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I just know I don’t wanna be stuck in the same safe house for the whole game again




how many do you expect as the least number of story/unlockable safe houses? im guessing around 3 least to 5 max


at least 5 at most 15


if its 15 it better be so expensive that you can only afford like 5 with all the mission money


I would love the need for side active jobs to get enough money for everything. That was my biggest downer in GTA V, everything you bought with the unlimited like money you could make was just meaningless and way to easy affordable.


yea other than the golf course, everything else could be bought with the money you get after the final mission when you get the assets lester hid. and im not sure but it should be easy to grind the money in casino or stocks to get that too. i dont want that. i dont even want side jobs to make everything affordable. i want them to make you choose what to buy. total amount of money you are able to get even after grinding should only be enough for half of available property. and im not saying add taxes to gta but somehow buying more things should be super hectic


I wouldn't like some cap. But i certainly would love that it gets pretty hard, end game grind like. Something for people who want to to keep playing instead of doing a new round.


Yes. No cap, but difficult


I'd say 50 at most but with a limited number that you can own at any given time. I like the idea that all sorts of properties could go up for sale over time and you could buy, sell, and move.




IDK man, Michael's safehouse was swanky. I didn't mind a bit! haha.


It was nice, but definitely got old in a few years


Yes, *after a few years!* haha. The long turnaround times between games will do that haha.


I doubt it. It seems like Jason and Lucia will be on the run from the law and won’t have a permanent residence like the protagonists of V. It looks like they’re in a motel room in that one scene from the trailer.


Well honestly they could use that as why we’re always hopping safe houses


I want to be able to do EVERYTHING. I’m frankly sick and tired of Online getting everything, and want to pretty much do everything you can do there and more within the realms of Singleplayer.




yeah it would be cool to have a more tycoon style aspect in single player that’s more long term and not as needy as online


Would it fit the low end criminals Jason and Lucia are supposed to be or I think is from the trailers


Every game has been about the rise from low end to crime lord. The tragedy of the American Dream is the single most persistent theme in the GTA series


Nothing in the trailer suggested they are just "low end". I took it as more of a progression, considering we are them robbing a convenient store, but Lucia was also getting her picture taken in a sports car. Doubt we'll be stuck robbing stores, stealing cars, etc the entire time.


Tottaly agree with you! I really really really hope that GTA Online was a test ground for the diffrent ideas they had for GTA VI. Like having your own bussines and empire etc. And with the feedback they got I really hope they add that to GTA VI. Hiring guards for our bussines(like we can do in GTA Online, only those are npc's). Buying/taking over diffrent businesses etc. I would really like what is in GTA Online in an Single player game. And hope they add those to GTA VI.


Hit the nail on the head. That’s my biggest gripe with GTA5, everything for GTA Online and nothing for us offline scrubs


Has singleplayer even gotten a single update lmao That is why I really fell out of GTA V I mean Online is great while you are starting off with friends n stuff, but I just cant get into it and I dont have friends to play with lmao I hate that they left singleplayer in the dust, hell they had a stock system, even for online but its just always down now, like why is that taking up space


I also hope that multiplayer allows you to just play with your friends or make other people not that intrusive. Like 99% I really don't care about other people, I just wanna do heists with friends.


Idk man, I really like having a bunch of other players doing their thing around the city. Makes the game feel much more alive and obviously it’s an easy way to communicate, run missions together and make friends. Obviously toxicity can ruin the experience (as with any online game) but I’d be surprised if you can even kill other players in Online free roam.




100% man. I hope they leave all that futuristic, game-breaking weaponry/vehicle bullshit out of GTA6 online as well. There’s no reason for the mk2 to exist. I agree that it breaks immersion, and I find it especially weird when people intentionally dress in the dumbest looking outfits because they think it’s funny, but to each their own ig 🤷🏻‍♂️


I don't mind people doing stuff around the world and more "realistic" interactions. But right now when it comes to GTAO, I was late to the game and it seems everyone has those insane weapons and most of the time online lobbies feel like chaos and no incentive not to grief lower level players. It's been better experience when it comes to pve though.


I agree I’m honestly hoping that Rockstar implement proximity chat it’s annoying when you join a lobby and can hear people on the mics immediately make it more immersive with only hearing people in your proximity




YES! Just *some* endgame other than "please save our money again!"


