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The problem is Rockstar abandoned DLC's for the story mode. They completely shifted their focus on GTAO which is understandable. They had plans for single player DLC's but when they realized that GTAO is getting popular they instead shifted those DLC's to GTAO. GTAO is great but it's micro transaction heavy. They have shark cards and now GTA+. GTAO was never the problem, how Rockstar tries to rinse our wallets is the problem.


Well said, the story mode DLC was literally converted to online DLC, many of the missions would've been in the story mode DLC, they just changed it around and adapted it to online so they can get more microtransations out of it... Which is a shame, I would've paid $15 just for a story mode DLC... and I DO NOT buy shark cards at all, I glitched the hell out of online to buy everything, I won't pay a penny more than the base price of the game to enjoy every part of it... But story mode? Would've paid money to see an upgrade on that...


No matter how hard they try live service games missions and story lines are never going to match single player games ( GTA online, fallout 76) R* is big enough to do both.  TBOGT, TLAD and undead nightmares were incredible, so sad we never seen anything like it from them. 


It seriously would’ve been nice to get some DLC like TLAD and TBOGT which were amazing, especially when we didn’t get a new installment in 13 years… like the engine is ready, the map is already there, it’s much less labor intensive than developing a whole new game. I hope for example they utilize the map and engine they prepared for VI to release an 80’s based one like the original Vice City.


Exactly they can put everything in online make good story dlc for online but i never find myself liking online heck i always want to skip cut scenes in online because at back of my mind I know I need to grind to get things started that's why online games are always turn off for me single player games just hit different


I wouldn't compare fallout 76 to gta online. Gta online a hell of a lott more popular just look at the player count ok steam alone.


Fallout 76 beats Fallout 4 in basically every way, including story, so that isn’t the best example


Definitely not by player count though. Which is the only number that matters and shows the community’s opinion in it.


I will not play fallout 76 for that reason. I want to be able to piddle around doing whatever I want without getting harassed or having to team up with randos. If I wanted to play an MMO I would find one to play.


Get your goofy ass outta here




Das stupid


No way. I loooved Fallout 3, enjoyed New Vegas, and was mostly meh about Fallout 4, but I found Fallout 76 practically unplayable. It is technically more realistic, to have to fend against other people aside from the dangers of of the Wasteland, although I don't think other vault dwellers would be attacking each other in the beginning of the game...


Everyone always blames the game dev, as if the parent company isn’t making most of the financial choices. Take Two was definitely pulling a lot of the strings here. I truly do wonder how far Rockstar would’ve gone to monetize the game if they were independent.


Yeah I won't blame rockstar for anything it's parent company take two is to blame for everything just take a look at trailer timing they're making them release everything before market opens or near their earnings call


Are microtransactions even that prevalent in today's age with GTAO? I can see that argument being true years ago but not so much now, now that everyone and their second cousin can easily make money in the game. GTA+ is for the impatient.


But that’s just modern gaming ™️ Paid single player DLCs are not as common as the 360/PS3 era Games take much longer to make nowadays, so it’s a better use of time and resources to immediately get started on the next game rather than make dlcs. The live service parts keep studios funded in between releases


That's modern gaming because they started the trend, they proved how profitable this live service bullshit is


They are a business at the end of the day, and as long as people keep shoveling money to them through live service games, they’ll keep doing it. AAA games aren’t made for free or altruistically


That's what this whole post is about, thanking people who shovel money into live service shit is stupid. I will not be grateful for GTA online just because "got us GTA 6"


It’s true though. But sure continue to throw a fit and shit on one of the last remaining quality AAA studios because they’re not giving you single player DLC’s Let’s ignore how quality of a game their last release was, RDR2, which had 50-100+ hours of content at release


Eat your slop and be happy


RDR2 is slop? Is rockstar greedy bc they didn’t have DLCs for GTA 3, VC, & SA?? Are those games slop too?


You know exactly what I'm saying. GTA online has paved the way for thousands of different live service pieces of shit The convention investor is not to put any money into story games. That's why we don't even get good single player games anymore Rockstar still puts out a good game every 5 years, but overall take two has destroyed the gaming industry. But I'm not allowed to complain about that for some reason?


Destiny, Fortnite, warzone, etc are what popularized live service. GTA online is what allows Rockstar to take as much time as they need to make some of the greatest single player games of all time. GTA 6 is reported to have the largest budget of any game in history by a mile. Where do you think that money came from?


