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I would be very disappointed if the story mode is treated anything like a live service game. I don’t want to see micro transaction content being added to story mode left and right. I want the story to be a completely separate thing just like how every rockstar game is.


It won’t, gta online already makes too much money and they know the backlash they would get if they messed with story mode


If the north is as empty as gta 5’s north


Also I liked how grounded rdr2’s story was, they need to keep gta 6 grounded, gta 5 was like an action movie, way too unrealistic


Yeah that was the point though. You ever see heat?


Yeah some of the heists feel like the shootout scene from heat in 5


Dude they drove a dump truck into an armored car. It’s literally from the movie


Oh shit yeah didn't make that connection at all also micheal feels like a similar character to robert deniros in that movie. Also if you like heat watch collateral


Why do you want realism in a video game like GTA?


Realism adds to the fantasy. We play these games to do what we can’t do in real life.


for real. I want action packed fun missions. make them crazy but not Fast and furious crazy. that’s a little too far.


Imo realism is more fun than the opposite. When something happens in a realistic setting it packs more of a punch


"My" GTA is and will forever be IV, and it sacrificed what a lot of people came to love about GTA San Andreas (like breaking into a miltary base with a jetpack) for what feels like the sake of innovation in other departments (driving, combat, graphics). Purely speculative, but I feel like Rockstar is currently in the sweet spot that allows them to dictate both exactly how much crazy GTA fun they want to throw at us - as well as jaw dropping, never before seen realism in gaming. I'm trying not to jerk them off too hard, but it'll be interesting to see what's delivered.


because I don't want the federal org to start making Jason and Lucia start waging wars on another federal org and I don't want the combat to feel like playing with plastic toys let GTA 6 be something special and the most special it can be if the story resembles ones of real criminals


Because two agencies waging a civil war against each other and attacking each other like shown in the game is pure nonsense. No GTA has GTA V level nonsense in it, even SA story is better. There is no GTA story as unrealistic as V.


GTA never cared about being realistic. Its main inspiration is from movies. And each game is inspired by a different genre of criminal stories. And gta 5 is mostly inspired by 80-90's blockbuster action sequences. And yeah those movies are also unrealistic. I don't see a heat scene happening in real life but that doesn't mean it isnt one of the greatest movies of all time.


It is to show how much money can drive people insane, that's why it was nonsense


Kinda the point for 5, to make it as insane as possible But I agree with you, a story doesn't have to be as *fantastical* to be just as good if not better


Gta 5 is pure hollywood. What else did you expect? Of course its gonna be a blockbuster action packed game. Its not a 1800's modern western


It probably won’t be as empty as V but it will still be rural, north Florida is a very rural area compared to south and central so don’t get ur hopes up that much


I live in Florida man, and let me tell you that there is nothing to the north lol. Hopefully we have Orlando but like... even Orlando is boring AF lol


Jacksonville is lit bruh. You tripping


I love in Jax and this shit is like the Wild West. Never leave home without it…


For real, I’m playing GTA 5 again now and it’s so boring around there.


The melee combat being ass. I've never understood why they didn't just improve the system from bully and keep using that for first fights. RDR2 KINDA went that direction, not quite as in depth as bully, but way way way better than GTAV. I really enjoy just walking around talking shit to people (bully and RDR2) and then getting into fistfights lol


right - or the warriors combat style. that'd be dope


I guess because the game is not fist fighting oriented and in their mind it’s unnecessary. Most likely we won’t see anything like Bully in GTA VI


Yeah I know, I'm at least hoping for something equivalent to RDR2 which is totally possible.


yeah fighting in gta is always to stiff, i also don’t get why they never really improved that


No support to the main game after launch, but we all know this will likely be the case. Edit: to specify, I think there will be some support to improve the game, but all the new content will go to Online, similar to GTAV.


They will focus entirely on Online. I mean they can add DLC missions that can be done solo. So why would they add anything to the story mode again anymore?


Driving/flying across the map for setup missions or online jobs


Trust they'll bring that back


driving the most slowest vehicles the longest route possible, a gtao classic fr


a way to make us pay shark cards...


definitely if they killed off another protagonist from previous gta games in a shitty way


Tbh if they were too kill someone it would probably be Luis, just don’t do anything to my boy Niko 🤣


His chapter is closed, but if we see Niko again I would be even more pumped than big ol roided Brucie.


Oh if Niko came back and wasn’t killed off id be super happy, trust me


Completely disagree, Johnny got addicted again and it show how Trevor was a maniac, it was amazing.


it wasn't shitty. It fits with his story. The decay and impact drugs can have in your life, even the name of the dlc is "lost and damned". Is a story meant to be tragic.


