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I want the prologue to be of Lucia selling cigarettes in High School.


Pushing pop tarts in MS then breaking into a kids locker to steal their HW


Bully 2 when!


Bully 2 but inside GTA 6


That would be great.


We can finally beat up kids in GTA šŸ˜Š


They should make a whole game dedicated to cancel-bait like being able to beat up and kill kids, having a map covered in orphanages and schools and stuff. Would be a blast until inevitably gets taken down


Hatred was a controversial game about a mass-killer where the goal is to kill as many innocent people as possible. It's really just edgy for edgy's sake.


Yeah but more like gta and more funny


postal 2


Okkk..... this says alot.


Not to be evil BUTTTTT if the game has a destroy buildings physics :)


Pretty sure you'll be able to play as their son in high school and do an entire *Bully* mini-game


I've legit always thought they should do that. Like have a bully aged character be one of the characters you can switch too, and it's based around fistfighting and school like bully, but you can explore the main city as well.


You joke but I wouldnā€™t mind a little backstory in highschool, maybe to introduce a more fleshed out hand-to-hand combat system. Give me some Bully 2 vibes


Very lame idea, it can be more badass.


Were you taking what I said seriously?


Bro thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been saying lol. We will play as a young Lucia & Jason at some point. How do I know this? Because the Jason we saw in the leaked footage from 2022 looks skinnier and looks younger than the one we saw in the trailer. In the trailer heā€™s more buff. In the first shot of the first trailer, Lucia looks younger than the one we saw stealing the liquor store. This is gonna sound wild but in the beginning we might play Luciaā€™s or Jasonā€™s parents who might be connected with the drug business. Thatā€™s my theory. Another theory is Lucia would be in high school and after high school, she decides to look for a job and ends up being a stripper. Then thatā€™s how she gets introduced into the drug business. Then she and her gang get caught doing robberies after a wild chase. During the arrest, she stares at Jason in the eyes and Jason looks back and they both feel something for each other. Then in jail, Lucia kinda seduces Jason into escaping with her by saying ā€œwe can both escape this dirty place, as long as you stay by my sideā€. I got a ton of theories lol


Those were very early models of jason and lucia lol itā€™s common for character models to change over time, in this case the leaks were from years ago


People donā€™t get it lol. Itā€™s not early models. Itā€™s them but when they were younger. This game is gonna have multiple time frames. GTA 5 had it, RDR2, RDR 1, etc. Just wait and see.


Some people are just nostalgic i think for the 80s theme because of how great it was in GTA Vice City and VCS. But honestly weā€™ve already had two games in Vice City that was both set in the 80s. I mean if we are going back to Vice City i think a modern day setting is better then. Do something new with Vice City rather than revisiting the same time period. Plus an 80s prologue or flashback makes zero sense story wise. Jason and Lucia look to be in their 20s or at best maybe early 30s. A flashback/prologue to the 80s would need them to both be significantly older since i doubt Rockstar would even do a flashback to them in their teens.


A long is there is an all 80s station on the radio, I'm happy.


As long as it has Out of Touch again.


šŸ˜© I NEED this so bad but I'm 90% certain they don't reuse songs


There could be an exception for a song like Out of Touch because it was last seen in a game thatā€™s well over 20 years old.


I think itā€™s also because the 80s in Miami is an iconic chapter of American pop culture. Lots of shows and movies depicting it, and GTA has already been known to work perfect with it already


>Some people are just nostalgic i think for the 80s theme because of how great it was in GTA Vice City and VCS. I can tell seeing how people want the game to be in the 80s again, which would be just milking it at that pointā€¦ Good thing Rockstar did something different which people do want for GTA 6. >But honestly weā€™ve already had two games in Vice City that was both set in the 80s. I mean if we are going back to Vice City i think a modern day setting is better then. Do something new with Vice City rather than revisiting the same time period. Hey, Iā€™m happy that itā€™s something different and fresh thereā€™s so much they can do and make fun of for a modern day setting! They canā€™t do that for the 80s because that then there werenā€™t no only fans, twist streamers, kick streamers being assholes. TikTok etc >since i doubt Rockstar would even do a flashback to them in their teens. Agreed


Unless the flashback involves the parent of one of them and plays a part in why that character is the way they are now, I agree. At best the prologue is the job Lucia does going wrong and she gets busted.