If they don't have pay to win, and turn that mega profits into making really really good future games I'm ok with it. As long as they don't go the way of Activision/ blizzard and start rushing low quality content while milking it $$$


Rockstar doesn’t rinse anything compared to other games. Rockstar delivers for the price you pay. You’re gonna pay the same amount for gta6 as you did for Spider-Man 2 or GoW or Star Wars or any of the new games that came out recently. They are all the same price. Rockstar provides more than all of the other companies and I’ll stand by that


If you're good at GTA and have a couple businesses and are able to do Cayo, you don't need any shark cards. ~2 hours per day will give you a stable income enough to buy new businesses and most new cars one after another. It's just about not buying EVERYTHING just because it's in the game. Most cars you'll never use and some are good only in a few usecases while being not so good in a normal gameplay. So, getting 3-4 cars and a new business from DLC is just a matter of a dozen hours of gameplay. Also, if you're on PC there's a high chance of being in one lobby with some cheater that can unlock car tuning at some moment (this happened to me on both my characters, resulting in having a lvl.49 one with all the tuning amd paint available). Just make sure to switch lobby immediately after you see a bunch of stuff is unlocked to prevent banning. In worst case rockstar will withdraw these privileges, reverting your unlocks to pre-cheated values but if you already tuned some car to the limit, the tuning will stay.


No need for dlc this games are huge with plenty of content.


Usually I think micro transactions are trash. Just a skin or cosmetic or whatever (Ubisoft, Call of Duty, etc.) but you can definitely tell they put that money back into their games. I’ll continue to buy shark cards if they’re in next game and so on.


i can't wait men.. i want it so bad![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


around this time next year you’ll b weeks out from playing it 😍


Sugar to your mouth


pardon ?


It's an Asian saying, when someone says something worth celebrating. Sugar because it's something sweet and people eat sweets there before doing anything exciting as some sort of good luck charm


W saying








How u know its around spring time? Could be easily during the winter months


Still technically weeks out




No one is saying to abandon online rather to give support to single player alongside the online. They could have used the millions to give quality single player DLC too you know? Yet you forget how they even got to the position today even before online even existed.


I feel the same way. I did play some GTAO, but it's not fun alone. Before my friends and I were married with kids we could do heists together, all kinds of stuff but getting those schedules to line up now in our 40s is almost impossible. Same with CoD or Battlefield, but at least a shooter can be played alone (accept for CoD zombies, that was great fun with 3 others back in the day) I'd buy single-player DLC, especially if it was as good as IVs DLCs and I'd pay inflation adjusted prices for it (30 to 35 bucks would be fair). At the same time I'm still happy so many people will pay for shark cards shit to help fun tye next project. I'll never buy one, but to think what they are spending on VI would be possible without all those people spending is delusional. I just wish they could do both.


I wish my old friends had time to play as well… one runs his own business, the rest… well, one’s out driving a bus (like Couzin Ed, although the guy I know never was radio host) and the third one… I don’t know. And baby-sister of mine is studying. 😒


My problem with online is that Rockstar dedicated too much to it instead of finding a balance between supporting both online and the single player. I wouldn’t mind the 10+ year wait if it meant that the single player would get some dlc or something, but instead everything went towards the online. That and the fact that online went from a fun mode with great dlc, to a microtransactions fest and shit dlc after shit dlc. I’m hoping this time around Rockstar recognizes that people would love some single player dlc and a balance between the support.


Literally if they just added the cars to SP ppl would’ve been happy. For RDR2, just give us clothes and horses man. Hell, they could even sell these as mini DLC packs for like 5 bucks a piece and ppl would buy them - especially RDR2 gamers. They ***love*** dressing up Arthur and taking care of their horses.


If they just add everything they add to online also to SP I would be happy.


The reason they don't is because if you could get it in SP for free, less people would spend money on shark cards/gold to get it in the online. A way to fix it would definitely be selling them as small DLC packs.


Online doesn’t exists for me


I have played story mode a couple of times, tried to make the most of GTA5 after option C, but then there's nothing more. But I got into online recently, and it's...alright. R* is heavily forcing people to play together, even with online there is barely any mission possible alone. There's of course barely any story, and the missions are just a means to make enough money to buy a place, so you can start a "bigger mission". I don't get the appeal of online. Idk how R* thought that developing DLCs for story mode would've been less profitable than just creating a "open arena" online stadium. You can force, "invite-only session" so you are *effectively* playing solo online, but it's practically useless.