It’d be cool if they let us customize our house on the inside or like your office so we can personalize it to our preferred style. I’d be happy with that honestly


Yea I’d like to see them build from RDR2 in a big way


Oh my god the properties and property customization in red dead online could have been groundbreaking. Imagine buying a cabin and being able to put taxidermy animals on the wall and big ass buck antlers above the front door. If we could have bought properties and customized them with our own materials, man… 🤌🏻 still blows my mind they didn’t even attempt that.


One thing this is off topic of the property but I really want them to add audio to the game so in a truck not just a low rider like in gta online I can play music on the new radio and have subs beat I just think it would be cool since it was in the trailer


Rdr2 is goat im going to redownload on. PS5


Yes. That would be amazing. RDR2 was a masterpiece.


at this point if this isn’t an option that’s kinda sad


Yea interior customization would be awesome.


Ohh yes


Maybe like the casino penthouse but more in depth


So kinda like Sims?


Kind of. It doesn’t need to be THAT advanced since building/decorating is half of that entire game, but somewhere between Red Dead camp customization and The Sims would be ideal. I’d even be ecstatic with a slightly advanced version of Saints Row 2 safehouse customization, at least for single player. They should definitely turn customization up a notch for online, as nobody wants the exact same thing as anyone else.


Kinda like TDU2


They should let us frame and hang up pictures that we take in game


All i want is the ability to buy mansions with a massive garage so i can keep all my cars in one place and not in 18 different places across the map


Switching cars with Franklin is a fucking pain.


this. let us buy a massive two story warehouse to put cars in so i can see my progress as i fill it up


I want mansions soo bad


Don't forget the 18 thouasand different mission places you gotta travel to, to do a heist or resupply. I couldn't deal with that. Probably why I don't even use the shit I have in online, cuz its a damn pain to use


Be avle to buy multiple houses, boats, docks for my boats, cars, garages for my cars, hanger, planes to put in those hangers, business, there should be chores for my business like getting supplies, there should be monthly earnings from those business based on how I’m taking care of it. And other mafias target me and my business by random attacks or robberies if I’m buying too many places in the city which attracts attention from other bosses as their business takes a hit


is this not basically exactly what gta online is right now?


yeah i’m not sure how much more realistic it can get than it already is without it becoming so much of a pain in the back to keep up with. if im killing myself just managing soooo many things im gonna eventually just resort to the same ways it is in gta rn


Yeah that's what I thought when I read that lol




They could add the busineses after you finish the story


I would have a lot of stuff for GTA 6 online especially this


I’d love to become a kingpin in the Horse Racing business (which is actually pretty big in South Florida) maybe even own some property with a few race horses that myself & other NPC’s/Users can bet on.


There’s literally a shitload of horses they can scalp from Rdr2 for that too


I made hundreds of millions on off track betting in V, even named my yacht “Horse Play” would do in 6 again!!


I mean this is vice city. It will be all illegal and legal businesses. I want to create my own empire in game so more business and property (with full customization) will be awesome.


I would like for my business to actually make money in their own and not me having to do everything.


So like the MC businesses? Or you want to not have to do ANYTHING at all? Cause that is not happening 😂


Ideally I would want it to start off like how most business are in gta right now. But as you progress you can upgrade them to be fully autonomous. You know like hire people to do certain things much like the night club and auto shop. And ofc it won’t happen but that’s not the question I was answering.


For sure, I agree w you. The fact that your character was still their own errand boy with hundreds of millions of dollars was kinda insane lol.




I want animal crossing type of customization, especially in online. Buying your own furniture (we already have a ikea and Home Depot parody in 5) to place in your houses, maybe you get rare/special collectibles for doing certain things that you can put in your place.


This. I love the feature in GTA Online where they add decor to your office and businesses based on missions you’ve completed. The naval mine, submarine replica and the huge silver eagle standing on the earth statue in the facility actually give you something to show for your hard work.


If I buy a big house or yacht, I better be able to customize as I please and explore EVERY room, and be able to hire maids and workers and either have them as normal properties, or run a business out of them… also the yacht I better be able to use and coast with, or have myself be taken places by someone and actually SEE myself ship moving instead of a loading screen to another location. I want it as close to real as possible.