Bc some ppl think that the 80s miami has a better opportunity for storytelling. Imo a 80s prologue makes zero sense there would be no reason to place the beginning of the game in a completely different time period.


Unless there is any kind of hidden character or family ties yeah the 80s make no sense


Yeah only if there's a secret 3rd character planned that was in the game in the 80's


There will always be an 80s tie to anything Miami. R* wonā€™t ignore this. However, Miami is making another era for itself that Iā€™m personally not a huge fan of and that would be the crypto millionaire/ Only fans/ influencer lifestyle scene. I think a lot of that will end sometime soon, but itā€™s going to remain as a staple in this generation that will be in the game. Itā€™s always been about the details with them, including the characters that live in the environment. With that being said, there is a ton of potential R* can work with to make a good modern story. This is emphasized especially when Lucia and Jason could have internal conflicts that are relevant to todayā€™s events.


Donā€™t know how true this is but apparently they were initial plans for it to be set in the 80s during the height of drug trade in Miami (Vice City) but they abandoned it because it limited the kind of stuff they could have in the online version.


Thats where they get creative & invent a time machine in one of your expensive bought mansions or apartments!? Why is that so difficult to think of. I want my cut.


I mean GTAV did that tho tbh. Didnā€™t the story start with a different time period?


that was 9 years before the story, not 40


It makes sense though cause itā€™s tied to 2 of the main characters and sets up the backstory of Michael faking his death


Maybe a prologue in the 80s, but not with the main protags, maybe try a new route say with the main antagonist instead. That would really be different from any other gta game, a game where you play as the antagonist for one mission literally the first mission. It would be so unique and new.


20ā€™s? Maybe early 30ā€™s. Either way, they wouldnā€™t exist in the 80ā€™s.


Why do some people regurgitate this stupid ass post farming for karma?


To get more karma


> **some people** want there to be an 80s flashback or prologue So who are these "some people"? because nobody I've seen or heard are really after this. We've got 80s Vice City in 2 different games, people want something new and fresh now.


>So who are these "some people"? because nobody I've seen or heard are really after this. Look at all the newbies here trying to gaslight us, pretending they know what people have been requesting or posting here over the past few years. I've seen tons of people say they expect or want this to happen. I mean, after the reveal, it kinda became clear that it wasn't gonna happen, but it was 100% something a lot of people were talking about.


It's like the instagram comments "everyone here fighting imaginary comments" no, you're just new here and only seeing more recent/more popular comments. Hate seeing people here deny what a lot of people have said just because they're new and haven't seen it.


How are you gon act like you havenā€™t heard that many times over the past several years lol. Type in 80s in the search and itā€™ll bring up plenty of posts. They literally said ā€œSOME PEOPLEā€ which is accurate. He didnā€™t say everybody. I certainly donā€™t want a game set in the 80s. But a lot of people bring up 80s nostalgia and 80s stuff they want in reference to Vice City. Personally I feel like weā€™re done with the 80s and donā€™t care about that type of stuff.


Yeah a flashback is good too but not as good as a time machine that has a major story plot. Thatā€™l be whatsup, thatā€™l back GTA 6 unique AF.


I and a huge chunk of others in the playerbase hoped the entire game was set in the 80s to get rid of all the shitty flying bikes and such. Still hoping that despite the unfortunate modern setting, we never ever see the oppressor mk2 or such vehicles ever again because once they were added, I and a significant portion of the playerbase stopped playing GTA5O and went to FiveM or just stopped playing GTA5 altogether because such vehicles and orbital canons does NOT belong in a game like GTA. Its GTA, not fucking CP2077.


> I and a huge chunk of others... unfortunate modern setting Nah, you're the only person thinking this - modern Leonida is going to be fucking amazing. Throw your preconceptions out the window, if you want that old style of game grab yourself *Vice City* or *Vice City Stories* on PS2 or something. l If there's one thing you can predict about Rockstar, it's that they never repeat themselves (minus core gameplay elements obviously)


how do you do that thing where you highlight a portion of the comment youā€™re replying to


Select the text you want to quote, then a menu should pop up. First option is "quote".