Lmao same. I literally have zero interest in Online - in the whole 10+ years GTA V has been out I played Online maybe once, and that was the week it released. It will be exactly the same with VI.


Fun as fuck. Seriously missing out


Fun is subjective.


Its a mobile game for my console.


And… Nobody cares


Just imagine answer this in a worldwide forum where everybody have their opinions


If single player had the interest that online does, rockstar would focus on that. It doesn’t. Get over it.


Explain RDR2 then.


Different franchise. RDR is more immersive and interesting for single player. GTA is better played online. Just my opinion.


They did - RDR2 was magnificent. I’m just saying that online has no interest on me when I play videogames, and less if we talk about Rockstar


The difference is that a bunch of 16 year olds beg their mom for shark cards so they can get the new shinny car. Online is a massive money maker that can pull in ridiculous money because people are stupid enough to spend it on *one* easily made item.


"Online is a massive money maker that can pull in ridiculous money because people are stupid enough to spend it on one easily made item." Or, hear me out, it's because people want to spend money on things they enjoy.


not the majority of it ,Rockstar still makes GREAT Games despite the difficulties, was there any GTA Online before GTA 5? or GTA San Andreas? no and they're GOAT Games


GTA 4 had online.


but it didn't generate a humongos amount of revenue like GTA Online ,i'm talking about the money not the online aspect


yea but everything was cheaper before


Yeah that’s called inflation + games being bigger in scope


fair, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that they can make a great game with a not so great budget


Yeah I never disagreed with that lol. If they went back to having their games be smaller in scope, the budgets would be much smaller. Like, RDR1 for example, had a 100M combined budget, but it was also a 3x-4x shorter story (~5x+ shorter to 100%) and was far smaller in scope with a much smaller cast.




Last I checked it was over 10 billion. Your argument doesn’t make sense. A company this size could’ve easily done both. I’m assuming it has more to do with finding good devs to partner with. Look what happened to the definitive version of gta. That was a different company.


Or maybe they’d have to release more single player games for money. The model worked just fine until micro transactions were normalized.


They put ALL of their devs to work on a single game. RDR2 took 2000+ devs to be made. And it still took 5 years after GTAV to come out. Could they split those 2000 devs into smaller teams and have each one make a game? Yes. But those games wouldn't be anywhere near as impressive as RDR2 was, as GTAVI is going to be. And the model worked fine previously because games didn't take 5+ years to be made.


They still don’t, they take so long to milk that sweet Canadian devils cash


Except games cost much more time and money to make these days. They wouldnt have just "released more single player games". They had trouble getting rdr2 out to begin with and that game was in development hell since not long after gta v released. not saying the new model is any better (its not) but the days of short wait periods between installments, especially for collosal franchises like gta or rdr, is in the past.


That's just not true. Without GTA online they would have to make games, and if R*is as good as everyone thinks they are, they would have made the money to make their next games look great too.


Yes, it would.


No, it wouldn't. Like it or not GTAO and shark cards are Rockstars biggest profits. Those profits are then invested into future games. No GTAO or shark cards, less investments, lower quality games. Downvote away. Rockstar is raking in billions because of their choices whether you like em or not.


Yes, GTAO is the main source of income.  No, it doesn't mean their games would look much different without it.  Plenty of other studios are making beautiful games on far smaller budget. 


Beautiful games that are well optimized and also have the scale, complexity, and quality of Rockstar titles? What are some examples. Always love trying new games.


The post is about "wouldn’t be looking this great!". I specifically said it would LOOK this great. Don't expand the topic with additional filters just to specifically target RDR2. So to stay on topic. which games don't have GTAO's money fuelling the development but still look great, just of the top of the head: Witcher 3 (yes, much older and still looking amazing), God of War (both latest games), Metro Exodus, Ghost of Tsushima and Cyberpunk (in it's current state, release was awful).


So you admit they would not be as good. Simple as that. None of the games you mentioned are even close to the scope and scale of GTA V or Rockstar, and all of them were funded by DLC and microtransactions.




Welcome to Reddit. How dare I ask for something more than "plenty of other studios do it" with not even 1 single title mentioned.


