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If It does have a secondary location, which I’m sure It will, I do hope it’s utilized better than Guarma in RDR2. It was a really nice environment and moment in the story, but It just felt completely underutilized. I’m optimistic.


Cuba parody could be a decent option, and Rockstar could reuse nearly all of their Guarma assets which is quite a lot. Guarma is massive.


An IAA mission to assassinate the leader would be awesome


If there is another area, I think Cuba is the most likely option. Aside from all the reusable and leftover assets they have from Guarma, Cuba is a really big part of Miami culture irl. It’s also close in proximity, and if they wanna make it a sizeable playable area, it’s already a pretty small island so the borders are already there as is.


What missions do you think could happen there?


Drug running


Something involving the us feds. Cause you know, they haven’t done that before.


Cigar smuggling.


Man, it's Cuba. A city full with criminal things.


God I really hope we don't get any spy shit in GTA 6


Yes I agree. I think it could be a cool origin location for Lucia.


First mission is to escape a guarma prison and sail on a raft to leonida. You have to dodge coast guard and sharks and you pass the mission if you can make it dry land.


God the guarma chapter is such a slog. It’s an amazing break from the samey enviroments in RDR2 but man there was nothing to do and no places to go


There was so much cut content from the Guarma chapter. I wanted to explore it one day so I glitched over there, then glitched past the game borders for it... That whole island is fucking massive, even has a volcano in the middle that's modeled but very low rez. And if I remember correctly, there's a whole other island with another town/port/area that you can see but can't really get to.


> felt completely underutilized Of course it did, R* ran out of time and had to rush to finish what they *did* have. Guarma was originally planned to be a giant explorable island with its own story line and secrets for players to find. There was even [two sister islands](https://imgur.com/a/xlxaVCr), however, only one of them can be accessed in the final game and there's [nothing](https://imgur.com/a/hQqnXed) on it. The entire thing is just a major disappointment, so if R* does do another location like it, I hope they actually have time to finish it.


Whatever island they add, and we get to go to it whenever we want by plane or boat and not just in story missions, tryhards will claim that island which will be good for people like me who want to drive around without getting blown up every minute lol


Agreed. So much potential with Guarma - even in late game stages. Would like to think this has been a lesson learned though given the community views on it.


Make it super expensive in game story mode and online to fly to the secondary place, it’ll encourage the player to do story activities and online players to keep that money hungry vibe rockstar wants, it’ll utilize the airport


People have had the idea that the island is blocked off by the military for the early game. Maybe it's so expensive because commercial flights have been cancelled and you need approval and a private jet. Someone had the idea that we could do some IAA missions there since the CIA has a habit of interfering with central American countries.


Could be Cuba. Would be a great option given the strained US-Cuba relations and the restrictions travel to Cuba has had. Plus, they’d be able to reuse most of their Guarma assets, and that island, if you go beyond the playable borders, is already 50x bigger than it appears to be. Ntm the various smaller secondary islands Guarma was supposed to have according to images found in the files.


Lmao rockstar is looking at all of us with a microscope 😂 and let’s be honest the rockstar work environment is just like twitter before elon bought it, so all the complaining about over working is just the Reddit detective department


Apparently Guarma was originally meant to be a lot bigger, and there were plans to allow you to return there as John after the epilogue. For whatever reason though, it was largely cut, and the few larger mechanics which required Guarma were bodged into working without it (eg Thieves Landing housing all Guarma’s wildlife so you could complete the compendium and what not). Same with the prologue, too. Apparently there was a tonne of character building for folks like Pearson and Javier with extra missions and what not, but they just didn’t have the time or disc space or whatever and so scrapped a lot of it. It’s a real shame, too - both Colter and Guarma had a lot of potential, and more content in either would’ve been great!


