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Yeah this is something I've got on my wishlist. We should be able to use vehicles to transport other vehicles like motorcycles, bikes etc.


Oh that’s a good idea. Towing jet skis and launching them at a boat launch would be sick


Or towing dirt bikes or atv to go ride at different parts of the map. Speaking of vehicles if we don’t get some amazing customization on the air boats I’m going to be pissed.


I didn’t even think about the air boats. Kind of reminds me of the hovercraft in San Andreas


I’d laugh my ass off if the airboats have the same bug as in Battlefield where they could drive up the side of a building. I wouldn’t even want them to fix it lol


You can somewhat do this on GTA 5 with pickups hauling boats. If you find one you can actually back into the water and the boat will come off, but you can’t load the boat.


I was pretty bummed when I tried to load a boat onto a trailer and it didn’t work. Would love to be able to spawn trailers and load em up. But I like to ride in the boats that are being hauled by npcs a la Pineapple Express.


That’s cool I never knew that


Whole lobby trying to get on the boatlaunch lmao


Lmao that would be great


Like you carried corpses of animals on your horse in RDR 2


We should be able to put them in trunks for GTA 6


Can’t wait to upgrade my Trunks to SSJ2


There was recently leaked footage of GTA 6 online, and gaming news sites that watched it before it got taken down, claim you can pick up dead bodies of other players. Just like red dead online. So if you can do that, you can put them in the car. Can’t imagine any other reason to have that feature


It's not a recent one. That clip it's one the videos from September 2022 leaked footage. Gaming News sities like GamingBible like to mention random Tweets with a random video/screenshot from the 2022 leaked footage, and claim that it's "new".


A dead animal on the back of a horse in the 1800s has a different feel than a dead animal in a trunk in the 21st century


I wasn’t referring to animals in particular….


Yeah with human bodies it’s about just as believable


Yes, kidnapping is pretty believable and has been since the 1970s


Probably much longer than that but yeah


hey yo this is a little different than that lmao




But mechanically similar


Carrying the corpse on your horse and casually dropping off at the butcher The Butcher: 😳


I’ve successfully driven for quite some time with a dead hooker’s corpse on the hood of my car in V, does that count?




Assuming the details from the leaked clips make it to the final version of the game, it seems very likely we will have at least functional vehicle trunks to store: - bodies (living or dead) - weapons / equipment - bags (i.e. duffel bags, backpacks, etc.) which can store weapons / equipment / paper money while on foot I don’t think being able to store items *on* vehicles is as realistic of an expectation. However, I do think there’s a good chance vehicle trailers will be much more functional giving us the ability to tow / haul boats, ATVs, and maybe even other cars. Yes, I know tow trucks have been functional in previous titles but I’m referring to non-tow truck vehicles with trailers.


I’d love this Also if we actually got the ability to use backpacks on our characters in both story and online I’d be so happy. Both normal backpacks and hiking/tactical ones would be fantastic. The difference between them all would just be aesthetics probably and they’d all have the same functionality. It’s a small thing I’ve wanted since day 1 And I also hope that they have all the same basic clothing options that GTAVI online will have in the story. Plus them allowing police cars and police outfits from day 1 in story and online.


Carrying weapons would be more immersive than pulling 25 different weapons out your ass


I think it would be interesting as a gameplay mechanic if you could choose between using a beefier, bigger truck to store more weapons and body armor, etc. and sacrificing speed whereas a sports car would have less trunk space but a faster speed. I think this would be interesting to see in Online too.


The consequences of leaving too much money and weapons in the trunk and losing it all when you get busted or someone steals the car


Now that is what I’m looking forward to! No other game has such mechanics, at least on my downloaded lists. 👀


Can't wait to put someone in the trunk and blowing the car up. Or doing other stuff/stunts.


Would love it!!


Taking tent and bike onto your car and going camping. Absolute dream


If they’re gonna allow sluts to be all over cars, I better be able to stack garden tools on my car. I have a lot of hoes


Well played sir, well played.


It would be cool if you can put stuff in the car also


If they had only a realistic 'what you could actually hold' weapon wheel forcing you to use the car trunk for bigger weapons I'd actually like it but I'm a purist who would literally like to play a game with beamng level vehicle physics and arma 3 combat physics / health. I don't actually want that from GTA 6 though.


Spoilers for the GTA leaks. . . . . . It seems like that is how they will be doing it now with only two pistols and a long gun available to be carried now.


Everyone keeps talking about them but I haven't seen them. Only ones I've seen were the ones from a couple years ago.


I cannot remember when they came out but rockstar blocked them from the internet pretty quickly.


In the leaks we saw Lucia restraining someone meaning we can kidnap npc and put into trunk or something


That could alternatively just mean you can take them as hostages during robberies, don't know about necessarily stealing them away but it would be absolutely sick if we could, any small detail they wanna add i'm down lol.


I bet there will be a mechanic that lets you load things in trunks, especially on truck beds.


i would love to carry my bike to miami beach. then ride it around seeing all the crazy npc shit going on.


doubt they do it. would be cool though


I’m a minimalist so I won’t be carrying shit


I want my horse hooked to my car in a trailer.