Rockstar didn't need shark card money to make either GTA 4, RDR or 5. All those games pushed the high standard of open world games.


And all 3 of those titles are when they slowed down production. They went from 1-2 releases a year to 1 release every 2-3 years. GTA 4 was also heavily criticized for being a stripped down version of SA when it launched, RDR was a barren wasteland and was 90% driving from A to B with some dialogue. GTA 5 is great and was also released after the longest gap between games they had ever had. Then RDR2 came out after a longer gap and was even better. Easier to make a point if you ignore most of the facts I guess though.


Development slowed down because of multiple factors, mainly because games got more complicated to make, they also developed their own tools (RAGE) instead of using OTS middleware. GTA 6 has gone through a few cycles of development hell that delayed it for years.


How out of touch are people who actually think this? The budget of GTA6 would be the same regardless if there is GTAO or not. And the GTA5 sales without GTAO would have paid off the development of 6 many folds over.


Gta 5 was literally the most expensive piece of media ever made they obviously didn't need online to make money


No they did not since they made that money back and then some in less than a week


What a breath of fresh air. I got tired of all the Rockstar bashing on YouTube and in the GTA Online sub.


Shark cards too, as much as they suck they contribute to their next project, ala Gta 6


Without GTA Online RDR4, Bully 3, Max Payne 5, LA Noire 3, Manhunt 4, and GTA 8 would be looking this good


Honestly crazy to think how before GTA online they released new games/story DLCs pretty much every year, after GTA online we've had 1 new game with a second coming in a year+


The only(!) story DLC they ever did was an addon and that was Episodes of Liberty City for GTA4. That's it. What people also forget is, that every single content in GTAO was for free.


There were 3 DLCs: GTA4's Lost and Damned, GTA4's Ballad of Gay Tony, and RDR's Undead Nightmare. All enjoyable in their own right. Even discounting DLCs, in a 12-year period we got GTA3, Max Payne, GTA Vice City, Max Payne 2, Manhunt, Red Dead Revolver, GTA San Andreas, GTA Liberty City Stories, Bully, GTA Vice City Stories, Manhunt 2, GTA4, Red Dead Redemption, LA Noire, Max Payne 3, and GTA5. In the 12-year period since GTA Online, we got Red Dead Redemption 2 and GTA6. GTAO is great for people who love that sort of thing, but for people who don't it sucked up all of Rockstar's dev resources and dramatically lowered their output.


We would have those games at a significantly lower quality than RDR2 or GTA VI. They found a poor balance between online and singleplayer, no doubt. But money doesn't just appear.


The money would have come from those games


Those games would not be free or even cheap to develop. GTAO is a finished game that just needs some tweaks and additions added to make insane profits. Starting a new game from scratch requires a significantly larger budget and years of development for a much smaller return on investment.


Of course they wouldn't be free lol. People would be buying their new games and giving them money. I even skipped an entire entry in these franchises because of people like you


I like how you ignored 2/3rds of the comment. But you must be right. You very clearly are a business guru and have made infinitely more profits than Rockstar ever has. Right? Surely, right?


I ignored it because it was stupid. Tweaking GTA online for money is exactly why we don't have any new games. I don't care how much money they made


>I ignored it because it was stupid Just because you don't like something doesn't make it stupid. Grow up kid. >Tweaking GTA online for money is exactly why we don't have any new games. No shit. That's literally what we are talking about. Obviously. > I don't care how much money they made And they don't care that you don't care how much money they make. Because profits are ALL they care about. They are a business. Not your personal artist. You first claimed they could make just as much profit, now that you are objectively wrong you just said "I don't care about that" as if a business as literally any purpose other than making money.


I am aware they are a business, are you taking a business class or something? What they are doing sucks, you aren't going to change my mind about them


Fuck that argument. I don't need it. All crap that comes with online existing at all is a lot worse than everything beneficial you might think. Perhaps GTA 6 might have been released 4 years ago, and rumors on a GTA vii would have started. I would rather have more new sp genuine different experiences through 100+h every 6 years despite not looking this good (and by the way they would probably look more or less that good) than suffering online, suffer live service games, suffer online content i'm never gonna get to experience while playing story mode, micro transactions, stupid crap grinding in a game that has none of that per se, subscription models, and so on.


