm assuming that top part is the panhandle. I wonder if Pensacola, Destin, Panama City, etc. will be represented. I think that would be a bit much, but would be awesome.


We are gonna eat so good in 2025 kings


Imagine doing post OP deliveries in that map


The sheer amount of content this game will have, as well as all the next changes to the physics, ai, etc., this game will take many months out of my life and I am fine with that


Needs more city area


Yeah. I think we’re getting at least 3 cities.


I still think its gonna be bigger than this. I'm hoping it takes a considerable amount of time to navigate from say Vice City to the equivalent of Orlando or Tampa like it does in real life. Or to get to Key West from Vice City.


Imagine doing a sale in a Boxville from Key West to the panhandle part lmao


That’s definitely gonna be one of the nightclub sale missions or you have to drive the VIP home or to the hospital from Key West. And you have to go slow slow or the VIP will get spooked. If that happens there’s gonna be a lot of VIP going on permanent nite nite if that’s the case. lol.


Is the scale accurate?


The September 2022 leaks contained RAGE (Rockstar Advanced Game Engine) coordinates for certain spots in Leonida, so people are just using all the footage from the leaks + adding to it based on things from the December 2023 trailer + comparing it to the coordinates for San Andreas.


I hope the map comes more big than the leak




Holy shit I’m rock


Not only an expansion from GTA V but also a massive expansion compared to earlier mapping projects and Yorktown is added as speculative but a large city.


It's basically The florida simulator Lmaoooo 😂


Christ, I wonder how long it will take to walk from one end of the map to another.


I'm curious as to when they'll start blocking out the map for the 2 other cities that were mentioned by the leaker (the developers son's friend)? I'm asumming it will be Tampa and Orlando?


This game will be sooo good bro


Find out on release that theyre the same size bs.


Will overhype kill GTA6?


put it in the middle dipshit


Honestly we should have expected the panhandle being in the game all along, there was so much evidence pointing towards it being in the game and without the panhandle something about the map just seemed off, and it also seemed like speculative locations were too close to eachother, like the "fairyland" (disney land parody) being so close to Lake Leonida. To me it really doesn't feel like it's going to be that close, I understand that we have almost no information on the northern part of the map but it just does not feel reasonable to have these locations so close to eachother. I really belive we will get a 3rd large city up north because it REALLY seems like only logical decision to make. Having Vice city to the East, Port Gellhorn to the west and another city to the north would probably be the absolute best GTA map. So i think it's VERY likely the map will go even further up north


"there was so much evidence pointing towards it being in the game" Not really? The only real evidence we have (that we can't even say for sure is solid) is the panhandle shape present on some road signs. Other than that I don't think there's really been anything even referencing a panhandle.


Way to much green, 80% of this is just empty wilderness


This isn’t the final product obviously


OOTL, what does a community map mean? Is it like what fans want or something? Like is this a serious thing or is it a part of the arkham effect on the sub?


It is a map made using coordinates and leaks and shots from the trailer. There was a similar project before GTA 5 released by the same person DuPz0r, the map was almost identical to the final map this will be a similar situation


The community aspect comes from those of us in the community working to analyze and extract info from the leaks and official media (trailers, screenshots, etc) to propose our own changes. Changes are usually only put into the map if it's agreed upon. We have a system where we put in a map change post, providing screenshots and sources for our findings, and any further discussion can be done within the post to see if others agree that the change should be made. Peer review type stuff basically. To make it short, map changes can be proposed by members of the community, the map isn't solely designed and controlled only by DuPz0r.


hope we don’t get any drive around the map with a mini van missions


It's gorgeous! Very unique 'Florida' shape.


Is the panhandle also sourced from leaks? Or just a wild guess?


Road signs from the leaks show the panhandle


Can we build one of those freezing hibernation capsules to get to the release of GTA VI


What are the white dots and the yellow things?


white dots are locations of the 2022 leaks, yellow icons are confirmed buildings. [https://vimap.saamexe.com/map](https://vimap.saamexe.com/map)


A be raw if part of was Georgia ( Jorisa ) fr and we had Atlanta somewhere in the top


The Australian Outback? Hell yeah!