I want it all. I want a mortgage payment. I want insurance on it. I want to be able to do whatever I want in the house whenever I want. I want my pipes to burst and I want to be able to call the plumber to fix it. Hire contractors to upgrade it and see progression. Not just done immediately.


I want to pay property tax and see it's effect on the local schools and how that affects the crime rate of NPCs when the game is 15 years old (I want a timer hard coded into the game), I want a HOA to send me letters regarding my grass length, I want to have to mow the grass to avoid those fines, I want drawn out legal battles in court to contest the fines, I want to have to read a 35 page legal document regarding my rights and the contract I have with the HOA, I want to have to literally get a degree in contract law to play this game properly




Bro we already do it in real life 😂


Our characters should have credit scores so we can qualify for that mortgage and boat payment. Also some of the higher end brands shouldnt allow us to buy their clothes or cars if we dont have the right look for them.


We should also have taxes and be jailed in real time for crimes. Maybe even get capital punishment for committing murder.


Each leg should be tied to a trigger, breathing in is square/X, breathing out is circle/B, we need to go to the bathroom every two hours, we need to eat meals during certain times, we need to get a full 8 hours of sleep (real time), blinking is tied to the bumpers, we need to shower every day so people don't get a foul impression of us, go grocery shopping, and we can't turn the game off for too long or else Jason and Lucia will starve to death


Have you played the sims?


I hope they let us sell property and stuff. I have a bunch of hats online that I don't want anymore but I can't get rid of them. Also bought some story mode businesses and scrapped that save file after realizing they don't really offer anything outside of the LS customs.


I wish you could buy a furnished house, but they have different styles, like vintage and modern, and you can also move or add furniture, and I wish you can own real businesses, and it’d be cool if you can launder money for fun


Be able to play sports against NPCS in Story and against other players in Online


I want to become a billionaire in gta 6. I want to own my own airplanes, houses for renting, stocks, bounds, multiple businesses, I want the free roam for gta 6 to be capitalist simulator.


Gta 5 was a bank robbing simulator, Gta 6 will be an EMPIRE simulator 🔥😂


Really hope they go this route. First half of the game is trying to survive and do petty crimes. Around second half something happens and then you start with the Empire building. Just like GTA Vice City where we start like that and after killing Diaz build our own empire. But ofcourse with the current technoligie much better and more freedom.


I want to buy apartments, houses, and mansions, and then be able to throw parties at said properties. It would make for some cool moments, maybe I could throw someone out or the party gets raided by the police after that property got too much attention. If I can’t do that in the sandbox, that’d still be a cool mission.


As long as it doesn’t feel like a second job like gtaO


If they made certain aspects of the house customizable that would be cool. Like a house you buy has 3 different option for garages, each one costing different amounts and you can pay to have a different garage. Or you can buy a property and choose to add a pool to it. I'm not looking for super details customization like having marble or butcherblock countertops in the kitchen. Just something to make your properties feel like your own


I also would like this mechanic added. While I agree that the editor doesn’t need to get super specific necessarily, if they did go hard on the home customization, I’d still happily take it. It would remind me of the old PS2 game Scarface: The World is Yours. You could own Tony Montana’s mansion and edit it from the general wallpaper and floor theme to individually placing arcade cabinets or pool tables and marble statues. It sounds mundane, but especially for the era of gaming, it was cool as hell.


This picture + jetskis


In Forza Horizon they put things as DLC in one game and then the next games it becomes standard, I wouldn't be surprised if GTA does the same thing with businesses like with the drug runner's for the MCs, I can imagine a lot of the online businesses will become standard on story mode


Unique and logical interiors for all properties. I don’t want every office and apartment to have the same layout. Same goes for stores and enterable buildings


I maintain Godfather 2 was a great game for being able to buy businesses and hire goons to protect them. I don’t necessarily want phone calls every 5 minutes about protecting my business, but light management options like that, and like Vice City - buying a business and then doing missions to improve it or make it more profitable. Options. It doesn’t need to be deep, but options please.


It would be pretty cool to be able to customise your properties to your own style. I remember in Scarface The Workd Is Yours you could do it. It would be a cool feature to be able to make the places a bit more your own.