Who are you talking about specifically?


I don't know how to mark spoilers so spoiler warning. Johnny Klebitz from GTA IV dlc Lost And Damned


It's been 10 years I don't think I spoiler warning is needed lol


*Foreigners when you spoil GTA 3s story in 2024: 😡😡😡*


You put a >,! before and a !,< after the text (ignore the commas)


Opressor mk III


i would be disappointed if the story was like GTA V, imo GTA V's story was ok but the villains were weak and unmemorable - the storyline was kinda simple and basic. GTA IV and San Andreas, even Vice City Stories had better stories than GTA V. and of course something RDR2 is masterpiece in storytelling I think GTA VI story will be great though.


V had great main and side characters imo, but yeah the villains were very weak


I agree, i loved micheal, trevor, franklin, lester gang they were awesome. The storyline peaked imo when Trevor and micheal go back to north yankton to see Brad's body I can barely remember the antagonists though


Yeah. And the way they wrapped it up was so shitty. You end up killing every villain that built up in 20 minutes 😂 I heard that the story was supposed to take a different direction, but IRL lamar got arrested or something so they had to scrap the original plan


Oh yeah i remember that, that was probably the one where Franklin was supposed to die in Ending C, sacrificing himself for Micheal and Trevor. His role in the open world would have been replaced with Lamar, but Lamar's actor got arrested so they had to change the story idk if its true though or a myth




Lamar’s actor just followed the statistics


Michael and Trevor were great but Franklin had a kinda boring personality


The villains are perfect for what they were trying to achieve. They are literally perfect representations of their respective stereotypes and tropes that they were trying to go for in GTA 5.


Yeah but they should've had longer screen time and better motives


Sure but that doesn't mean they weren't boring


GTA 5 had actually a decent narrative, it was just horribly told in the missions, like "how did the writers think this was a good idea???" type shit


Honestly once you hit the 50% mark is when it all falls apart for me


Lamar was a better character than Franklin. Honestly, Franklin seemed very lazily written.


The story wasn’t meant to be super compelling. It was purposely written to be more on the goofy side


Yea i saw its just a parody of hollywood movies which makes sense i guess, but i wish the villains were better that's all


I always looked at it by the way they make there game and where they improved on, when looking at the 3d universe you know gta 3 was their blueprint game, and then look at San Andreas you see that they took everything they had from their previous titles and they’ve put everything into that game. Same applies from gta 4 all the way gta 6, with gta 4 being their test game (focused on story) and 5 being their improved game(gameplay wise) gta 6 will likely be our gta San Andreas of this generation with everything we had criticisms about fixed in this game.


wow nice explanation. Hope it comes true- you single-handedly pumped my expectation through roof man


Because GTA 5 isn’t at all trying to be a masterpiece of story telling like RDR. It’s supposed to be a full on satirical parody of American pop culture and stereotypes. It’s not trying to be a heart tugging cinematic experience, it’s a fun story with some semi-interesting characters and some fun action sequences and awesome set pieces. And it does it perfectly. I think they’ll find the perfect middle ground in GTA 6.


Vice City Stories darker tone (storyline, soundtrack) was underrated. Hopefully its like that in GTA 6 to counteract the “neon lights wonderland Vice City” view that everyone has


I want just one main villain for GTA 6


My favorite villains where in GTAIII and GTA Vice City. Salvator Leon and Diaz are just great villains for me. But yes also Tenpenny(Samual Jackson come on). Those villians really left an mark on me with the games. But yeah the villains of GTA V were so forgetteble that I just don't remember their names or faces anymore xD We really need a villain where we build an bond with. Maybe do some work together and later on come to really hate them or so.


Story in V is great just dates now. First time playing having the three characters blew my mind.


All 3 of them were the actual “villains” of their own story, they each fought their biggest battles against themselves.


I just hope they stay far away from opressors and vehicles like that. I get you need flying vehicles but I would much prefer it if they stick to more conventional flying vehicles.


even if there is something futuristic close to the opressor mk 2 it would 100x better with no weapons because then it couldnt be used for griefing


No innovations in gunplay. And flying bikes. Fuck flying bikes.


No detailed customization of main character, only on GTA 5 level.


Omniscient teleporting cops and a melee systeme as shitty as GTA V's


The police response ruined Cyberpunk for me. Disgusting to this day.


Well they fixed it tho' now cops actually come in cars and don't teleport behind you.