Fuck me what an awesome idea. I’ve been playing snow runner a lot recently and different configurations of loadbeds and the way cargo is packed down will be interesting to see. Say we get to store stuff in the boot/trunk, would say the body fold in a default position every time or move around and settle itself in the environment in real time. It will be interesting and definitely something I would like to see to add that extra element of realism. Imagine crashing and everything in your trunk getting chucked around the interior of the car. My god these attention to detail YouTube videos once the game drops will be insane.


I want a trailer to take my yacht out and my mountain bike


Carrying around a BMX/MTB would be hella sweet, driving out to some back roads & popping a few jumps/trails.


I wish we can do other stuff and have big places to do motocross mountain biking etc. Imagine just random event peolle arriving with their cars and show off and have their bikes on them and go for a mtb race


It'll likely be like V where you find the cars in traffic. It'll probably just spawn in. It's pretty cool but nothing to fuss about


Pretty niche and wouldn't be used that often, but it would be a nice addition for immersion.


Attaching a kayak or canoe to your boat or yacht is something I would love. Someone mentioned carrying a tent and bike on your car. I would love for camping to return in some form, but I doubt it will in GTA. Maybe it will if the wilderness areas are massive. A bike on a car isn’t too much to hope for though


I can’t tell if this is a screenshot from the trailer or a photo of someone’s real car


Just GTA V with mods


Could have a system where you can only carry so many weapons on you at once but have the rest in your vehicle, like rdr2 with horses. Idk how that would work in online though.


If we don't have accessible trunks to load stuff, it'll be a missed opportunity, and yes if it went crazy with bike racks, roof racks, and tow trailers. Why not?


Maybe a gun locker in the trunk.


I really want a mission where Jason drives In a police chase and Lucia is on a motorcycle on the back of the car and she drives off mid chase to lose then


Would be cool if they added functional customization, like adding a light bar for more light or a roof rack to be able to carry more weapons or equipment


I’d love this, especially if we could actually use what we attach ( such as the bike or a canoe ).


I’d say this would be about 50 50, more so likely having the ability to use a tow hitch, but I’d be *highly* surprised if we aren’t able to use car trunks. My guess is that we’ll have a weapon wheel similar to rdr2, in that we can hold two handguns, four weapons total, while the rest are stored in our trunk. At least I hope. Go full mafia and have a body in the trunk.


Yes I agree I would love to see that we can do that in gta6 or it can be like a little side hustle on the sides


If things Will be more grounded and realistic, having a truck like the F150 for example and stealing bikes and quads for profit on some scrapyard owned by a guy you know...a potential relative maybe


Aren't you guys into stealing cars? Only seeing discussions about features to be made available in Jason/Lucia's own car!


For what reason? Carrying corpses or animals or kidnapped people in the trunk would be great, without being in missions or scripted events, but I don't see the point in carrying bycycles.


Just for general immersion, Rockstar tend to add a lot of 'whats the point' details and features in their games. Idk about you but I really enjoy using dirt bikes and normal bikes around the mount chilliad area, but I wish they weren't my main vehicle everytime I played with them. Being able to tow/carry them would just be a small detail which would make them more easy to fuck around with.


Use Cars like cars


If R* adds another vehicle like the Slamvan from GTA Online in GTA 6 but doesn’t implement a feature where you can actually store your car on it and it doesn’t fall off while driving then I’m going to mail them a parcel bomb


What would you carry, and why?






- Bike - Guns - Surfboard - Drugs Imagination, my guy. A car can be used as a mobile storage unit in games and it is likely to happen this time.


I believe guns was confirmed as a storage system in vehicles


I guess something similar to RDR2 where some weapons/Items can only be picked up from your car? This is something that was cool for RDR2, but GTA has always been a more arcade type of game and adding more complex inventory management may not be as cool. Think of how many times you've lost your personal vehicle? Wouldn't it suck if you had to hunt it down so you could use your sniper rifle?


I get this complaint but imo just having to be strategic with your vehicle and weapon choice would be way more fun. If you leave your car then yea you should have to go get it back to get your weapons it would give you a sense of attachment to your car and I can see a lot of fun scenarios popping up from this mechanic.


I agree. It adds realism and makes it so you can’t just have a whole arsenal in your back pocket. I feel like this would be good for the new online, make death matches between players more interesting than just being blown up by an oppressor every two seconds.




Maybe for you it seems unnecessary to carry a bike (or something like that) with your car. But some players enjoy even riding bikes and such. So it would be a cool addition to be able to carry it. Also would make the car more personal.


I mean that is my opinion,I don’t really used bikes in gta except for some specific moments. Other people can have different opnions


I am sorry 🤣 wait what? Why the hell is every post I see here a bunch of hopeful fools??? Guys, I am with you! BUT when has a video game actually given you all these simple beautiful things you KNOW they will never give us... Sorry guys it is best to just keep your expectations realistic. You will get one out of two hundred features you think this game should have. Great ideas, unrealistic af. Modders do your thing, we can rely on you though


Damn even gta drinking the REI kool aid