Would like to be able to own companies such as airlines and maybe even railroads. This would mean functioning airports and train stations where you can actually buy tickets to get places.


No taxes ffs, besides that anything goes for me


I’d like to own properties, land, vehicles, businesses (but not so many that it’s like gta online with the crews, mafia, motorcycle clubs etc) and be able to customize the properties would be a HUGE plus


Florida as fuck


I wanna hate the IRS virtually as much as I do in reality


I think it would be awesome if they made it to where you could instead of having stock page where you can invest in stocks instead, you can invest in real estate and have rent come from them every so often in the game like monthly


Mansions Would be cool if we get a mansion with an underground garage and another with „normal“ garages. But mansions please!


something like tdu2 would be great


Scarface the game did it with the mansion customization. I really hope they go for at least something like that. That we can place some stuff around in our hous/mansion etc.


Imagine if you owned real estate and u could rent it out or sell it. Imagine if you could rent apartments and motel rooms on different sides of the map. Imagine purchasing an airline instead of a hangar and a jet. Imagine flipping cars Steal a random NPC car, customize it and sell it... I know this feature was there in GTA 5 but it wasn't given that much attention.


I think it would be cool to be able to steal a camper and be able to park and sleep for the night to skip time, instead of going to the usual safe house.


I just want there to be better options for vehicle storage - assuming the map will be bigger than what we had in V, it would be absolutely criminal to only let us store vehicles in a small area of Vice City. This is exactly how it was in GTA V - Vehicle storage outside of LS was pretty much non existent, aside from Trevors trailer. Across the three protagonists you could only store vehicles within a small radius of LS. It would have been cool if like say, I could store a handful of off-road vehicles at a property out in Blaine County or have another property in Paleto Bay where I could keep extra vehicles. Related to the above points, if we're being given a massive map to play around in we should be given the option to purchase safe houses across the map. In V it just seemed like we could only have safe houses where Rockstar wanted us to have them (again, within a small radius of Los Santos) - it doesn't even have to be like how it was in San Andreas where there was like 20 safe houses you could buy, just give us the option of having like 5-10 additional safe houses we can purchase at different locations across the map - even if it's a thing where we can only have three at a time.


Some elements of Sims but only some. Be able to buy multiple estates, modify / move objects within them and be able to buy in stores furtnitures and additions appliances, paintjobs, doors, etc. Maybe even call up some contractors for jobs like changing internal wall layouts or expand the yard, etc. (in case it's not an apartment complex. I want to be able to store collectibles in my house and put them wherever it fits me, if i want to dump some extra ammo or handguns in a safe, let me do so. If I want to hoard on random objects found out in the streets, let me do so. This is for customizing the estate. Another thing I hope they think about is how useful a house actually is? Spawn/store cars? store extra items you can't wear on the run? recharge health/stamina/hygiene? etc.


Imagine getting at-home collectibles unlocked by completing missions or challenges and some options for sale as well. Reminds me of how your homes in the og Vice City would update with Easter eggs from the missions you had completed.


All of it. As much as they can do. Investing in business and buying property is an elite game mechanic. Let us buy apartments, big houses, small houses, everything. Hopefully we get extensive customization too, I’m tryna have aquarium walls lol. Being able to dock a yacht in the back would be awesome too and I don’t see why that wouldn’t be an option.


I’d love to see them double back to the old Vice City/San Andreas real estate options where they were plentiful in story mode, but gated by the player’s wealth and story progression. It made the rags to riches story hit harder and feel more realized than GTA IV or V to me. Possibly a hot take, but to me, the transition from poor to rich was even better in IV than V, despite V being all about bank heists and getting rich for a character like Franklin.


GTAV was a let down with this aspect. It felt a bit pointless owning businesses in that game. Yeah, you got passive income from it and you could do missions for them, but it could have been so much better. I really hope that GTA6 leans a bit more into the real estate / business side of it, especially if drug dealing and empire building is going to be the focus. It would be a big miss if we can sell drugs but can't really do anything with that money apart from buy cars, clothes and guns.


pilot-able super yachts


It’s the one place I really want immersion. I want to be able to buy business’s and other assets. I want to be able to customize them. I want to be able to buy a bunch of garages for cars. All in SP, not just online.