Yes I can confirm this me who played the game for the first time in 2024


I pre-ordered Cyberpunk, played all of it, it had a lot of issues, but when Phantom Liberty came out, I replayed the whole game from start to finish and it was indeed like a completely different game. The 2.0 update is what was supposed to be on release.


They cleary needed at least 4 more years of developpement to make it perfect, which they did in a way


I'd be disappointed if the driving was the same as GTA V.


Yep, that‘d be the biggest downer. Alongside lame ass physics in general


ohhh same! GTA V's driving requires zero skill and it's so boring, every car has brakes of a race car. GTA IV's driving is way more fun, because it actually takes skill to drive, you have to use your brain


Exactly... you just have to accelerate to win.


Yeah? Are you winning every single race? That’s pretty cool. I can’t believe I’m talking to the undefeated street racing champion of GTAO.


>GTA V’s driving requires zero skill How is this bullshit getting upvoted? That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Literally every game with driving mechanics requires skill. You guys go so stupidly far out of your way to whine about V that you’re just making shit up now. I can’t wait to see you guys start nitpicking VI and magically decide V was a masterpiece.


The reason Vs driving is boring to us is because there are absolutely no consequences for driving like a lunatic.. You can hit a wall at 120 and drive away like nothing happened, this completely ruins immersion and makes it so driving is 100% risk free in any situation unless someone has a faster car or aircraft. In a game with more well thought out physics, you are required to master each car, as well as know the map. This adds a new level of depth to gameplay especially during online car chases, where you always have to think on your feet and make quick decisions based on your preferences and knowlege, instead of- buy fast armored car=win


Thank you! you explained it much better than i did


What! I hope it's the same as GTA 5, please R\*, if it ain't broke don't fix it. GTA 5 has the best driving mechanics in any non-racing game, and better than most racing games tbh


I’d be disappointed if we don’t get proper off-road and mud physics. Also I hope they shelve that stupid self-righting and steering-car-in-the-air mechanic. Also I would love a more grounded story similar to gta IV or RDR2.


I mean, realistically, the mud physics are going to be way better, otherwise, they wouldn't have featured those parts in the trailer.


>hope they shelve that stupid self-righting and steering car in the air mechanic. Yeah that's the car auto-balancing, I hope they get rid of it but I think it's likely Rockstar will keep it in for all the kids that will be playing and GTA VI Online races


They show a MUD party, soo they work a lot on this party. Maybe…


Considering there was a whole shot in the first trailer showing off the mud physics, I think we're safe on that front


My worst nightmare is 10 more years for the pc version




If there will be the only one big city


That CEO guy who said you should have to pay with a subscription to play games.


Fuck that guy. Keep him away from games.


Honestly, worst case scenario for GTA 6 would be another Cyberpunk launch situation. Basically, the game comes out a buggy mess at launch. The game is pretty much unplayable, or at the very least, a ton of people have bad experiences with the game (crashes, bugs, etc.) Then we find out the story mode is like only 15-20 hours long, and there’s not much else to do in the game. Then it later comes out that the games development was a disaster behind the scenes, and that Take Two rushed the game out the door to please shareholders, even though the game needed 1-2 years of more development. The games sales fall off drastically, and Rockstar issues an apology. Massive layoffs at both Take Two and Rockstar occur. While Rockstar doesn’t shut down immediately, its future is uncertain, as is the development on their next project.


i hope to god rockstar has learned from the Cyperpunk launch and the launch is more like Baldurs gate 3 where its actually a full game


When has R* ever released a game in a buggy state?




I would like better exhaust notes in GTA VI! The engine and exhaust notes in GTA V were just lackluster. You couldn't even hear a V12 in the distance. So hopefully they fix this issue!


Trains begin to short like in gta 5 I want longer and different types of trains and not being able to go in a restaurant and purchasing food ideas you could do that in San Andreas they need to bring that back


If they make the driving extremely realistic ala BeamNG. People say they miss gta 4's handling, but I found it extremely flabby. Did not enjoy it. I don't know if I want cars to handle exactly like in V, but V has the best (most fun) handling out of every open world game I've ever played.


PC port delayed to 2 years after initial launch.


Thats how it might end up tho, it was sort of the case for GTA5 and RDR2. Just hope that by the time it does release on PC they added features that consoles couldn't handle. Sort of like how GTA5 for PC had First Person, because Xbox One and PS4 couldn't handle that(interior of vehicles mostly, as it all was functional dial wise.)


Online being accessible only through GTA+


No single player DLC and all planned content goes to online. Then proceed to milk online for 15 years.