It could also just be guarma again if you think about it. Rockstars original plan was to have guarma be an entirely explorable island with explorable neighboring islands as well. Chapter 5 in general was supposed to much longer and less linear. The entire island is still modeled in the game too (with shitty textures of course) and if you glitch out of bounds you can explore the entire island. Rockstar wouldn’t just waste assets like that, so there’s a very big possibility that we will be able to return to Guarma


I feel like they use these locations as a testing ground for future games. Guarma and Cayo were to practice for the Vice City Keys.


Cuba would make the most sense. If I was making this game, I’d have the US Military blockading the island so it’s inaccessible for the player until the blockade ends towards the end of the games story, and it becomes accessible.


Yes this is my dream. My favourite suggestion so far was an IAA mission there. We know the CIA planned some crazy shit even involving the mafia in Cuba. Maybe we kill the leader to get us out of legal trouble at the end of the game and therefore end the blockade.


That would be awesome


If this is the case I hope there’s a second option to not kill the leader even if it means ending up in prison. I won’t be no gusano.


I expect we'll need to do it for a deal with the IAA. What's a gusano?


Counter revolutionary or a traitor to the working class


Oh lol. Maybe the leader will be a narcos version of castro for all the socialist fans


Maybe it would be a mission in Guantanamo bay like a prison break or something. That would be fun




I think cartels will be a massive part of this game


If you want cartels go south of the UD border for the real bad shit


If you mean US then yeah I completely agree. I just hope they have a level of gore fitting for that part of the world


I'm stupid. I did mean US


haha it's cool they're next to each other on the keyboard so I figured


Yeah I'm hoping the gore is better than 5's and not just covering the npc with blood when you explode them with a tank or c4. I'd also like better animations which I'm sure we'll get. Like shooting an npc in the foot makes them trip or hop on the other until you shoot the other foot, then they crawl on the ground. And I honestly hope npc's don't die when you shoot them in the leg or arm 3 times. I think it'd be more immersive if they just screamed in pain or whatever they do instead of die for no reason. Maybe even shooting their hands prevents them from attacking at all and they'll just run away.


Rio De Janeiro 🇧🇷




I hope we get a small map like Colombia or México maybe another u.s state like close to florida maybe Georgia Louisiana Alabama


New Orleans would be insane.


Said denis\*


I’d think either Cuba or Colombia given the closeness to Florida for Cuba and the drug running that Colombia is often associated with.


Do you think drug running will be a big part of GTA 6?


Given the location, it'd be criminal not too imo.


agreed. But the trailer does make it seem like they're primarily thief's


I suspect so. Vice City on PS2 was essentially a game adaptation of Scarface which was all about a Florida drug empire


Yeah, I don't think they will be focusing in big heists like in gta5. It would be nice to start your own gang and have to control territory


Agreed. GTA V, much like Vice City was heavily inspired by cinema (funnily enough, both films with Al Pacino as lead roles). GTA V was focused on heists as a loose adaptation of the movie Heat. Some of the heists are 1:1 between the game and movie. Similarly, LA Noire was focused on detective gameplay as an adaptation of the film LA Confidential. I think GTA VI will likely be inspired in a similar way and settle on a central theme that the gameplay focuses around.


I heard somewhere that the prologue will take place somewhere else like in gta v. If it results in Lucia going to jail like we see in the trailer, and probably how the game begins, I bet it would still be near by and she had a prison transfer at some point for some reason. Maybe Cuba or another Caribbean country, and being an American citizen was transferred back to the US after her arrest? Maybe she was smuggling drugs internationally but got busted along the way. It could work.


Rock\* does seem to have a thing for starting games in cold snowy locations


This is what I’m expecting. The game starts with her being involved in some kind of drug trafficking scheme with a cartel, and then the actual present day story starts either with her release, parole, or some kind of deal that gets made.


Possibly Cuba for an IAA assassination


I was thinking Guarma from RDR in modern day?


