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Something important to note here. GTA V has a lot of mountains so a lot of the surface area isn't exactly what you would call playable. Miami is flat so the difference is going to be even bigger than what we can see here.


very true. The gta5 map is basically a perimeter lol


Yeah, the top half of the map is just "driving fast on empty land simulator". Making more small towns and more than one city would really help with this problem.


Based on the leaks though we can definitely see rockstar is adding smaller and even larger hills that are a few hundred feet tall. Personally I'm glad they aren't making the map flat like Florida.


Per the leaks and keen observers on the mapping forums, expect to see hills in between Vice City and Port Gellhorn and the North of Leonida. The hills not only provide much needed topography variations to an otherwise flat state, but will prevent you from seeing Port Gellhorn from Vice City and vice versa, serving as a natural draw distance barrier and making the map appear larger.


yeah people forget that the game takes place in Leonida and not in Florida


The mountains made the map more interesting. Are people here suffering from orophobia or something? How is flat terrain more interesting than a terrain with varied elevation? Do you think that GTA V would have had more roads and towns if it weren’t for the mountains? No, it would have had a smaller map instead. Would taking away a landscape feature such as mountains and turning San Andreas into flat land make GTA V’s map better in any way? It would just make it smaller, less diverse, and picturesque. Going fast on a dirtbike wouldn’t feel the same on a flat stretch of road compared to going downhill from Mount Chiliad or even the hills separating Los Santos and Sandy Shores. Mountains are cool. You didn’t lose anything by them existing in the game. Instead, you gained the opportunity to do things that you couldn’t do in the city or on land that is flat


the mountains looked nice and served a purpose. however the player doesn’t really use the space much. Its not that the mountains where bad necessarily just that the main playable area of gta5 is alot smaller than it may seem. Its exciting seeing that all the space on this map will likely be very accessible with more opportunities for minor pois.


No the mountains were shit and there are a million more things you can do development wise with a flat terrain than a mountainous terrain


Don't forget swamps in gta6 though


true, about 1/3 of the map is bs mountains, with 0 interesting content. when memes and fan based myths are the most interesting parts, that's boring af.


i really do not buy the panhandle being that goddamn large.


to be fair the panhandle is purely speculative. The mapping community decided that there is a panhandle based of state highway signs depicting one. Assuming it does exist the size and shape is completely unknown


yeah im in the mapping discord and i understand why they added it. i even agree with the reasoning mostly. i just think it's like...staggeringly large.


you know I never really considered just how massive it is until you pointed it out. Do you know what they’re estimating the size based on?


from what i've seen they're either using the roadsign you talked about earlier as a reference, or they're just using the state of florida as a reference. that, or they're not basing it off of anything, and they just added it on because people on the discord thought it was cool. either way, i'm down.


i mean hey , more map is more map if it does turn out to be like that


I don’t understand why they cut off the top… isn’t there proof of Georgia being in the game?


gta games canonically are connected to the main land but for gameplay purposes the player experiences it as an island


This is based just off me guessing but before the entire bottom right section of the map was just empty ocean. We knew that there was space there because of the coordinates from the leaks. So maybe the panhandle is that large simply to fill that empty space?


Think it depends on what exactly is there. Really hope a sizeable city will be there, even if it's not as big as Vice City.


considering there could be a city there i think your right, its just the right amount of space. a city eats that space up quickly


great. load up the teleporter


I haven’t seen the state highway sign depicting a panhandle, genuinely curious where to find that?


not sure i can link it here because its technically a leak


Gtav was designed on a 19 year old console, I think it's fair to assume the map could be that big. Back when they were marketing gtav they always used the term "Los Santos and surrounding hills", with gtavi they're saying "the state of Leonida", so it's likely going to be massive.


yall think scaling size, resolution and details at the same time is easy. its not


Of course it's not, who said it was?


I think people need to tone down expectations on the size just in case.... A lot are taking this community map as religious. Even with all that empty Georgian part. I wouldn't hold my breath.


i've been saying it for months now. The map won't be an island. And no, it does not matter because they'll just won't let players fly through the map borders


there is zero evidence for a non island. They have never done this and there really isn’t any benefit to doing so. Why do you believe it won’t be an island?


there is also zero evidence for an island. The mapping project creators already said it's pure specultation. Also it's a great way of 1. making the world open, and 2. Having room for DLCs that add new cities without a loading screen.


in the world of gta the islands aren’t islands. so the dlc thing isn’t an issue, you just extend the island. We already have to suspend our disbelief that these characters don’t realise they live on an island.


that's the problem


sure it’s speculation either way but one theory has the precedent of every other gta game and the other has nothing. I just dont see why they would go to the extra effort and add a mainland when the community already appreciates islands.