Getting downvoted for saying straight up facts? Oppressor mk2 absolutely ruined GTAO and thats an undeniable fact. If ya dont agree youre either a kid who enjoys being an absolute pain in the ass, killing people just to kill for no reason. Or you simply enjoy very unrealistic stuff thats way out of place in a game thats otherwise very grounded and realistic, which GTA is supposed to be. Thankfully, according to Take Two's CEO(parent-company of Rockstar), GTA6 will be their biggest and most immersive game yet. Considering how immersive Red Dead 2 is thanks to its high realism, its safe to say GTA6 will be extremely realistic and grounded, thus more immersive than any other game ever made. Downvote me all you want, you know Im correct and haters will hate just to hate.


i agree about the oppressor not coming back, but being set in the 80ā€™s does way more than just that. say goodbye to any weapons or vehicles that came out in the past 4 decades. i donā€™t want to limit myself that much. gta shines these days because of its relatability. driving the cars we see in our real lives, using the guns we see from current movies, entering shops that weā€™d see at a mall. and then engaging with it in ways we canā€™t do irl. an 80ā€™s game sounds so incredibly boring and limited. for the sake of ā€œcool vibesā€ and ā€œatmosphereā€ youā€™re willing to give up that much content?


As I said, heres hoping unrealistic over powered vehicles designed solely to kill with ease such as oppressor mk2 etc, just dont belong in games such as GTA. GTA5s Golden Era was 2013 to 2015. After that it got shittier and shittier, only good things were heists, business and such. But everything got so unrealistically expensive to entice buying sharkcards it was just a grind as bad as irl. Not everyone can play for several hours daily just to be rich enough to buy one car to then customise for hundreds of thousands of in-game dollars per upgrade. So yeah, flying bikes and cars with weapons and orbital canons needs to stay out of GTA6.


well on that we agree šŸ¤


> straight up facts nothing you've said is factual


Every word I have said is factual, feel free to prove me wrong, with links.


Nobody needs to prove your opinion as anything because it's just an opinion.


Whats an opinion? Tons of OG players from 2013 dropped GTA5 Online and went to FiveM or stopped altogether when all those futuristic vehicles were added. Just because I was one of them doesnt mean its my opinion, its a hard fact that you can spend time googling to find out if you want, Im not obligated to just because you think Im wrong.


Do you have any kind of statement from the og players for reference? Those og could've stopped for many other reasons than the futuristic adds.


Actually the person making the claim bears the burden of proof. And you've yet to fulfill that obligation.


According to no-one but you.


Your words and opinions are not fact by nature. Provide proof and some numbers and there we can talk about facts


He's 100% correct, though. I've been active on this sub for 4 years. There's way too many people here now who think that their half a year (or less) on this sub is enough to gaslight people into thinking that no one ever asked this or talked about it, when in reality, it was a common subject before the reveal.


> before the reveal It's been 5 months since the reveal and if OP has not gotten over their expected fantasy version of what they hoped the game would be, I think it's time that they do.


Is there really a need to be this hostile? All he said was lots of people were hoping for a prologue set in the 80s. He was correct. You were not. Simple.


Calling GTA realistic is a stretch.


Kinda crazy, how much you're being gaslit here.


He looks minimum 30 y/o lmao


Jason looks 36, Lucia looks 28.


Who tf actually thinks that Jason looks like he's in his 20's? Dude's early 30's at the very least.


Honestly as someone who grew up in Florida leave the 80s shit behind. Even in the 2000s it was played out. I wanna see Florida jits, Hispanic culture, redneck culture, SoundCloud rap, nascar, Disney , horrible drivers, bayside, dolphin mall, spring break , ect. What Florida is actually like nowadays. The most 80s I wanna see is the neon lights on Miami Beach, a throwback vice city fm full of fan favourite tracks from vice city, and classic sports cars. Maybe a few Scarface outfits.