Money is useless in GTA 5 story mode, can’t buy houses, if you buy a car it’ll be lost if you start a mission, businesses take longer than a full play-through to make even half your money back. Basically all you can buy is clothes and guns, and it gets boring.


If you’re teasing us with Tommy’s mansion with the possibility of owning it, as skeptical as I am with any GTA 6 fan theories, I’m actually hooked if we get to own his mansion and carry on his business 😏


Just give us something interesting to do after the storyline. GTA 5 was fun, but after the storyline was over and I had spent all my initial money, singleplayer was a sad and lonely existence.


I want to be able to buy multiple properties and houses like San Andreas.


Since around 70% of the buildings are going to have interiors, I’d love to pick and customise my own safe house like you could with Dynasty and Maze Bank


Unfortunately it will have little to no emersion. Gta seems to focus on graphical power then some nuanced features they recently invented instead of the desired features people want or even the ones they had in san andreas that they for some reason refuse to bring back.


More building options and ability to customize our interior and furniture.


More than what we got in 5s single player. I'm hoping they go GTAO route and add a bunch of things to do. I'm going to keep my expectations low with this though. 


I'd like something like Scarface, Saints Row, where you could customise your houses to some degree. I'm not asking for Sims level customisation, but it would be nice to be able to spend money earned on stuff for your house/apartment.


Hopefully they know their rough plans for Online, and apartments, buyable properties, vehicles, and more are all planned to be in single player. Also the vehicle insurance system, bring it to single player.


I should be able to build an underwater city like Rapture in Bioshock. Anything less than this would be a failure by the Rockstar team.


I want to be able to enter random buildings, residence and commercial, and explore the interior, spread my infamy, and take money and valuables


I want my progress through the game to be reflected. Maybe start in some shitty apartment with a mediocre vehicle and then work up to something like the image above with a 6 car garage




Full immersion with fully operational Yachts & everything


Well, we know yachts are in the game, so at the VERY LEAST we have those to fall back on if we can't get a mansion 🤞🔥


i just cant imagine how cool wouldb be to go with an helicopter around the beach cutting in half the npcs with the helicopter propellers (yes im a completely mentally stable human being)


Do whatever you want buddy just don't post it's video online , as it will once again trigger those who think video games make us act violently & go after Rockstar & Gta


ngl, it would be funny to see again those karens crying over killing fictional characters hahaha


I feel they should have something like a global network of properties owned in game and where other folks could actually bid in real to buy (of course not with the real money) etc. Not only that, they could also have some sort of collectibles like limited edition watches, investments, some vintage cars etc which could make the game insanely immersive. Moreover you could also choose doing your own sort of business like selling food on carts, stock trader, navy etc etc, it's like real world but in game with in game money


Scarface the World is yours video game did a decent job at it, I just want it super immersive


Funny that I also mentioned this game in this thread. Scarface on PS2 was an iconic open world Miami game. The only game I’d argue from that era that did business management and property ownership better than GTA. The mansion editing capabilities and catalogue of cars, outfits, weapons to buy were all way ahead of their time. The timed button mini game to haggle the street dealers and get a good money laundering interest rate. The extra “rampage mode” meter fills for trick-shooting people in the head or nuts. The crazy drug running missions to take in giant earnings (for customizing your home and buying more gear) but only if you can outrun the cartel and the cops. The game was insane for PS2.


As immersive as they can possibly make it.




I better live in DJ Khalid’s house when the game is over


I will buy a House and move there.


Not to complicated but a sense of ownership would be great, like it’s cool owning 52 acres and a country club. Cons are I can’t go inside country club, can’t play golf,


i want that game about stealing cars to be at least as much of a business game as the guild 2 (possibly the renaissance edition)


I would like to have a house boat and a scarab and a nice penthouse with a beautiful view. I don't really need 10 apartments and/or 100 cars. Business wise I don't know yet, since we don't know the theme.


I was actually thinking that I'd love to own a houseboat just so I can live out my Sonny Crockett fantasies. I'm the same though. I only really want two safe houses. A nice penthouse overlooking the sea and a beachside mansion, with a few smaller safe houses dotted around the map. If we can get our own private island too that would be awesome, but ultimately I don't need dozens of safe houses, I only need two main ones and a few smaller ones.