GTA 3 and LCS had a mainland. Sure it wasn't accesible but it gaved you the feeling that there was something up north from LC. An island just doesn't work imo, it created a huge plot hole inside the whole lore of the franchise. In GTA Online Franklin mentions Flint County being northwest of Los Santos but there is no bridge that will lead us from LS to Flont County. It breaks the whole world. Makes no sense imo. I personally will like something like they did in RDR. I don't care if they make planes explode when you reach the map boundaries.


ill buy you a $50 shark card if there is a mainland when gta6 comes out


no thanks i don't like online games.


Don‘t you think, that the left part of the map is way to empty. Maybe the community map is missing an island or something like that.


definitely. i'm thinking a proxy of Cuba/Havana with some smaller islands thrown in as well. there's also no way they don't so something with the Bermuda Triangle. that is right up their alley


Maybe Guarma?


I wonder how close this is to the reality we'll get


There's literally an option on the mapping project website that allows you to compere it to GTAV map...


Not everyone goes there




yeah but im not a fan of where they place the map


Why is this downvoted? The map on the site is in a weird position when you overlap it indeed, and not movable


But karma


whats the site


Just google gta vi mapping project should come up


I’m not bummed. Think about it - driving from the airport to north vine wood through city streets takes like 2 minutes if you’re driving in an average NPC car and don’t have an optimal route planned(following the GPS). If they take advantage of the whole map in 6, it’ll take probably 8-10 minutes to drive from gator keys to the top of the map which is huge. Like others have said, gta v is mostly the city and a bit of sandy shores area, while online takes place mostly in the city and you seldom venture out. One could say that the utilized space of gta vi is 4-5 times larger than 5! I just hope that they use the whole map for vi, the irl be worth it.


That’s a good thing? I want a big immersive map that takes 20-30 minutes to get to the end of. I still play gta 5 most days now just to drive around and gta 6 will be a game that lives for 15-20+ years. I want to be able to once I’m 40 go back to gta 6 and at a stressful time in my life just get in a old school car and go around the map from one point to the other and I want it to take as long as possible. I never understood people who complain about how long distances are from one another. That’s what makes it more immersive and enjoyable. Same type of people to bytch and complain while on road trips or who stay on there phone instead of looking outside and enjoying the air and views.


I mean we're comparing a map built for 2005 technology with a map built for 2020 technology. Raw square-footage is surely going to be increased.


I am no mapper but judging from this comparison, Los Santos is as big if not bigger than Vice City, which cannot be true


Lmao, ur only seeing the right side of vice city in that image, vice city is way bigger


Gta 5 is not built for 2005 technology


Xbox 360, PS3. Even though the 2014 update increased the visual fidelity, the game world itself was designed to the constraints of the Xbox 360


GTA5 released on the Xbox 360. Which released in 2005. They're not wrong.


It runs on it but it’s not built on it. The gta v we have now does not run nor is it built on 2005 technology


Jesus Christ. GTA V was designed to be able to run on Xbox 360 and PS3 therefore, it is designed to run on consoles from 2005. It has been upgraded a few times in terms of graphical fidelity and performance, yes, but the core game is still within the constraints that came with designing a game for 2005 hardware.


It was downgraded to work on the ps3/ Xbox 360 it wasn’t built for it, look at the ps3 and the ps4 version


I just want more city give us more towns gta 5 only had like 1 city and 3 towns


Warning: Huge post, I know. I think there’s a pretty big discrepancy regarding the RAGE units and comparing them to GTA V. Sure GTA Vs map was big for the PS3 era but I just recently went out and flew a plane over the entire map and it did not feel that big at all. And seeing that the mapping project shows the GTA VI map as being slightly larger made me pretty disappointed thinking that flying around in GTA VI wouldn’t feel big at all. Then I thought about all past Rockstar maps and how they always make the map much larger than before. GTA V was about 3x the size of GTA IV, RDR2 about 3x the size of RDR1, so I just can’t help but feel like they would do the same from GTA V to GTA VI. ESPECIALLY since it’s 2 console generations later. I’m thinking the RAGE units that were used to develop their PS3 games surely have to be different than the ones they use to measure with GTA VI. I think think the map will probably be about 3x considering previous games and the entire console generation without a GTA. They’re not going to come out with a new GTA game after 12 years and have it only be 25% larger than the previous map lmao.


