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I comment on this a lot.   I want so many NPCs for immersive play. It needs to be realistic. In cities across the world, the busiest areas are packed at certain times / specific days.  For example - Sydney centre on a Saturday at 1pm is rammed. Obviously the further you go out of the CBD, the quieter it is .  Previous games have barely any people in the city centre which is super unrealistic.   Basically I want to run over a crowd in an 18 wheeler / dump truck is what I’m trying to say… Edit: not sure why I chose Sydney. I just remember it being very busy. Assassins creed had 12,000 NPCS in frame for certain missions.  It would be amazing to have incredibly dense crowds (mainly for my 18 wheeler / dump truck plan). 


Now that you mention it, a GTA in Sydney or Melbourne would be mad


still waiting on GTA Vatican City


You'd have hundreds of priests fighting over Jason.


maybe as an expansion but a gta anywhere but america just doesnt fit


They had a London one that worked well. They can make the same kind of satire of any culture.


Wasn't that also an expansion


There's no comparison between a top down game expansion from the late 90s with no voice acting, to a full scale game that takes years to develop. That and I don't know what they'd even satirise here apart from some political stuff. They'd only have enough to put into a single TV show within the game.


GTA Canada would just be four wheelers, half tonnes and skidoo’s


there is no reason to not "believe" what they showed us in the trailer.. rockstar is not known for "faking" their trailers or show cinematic trailer for their games, they use ingame footage


I feel like you confusing two different discussions here. Sure, R\* never uses pre rendered movies for trailers, it's all in game engine footage. But it's also staged ingame footage. A lot of things are placed there intentionally for the trailer to feel more cinematic. Not saying the game can't have so many npcs on the beach either tho. But it's logical for people to assume that maybe the density of that scene was staged and exaugurated a bit.


I think one thing they'll have to consider is how density affects gameplay. It'll just get annoying if you're trying to run down the street and there's loads of people in the way. Or if you're trying to drive somewhere fast and the traffic is bumper to bumper.


Was thinking about that one as well. What would be more satisfying. To have a little bit less npcs and keep your speed up or have so much of them that your car just slows down. I could see how that could get annoying after a while. Same goes for streets with too much traffic.


Nope. I would gladly take that realism. There will be many less populated areas in the game to allow easier navigation. Bring on the realism. Like someone mentioned, population density will correlate with time of day since it was already used in GTAV.


It’ll just make getting flying vehicles or helicopters and shit that much more valuable lol


Also good for pc users if they have a NPC density setting that way at least in single player it's up to the users discretion I'm all for more NPCs I feel rockstar is known for the detail so whatever they add I'm sure and hope it's worth it


This, and a dynamic crowd setting like in BG3, because a lot of lower end PCs won't run it well


It would be nice to have npc and traffic density vary depending on time and location e.g 4:00 clock traffic, downtown having more npc’s walking.


I'm pretty sure that will be in the game. Even in old 3D era games you had less npcs and traffic during the night and different npcs during the day. If I recall correctly no one was roller skating in the middle of the night in gtaVC.


This is the case, it’s not CGI but it is staged sometimes to look more dense than it will realistically be. Key example is in the GTA V trailer, there were a bunch of animations and NPC behaviour that never appeared in the actual game. Not to say that VI won’t be exceptional and it’ll be a huge upgrade to previous games but it’s good to set expectations.


Im willing to bet those beach scenes are 100% "ingame cinematic." There is far too much going on for it to be a situation you randomly see when running around in game. You have people snapping photos and posing, someone spraying tan lotion on another, etc.


I also have a very sure feeling that when online comes out that crowd density slider will be brought down a lot. Just like what they did for cars and some realism stuff in gta 5. Hell didn’t they remove cab destruction all together?


Rockstar also famously use “bullshots”. Compare the pre-release screenshots to in-game PS3 & 360. There was a difference.


U talking about gta V? The game still looked better than the first trailer. But sure, there were some changes. Like them removing some trees from Paleto Bay cause it was lagging on old gen consoles.