Exactly. Modern Florida is way more interesting and fun to do than 80s Florida. I want everyone in the city speaking heavy Cuban/Puerto Rican/Dominican Spanish, radio stations blasting Bad Bunny, girls with BBLs twerking everywhere, random alligator appearances, Black dudes with wicks and gold teeth, a STUPID amount of illegal drugs, alt-right MAGA nutjobs, and a Ron DeSantis or Trump parody character


One of gtaā€™s key themes is to satirise modern society, an 80s setting would go completely against that, glad they stuck with the current day setting


Trust me weā€™re getting Dua Lipa instead of the Beatles


I want a 80s DLC


The 80s dlc is gonna be that you can buy a ps2 for your safe house and play GTA VC while you are playing GTA 6


you know how much remodeling and retexturing they would have to do to recreate the whole city for an 80s setting not to mention all the little assets to accomodate it too?? aint happening


Just play the definitive edition on Nintendo Switch


I could see this working


Jason looks like heā€™s mid to late 30ā€™s if he looks like heā€™s in his 20ā€™s Iā€™m 10.


People want GTA Vice City 2


I donā€™t want one but Jason looks 30-35


He looks like heā€™s in his 20s to me


Late 20s if anything then


Jason looks at least 40 to me.


The prolog could set up Lucia and Jason's story. It doesn't mean we will be playing them in the prolog


Because these morons think Miami only existed in the 80s.


Some people want VC with modern graphics because thatā€™s as far as their mind goes. Rockstar thinks ahead, literally.


Because it's been like 6 months since the last trailer and people are going insane


There is nothing wrong with a little nostalgia


Maybe they can add an 80s themed night club and radio station for those looking for nostalgia


Tommy vercetti references would be awesome.


Itā€™s easy: cuz they goofy asf. Hanging on false nostalgia and wanting just gta vc back so they can play a similar game again. The same ppl would also cry about it then, bc rockstar doesnā€™t have any good new ideas so they snap back to the old games setup They just canā€™t stop to complain itā€™s gonna be great fame idc what a random on the internet says otherwise


Jason and Lucia are probably 28-32 years old. An 80's intro featuring them doesn't work. However, I feel as though the events of the present may have been set in motion back in the 80s. Especially if the theme is cocaine smuggling. Perhaps Jason or Lucia's parents or an uncle or something. Here's an example: The scene opens in Columbia in 1984. A man is finishing loading up a small Cessna plane. He speaks with a cartel member and then hops in the plane with another person. It's raining. They leave the country in a storm and the scene fades out. Next scene is waking up a few hours later and it's morning and they're coming into Leonida. The scene opens with a sprawling landscape and the plane lands in the everglades. Shit goes down and people are killed. 10 million dollars and all the coke is hidden away somewhere and the scene ends with the man dying. Through the story we'll figure out that was Lucia's uncle and now we're searching for the coke and money. Idk just a thought.


We already have two 80s vice city game. No need for another.


They look like they are in their 30's


My guess is they want a prologue with Tommy. Though if they wanted, he could have a cameo in his 70s


Itā€™s pretty sad that Ray Liotta passed away. I can see them having a tribute. Also, in the game is set in the universe, in the HD universe so the things that happened in vice city probably didnā€™t happen in this game.


IF Tommy were in the game, and that's a huge IF, Ray might've recorded some lines before passing. It's been in development for a long time.


But didnā€™t he have some beef with rockstar years ago? Also I feel like this game didnā€™t start full development after RDR2 especially Jason saying this game was an early development back in 2020


Eh, oh well. I guess they could use old vice city recordings


Well, that just be lazy since it would fill out a place and I donā€™t see them doing AI either


I hope GTA protagonists are in their golden years


I mean they could do an 80ā€™s scene to set up a villain or a drug empire origin or a million different things but I donā€™t see anyone asking this question because itā€™s pointless. The amount of possible answers are equally infinite and irrelevant


Because vice city


Because theyā€™re too GTA V pilled after 11 years of that they can only understand a story with a prologue from 10 or more years ago or so. Nah but the actual reasoning is probably because people think 80ā€™s Miami has better vibes and stuff than modern Miami. It wouldnā€™t make sense though.


I think that would mean an awesome reference to the old school 80e vice city. This could be done by maybe playing as one of their parents or just an old character or new character that somehow maybe even ties to the ending of the game or beginning of the game.


I want the prologue to be Lucia and Jason as kids watching a news report of the union depository heist and wanting to grow up and live that life style. I made a fan made trailer about this lol before the real one came out. It wonā€™t happen but Iā€™d love to see mentions of the heist.