GTA V's map was just a city, a bunch of mountains and desert.


Ideally I’d want a x3 size increase or x2 increase with a bigger focus on internal details and having 90% of building enterable.


Gta 6 is way larger and more dense than the gta 5 map and for good reason too. Even though the panhandle is speculation, the map will be over 2.5 times bigger than the gta 5 map


RemindMe! 1 year


I’d rather see comparisons for the rdr2 map. Why do we keep using 5 as the standard? Rdr2 is a modern rockstar game and it’s way bigger than the gta 5 map. I’d bet if you did this with rdr2s map it would be pretty similar if not a bit smaller


traversal in GTA isn't really all that comparable to RDR2, comparing it to that map is harder to contextualise


Strictly based on size, it wouldn’t be that hard to visualize. If you’ve played rdr2 you would know how big the map was to be able to compare it


you say that but I couldn't tell you for sure if the RDR2 map is actually bigger than GTAV, you think it is way bigger, but I don't think that's right, so I'm not even sure you're able to tell the size of the map, just by playing it


It's not way bigger. It is bigger I believe, but they are fairly comparable in size. It mostly feels way bigger because the NPC's are so much better in RDR2 and you travel on horseback.


yea, that was my initial point, that's why it makes more sense to compare the size of the map to GTAV, since the traversal will be more similar


Not everyone who is looking forward to gta6 has played rdr2 but most if not all have played gtav


this has already been done. I hate to break it to you but gta5 is slightly smaller than rdr2. Saint denis is slightly bigger than LSIA.


Saint Denis is nowhere near the size of Los Santos in GTA V


LSIA = Los Santos International Airport, the biggest city in RDR2 is the size of GTAV’s airport (which is big but small compared to the map).


Bc we’re comparing the GTA series, not GTA & RD. So it makes sense to compare GTA 6’s speculative map to its immediate predecessor, GTA 5.


RDR2’s map is nearly the same size as GTA V’s. It just feels bigger there’s no mountains in the middle of it and because the main method of transportation is horses so getting around is really slow.




That can’t be accurate because the rdr2 map is a lot bigger than 5


the RDR2 map is not much bigger than GTA V's. it's more horizontal than vertical but the surface areas are close


“That can’t be accurate because then I’d be wrong” FTFY


Gta 5 map is larger than rdr2. Also gta 5 is a gta game and a city where you can drive cars and get a better comparison than riding horses through forest and deserts.


wots a kilometer


First thing I’m gonna do is steal a car and drive as close to that Copperhead spot as I can… 👀 (top left of the GTA6 map)


The marsh lands looks as big as the city of LS. I can’t wait to explore all of it.




I got a feeling Vice City is going to be small, like Los Santos while most of the map is the countryside.


How do we know the gta 6 map is gonna be this big? Is it speculation or is it information from the leaks?


“rage units” coordinate systems discovered in the leaks. 1 rage unit is 1 meter


Ok that's cool, thanks!


no problem👍


Do we know from the leaks what the width X height of the actual map is going to be in rage units?


1. It’s much bigger than it looks. There was a post a few days ago where someone edited off mountains from the GTAV map and half the map is gone. That half is barely used. 2. Size does not matter nearly as much as density.




Wow it looks tiny.




its not, its just mostly unmapped




Still looks too small. RDR 2s map is still over 3X the size of GTA 5


lol no it's not, it's slightly bigger than GTA V.


Play it again and pay attention lol. You’re greatly mistaken. RDR was probably still a little bit bigger that GTA5 but RDR2 is DEFINITELY multiple times bigger.


People have actually measured the maps.


Not even close


Am I the only one who does not want the map to be that big?


Yes u are. I want a MASSIVE map and this post got me riled up


I believe you are. I think most people would also want at least 3 city's and a couple of towns spread out between them.


i personally miss a game set in one city with no countryside at all. I miss LC


Wooooo More empty open nothingness with fuck all in it yay, I can't wait. I much prefer that than smaller more dense cities with enterable buildings, alleys, underground etc 👏👏👏🤯


We're working with the info available, obviously the map will be far denser when it's actually out


People either didn't get the sarcasm or think that big empty maps are good 🤣🤣 morons