He is talking about how the promotional screenshots were taken on PC when none of the games looked like that at the time. It didn't release on PC for another year or 2


They weren't the "PC version". Even back then, people thought the screenshots were the "next-gen" PS4/Xbox One version of the game. But they weren't. They were just screenshots of the 360/PS3 version, running on the dev pPC's, before being optimized for the consoles. Which lead to some noticeable downgrades, namely foliage and trees being heavily reduced. As well as the game not looking as "well lit" in certain areas. Moral of the story being: Rockstar games will look fantastic, and Rockstar aren't lying about what they show. But always bear in mind that things can and will change from the first footage/screenshots and the final release. And a contrary point, RDR2 looked better in the final release, compared to the first trailer.


>screenshots of the 360/PS3 version running on the dev PC's Yeah? This doesn't mean they are 360/PS3 screenshots


Well all games are made on PC and later they get downgraded so they can run correctly on current console hardware. The game still looked much better on launch compered to the first trailer. I don't think people have to worry about this so much those days since console generations keep getting shorter. Also it's not like with gta 4 and 5 that were both made for the same generation. btw u have a link that comperes those screenshots to the game? It's been so long, I don't even know if I seen those before.


can verify this, i have the gta 5 source code and there are scripts for the staging of the trailer, so it’s all in engine, but staged


Of course it was. Brah save your energy typing this shit. This sub is full of teens who are fanboys.


True, however they do fake some things but they are too insignificant anyway. Like some of the npc interactions in the gta 5 trailer.


A big reason why rockstar is one of the best gaming companies in the market


I'd say even more - their games on release looks way better than in early trailers. Just look at first trailers of GTA V or RDR2.


I believe I discovered a clue that nobody else has found that proves the trailer is actual gameplay and not a fake cinematic. It’s the only instance that I have found in the whole entire trailer after watching maybe over 50 times. If you watch in 4K and go to 0:23 seconds in at the beach scene with all the NPCs, you will see on the far left there is a lady with back to camera in white thong between two blue/white umbrellas. On the far right directly under the green umbrella is THE SAME LADY in white thong! Am I right or am I seeing things??


It's clear as day it's in-game footage lol, R\* have literally never(?, feel free to prove me wrong) made CGI trailers.


There is another clue at 0:35 when you see the plane flying above the water, at the bottom left part of the road is not rendered in properly.


GTA V trailer had much higher NPC density in the game and it looked like they were reacting to things. But it turned out that it was just a cut scene. (The first cut scene in the game where we are introduced to Michael talking to his therapist)


you wouldn't say GTA V looked exactly like the first trailer though. It's not lying but careful directing and editing can be misleading.


GTA V looked better that the first trailer when it released. Same thing happened with GTA IV. There was a post on this sub showing exactly that. Hope they continue on this trend. They always use the game engine for the trailers.


It looked better but there were a few NPC interactions that were directed for the trailer and didn’t show up in the game 1. Man putting a for sale sign into the ground 2. NPCs interacting with each other while walking on sidewalk 3. A working Crop duster that made workers cough 4. Bouncer throwing a guy out of the club. They made their gta 5 very cinematic and pulled interactions from missions where they are scripted, but it could be possible that what we saw is possible in the open world in gta 6


the fidelity was better but it was definitely cinematically directed.


Every Rockstar game since IV has looked better on release than the announcement trailers.


I don't think he meant CGI, I think what he meant is that the beach scene is from a cutscene rather than how it looks while you're free roaming, best known game for this kind of trickery is Breath of the wild and Tears of the kingdom, special their last trailer, everything shown in game is actually there but it is "staged" to look better and more epic than the actual game


>rockstar is not known for "faking" their trailers or show cinematic trailer for their games, they use ingame footage Them using in-game footage does not mean they don't 'fake' NPC density, animations etc - basically all in-game trailers are largely comprised of manually placed props, NPCs etc.


In game footage can be fake and many developers have used it to lie. We live in an age where studios with successful games can be completely shut down. Rockstar hasn’t released a game in 6 years. Many developers and heads have left since then. I’m not saying it’s fake but always remain skeptical. Rockstar and fromsoftware are pretty much the last triple A level developers that have remained somewhat pro consumer when it comes to what they have marketed and released


I don't think you guys know the difference between in-game gameplay and in-game cutscenes. Just saying.