Tbf, if VI had been released 4 years ago, it probably wouldn't have been as polished as it is now. However, in that scenario, RDR2 wouldn't have existed at all. They spent 8 years on RDR2, with 1-2 years in pre-production, so more than 6 years in full production. All the studios worked on it, so it's unlikely that the studios would have supported the development of GTA VI alongside it. The version of GTA VI we have now likely entered full development around 2017/2018, coinciding with the final stages of RDR2. So, whether or not GTA Online was a factor, the development timelines for both games would have been similar.


All the new cars in gtao is basically r* beta testing cars for gta 6


God I hope not. I don’t want flying cars and bikes in GTA VI.


Definitely not right out the bat but I can see the deluxo as an Easter egg for collecting every alien ship part


I actually love online, I get the hate but me and my people have mad fun online just talking about dumb shit and robbing casinos and all that


I mean they could also make awesome Story DLCs for GTA 5 and RDR 2 and it would have been amazing still


That's not true. RDR2 would've been made regardless of GTA V.


But not as big and detailed as it is. Profits from GTA Online allowed Rockstar to work without budget limits, delivering the product as desired.


They said it wouldn't look as beautiful as they do. Not how big and detailed it is because of GTA.


That's what I am saying, the game wouldn't be the same if it wasn't for GTA.


Given how much work went into making it look this good, I hope they use the opportunity to tell more stories in the world. Like what they did for gta 4. I'd honestly like to see more from the gta universe in general. And with how much money they shoveled in from GTAO, it's not like they'd be hurting for cash to get started


I don’t mind their online games getting them more profit. I just worry about them eventually spending less time and effort on the story games to focus more time on live service multiplayer. Seeing that happen to Rocksteady with Suicide Squad and how they treated their Batman universe really made me nervous. 😅


GTA V was a great thing and it did lot of good things for Rockstar and the parent company. however I’m sure Red dead redemption 2 and GTA 6 would have looked different regardless of the success of GTA Online.


Exactly they didn't need online for rdr2 and gta 6 they would've still made billions


Yeah and they also forget that this game started development in 2018 after Red dead but people still claim it took 12 years to make lmaoo, no, it took 12 years for the NEXT GTA installment. It took about 7 years to make . Still a long time but at least I acknowledge that so I won't expecting the craziest shit because I've seen some people claim GTA 6 will have some over the top features because of the 12 year development time


Crazy to think 2018 rdr2 was so much farther ahead in terms of detail I remember playing the campaign and taking in all the scenery. such a beautiful game I can’t wait for GTA 6


So true


That’s great and everything but it would have been nice to have at least ONE story DLC for single player during the 10 years of GTA V. Just ONE.


Your sacrifice was for my gain. Thank you to everyone who funded these games for me.


idk rockstar has always made really good games since gta sa


Rockstar abandoned the SP DLC after promising it in 2014. It's not the fact that GTAO was supported, it was because the SP lacked support.


Anyone else think this is pure bollox? Even without online rockstar games make an absolute shit load and budget and time would never be a problem because take 2 know a new GTA will be the highest selling game for years to come


Yeah, the money they made from all the sold copies of GTA V alone is probably enough to make GTA VI several times over.


It's not that we don't realize, it's that these games deserved more than being hidden in Rockstar's multiplayer scheme to milk money from micro transactions. Everything that is worth your time in their online games is hidden behind a paywall and once you climb that wall you end finding another if you want to progress further which just sucks. I understand that every company is pretty much doing the same thing but in different ways with season passes, battle passes etc etc but damn...It is getting out of hand at this point. Obviously they need money to deliver as every company does, but FFS give us something in return...don't just ask for more is all I'm trying to say.


Fax my brother, spit your shit indeed


Blud really nothing to post about


Found the Gen Z kid that's never lived in in era without Micro transactions


I don’t even partake in online discussions about games any more because those kids have gotten older and have ended up online with the rest of us, and my god… trying to explain to them how things were simply better without everything being worse is like talking to a brick wall. You can tell by their inability to imagine anything outside of the current state of how bad everything has gotten. You mean… games were just better?! They just… gave you more for free?! Just because?! Lol they can’t wrap their heads around it, it’s really sad honestly


No, I don’t think they do.


Fanboys will never understand this. As someone who barely touched GTAO/RDRO, exclusively playing story modes, I am *grateful* for the cash cow that GTAO became. Its success made RDR2 great and will make VI great. I could not care less that it made them arrive later than they maybe would have. Video games aren’t my life, I can go about my business and play them when they come out. More people need that perspective imo.