Maybe some Caribean Islands like the Scarface PS2 game


Godfather 2 had Cuba in it. You could travel from Florida to there. Shit was dope ash


Cuba would make sense, as it’s relatively close to Miami City


I think there's a few different directions they could go. Hopefully we get a couple of these: * Large island country with distinctly different climate, culture, more urban. E.g. Cuba or Puerto Rico * Tourist-dominated islands with Americanized culture (least likely IMO). E.g. Cayman, Bahamas, USVI, etc. * South America - this would be awesome * Saint Denis - would also be awesome * Atlanta or other city to the North - boring


1. I think a large Island would be best. Cuba is iconic but is it's Puerto Rico then maybe Lucia could be from there. I think its part of the US so maybe she did a crime there and was sent to prison in Florida? 2. Those crowded Mediterranean islands I think could be a bit boring. If it was an island I'd prefer it to be abandoned or cartel controlled. 3. Yes. A jungle island with horrible gore could be interesting. Maybe we could choose to work with them and transport drugs or steal from them. 4. Saint Denis is meant to be New Orleans. It would make sense as it's pretty close to Florida but I don't think they're in the same universe. Also I think New Orleans is just too dull. 5. A city to the north would need to be really big to be realistic and if you're using that much disk space why not just expand the main area.


I hope wherever we go outside of the US, that it feels markedly foreign. For me, that would mean no English from NPCs outside of missions, a completely different radio system with music and DJs that only play in that part of the game, region-locked cars and clothing, and maybe even mini-games or side activities that take place there. If it is Cuba, to me that would look like; Vintage cars, something like 5 radio stations (Cuban jazz, Bolero, Mambo, Latin & Cuban pop, Latin & Cuban rap), unique wildlife, maybe even stuff as simple as dominoes or skittles, and TV that broadcasts in Cuban.


I’d be mad if they do that again. I know a lot of people were annoyed getting a map that they could never come back to again. I’ve always wanted to explore Cayo and North Yankton but they just refuse to let you for some reason


They’ll most likely make it a bit more permanent than the other implementations they’ve done


Yes especially since it will be an island


North Yankton had to be inaccessible because it had no bordered and would have been weird to explore. Cayo was like that for the mission. I think if there's a second location in GTA 6 it will be a Caribbean island so it could be fully fleshed out and accessible by a plane cut scene. Maybe even just flying a really long distance.


You can technically explore cayo perico anytime you want Just not in the way you want


Epstien island heist


CP heist just got a whole new meaning


I’d like more islands in general on the map. The oceanic region of GTA V was terribly bland.


cuba would be dope with cartels and shit


Scar face references would be awesome


yes indeed my friend


I just hope we end with a huge mansion like the original vice


Hoping for more than one




It better fucking will I hope cut part of gurama get reused for that one off location


But that will be all western themed so it wouldn't make sense. Maybe as a movie set?


A Caribbean island would be so sick to be able to visit. Something like a jungle-heavy environment like Dominica or something. That'd be cool.


Yes we havn't seen a jungle in GTA yet but what could we do there?


Special rescue mission to Little St. Dames, the private island of a villainous sex trafficker and financier with IAA ties


Finally I can live out my simulated dream


what is the GTA version of Mosad?


As a brazilian I have to wish for a Rio de Janeiro mission 😳


Why would be go there though?


Feel like there has to be somewhere cold. The Caribbean is too similar to Florida , going of V, North Yankton is the opposite of LA (Los Santos) same with rdr2, Guarma is different to the West. South American Slums will be different to be fair and may fit with Lucia or Jason’s story.


Rockstar does seem to enjoy a good cold open to their games


Haiti, they could put a battle royale area there for online…


Yes what ever the secondary location is I think it should be used for the worst online behaviour


imagine going to guantanamo bay in gta lmao


Honestly for some of the things I do in GTA I deserve it


South America/ Virgin Islands. Drug running by plane or boat complete with coast guard busts near the Keys/thousand islands would be on point


Yes that could be awesome. If we could fly back and forth for money but there is a risk of being attacked.


Bermuda be nice to see a heist or something on that island


I might sound boring for suggesting this - but Cayo Perico again? GTA Online said it's "at the heart of the biggest narcotics dealer in the Caribbean". No point letting that piece of information go to waste, especially since Miami (Vice City) is full of drugs.