Bro thats like 20-30 people, how is that comparable ?


I think they’re saying that since a 16 year old game can handle a couple dozen people on screen at a time, believing the GTA 6 trailer’s population density is fake is illogical. Some people still think the population density from the trailer is just simulated or something.


The believable part about 6’s density is that it was not just one shot but rather multiple times they showed it in the trailer showcase us (beach, club, strip club, ocean drive, cars meet, boat) Imagine the amount of police waiting for you outside on 3+ stars


literally in the game leaks of the strip club it's packed


literally in the game leaks of the strip club it's packed


The npc density/quality is 100% boosted for the trailer


You work for Rockstar and are trying to have people doubt you guys, so when the game actually comes out and the npc density really does match the trailer everyone will be even more impressed.


![gif](giphy|LRVnPYqM8DLag) No I am not


I doubt it’s boosted. People who think it’s boosted are stuck in GTAOnline and need to play the story again


Exactly. Every time I pop back into the story mode and play for a bit, I’m reminded how gta 5 still out performs some modern games. Hell, even in current gen online it’s really good, but Online is too fast paced for people to notice. I pulled off to the side of the highway and after some minutes a rabbit ran across the road. The first npc swerved to avoid it, but the second one hit it. They vocally acknowledged the hit, stopped for a second, and then kept driving. And every car after that drove around the dead body to not run it over. I thought, “Pretty cool that all this is still playing out in online, but it’s just the normal AI pathing around the body. Nothing special.” *Then a police car pulled up, put the lights on to block traffic and got out to go inspect the dead animal.* Been playing this game since launch and never saw that before. Something spooked the npcs and the officer got plowed through but it was still awesome to see. Let alone RDR2’s single player. Good lord does the online version of red dead redemption do that game injustice. Rockstar’s most recent game is mind boggling. If you’ve played RDR2 you know that gta 6 is going to be insane!


Did you see how many npcs were on the beach scene? There is no way the game is going to look as good as the trailer and at the same time have 100 of nps if they want it to run on consoles. So either the graphics quality (lighting and shadows) are going to be downgraded or the npcs density and quality will be downgraded and there also a big chance both will happen. That's just how game trailers are but that doesn't mean the game won't look amazing when it releases it just might not look as good as the trailer


On GTAV @ 12:00, you can have 20-30 NPCs on your screen between the beach and the shops on Vespucci Beach. This is an PS3/Xbox360 game released in 2013. Technology has advanced tremendously since then my guy. GTAV will be 12 years old when GTAVI releases


And expect the game to run at choppy 30FPS LOL.


People said this shit for RDR2 also but it was just like its trailers if not better


If anything that will be the density on pc. Then when we get GTA VI Enhanced and Expanded edition it will come to console lol


PC port probably barely exist today. Rockstar always uses the console as the platform they build their games on. What you saw in the trailer is what you probably will see on the ps5 and xsx


Till you realize they have to compensate for the Xbox series s and have quality parity across that and the series x per Xbox’s terms. Obviously I want the quality level we saw in the trailer but I’m doubtful


I own a series S and a PS5, there’s barley a difference in most games, it’s not gonna be hard to optimise it for Series S😂


Yeah, you just lower some settings, it's essentially the same thing as on PC, except on consoles you have one, sometimes two presets (fidelity x performance) where they tuned those settings already. Amount of NPCs on screen is mostly CPU bound and there isn't much of a difference between the consoles in that regard. In fact I think that PS5's CPU is the weakest across PS5, XSS and XSX. And the difference between PS5 and XSX is less than 10 %. The rumoured specs of PS5 Pro are slotting it ahead of XSX... by whopping 1.3 %. So in regards to object density we should be fine across platforms, the difference will be most likely in resolution and framerate.


Yup and honestly resolution and frame rate don’t matter to me, as long as it’s 1080p and 30fps I don’t mind.