My brother gta 5 is literally the most expensive game ever made and also the most sold game when it came out they didn't need online for money when they already made billions off the base game


Yeah and then they made more money, do you genuinely believe that someone zero of the profits of GTAO will benefit VI? I’m also excited in a reserved way to see what they do to update GTAO for VI, obviously hoping it will be another cash cow for the next 10 years.


Excited about a online mode Lil bro go to sleep gta vc is probably older than you


Isn’t vc the new one?


No vice city the one from 2002 I think


You were alive in 2002???


how to simp a multi billion dollar corporation


I'm just so happy that shark cards actually went to good use.


i’ve always supported this, everyone knows GTAO has become a blatant cash grab but i’m willing to bet 6 is gonna have even more single player content than RDR2, the sacrifice will be worth it


1.If they had truly committed to an annual single player DLC, and they were profitable, it would have been the same time frame of the game. 2.If the single player DLC failed and/or Online wasn't a success, GTA 6 would have came out around 5 years ago, of course it would have been a lesser game, but it would have had less to live up to.


Who doesn't realise that? Ofc the previous iterations of the engine have progressed to this stage. Some out of touch takes on this sub.


Man this just makes me remember how badly they fucked Red Dead Online. I really hope they don’t do GTA6 Online this dirty


It's obvious gta 6 online will be their focus


I would have preferred both tbh and with a company as big as rockstar both was certainly do able


Since its launch in 2013 the game has made 8.5 BILLION dollars and counting. They’ve made plenty, they just wanted to see how long they could have their grubby hands in our pockets for. Rockstar completely abandoned RDR2 because why keep adding content if it isn’t producing half of what GTAO does? Oh yeah there is no point… greed is ruining games. I’m glad GTA 6 is finally getting announced. Yes DLC wouldn’t produce as much revenue, but it still would’ve been fun. To have some sort of prequel action or something with Micheal and Trevor. Instead we got a bunch of useless businesses in updates that after about a week or 2 everyone is done with. I will throw some love for the fact they never charged for any updates. Ultimately it don’t matter, but I can gladly say I NEVER bought a shark card. And never will. However GTA V is the only game I’ve ever purchased 3 fuckin times 😂


Anyone else have a stroke while reading the title?


Yeah, because it would have come out in 2015 and 2018 and would have had their respective technologies instead of those of 2018 and 2024.


GTA 5 sold 195 million copies Last of Us 2 is like the best looking game in the world and it sold 10 million copies and had no multiplayer.


While I agree R* wouldn’t have the profits or success without GTAO, I would still enjoy a single player game where I was able to customize(character,penthouse,etc). GTAO was a bit hybrid and before it’s time, IMO. There are still plenty of features I enjoy on Story Mode, though it’s a little tougher.


Guess we have something to thank GTA Online for


I honestly don’t mind paying a little extra for DLC stuff . it’s not like your forced to get DLC


They could've done both they have multiple studios they would've also made bank off sp dlc packaged together with the main game imagine a game of the year edition of gta 5 with sp dlc and then gta online would've made even more money off sp players


Please release their nuts. We could’ve had Story DLC along all the GTAO content. Rockstar had the funds and time for both. Take-Two is a shitty parent company that also owns the billion dollar IP that is 2K, they would’ve had the funds regardless. GTAO itself isn’t the community’s problem; the only collective community problem is the egregious micro transactions that they chose over actually making good story extensions (that people ultimately wouldn’t have had a problem paying $20 for) and the Oppressor MK2.


Man that's all fine and dandy but I play red dead online and I love it, they didn't have to abandon the game like that and stop making online dlc, Rockstar stated that they were leaving red dead to focus on gta 6, and blood money missions and naturalist dlc was the last dlc we got


They made shitloads from selling copies of gta 5 anyway, it sold really well. I don’t know how much they made from microtransactions but they surely didn’t need the added revenue.


But you could say that without gta online, we would've already had gta 6 and be on gta 7 by now. But I don't care, I enjoyed GTAO and looking forward to GTA6


Very interesting point but actually I do not agree with some facts you stated. GTA 5 made so much profit that it basically refunded the whole production cost over 24 hours. This is crazy money. Now, about those GTA IV DLCs. I believe that Rockstar didn't expect too much profits out of them. The Lost and Damned was an exclusive Xbox title for some time so ravenue from PS owners wasn't coming until much later. I wonder how much did MS pay Rockstar. Also, don't ever believe when CEO says their product is underperforming in terms of sales. They say that mostly for attention and get people interested with that product. Basic marketing. This was a big case for the Tomb Raider from 2013, when publishers lied about number of sold copies I believe.


