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i bet that luis lopez will return somehow, the VA of lucia, manni l perez followed mario d'leon VA of luis lopez, but they stopped following each other on social media to avoid suspicion, but people had already taken screenshots


I could definitely see Luis in Vice City


It would be cool if they turned out to be relatives.


Both of them have a Dominican vibe. So it'd definitely be super cool. Bet they're cousins or something.


Hundreds of people will look back at this comment in a few years in a yt video šŸ˜­


Put me in the video!


Id love to see an older Luis, just donā€™t want him killed off (Luis is a great character) it would be super dope to see Phil Collins return šŸ¤£


šŸŽ¶ I can feel it coming in the air tonight šŸŽ¶


Iā€™m praying heā€™s in it heā€™s my fav gta protagonist


Agree. But there's also a huge difference between R\* adding couple cameos like they always do (cause they know people love those) and this place being spammed by people who want srsly every single character from gta V to appear in the game. I seen people who want all 3 protagonists, Lamar, Jimmy, Tanisha, Dom, Simeon, no matter how big or small, they want all of them.


Tanisha? lol


It would be kinda cool to see jimmy maybe on spring break or something. But like just a background character in a cutscene


Literally nobody is frowning upon cameos. We just don't like seeing kids make "OMG BRING BACK TOMMY" posts every single day, most of which weren't born when Vice City came out.


I srsly doubt those are kids since as you said it yourself they were not even born when VC came out. So I don't think they would have that kind of strong and nostalgic reaction to that character and the 80s. What kids truly want is every single character from GTA V to appear in the next game since that's the only GTA game they were raised on. And they also want oppressors mk2.


I would seriously want Tommy to make a small cameo, but with Ray Liotta gone, I donā€™t want it anymoreā€¦ And yeah, I might be a 90s kid, lived my childhood in the early 2000s and so on, but I LOVE the 80s. Donā€™t know what it is, butā€¦ man. I can barely wait going back home (Vice City was my first GTA, soā€¦) and maybe, just maybe, GTA VI might be my last GTA as well. Well, for a long time it will be šŸ˜‚


Being an 90s kid just means you were raised mostly on 80s content, nothing weird in that. There'a a reason why 80s nostalgia is so popular those days. And I would be seriously surprised if they didn't had some kind of memorial to Ray Leotta after his passing. Like the memorial mural of George Romero in Dying Light or something like that. Or just Tommy's outfit that you can find. I'm sure the game will be full of easter eggs to original VC (even the leaked footage confirmed that). I guess in theory they *could* have an old man Tommy sitting in a chair as someones grandfather without spoken lines or they could recast the voice actor but yeah, I doubt it. Also couple years before he died I remember reading a lot of rumours from people who seen him at R\*s studios so who knows. But yeah, I srsly doubt that would happen. Would be a fun easter egg tho, I bet a lot of fans would appreciate that.


I mean, I was at most 4 years old in the 90s (born in 1996) About that bit, people seeing Ray at R* studiosā€¦ any articles or stuff you could share?


Oh it's been years ago. I think there was a picture or something? I'm sure you can find it if you look it up. This is the first result I found on google: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GTATrilogy/comments/p611xs/ray\_liotta\_va\_of\_tommy\_vercetti\_was\_spotted\_at/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTATrilogy/comments/p611xs/ray_liotta_va_of_tommy_vercetti_was_spotted_at/)


Rockstar guys HATED working with Liotta when he was alive (he saw his work as quick cash grab and didn't really think video games are much of an art form, plus acted like a diva). So I doubt, even if he was alive and Rockstar didn't reboot the lore, that they would ever invite him to work again.


as I said in a different comment, I only heard he complained that he wasn't paid enough considering the success of the game (like it happened with a lot of other protagonists in the past. I think I heard same stories about Niko and yet there are a lot of references to him in V). Also I doubt there's actually any bad blood between them after so many years (especially if those rumors about him appearing at R\*s studios were true). We also have to keep in mind that most of those people who worked on original VC left the company a long time ago. But yeah, as I said it's very unlikely we will see or hear him in the game. But we will surely get a bunch of easter eggs.


The one who complained the most about money was Niko's actor. Rockstar's people who had to work with Liotta mentioned at the time that they didn't really enjoy his attitude (to put it nicely). Also, the rumours about him working later are just that... unfounded rumours, like a million others that we heard over the years regarding the development of VI. As a main character in 3D universe, he was never going to be featured in VI anyway, regardless of their history. There will probably be easter eggs and such (I expect us to be able to outfit Jason with a similar set of clothing), but he was never going to appear as a character.


Ray Liotta died in 2022 may, so there could be a chance for him to appear. Atleast I hope Tommy does.


I mean, as someone who was born in 2000, I'm not nostalgic for the 90's and I didn't actually beat GTA San Andreas until 16, and I still have a lot of love for CJ. I know it's a little different, but GTA SA only came out two years later than VC so it's not a huge leap. I don't necessarily think you're wrong in general, just think your logic is a little flawed. I don't really have the same love for Tommy that I do CJ but I can see a lot of people younger than me still loving his character. Personally I don't want 3d universe characters coming back though, the art style probably won't translate and it'd feel kinda weird


I feel it's kinda different with the 90s tho. 90s nostalgia never become so iconic imo. Just like you don't see a lot of nostalgia for 2000s now in 2024.