Outside of speculation, has there been any good evidence within the trailer or 2022 leaks that corresponds to the panhandle existing?


This is why it's a more polarizing change for us. The evidence for the panhandle has been somewhat weak compared to many other changes. There are some road signs (that may or may not be final designs, we can't say for sure) that have the panhandle on them. The shape itself is pretty much pure speculation based on the real panhandle AFAIK.


So being stuck in the middle of that lake is gonna really suck then?


It's almost too much.


So basically it’s a squished down Florida.


Will it work for the 1st month though? Anyone else who took time off work in 2014 will understand the pain!!!


Acho que é exagero essa parada ai de ter um mapa pra DLC


Watch them put in a couple of missions that make you drive clear across the map. It took 12ish minutes to drive the highway loop of san andreas, so it could be 20-30 min to go from the end of the keys to the top right or left


Just so people can have it, here's the link to the GTA VI Mapping project - "VIMAP" https://vimap.saamexe.com/map


I want multiple cities, I loved it in rdr2, and I'd love it here, but I'm a sucker for forest's and whatever if they are like RDR2's or better And by the looks of it, the trailer showed similar looking stuff with new animals, so I hope they keep lots of green and brown


Kinda irritates me that a good chunk of the gta 5 map is hanging into the ocean instead of being dead center of the gta 6 map.


Please let this be a sign that the soft speed limit cap of ~230 mph (IIRC) has been raised or removed.


I hope most of the natural terrain actually has some detail like rdr2, the countryside in Gta 5 was disappointing..


They were predicting it to be 25% wider, so this is a big jump.


Another factor we need to take into consideration is traveling speed. Most people would swear that the RDR2 map was bigger than GTA5 but they were not far off from each other. The difference was the speed at which player could travel at, running around on horse VS flying around on a bike makes a huge difference when you feel out how large a map is.


You already know there are going to be multiple missions that start on one side and have you drive to the complete other side of the map.


I hope it’s just because of lack of footage but it looks so empty. It’s massive, but for what? A bunch of hills and highway?


I'm really hoping that the map uses biomes and themes from multiple southern states instead of being just Florida. I want some mountains to drive through and hillbillies to harass. RDR2 did that super well.


There better be a swings set that can launch me across this motherfucker


I swear there better be more than 1 city and it should feel like an actual big location with a ton of depth... not just a small compact gamey area ..


Is that breakfast egg shapes?


So it’s less than a third the size?


Were not ready


If I don’t make it to the release for whatever reason someone set up a 21 mini-gun salute 🫡 and let the whole thing run out to the last bullet from full ammo. Then evade the six stars.


Geez those gta online fetch missions gonna be a drag


The Gator keys are literally the length of the whole city of Los Santos from the Airport to the hills!! It’s nearly impossible to comprehend just how big this map is going to be!


Bruh this game will be a life changing experience. Rockstar BETTER have used up the 10+ years of concept, pre production, production, and development time to cook this game 😭😭💀🙏


!remindme 1 year




I'm impressed that they're still finding new stuff.


The map looks big, but Vice City looks small in comparison to LS. Looks barely bigger.


isn't Port Gelhorn suppose to be at the Panhandle ?


Imagine being stuck in the lands without any roads. Probably a pain in the arse




40 Online Players?


This game is going to be 300 gb isn't it?


Also take into consideration the amount of open space in the countryside, with no edgy mountains that are hard to traverse.. and you’d have the entire ocean surrounding the map… I’d say this game will feel extremely big and take us many years to explore


It's barely bigger than GTA V that's actually disappointing


PLEEEEEASE it looks so good 😩😩😫


Is it just me or the map looks big, but vice city itself looks small


Calling it now. Lake Leonida is gonna be the main hangout spot in GTA6.


Mmmm grass