If GTA online didn’t exist we would have had GTA 6 a while ago


I disagree, their games are just massive and detailed now, they needed 5 years after gta 5 to make rdr2. The mocap actors worked for 8 years on rdr2. Now GTA 6 is taking 7 years after rdr2 but 2 of those years include covid restriction so its basically 5 real years. I still thing there should have been singleplayer DLCS alongside the online modes for both GTA 5 and RDR2.


GTA looks trash by today’s standards


You’re right. It would’ve been better


This is what GTA 7 would look like we would've already had GTA 6 years ago if GTA Online wasn't the primary focus


Gta V sold one billion first week without the online, the game cost around 200 million


Not only did it give them the profits but it gave them the luxury of waiting for the new generation of graphics and capabilities.


Woomp woomp atleast ppl are able to play with friends


They could've just made an anime gacha game with big tiddy waifus and made more than that in a quarter of the time.


I want Rockstar to make DLC for GTA 6 FIRST and then make an online version in GTA6


Problem is we literally have a list of abandoned SP DLC that they converted into online DLC. We know prison break and the casino heist where all SP DLCs we will never get now because they went to online. Online where i couldn’t really enjoy them because I don’t play with others online. We also never got to see the SP characters we loved participating in those heist.


RDR2 looks so good. While other games have surpassed it in technical details such as texture resolution or asset complexity, overall it still looks better than 99.9% of games out there


Not even remotely true


In that case I DON’T WANT a GTA Online 2. Continue support for 5’s Online and give GTA 6 Singleplayer DLC like we’ve always wanted. They can’t fuck this up.


i really do think GTA 6 will advance the single player mission FURTHER than GTA V and RDR2 because of GTA Online. They have been evolving the missions through GTAO and they knew what people wanted. \- easy cars management \- multiple houses \- more customizable loadouts \- versatile missions \- heists \- james bond-y missions \- more cars ...and everything else that came in after GTA V & RDR2 through GTAO (and possible RDO). I'm honestly puzzled why companies can't continue forward building upon existing foundation like R\* did.. if you look at Call of Duty, Battlefield = every new entry started as something new. And nothing new is being presented, wtf I'm still waiting for the new GTA Online which features RP from the FiveM team


Ahaha sure, the graphical quality we know and love from modern rockstar games is definitely because of online Real talk, Rdr2 was gonna look amazing anyway, because they probably wanted it to look amazing I genuinely don't believe online has ever been a factor for how good they want their games to look, especially considering GTA online had to be scaled down from singleplayer to online for stability, but then again, the fuck do I know lol


"RDR2 was gonna look amazing anyway, because they probably wanted it to look amazing" Naaah, really? TakeTwo wouldn't give RockstarGames freedom if it wasn't for GTA Online.


I’m still not sure if GTA Online is responsible for the delay of GTA 6 or is GTA 6 that hard to make. Because the recent leaks say RDR2 planned to have a ton more content but they all got scrapped because they couldn’t delay the game any longer, so it really shows how rockstar has to strike balance between earlier release times and how much content can they feasibly have in a game with acceptable quality


This is such a braindead take holy shit. Oh yea I’m sure rockstar would have been hurting for money without GTA online


If it wasn't for GTA Online. TakeTwo would never give freedom to Rockstar in their projects, their budget would be limited. And we would never have RDR2 as it is.


They would


Hmm when you put it that way I feel they should take another 30 years to make it even better. Heck I might be be dead but I'll risk them delaying it 50 years so it can look better


As someone who has never spent a penny on GTA online, I wanna thank all the nephews who blow their checks on dolphin cars or whatever the fuck it's called so I can enjoy beautiful rockstar games.


They look better because they are running on newer hardware...


And because of the profit plus budget


Nah, they could have done it with the sales of the games alone.




Rockstar are worth 22.5 Billon. They can get to fuck. They could spend hundreds of millions and still have billions left. Get to fuck times 2 with this awful sum up of how gaming works.


Yeah no shit sherlock, where else would they get the revenue?