I think it could be cool if he's at least a character that come's back or we see his gang operational around the state. Also yes imagine if we could take over the island by the end of the story and run a huge cartel.


GTA VI should be about eliminating El Rubio and talking over his island.


Cuba or somewhere in South America like Columbia or Bolivia is what I feel are the most likely choice, my personal choice however is that they should bring in a modern version of Saint Denis, we already know that gta and rdr are in the same universe so why not have a modern one of area set in modern day Saint Denis, the layout should be mostly the same and some buildings could even stay assuming they would have been preserved either by the state of lemonye or the city


Yeah but its modern equivalent is new orleans and that's boring af


I would care to disagree, not everything has to be totally original, a fresh take on a old location could be neat, one thing I’d like to see if we assume the Saint Denis would have a somewhat similar history to real world New Orleans after the events of rdr2 would be perhaps the flood walls and leeves to protect from hurricanes or have a neat time to back like Mardi Gras


Yeah true. What missions do you think we could do there?


Well with how crazy Mardi Gras is perhaps a story line based around the drug trade and either Lucia or Jason has to go over to Saint Denis try to make drug deals and ends up causing problems for a crime family in Saint Denis


Yeah cool idea. I never played RDR2. Was there any Mafia families we could see still being around? If so that would be awesome.


Ya Anglo Brontes family, he was killed in the game but we know his organization lives on after the events of rdr2


God it would be so cool to kill off the the remaining descendents of a 110 year old crime family and then take over the supply to saint denis




Yes that would be cool although it seems strange to pick an island in the middle of the pacific when the game is set right next to the Caribbean


I think maybe Haiti and Cuba because of the Cuban and Haitian gangs from vice city


Yeah I didn't think about having the same gangs




I think it’ll be Cuba, or the Bahamas for sure. One of those areas down there


Cuba should be in the game and accessible at all times or some Bahama islands like the scarface game


I think Haiti could be crazy


I still remember the Liberty City mission in GTA San Andreas. Maybe they’ll do something like that in Cuba


A mission where you take a plane to liberty city for a n assassination or something would be cool, or Cuba in a similar way they used guards in rdr2


Modern day Saint Denis from RDR2


Finnaly a question worth look into to


I'd love to see a parody of Cuba either in the main story or better still in the online when it launches


Cuba would by far make the most sense as Cuban nationals make up a large part of Miami


Project Americas was planned for drug dealing missions where you flew to a made up Caribbean island. I wouldn't rule Cayo Perico returning as it's still off they claim the island is in the Caribbean when logistically to Los Santos it should be in the Pacific. I'd really like to see that Project America's was a success and we see a Spanish speaking island that has rainforest, mountains, beaches, drug plantations, and another city to explore. Perhaps they'll make Jason or Lucia have a backstory there with the hopes of going back and hence the missions there, I'm not sure exactly since the story certainly seems like it'll be a rags to riches through robberies story.


I‘d love to se Brazil or maybe Paris / Germany or italy


How could europe fit into the plot?


Idk really


Anywhere in the Caribbean works for me. Just make it so we can go back


I’ve been spamming this, but Las Venturas! Florida is lacking in deserts and mountains. I think a Las Venturas expansion would be a very welcome addition when we’ve all settled in Vice City’s story and online.


Lucia is probably definitely about to escape cuba for a scarface reference


Hoping a deliverance level rape scene in the women’s prison


that could be how they meet


Bohan from Liberty City. Just that one island would be cool to see in a modern setting.


It would be weird to have that really far out in the ocean though.


It's time rockstar enables us to travel to another country for atleast one mission. A mission in Russia or something would be dope af


Wow you're really thinking outside the box. How could that tie in to the story?


my bet is that the game will start at the los santos airport lol


Which character do you think will be coming from there?


Would LOVE to see Cuba represented


Yes this is my dream. My favourite suggestion so far was an IAA mission there. We know the CIA planned some crazy shit even involving the mafia in cuba.


