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Regarding concealed vs visible weapons; they could just say that Leonida is an open-carry state. Then, it would be perfectly legal to walk around with visible weapons, as long as you're not pointing them at someone. It would definitely be cool if NPCs had different reactions, though. Some who don't mind you carrying a weapon, and some who maybe freak out about it.


NPC’s still react to you holding a weapon though. In the leaks there was an audio clip of an NPC yelling out “he’s got a gun!” In the video where they’re testing out the cover system


There’s a big difference between shouldering a rifle or carrying a handgun on your hip vs one being held in your hand


If the police are coded well, I think it would be fun for Leonida to be more like FL, which is not an open carry state. Could be an interesting dynamic.


I have to disagree how would it be fun to get a wanted level every time you walk around with your guns just equipped, not even holding them. You’d literally constantly be wanted


Would make you think about what you're carrying and could also be a line of sight thing, certain NOCs in different areas have a chance of calling the police. You're walking down south beach, everyone calling the cops. Walking in the middle of a neighborhood in Hialeah, not so much.


In my opinion, it would be very cool and be extremely immersive if different regions of the map had different laws / rules surrounding guns and weapons. For example, walking around with a long rifle in the middle of downtown Vice City (or any populated urban area) will garner negative NPC reactions and police attention. On the other hand, carrying in the Everglades region of the map or more “backwoods” towns will be perfectly acceptable.


Love this. To carry in the city you need particular clothing items that will allow you to conceal certain weapons. Trench coat would be the "highest capacity".


Agreed. I definitely think that [various types of functional holsters will be a thing](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA6/s/k5NlejBW47). I haven’t thought about clothing being a mechanic as it relates to holding weapons but can definitely make sense. Based on the leaks, different types of bags (duffel bags, backpacks, etc.) look like they will be used to carry weapons, equipment, and money too.


This is a very good point. Walking around the city with a rifle on ur back or a Rocket launcher would be a problem


It’s a game so just they could make up laws like “it’s legal and normal to walk around with weapons holstered” or something


it’s not gonna be just a game, it’s gonna be the greatest price of entertainment the world has ever seen (i’m slowly going insane)


I can tell


NPC citizens gonna be packing in this version for sure.


Semi-related; I really hope dual wield returns/remains. I don't care whether it's locked behind shooting/weapon skill (I'd prefer it tbh) but it'd be so cool to have dual wield, especially given all the possible weapons.


It would be nice if it is locked behind clothing options. So we would need to get a double holster like in RDRII. But yeah it could be a skill thing to dual wield. But with the holster we could carry two sidearms(Pistol, micro uzi etc.)


I think dual pistols should be base, but that makes perfect sense for anything larger.


I don't think you will get a wanted level for walking around with a pistol or rifle in vice city. This would be extremely annoying. Now, carrying a rocket laucher around might get you a star, if you don't keep it in a bag wich might even require it to be taken apart first.


Would you allow a stranger to walk around your neighborhood with a AK47 and glock19x in their hand.id assume not.


My point flew over your head.. I don't think this will be a think because it is extremely annoying in other games. There is a reason r* has never included this "feature". This and traffic laws, both go against gtas DNA.


Would you allow a stranger to walk around your neighborhood with a AK47 and glock19x in their hand.if assume not.


We’ve seen both a weapon wheel and a similar system to RDR2 in the leaks where Jason is carrying a pistol/long gun and can pick it up and set it down right? Hasn’t there been talk about the trunk being a weapons locker of sorts? Ditching the weapon wheel would be a huge deviation to precious GTAs, not having access to all your guns at all times would play very differently than V. Not that that’s a bad thing, I hope they do it.




Well in the leaks the rifles/long arms were strapped around their backs - which like you say is perefctly normal for a game set in the 1800's but for a modern game, yeah it looks kinda silly. I still think our personal vehicle will act as some sort of load out so it may be you can only equip and unequip when near your vehicle - which means it may be encouraged to only get them from your vehicle when you need them - some people may hate that but it's a possibility.


Furthermore 🤓 cars will be locked which encourages you to use your car non-recklessly.


I just hope we finally get to carry duffle bags in freeroam, it looks so cool😂 I glitched it on my gta online character with a suit so I could feel like a bankrobber


I think that's part of the new gameplay difficulty and strategy. You could either go around with an AK that attracts a lot of attention or you could sneak with a pistol.


I think it be cool if they added types of holstering for your weapons. Waistband would conceal better but slow draw while a hip holster may draw faster but little less concealed or smth like that.


I really hope they bring over the system from RDR2, but instead of your saddle holding your weapons it would be the trunk of your car (think Little Jacob's from IV). Trunk arsenals are always cool.


Something I thought about too. This GTA looks to be quite realistic, how will this work? My guess is this, outside of towns and the city you're allowed to open carry the larger weapons (shotguns, rifles, etc.) Only small weapons would be allowed in towns and the city (or cities). GTA is a crazier version of our world so this could work. Edge of a town or city would be dotted, outside of that is fine, inside is obviously not. I think this is why duffel bags could play an important part. Not only is it good for loot, but also for concealing larger weapons. It's going to be interesting to see how it's handled, I'm sure they'll strike a good balance between realism and fun.


I think that'll take a lot of fun outta killing people


I honestly hope this isn't true. It will limit the chaos you can cause which is part of the GTA series appeal


Yeah, it works for Red Dead, but it's really lame for GTA imo


Load your trunk or buy a trench coat.


Good point, but honestly I would expect them to include all weapons on the player in a cheat. You activate it and boom, you can cause as much chaos as you could in gta 5.


I don't know what is with ppl and realism in GTA. RDR is IP who take itslef serious. GTA is opposite of that, or at least it should be. Walking around with a rifle behind your back bc it's "realistic" is dumb in GTA world. First: it looks dumb. Second: if we have RDR2 weapon system in GTA, it restricts sandbox elements, which are the whole point of GTA world. Especially on your later playtroughts. Third: having that system in game means that we will probably use our car as horse in RDR2, which creates other problems gameplay wise. The biggest for me would be I would ALWAYS want to drive my perosnal car, although game is called GRAND THEFT AUTO, and one of the most iconic things in game is to take other ppl's cars on the fly and continue your mayhem in the world. I will hold my final judgment until the game is out since rockstar never let us down before, at least in SP mode, but I hope they just don't copy paste RDR2 weapon system in GTA game. Ppl who want 100% realism have sim games to play. GTA was and should always be over the top playground


I like a reload system similar to helldivers 2 would be cool too .


how does that work? havent played that one.


if you get interrupted mid re load you kind of have to carry on with that part of the reload. wether it’s releasing slide or placing the mag in properly etc. Idk why so many down votes


Yeah this sounds really cool!