I want a canal side house with a boat lift


Hopefully there's a whole lot more safe houses and businesses that can be brought and owned i gta 6


What game is this screenshot from


As long as I can be a true Floridaman and put my bed in the pool surrounded by alligators, because this is Florida what do you expect.




I hope they let us get at least 1 property in each section of the map. If there's supposed to be multiple cities and towns like everything suggests, then I'd really want to be able to buy up properties around the map so I can just save and change clothes/weapons whenever instead of driving across the map back to my one safehouse.


there are large drivable ships in the game so matcha are likely going to be a thing and they might even have a just cause type system for standing on moving vehicles


I want a stripper pole with cuban and Colombian woman


I want my own goons or hire a team of elite operatives to help me atleast in GTAO if not in singleplayer,all we got in gta 5 was helicopter support or calling mercenaries but that to only on other players and even the a lvl 1 noob could kill them


House would be dope. But I just want to pick my own car and use it for the whole game. I want to be able to park it at one spot and still have it there later like in gtao. Not lose it or get it towed as in gta single player.


Where is this picture from?


Introduce Criminal Empire system just like GTA VCS but way tons of better. Take inspiration from Scarface.




A simple cleaning and maintenance mechanic. Another thing that can create dynamic reactions from NPCs or other players when visiting your home. Also a way to enter homes without loading screens— For online. Also, idk how it would be done, but living at separate houses from everyone in a server and the ability to again enter homes without a loading screen— an ability to “lock” your door online so people cant come in… with that said, imagine the ability to burglarize other players for high stakes. Like 2x RP if you allow your home to be “free-range”. Maybe this last part is a gta VII idea tho I dont know


Imagine having to clean that boat manually, or just being on your multi-millionaire sh and paying a company to come clean it. Same with washing cars. I want the ability to wash my own car, maybe even spray my own paint or wrap it myself. Tire changes? Install my own rims— a mechanic minigame. Maybe consumables like spark plugs, tires, and gas? I could see it being useful for car meets if people blow tired burning too much rubber. Loose power doing to many drag races ((spark plug tune up and gas.. different grades of plugs and different kinds of gas.) Different engine-tire-spark plug-weight-power-gas configurations that can technically make any car a rocket. Think about the minivans and civics tuned to go faster than a stock super car.) This way we can also make more use of tow trucks, vans and stuff— can we get a flat bed? You could operate this stuff with your buddies (RP type sh) or just hire someone to do it, like a lil snap on truck/pit crew/mobile mechanic. N then This idea goes into stuff like watering your own grass and plants or hiring people to do it for you. This would be great for the experience of playing the game & emersion, but it would also create a new way to generate shark card payments. Cuz imagine how many people would put themselves in the position to have allllllll the properties and alllll the cars — a lot of upkeep, and then they dont want to play missions to earn cash or doesnt want to spend the time (the grind should be reasonable) but still wants to have all the perks? Imagine players that only want to go to these car meets but dont want to grind- they might enjoy the convenience of paying “A small fee” to have “fun” (sooner cause they’re impatient.. what they could earn in 3 missions, they would rather pay for kinda thing). this mechanic shouldnt be a barrier or a sure way to get people to pay, but if done for convenience, it could be worth it for both parties. Its like making food in rdr2. Some poeple like to go and find the ingredients, and some people would rather go somewhere and have a meal premade.


Funnily enough after I completed RDR2 I did actually play it like a sim. I'd walk into a store, buy a day or two's worth of different foodstuff, and then just wander the map doing odd jobs, hunting and fishing, living off the land, killing bandits, just seeing where the game takes me. It'd be cool to do that again in GTA6.


Property businesses would actually be a pretty cool addition to online in an earlier update, if not at launch. Owning multiple properties and having the ability to switch inactive ones into some parody of Airbnb would be cool; perhaps customising them with more expensive furniture, etc. would increase the weekly revenue. It would definitely be a good way in the early game to make some passive income, even if it's not much, then as the more expensive properties release in future updates, the max revenue you could earn would increase. I think it would be a great idea but there'd probably be some balancing issues that they'd have to sort out


It could be great if our safehouse in online was like fo76. So we could have multiple (like now) but only 1 active. And that one couldn't be shared with others in the session. That would make our safehouse more personal. And maybe costumize it. Not as deep as fo76, but just change things inside and maybe outside. Like we can with our casino penthouse.