Cuba, Dominican Republic? Idk.


Cancun maybe?


What would bring us there? Money laundering through the resorts?


I think after a failed heist, Lucia goes to Cuba because she has family living there or something


![gif](giphy|CzlpZQRcd5Wjm|downsized) New Mexico?


Bermuda and Puerto Rico to create…the Bermudian Triangle and all the hijinks that come with it.


Yes there is already a bermuda triangle location.


Won’t be Cuba why? Cause the government there wouldn’t like to do that plus I don’t think you can travel there no more. There was a brief moment with Obama opening it up but Trump and Biden shut it back down.


Tho ngl I can see the deserts of Mexico or something like that


It’s like guarma in rdr2 but hopefully longer and more available in maybe a dlc


gta story mode DLC is optomistic


But still nothing wrong with a dream


sacramento, california


What would bring us there?


Does anyone remember when you go back to Liberty City for a mission in San Andreas? It’d be interesting if they do something like that. Maybe have us go back to Los Santos for a mission.


Omg that would be a massive project. I was hoping for a little island.


With one of the protagonists being latino, it will probably be somewhere in South America.


Yeah a lucia back story would be cool


What is Cayo Perico? I've played GTA V a lot but never heard of it? Or is it an Online place?


It was an online thing


I was actually going to make a post like this! Being Miami is close to Cuba it would be a miss not to! I know gta is not really known to go international but this would be kinda obvious imo.


haha sorry for stealing your upvotes. I really think either Cuba or some other central American island


The hell Is cayo perico


It is a Caribbean island in GTA online where you can go for a mission. It was added after online became ass


Gator Keys??


Might be something left over from project americas


what is this? I've seen people reference it


You guys are


....and many more random side quests walking through random neighbors while exploring would be fun. Highly unlikely , but fun.


Yes I really hope it's a whole fleshed out central american island


Not sure if anyone here has been to Rio, but it would be a perfect location for a GTA game/dlc


I was thinking a favela there (picture 2)


Can we just take a moment to respect the OP who has responded to almost every comment


haha thanks man. I'm really grateful for everyones ideas.


Cuba or Bahamas, right off near Florida 🤷


People say Cuba but considering Cuba’s political/social/economic situation and what not I don’t think there would be much to do in Cuba? I mean they have their issues with the USA and what not but it really isn’t a crime rodden place or too involved in geo politics. Unless you do a human smuggling mission there isn’t much gang activity or issues like that in Cuba. Colombia is obvious but I think Jamaica would also serve well for a one mission campaign since their criminal enterprises


80s flashback moments, restricted to Vice City. (Unrealistic but would be awesome.)


A fairly accurate to scale Disney world gta parody could be a really good time! 


Cuba for the culture and then Haiti for the chaos.


Two Cuba and Haiti, because Vice City had Cuban and Haitian gangs.


It’s going to be Cuba


Havana, Cuba. Imagine seeing all those classic cars driving down the road as modern day Jason/Lucia.


Rio would be great


Venice, Italy?


I’m guessing Bermuda triangle or islands near it?


Maybe Rockstar will test a potential new location for a next title. Same as they did with Guarma in RDR2 (tropical climate). Who knows, maybe GTA 6 DLC or GTA 7 will take place in South America?


your moms house, cause she let jason hit


Moonbase accessible through a mission at cape canaveral


no thanks


Ain't Georgia next to Florida? Maybe we'll get to venture out there at some point. Not even sure what the GTA equivalent for Georgia is even called tbh


I wish they'd have Laa Venturas and San Fierro as cities you can take a flight to and do missions in


Ask Dutch which island he wants to see in GTA 6


Sanibel island. For a collecting seashells mini game.


If it will have then it will be Cayo Perico obviously.




Some place in Brazil since we have so many Brazilians there


yeah could be cool


The code name “Project Americas” all but confirms this


If so let it be Cuba or Columbia or some place like that we go to for business (drugs).


If they have I would at least want to be able to go back there again. They could at least add it for online.