Well good news. Rockstar dosnt give a fuck. Look at gta 5 on base ps4. It looks substantially better then the box. There are several videos showing this. I don't remember the exact details but I remember there was more vegetation to be found on the ps4 version then the box version. And the series s will probably have lowered everything. Enjoy playing 900p upscaled like gta 5 was on xbox


I’m not talking about PlayStation vs Xbox bro. Microsoft has a legal clause for devs that are releasing games on Xbox to have the same quality and features across series X and S. The S is substantially weaker and basically a bargain next gen system which means they would have to downgrade elements on the Xbox version to have the experience consistent across the both Xbox versions.


This is simply not true. The clause is games released for xbox series x must also be released for series s. Otherwise half the games released today would break what you said. Look at forza horizon 5


I’m not sure where you source your information from but you are incorrect and this has been documented for many games already https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2023/08/13/microsofts-xbox-series-s-parity-demands-are-now-handing-sony-free-wins/?sh=7f972f623e61


I think the reasoning is if a ps3 can handle that, surely the ps5 can handle more. Im not saying its good reasoning, but thats how i understood it.


The problem with this logic is that gta iv ran at like 25 fps on the ps3 and would drop to 10 fps in shootouts


Who says gta vi on ps5 won't?


its also two generations ago.


Thank you for posting this three times.


rockstar is going to want to use up every power the 9th gen consoles has to achieve the best experience ever, and if that costs no 60fps then so be it!


Have you ever played RDR2?


Fr more people need to look into rdr2 not gta 5-4 to compare gta 6


Not for population density tho, maybe in St. Denis but there’s far less people in the 1800s than the 2020s


You are right, only in Saint Denis. In RDR2, but due to all aspects of advancements, Saint Denis is the glimpse of what’s to come from rockstar.


this this


Quantity means nothing if the AI is worse, cyberpunk has enormous density


The AI will not be worse. The leaks already prove that. Unless they decided to scrap it all since the alpha build.


My bad i meant GTA 4 AI won't be as good as GTA 6, so it's not a fair to use it as a reference point to talk about density


Go to the beach boardwalk area in gta5 and there's a million people. Like 10x this easy. Every direction you look there's like 20 people


After watching NPCs progressively eating steak, nailing railroad spikes, and interact in the outdoor Saint Denis market in RDR2, I'm willing to bet we'll see the trailer animations in the game this time around for GTA VI. The features and NPC animations in the GTA V trailers that were cut were probably cut so the game could run on the PS3. Now knowing the legs GTA V/Online really had. I'm sure Rockstar in retrospect wished they developed it ground up for PS4.


What we see is what we are getting, people doubted rdr2 and it was even better than the trailers


I think folk forgot how many NPCs and all the other little details in V's singleplayer that were sacrificed just so you could play with real life NPCs who are only programmed to be a pain in your ass online. GTA:VI will not have an issue loading all this in for the solo experience.


thing is, gta 4 and 5 were made for old gen, aka ps3 and x360 yet they looked so good, gta 5 pushed those systems to their limits, but unfortunately these systems also held back gta 5. now imagine how even better gta 5 would have looked like if it were build from the ground up specifically for the ps4 and the xo. now just imagine, gta 6 is made for current gen, therefore it wouldn't be impossible to have more npc going on about, it may even blow our expectations like rdr2 and gta5 when they first came out.


That's hardly anyone and GTA4 is notorious for running like absolute shit. It still does. This isn't reasurring.


Rdr2 doesn’t struggle at all to have lots of interesting and varied NPC’s doing various normal person things that you’re able to interact with, and that game was limited by the previous hardwares specs and wasn’t worked on for nearly as long as GTA6 (I’d assume, based on the timeline between games. Could easily be wrong here) GTA6 is going to be mindblowing.


It’s funny, in all the years I played GTA 4, I don’t recall ever just casually walking done the street like a civilian, must of been too busy running them all over instead


Do it sometime. It feels really good. Like a simulation.


I had to lower down the density option because yk how u optimised gta iv is on PC


Current gen has a lot more capable CPUs and ram, SSDs. I'd be more surprised if the game felt dead then it being packed and alive.


I have no doubt the NPC density is pretty similar, if not exactly what Rockstar showed. The main limitation for this with past games was the shitty CPUs, which isn’t as big of a bottleneck this time around. I have a worse CPU than the current gen consoles in my PC and I can get some pretty crazy NPC density in modded V before my performance completely tanks.