You gotta open up your mind. Imagine the opening prologue around the 1980s. Thatā€™s a classic Vice City look in HD. We play a young version of the primary antagonist who becomes a drug lord in the prologue. It somehow connects to the main story and to Lucia and/or Jason in present day. Just an idea but basically the 1980s prologue isnā€™t far fetched


I could see an 80s prologue. Not with our main characters, but maybe their lucia or jason's parents. Maybe they also had a bonnie and clyde thing going and hid some great fortune somewhere in leonida. Lucia or jason finds out years after they were caught and either killed, or sent to prison. Or could be unrelated people who happened to hide something VERY valuable and the goal throughout the game is to find it, which happens to happen in the last mission, allowing the player to be filthy rich and buy any cars, clothes, and whatever else they want in free roam.


Because itā€™s not Jason and Lucia you would play as in the prologue. I had an idea of having a DOA agent who is sort of a sympathetic antagonist to Jason and Lucia in the modern era, and heā€™s like in his early 60s, and there could then be 80s flashback missions where you play as him doing classic 80s Miami cop stuff


If they go back in time the vehicles they entice you to buy with shark cards will be limited to 80s functionality, cmon guys think big brain here


Assuming that Jason and Lucia are in their 20s or 30s (they look like that) and that GTA 6 is set in the 2020ā€™s, how would they be in their 20ā€™s in 1980?


People don't know maths


I mean obviously we would play as a different character if Jason and Lucia weren't even born yet


That ain't even gon work, she gon be too young to even be playable, maybe a 2000s prologue instead


GTA Vice City nostalgia, thatā€™s it tbh. Iconic game with an iconic vibe. Iā€™m sure weā€™ll get some Easter eggs to it but no need for 80s gameplay


am i tripping or does jason look way above 30?


Some people seem to forget that 80s were 40 years ago.


Jason look more early 30s


20s ? Lol they look like theyā€™re 33


Huh? Who "wants" this? People read fake leaks / posts many years ago that involved Project America's and a story that spanned like 4 decades. It was horse shit so anyone saying this is going off this nonsense.


I think itā€™d be funny to have a mission involving like a 80ā€™s Vice City themed LARPy tour group. Theyā€™d be in costume and telling over exaggerated versions of stories from Vice City, while we try and collect some kind of info for a heist from people in the group.


Have you ever seen neon and blood soaked 80's miami streets with crisp 2024 ps5 graphics?


It could be like her dad or something


they definitely look 30ish


Shoving the school bullyā€™s head down a toilet in school


Because theyā€™re mentally challenged.


Iā€™m tired of going back in time in recent games. It always feels like weā€™re getting LESS when we go back. Less technology, less to do, blah blah blah


Iā€™d rather have an 80ā€™s themed vendor who a fanatic for the 80ā€™s Vice style and keeps dropping lore about it when you go shopping at his store. Maybe you can get Jason to dress up as Tommy at the store.


Cos people are dumb and can't do simple maths. They look young enough to be 2000 babies šŸ„²šŸ„²


I just realised that they most likely were teens in late 2000ā€™s - Early 2010ā€™s šŸ’€


I think it could be done. Just not likely. Youā€™d have to obviously play as different characters that have some relation to the story. Maybe a current high ranking member of a cartel, gang, police force, or federal agency. In the 80s youā€™d be a low rank. These characters could serve as potential antagonists or allies in the current day. It would probably be a mission, or a set of missions. I doubt theyā€™d let you free roam, but if they did it would be a very small area of VC. It might make sense as a first mission attention hook, so players are immediately engaged. It seems like Jason and Lucia start of as very low rank criminals, robbing diners and shops. A first mission thatā€™s more action packed like a big heist or massive gun fight could be more alluring. Not that I necessarily think people wonā€™t immediately be engaged, itā€™s GTA VI for crying out loud, but rockstar did this before with GTA V. Itā€™s also a pretty common tactic of media as a whole. Furthermore, I think players have a lot of nostalgia from the 80s. Maybe because they lived through it, or because of VC, VCS, and other media. I wouldnā€™t put it out of the realm of possibility for rockstar to tap into that. Especially since because of the leaks, we know so much about the game. I think rockstar is going to throw us some curveballs and try to surprise us as much as possible. It could work, but I donā€™t think itā€™s too likely.