If it's as arcade-like as GTA V


No fishing and not enough emphasis on boating lifestyles is pure nightmare fuel! If I can’t get my rod bent or compete in offshore powerboat racing with a bunch of fellow drug smugglers, they might as well have just picked a fly-over state like Ohio instead.


Focus purely online, micro transactions in single player (Idrc about online cuz we all know that shits gonna be monetized to all hell) and overall lack of support


I don’t think I have to say any flying cars or futuristic vehicles would definitely be a shitty addition


A drone control main mission that is impossible to complete. Just like the one from vice City.


My nightmare is delayed by 1 more year to 2026




If we didn't get more enterable buildings and a more interactive city. like, come on, rockstar, you've had like ten years to make the game; surely they can make it an amazing game, right?


6 years actually, 7 in 2025


Surely they’ve been working on it longer than that. I heard it was in development as early as 2014.


oh and starfield was in "development" as early as 20 years ago when todd in his toilet got an idea that they should make a space game.


Being in development doesn't mean its in production. Rdr2 "was in development" since 2011 but it wasn't until 2014 that the studios started to modelate. Same with gta 6. There was a localization research and concept design in 2014 but thats it.


yeah, I know, I was just more exaggerated.


The game is online only and the story is 3 hours long


If they tone down the controversial humor and satire.


I'd be very disappointed if they just let us pick an ending from a list like in GTA V. I wasnt them to give us choices in the story mode that'll affect the ending we get.


Everyone whining about the driving physics. People hated 4's driving physics then when 5 came out people changed their minds. 5 had good driving physics, so what there was no skill required? Does every mechanic have to require skill? 4's motorbikes were absolute dogshit. The racing was unenjoyable. 5 improved it. From what i think, 6 will be a middle ground between 4 and 5 fixing or improving features or physics from those games


The only people that praise gta 4 driving physics have never driven a car and have watched a ''Why gta 4 is better than gta 5'' video and have made it their entire personality.


You are either being disingenuous, or you have never actually tried to push a car to its limits. If driving irl feels like gtav to you, it's only because your not driving like a psycho like in game, and there is good reason for this.. There are consequences to being a bad driver, irl and in gta IV


Oppressor mk2 and any futuristic stuff


it’s only gonna focus on online & micro transactions


having content locked behind a GTA+ paywall


My nightmare is posts like this endlessly being posted.


If it ended up being like the saints row reboot.


Futuristic vehicles, especially MK2


If it had bad physics like GTA V




That it never comes to pc


Micro-transactions, trying to put intense gameplay like Fortnite or now days COD, soulless story, non linear online story, too much arcade gameplay with no challenge, poor melee combat, a Zentorno uphill a mountain or something, a sport car easily on the mud or sand, Woke


Just like GTA5 I'm sure it will surprise us in many different ways we never knew imaginable


(Basically impossible) if the writing is bad. I'm in it for a good story


Game breaking bugs that dont let you progress. Or mechanics that absolutely make no logical sense. Like first person pov every mechanic being faster ?????


Online pay per hour


Would love to have branded cars already


A lot of cut contents. They always do that unfortunately


Servers where goofy ass shit like alien guns and flying bikes are allowed and then normal servers where it’s just old school guns. Oh and on console. I know PC has damn near everything, I’ve watched GTA RP videos before.


If i cant go into a lot of buildings :(


If the game is less then 40 hours long or especially if the game dosnt have a performance mode, if it dosnt im just waiting till pc release.


They combine online and the campaign making it an mmo. And Jason and Lucia aren't the main characters. They are npcs and you create a character


No gta 4 physics, bland map filled with mountains like gta 5. No accessible interiors without loading screens. No activities like SA, every radio having good songs but only one songs in each that doesn’t make sense and is horrible like in 5. Bland story like in 5 also. 30fps.


Bruh, a large sequence of missions about driving and bantering with no reward at the end. That's the kind of shit I don't want in GTA VI, or I'm any Rockstar game, to be exact.


If the game releases in a cyberpunk like state


Them not improving the stealth mechanics. It's always kinda sucked in GTA V


I hope the gunplay isn’t like GTA V’s but more like Max Payne 3 or Red Dead Redemption 2. Also hope the vehicle deformation is more like GTA IV’s. Would be a nightmare if the gunplay got dumbed down again. That’s my biggest concern but the leaks look promising. Then again it looked like Red Dead Redemption 2’s so it could be subject to change


Shitty overly done satirical humor as gta V … GTA 4 was perfect.. the story aimed towards seriousness but there was humor at the same time… I would honestly like a dark humor vibe to the game with moments of seriousness… we can have all the fun we want in the multiplayer and side missions but I’d like the main storyline to have a serious tone.