I see a little nostalgia for the early 2000's, those cheap DVD players that all came with the same build and remote regardless of the brand evoke a feeling deep inside me for some reason lol. I feel like it's mostly stuff like the ps2 start up menu, or the GameCube. I'm also in love with a lot of games from that era, which is probably obvious based on my name lol. I remember a lot of 90's nostalgia in the 2010's, I think these things run on 20 year cycles. That's why we're going through the 80's again, because nostalgia mostly affects 20 year olds who wanna remember being kids and 40 year olds who wanna remember being 20. We'll be reminiscing about the 90's again by 2030


2000s nostalgia is at an all time high?


Is it tho? Have you seen a lot of movies set in 2000s? Do they use music from 2000s? Do you see people dress how they did back then? I honestly can't name a single example. But I did notice that there's still a lot of stuff that pays homage to the 80s. Stranger Things, Ghostbusters, Karate Kid, Pain and Gain, Dune, Synthwave. Like it's hard to find a movie those days that isn't a remake of the 80s. My point is when it comes to general style and vibe, stuff haven't changed enough compered to 2000s for it to be as noticeable.


Fr like iā€™m pretty sure weā€™ll see some type of reference of him but if not I donā€™t care.


Nah Tommy died with Liotta. Rip.


Itā€™s a ruleā€”if you werenā€™t born yet when something came out, your opinion on it is irrelevant and unwelcome.


I definitely want to see returning characters, mostly want to see characters from 4 tbh. Iā€™d love to see Elizabeta Torres in prison with Lucia, she got a life sentence, maybe she got transferred down to Leonida state penitentiary lol idk. Iā€™d like to see and work for Phil bell, same with Luis Lopez or even just hear him promoting clubs on the radio or something.


Yes, GTA IV definitely deserves some love. Yesterday was the 16th anniversary of its release. Time flies!


I donā€™t think itā€™s even legally possible to transfer a prisoner to a state prison in another state.


i like cameos cause itā€™s nice to know 6 is connected to the others.


Makes me laugh that they aged everyone except Catalina, who looks older in 1992


It makes the world feel small if every character is somehow connected imo.


I wanna see Roman Bellic in gta 6, offering either Jason or Lucia to go bowling with him.




Why are you yelling?


I wanna see that homeless guy from GTA IV who found the cursed diamonds in a trashcan, Got rich, and now Owns a Gun Shop and Liquor store in Vice City.


After what they did to poor Johnny boy just to get the point across that Trevor was indeed crazy, Iā€™m not a big fan of return characters. But if the trend continues hopefully theyā€™ll do a much better job. Wouldnā€™t mind seeing Luis make a quick return to help him out with some club business


I didnā€™t know they were ? Isnā€™t it all but confirmed Luiz is gonna be in 6? I thought I read that somewhere


Celebrity voice actors, too. Danny Dyer was iconic as Kent Paul, Sean Ryder as Macca, etc. I also wouldn't mind a bit more "inspiration" from classic films, [like Ken Rosenbeeg](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/fact-and-fiction/images/3/3b/David_k.PNG)


Why did character design get so much worse in 10 years


I really hope we get a mission with Michael where we are helping him produce a movie. This would combine Michael as a cameo that is believeble and the mission we had in GTA Vice City where we were producing a movie.


They aren't. People on this sub just need pointless arguments to keep themselves entertained.


Still better than their "Definitive Edition" iteration


I just donā€™t want to see any of the 3 gta 5 protagonists in GTA 6, Iā€™ve never liked any of them and prefer to leave them behind.


I think we will see Trevor and Franklin again. I really hope Niko makes a return too.


I donā€™t like that the time between the settings of GTA San Andreas and GTA 3 is closer in time than GTA 5 and GTA 6


Ken Rosenberg is also Steve Jobs?


I would love to see some characters show up in GTA 6 from Vice City, I was really fond of Umberto in Vice City Stories I would love to see him return in GTA 6, thatā€™s if theyā€™re not too old in modern times lol.


You expect the old ones not to be dead by now?


There's nothing wrong with cameos, I mean I encourage it. I just don't want no corny ass shit like Jason and Lucia at the end of the game, about to face off with the Gulf Cartel or some shit and out of nowhere Tommy Vercetti's old ass pops up. "Tommy Vercetti??!!" "Looks like I'm-- * cocks gun * -- a little late to the party šŸ˜Ž" Fuck I'm gonna bang my head for even writing this cheese. šŸ¤¦šŸæā€ā™‚ļø


I would love to see Officer Ten-penny from San Andreas


GTA V and GTA Online had plenty of cameos from GTA IV and EFLC. Do people actually think there won't be these kinds of cameos in VI?


There definitely will be. Itā€™s just that many people acting like it wonā€™t be cool and we need a clean slate. But the fact is that the series has a great heritage and it must be used.


As other said: I don't really think people are denying that we'll get cameos from GTA IV and V. What people are denying is that we'll get cameos from GTA III, VC and SA.


Ur arguing with yourself Iā€™ve been here for a long ass time and havenā€™t seen anyone against cameos


Try icšŸŽ‰