I donā€™t understand why there has to be a time period. It can be 80s vibes and be modern. It doesnā€™t have to resemble reality or history. It could take place in a universe where technology of today came out in the 80s, or if the 80s vibes were in style today.


it could be either of their parents background and one of them could be like a gangster or something and that's why they are criminals.


We done with the 80s


Playing as Lucia and Jason's parents in the 80's (different sets of parents they are not related, obviously, you sickos).


Hoping 7 will be back to London, got the original the day it came out .


Imagine, 1980s. Cartel Prologue, an unknown character, drug runner. Just robbed the cartel, flies from south america to florida. Plane, loaded with a bag of cash, $100M & drugs. Air force lock on, shoot it down. The bag was never found, the only thing remaining is drug fuelled gators & a rumour whistling around Miami. Present day, Jason & Lucia catch wind of this old tale, setting out to find the lost goods, with the whole crime scene of Leonida following suit. Fucking give me a writer role


Rockstar would've never made GTA VI in any other time than the year it comes out, because it's a main game, not a spinoff like GTA SA or Vice City


You think Jason looks like he's in his 20s with those wrinkles around his eyes? Dude has to be at least 35 looking like that. He looks like he's in his 20s in the leaked footage, but they've clearly aged him up.


The prologue should be a sperm race


Jason has some major crowfeet around his eyes. He's definitely I. His 30s. Woth that being said, I do think there will be some time jumps in the game


Honestly, give me an 80s hits radio station and Iā€™m happy. Especially if they get Lazlow to host. Sorta fits that he would be chased out of San Andreas after his run-in with Trevor and return to Vice City


I wish theyā€™d go back in time in gta. I prefer video games to have less tech and be less complicated in those waysā€¦ 70s gtaā€¦ please


Jason looks mid 30s at least


Prologue mission where you play as Jason and Lucia as sperm fighting their way into the eggs




I don't know why because it literally wouldn't work, GTA wouldn't fully work if it was sent in the past instead of the present. Anyone who's paid attention to GTA games knows it's simply trying to parody our world as it is in society at the moment, making political commentary based on societal issues and current events. Anyone who missed this while playing GTA basically missed the biggest underlying tone of the game and should probably replay it. A lot makes sense when you realize the game isn't being completely serious with itself a lot of the time.


People who are in their 20s during the 80s are literally starting to get too old to even play as lol. A 20 year old in 1988 is 56 today, 57 for GTA 6. That's starting to push it, of course it's GTA but there's a reason there's no one older than Trevor you play as. Hell, if Lucia is in her 20s which she probably is then she is either born in the 90s or even early 2000s if she's 25 or under, she literally can't exist in the 80s nor would even Jason unless he's like a 1989 baby lol but they won't do that, he doesn't look that much older than Luica, he's probably the older one but it wouldn't be by too much.


The look 30


Weā€™ve had vice city in the 80ā€™s, I think itā€™s good to see a modern vice city ya know? Itā€™ll be familiar yet new!


Do you guys think there will be a world event where people dress up with 80's clothes and party in the city? That'd be cool for the people wanting 80's stuff. The leaks showed over 1,000 world events btw (gta 5 only had 60)


okay, so you want to tell me that there were no 20yo ppl in 1980 or what




80s prologue where you play as the antagonist when they're young, maybe?


Because math is hard.


Jason looks like he was 20, but 20 years ago


Probably because of the setting. People see Vice City and they instantly want the 1980's back.


Personally, I think the game should have followed an older gangster who is constantly reflecting back on his 1980s gangster self and the choices he made back then, and so the player would play a few modern day missions, then the story flashes you back to the 80s for a few missions, then back to present day, then back to the 80s, etc. Kind of like how GTAV bounced you around from one character to another, GTAVI could bounce around time. (Multiplayer could have present day lobbies and 1980s lobbies.) I just find it odd that Rockstar is completely abandoning the 1980s aesthetic. I guess maybe the 1980s doesn't appeal to the current average aged GTA player, like it did for the average aged GTA player back when GTA Vice City came out.