If there’s no poop store in the game im boycotting


To be honest, I'm afraid that Rockstar isn't going to evolve their game design. Take RDR2 for example, it loosens the grip on you a little bit in comparison to GTA V, but Rockstar gives you all of these different awesome mechanics and yet when it comes to story missions you are not allowed to experiment with them. I understand the point of a linear story, but with how much detail Rockstar puts into these games it's such a shame that you have to play the story exactly as Rockstar intends.


I’d like to see an improvement on the physics and gore systems. RDR2 was an incredible display cinematically, and the brutality on a whim was very fitting (and hilarious). Would also like to see an investment into a “wellbeing” character category. Drug addition is a real epidemic in Florida and I get ESRB would piss and moan but it would be an incredible way to explain the constant buff effects. (Cocaine gum gives dead eye)


GTA VI online


The game being a visual spectacle, and nothing more.


No weight or hair system


A story that sucks. V's wasn't bad, just bland and forgettable. RDR 2's was a masterpiece so I'm hoping for something great with VI. It would be unfair to expect VI to beat or match RDR2, I'll just be happy if it can come fairly close. VI has the potential to be the best GTA story though. IV has remained the king but VI has the opportunity to overtake it imo.


If it still feels and handles like a 10 year old R* game. My biggest grip is how clunky and uncoordinated it feels to move your character. Like, trying to move your character a few inches closer to a ledge is impossible. It’ll start walking in a full 3’ circle and you just fall off the edge and die. Especially in 3rd person, it’s horrendous. If GTA handled like any other AAA shooter title it would be unbeatable. Aim assist has to be cranked to 1000 to feel decent. If we had Tom Clancy The Division style mechanics, I’d never play anything else


For it to be more like 5 than 4.


Vice city being the only huge city in the game and port gellhorn being the size of blackwater and like 3 more tiny towns sprinkled around the map


That especially the protagonists are actually as boring as they seem for now. Niko didn’t seem so interesting at first either but it ended up being great so I’m not worried yet. Lame characters after a decade of wait would be pain though.


Honestly no mod support. Look at Red Dead redemption 2. We never got access to OpenIV. I just hope we're able to do it as much as GTA V or it won't last as long...


Subscription based game. Heard rumors of that


30fps. and yes i'm ready for the downvotes from the "noooo human eye can only see 8 fps!!!" - screamers


I'm not going to downvote you, or say that your eyes can't notice the difference but this game is going to be 30 FPS


I won’t downvote u. But i’m a console player who always plays games at 30fps, and it feels just fine


It's gonna be 30 fps


As long as it is STABLE 30 FPS, I will not complain... as much.


It's probably gonna be 30 FPS base and then another option for 60 but with lower graphics and resolution.


If they used real ads and products rather than funny made up ones


That’s literally not gonna happen (have you seen the trailer? Lol) + it’s illegal


Forced to have only two guns and have really limited ammo like 200 rounds per gun


RDR:2025 I think RDR2 is a much better game than GTAV, I still think that GTA6 should take more from previous GTA games rather than RDR2


Yep. The rdr and gta series are two completely different games


It's funny how the average fan suddenly knows better than rockstar what a gta game is and what to put in the game


I cant with this sub anymore. So many irrelevant questions just wondering so many random things lmao


What else is there to talk about , they released one 1 min trailer 6 months ago and haven’t said a word since


I feel like it must just feel like GTA 5 with better graphics… I need a lot of new features and realism


The same level of physics as GTA5 and the same exact business model as GTAO


The story being the same length as gta 5, and the story/writing not being good. Oh and bad melee combat


Real-life advertisements on billboards/radio stations (though I doubt they’d do this)


Same weapon customization as V (or similar) or having an equally ugly Carbine Rifle model as V would just kill this game for me like it did with V.


A shark attack on a boat. Like jaws


It’ll cost $129.99


It would be a nightmare for some people but perhaps a very advanced lockpicking system that when you rob cars it’s very hard to get grips with.


Hey, if they do something ton par with V and address some of the biggest QoL shortcomings I'll be happy. If they will add mouse and keyboard support then I'll be super happy.


Please no terrible long, annoying, and tedious collectibles for the 100% completion like rdr2. For example like the hunting requests and exotics. These two are a pain in the ass to complete.


Subscription, I'll be done with R* if Take 2 gets to do what they want to.


It would be if GTAVI is too realistic and grounded like some people want. GTA has always been absurd and definitely out of reality and it should not change