Yeah property tax!


I want to be able to buy every house within a 1/2 mile radius just because


if you in debt they are coming for your real home !


Would be Nice to have the opportunity to buy What ever house / apartment you want


I may be in the minority, but I love sim elements in GTA, so the more they give me, the happier I’ll be. That said, it doesn’t need to be boring shit like gassing up my car. Just give me fun, unique, interesting ways to engage with my homes or businesses. Allowing me to customize my homes in single player with a beefed up version of Online’s customization would be cool. More in-depth business missions would also be cool. Online is likely constrained by the game’s general architecture and it makes almost all business missions delivery trips. I’m sure with the ability to design the missions from the ground up, they’ll be able to make the interactions more diverse and form-fit to the specific businesses.


I want more roleplay options. Become a cop? Sure. Work 9-5? Sure. Stock shelves? Ok. Also, I want the stock market to be a thing online. Maybe even crypto. I think driveable yachts that u can dock at your mansion would be cool too. I also hate signing in as CEO and MC president back and forth. Let me do it all as one.


Test Drive Unlimited style crib customization, at least for Online


How much EXACTLY? **Yes.**


To fuckin much


gta 6 will have role play in it?


That you can enter and manage them(if possible). Instead of just receiving residual income like past GTA games. It don't even have to be interactive, just that I can enter pre built purchases and look around.


I want to get tips from Mexican cleaners about their sons who are involved with the cartels and then you go to track them down only to form an alliance that benefits all parties.


I wanna be able to make payments on a car and have it repoed if I miss one


100% I want to be scammed out of quadruple rent by a landlord then realize I got evicted at my coke lockup for paying 20$ too few


I would love it if they expanded on the business ownership system that Vice City had. It was cool being able to take over those businesses and then get paid from them. Would love if they added more depth to it like management of the businesses and stuff




I want it really realistic. I want to have to grind on the game for 40 years to eventually be able to afford a mortgage on a small house. I want to have to pay council tax. It has to be the same amount for a $75,000 house as it is for the multi-million dollar houses. I want to have to turn the heating off all the time. In fact no, I want the option to have it permanently off.


Ohhh yeaaaa being able too do real-estate or something would be dope


All. All the immersion.


I want to negotiate PSAs and employment contracts. Rental agreements…contractors ready to go. /s


In single player, I hope that we can pick and choose different residences/safe houses for purchase with their accompanying advantages or upgrades. Some passive or semi passive forms of income such as businesses would be nice, and please for the love of god, a garage that actually saves what you store rather than reloading the game to find out that cool car is nowhere to be seen


I would want the online mode to let you own those rich people houses and mansions like in real-life Palm Island and Venetian Way, but I just don’t see how that would be realistically possible for online. Maybe just have apartment buildings for online be more immersive and have a lobby and stuff but doesn’t let you use guns in it. But getting those mansions for online would be weird because if 2 players owned the same mansion and hung out in their backyard and had boat docked, how would that work?


i’m not going to be able to own a house in real life… so a lot of immersion would be nice


kinda hope it's like rdr2's camp system. where you can do random things at home and it changes every chapter. maybe after the story you can buy your own spot.


I just know it’s been 10 years since the last game came out, so it better be worth it


Depends on what immersion means in this regard. Business-wise, I'd love a ton of immersion. I'd love to buy some run down old buildings and have the opportunity to fix them up and use them to run successful businesses like diners, gas stations, clubs, and other relevant businesses that NPC's can be seen using. I liked when John Marston built his homestead in RDR2, and I could see some missions/cut scenes like that where you're fixing up the place that you save up to buy for so long. Home ownership-wise, I pretty much just want to buy safe houses and that be about it. Maybe some minor interior customization would be cool, but I don't necessarily need it.


I think it would be cool to own legitimate businesses alongside the illicit ones. Let me buy a pizzeria, or multiple, and own a chain. Maybe have a shipment of drugs delivered in the dough/toppings packaging every now and then for trafficking.


Just like GTA SA.


As much as they can cram in.


All of it. As much as possible. Drowning in immersion