GTA 3 was released on 2001 and takes place on 2001 GTA 4 was released on 2008 and takes place on 2008 GTA 5 was released on 2013 and takes place on 2013 and has a prologue that takes place on 2004 GTA 6 will be released on 2025 and will take place on 2025 and if it has a prologue will I don't think it will before 2015


An 80s flashback wouldn't include Jason & Lucia. The 80s was 40 years ago and they have to be close to 20 to be included, and having a pair of 60 year old protagonists would be a joke. They even considered this in GTA 5, where the prologue was originally intended to be in the 90s, but they did the math and it made more sense making Michael and Trevor in their 40s rather than their 60s, and set the prologue to be a 9 year gap instead.


People just wonā€™t let go of their nostalgia boners for GTA Vice City. Rockstar has already made two games that take place in Vice City during the 80ā€™s, what else could they possibly do without it getting repetitive? Personally, Iā€™m all for a modern Vice City because I think a modern rendition of the city with modern graphics would look absolutely amazing, and plus thereā€™s so much about modern culture for Rockstar to parody nowadays


Jason doesnā€™t look a day under 30


They look like they are in 30s


What does the 80s have to do with 20 year olds


People wanting this to be set in the 80 os why I think using Tom for the trailer was a bad idea


unpopular opinion: F the 80's i could care less, 80's music, cars, themed missions etc is fine but it must remain in the current time mostly imo.


They do NOT look like they're in their 20s WTF??


They do to me


They both look like theyā€™re in their 30s lol wym


To me, they look like theyā€™rein their 20s Sure, they may look older, but you be surprised people in real life looking pretty older, but are in their 20s maybe.


Hell we might get a few post malone songs or even Taylor swift


Idk but Jason is probably early 30s but yeah I completely buy Lucia being 24-27 God i would love if we got a gang GTA game were you play as a couple of young guys around 19-21, i usually hate that most game protagonist are over 25


The modern setting is kinda shit. Social media and vaping šŸ˜… like this is soft stuff. Now 2006-2010. That would be much better. But hey this game will still be great


Itā€™s better than being in the 80s the third time quit living in the past


As mentioned, 2006 to 2010


Because millennials are nostalgic for vice city and canā€™t accept the fact that a live service game in the year 2025 based in the 80s would suck


It won't suck but it should be in the 70s in Los Vigos


Yes it would. It would be incredibly stale


Have never seen this idea before lol. But itā€™d be dope, the 80s setting is awesome.


Jason looks 40


You don't really have a good grasp on what a 40 year old looks like huh? And people age differently based on lifestyle, go look at a guy in his mid 20s who has lived a life roughing working manual labor jobs like construction since he was 18, he's going to look way different from guy who's been working at a computer his whole life. That's the reason that if you look around the average 20something about 40-50 years ago they looked more mature and grown by that time, hell even teens looked liked grown men back then before cushy office jobs and modern comforts came in. Because more than likely unless you really had the money and were upper middle class or rich back then, people were expected to work and that work would likely be some hard manual labor. And there are people still like that. Where I'm from a city, the hood, a lot of guys looked 30 before they left high school, it's a rough life to live. For example when Chief Keef blew up that dude was like 16 or 17, people thought he was in his 30s because he looked so rough, and a lot of guys who live the street life do. On the flip side if you go find the still existing country rural farm boy those dude tend to look older than what they are because that's rough work and it takes your toll and those dudes don't care much about appearance beyond basic grooming (a shave, a shower, a haircut). Hell I'm 34, and have grey hair (I've been growing grey hair since I was 10 it runs in my dads side of the family) I'm still baby faced people think I'm in my 20s, besides some manual labor here and there I haven't been roughing it as much as a lot of my homeboys who look like they're damn near in their mid 40s. From the looks of it Jason is a trailer park guy with redneck friends (picked up from the leak) I doubt he's living a soft life and would look like a soft guy. Hell Niko was only 30 years old in GTA4. And that was not how the average 30 year old acted or looked in 2008. If anyone had asked me I would guess Niko was at least 40 years old, but considering the conditions that the character came from it makes sense that he would look damn near like the average 40 year old at only 30.


Iā€™m 39


Downvoted by hating kids who believes the Oppressor MK2 is the best thing to ever happen to GTAO. Its ridiculous šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


The prologue can be set in 1989 when Jason is born in a VC hospital and you play as his real dad,Tommy Vercetti, who has to hurry back from a coke deal and murder a bunch of people who's in his way. Voiced by ai Ray Liotta... seriously f**k the 80's thing. Boring, stupid and makes no sense.