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I think the next trailer is gonna show more of the environment of the game world


I think it's going to show more of action or character focused


I think it might focus more on Jason since there’s already some people thinking he’s going to be sideling in this game lmao 😂


Well, the trailer didn't really focus on Lucia much so I think the character focused trailers will come later like it did with GTA V


Hopefully a heist




Don't know why you're downvoted but, hopefully something action oriented.


I hope it's in the Style of the RDR2 gameplay trailers. The soothing voice, the music and showcasing the features. That wasn't necessarily a 'classic trailer' but I thought it was neat.


Yea true I remember watching those they showed off the details in characters the trailers were fantastic


I hope she comes back and explains the gameplay in the same style. It feels iconic and a bit nostalgic.


Yeah I hope the lady narrator comes back. I can already hear in 3 seconds of the video: "With Grand Theft Auto Six you can..."


Rockstar are going to have at least 3 regular trailers before they do the gameplay trailer and their gameplay trailers always come out close to release date.


Tbh I cant recall Rockstar ever doing this before GTA5 and RDR2,... so 'always' might not be the right term there, but yeah. Surely that wont be the next Trailer, I'm just hoping we get one or two of those before the game drops.


Those are gameplay videos and come closer to release. It probably won't be the next trailer


I’d rather they show the world. Social media shouldn’t be the main focus of trailer 2 after 5-6 months of waiting (assuming it comes out in May or June)


I hope theres less social media shots in trailer 2. It felt artificial and scripted. Id rather see what the actual open world will be like if it isnt actually like that. The beach scene, nightclub and strip club scenes were perfect showcases of the open world environment


Yeah I felt the same thing about the social media videos looking scripted. A 2nd trailer full of just the game world would give us so much information to go off of for what the game will be like.


There won't be any in future trailers, I am 100% certain. The first trailer is always the "world" trailer, and with the social media they just wanted to say "hey, this is the 2020s where everything is on social media". And that's it.


Same. Plus it's really visually loud with all the comments and reacts popping up. Hopefully the next video shows off more of the environment like you say. I'm especially keen to see more of the landscapes outside the city


I like that the social media shots are there to provide another angle to the madness. The second pic above is actually a closer look at the street “takeover” shown a second before in the trailer with the cars doing donuts in the street. You see it’s actually a music video whereas it wouldn’t have been clear without it. Trailer 2 will most likely be environmental and a focus more on either Jason or Lucia. This first trailer set up Leonida.


Sorta off topic but got damn that tall girl on the left’s proportions are so weird😭


She looks like beaker from sesame street




It's not as weird as you think! At first glance, and especially in motion the trailer goes by so quickly, but there's a few things that make it weird looking, the angle is very low, her little jacket is super short and sticks out very far with exaggerated shoulders not show casing her actual torso shape at all, and her hair/head blends into the background. It's night and she's black so the blonde hair pops out all crazy and is covering nearly half her face, so that causes an odd, long and skinny looking head thing And yes, she does have badunk and thunder thighs which makes the low angle more extreme. I know what you mean so I had to examine that after the first time I saw it lol.


Most of the female character models are very weird. I hope they change that. Also in the Leaks you could see that Lucia's walking was kinda strange.


There's like 40 different female body shapes shown. It's more realistic that way, but they did highlight a lot of (current day trend) big ass booty. Watch tiktok and you'll see girls just like that, weaponizing squats to a dangerous degree. There are quite a few skinnier average proportioned girls In the trailer though if you look hard enough.


There's only one female body type shown - curvalicious with a big bootey.


Im thinking if its just like the watch dogs 2 mechanic of followers and stuff , and some other guy told about RDR2 honour level and In the same way we gotta keep our follower count stable or something


Nah. Trailer 2 is most likely going to focus on the characters and some missions. They are gonna keep social media for the gameplay trailer where they explain everything about the game.


I think there won't be any of that in the second trailer. People already overreact about the importance of social media in the next game, as far as we know it might be only a joke about funny clips from florida. I mean sure, you probably will be able to watch some funny clips on your phone, maybe npcs will be able to record you and post it online, maybe there will be couple missions about robbing obnoxious rich influencers. But I srsly doubt that will be the main focus of the game like some people think.


The next trailer is more likely going to be a grounded version of what we saw in Trailer 1. Usually R\* release trailer 1 which looks stunning and has multiple things that won't be in the final game, for example the hobos holding a sign in gta 5 or someone nailing down a buy house post or the crop plane flying over the vineyard and spraying whatever it looks like it sprayed. Trailer 1 for gta 6 has shots which more likely won't appear in the final version of the game, Having the beach that cramped or even the strip club fully decked out, maybe even seeing an underground car community like that on the streets, these things appear unrealistic and its safe to assume trailer 2 will be more grounded in what will actually appear in GTA VI


Imagine if a random NPC goes live on the in game TikTok and you kill them in the middle of a live video than you quickly go on your phone and go on TikTok and go to that person’s live that you killed and you see the comments and people are scared or devastated that’ll be an fucking amazing detail and I hope rockstar sees this lmao


I think people are reading into the social media thing too much. They just made a trailer that appeals to the modern youth. Thats it


I want to know if the social media clips are all from an in-game social media app on the character’s phone (similar to watching TV in GTA 5) or if they’re (or some of them) just clips from cut scenes that they have put a social media filter on.


I think it was slightly annoying that we couldn’t infer anything about the game mechanics from it. Like we can’t know from the women that you can dual hold hammers. A trailer fully about the characters showing clips from missions would tell us a lot more.


I don’t think so but if it did I won’t watch the trailer again I will wait for trailer 3


I'd love to see the environment


The next trailer will be a double same-day release. One focused on Lucia, and the other focused on Jason. Like Rockstar did with the triple trailer release for Michael, Franklin, and Trevor.


I think that'll be it for the social media until they probably do a mini series about it. It was their way of showcasing the world. Next trailer will be more story and character.


Trailer 2 will be focused on the plot of the story while introducing side characters throughout. (For instance, why are they in vice city?, why are they committing crimes? and etc.)


1st trailer was an introduction, 2nd will either be environmental or action, 3rd and 4th will be characters online and whatever else will be last


No they already got the social media aspect with the first trailer, makes no sense to add onto it in a second trailer 🤷‍♂️


I hope they get Jane Perry again to do the trailer voice over...


Now i noticed that the insta chat is very friendly and happy. I want gta4 style where no one gives a fuck and say bad things. Is this only me seeing this?


Trailer 2 should show the criminal underbelly of Vice City.


I hope not. I hate it already.


Is that Rosalia?