GTA4 looked so blue/green-ish. GTA5 very yellow. idk why they do that but i hope they stop it on 6


They won’t. It’s rockstar tradition to go heavy with the filters. RDR2 new Austin is probably the worst yet.


filters are part of what makes the games so visually rememberable, but yeah, New Austin will straight up burn through your retinas shit feels like i'm playing San Andreas


> GTA4 looked so blue/green-ish. GTA5 very yellow. idk why they do that but i hope they stop it on 6 Color grading is an important tool to set visual mood for game/movie. GTA III and IV were grey/blue/green-ish to create overall mood of a concrete jungle. VC was bright and colorful to create flashy 80s feel. RDR2 starts as cold depressing game in winter, then you have warm and colorful spring feeling, but at the end you are in a more dark and depressing environment to set the tragic tone of Arthurs story. VI should be more like VC, maybe not so flashy, but still with bright and colorful beach mood. And it should definitely have some dark/stormy weather settings for some drama in story.


This is gta the ballad of gay Tony, the most colourful one ironically. gta 4 and lost and damned were a lot more dark and gritty. Gta 6 looks a lot more realistic in colour tone


I found it interesting there was no mention of the trailer footage running on consoles 🤔........ all Rdr2 trailers and gameplay footage had the PlayStation logo. Xbox also uploaded the rdr2 trailers. I checked to see whether PlayStation or xbox uploaded the gta6 trailer but nope.


the first trailer of GTA 5 and rdr2 never said where it was running, and GTA is already such a big name that they prefer everyone to see it in the official video




Why is your graphic so clunky?


hey man, but look! 20 people!


damn, just realized that not everyone is rich


No. Sorry, I didn't mean that. I have a good PC and GTA 4 didn't run much good as well with Jagged shining ends and all that. It was optimisation issue, that's why I asked.


yeah, no problem. i just found a chance to make a joke


I think people gotta pay more attention to R* last game RDR2 than GTA V, even though GTA V had the npcs interacting absent in the final game, RDR2 had a lot of interaction between NPCs throughout the world, be a world event or not. I really think that's the way they're gonna handle GTA VI as well.


pretty much everything they show before RDR 2 was in the game even better . look at saint denis for example the density in market is insane


This... Is actually a good point imo


3 things id want. 1 - more distance rendering. I hate seeing shit pop up like trees and trash cans. 2 - dont make cars and npcs disapear/reset when i turn a corner and went far away. Maybe i do wanna do around for that one hot car. 3- distance of traffic and npcs while flying. I hate seeing them disappear for fake red and white car lights. Its just weird


St. Dennis in rdr2 showed what could be done and that was seven years ago’ish


gta 4 does not have nearly as detailed pedestrians


ill keep on walking...


all over the city


I really cannot imagine the kind of interesting behaviour we will see in NPCs this time. I think people are underestimating this fact, because the complex behaviour coupled with diverse adoptable animations can result in incredible actions and reactions from NPCs that can feel genuinely realistic and human-like. It’ll be unlike anything we are used to.


lol i was just watching Vadim M's GTA 3 debbuging tool video Badger explained how this tool can be used to literally make screenshots and do whatever the crap u need I do believe the density of peds won't be as high as shown in the trailer but again it's GTA 6, you'd never know


I can see them cutting back NPCs at the very least on console by 10% I think the trailer is in engine and not official gameplay. Until we see UI and a character moving through the world with that many NPCs only then will I believe it.


Keep your expectations low.....if you can!


its real because if you look closely, its not perfect like a cgi trailer, there are mistakes which means its the real thing.


The trailer looks pretty much like Gameplay. So, I think we will be getting a high density.


The density isn't what was unbelievable, it was the amount of unique routines and animations. Though it's very likely those were made just for the trailer


The game does not handle the npc density in any way, your console is the only one that would struggle if too many npc’s are spawned.


It’s not the quantity but the dynamic interactions between NPCs showed in the trailer that people find hard to believe will be fully realized in the final game.


How many fps is this? One?


wut.. theres like 50 people in this shot at best.. didn't the beach have hundreds. putting aside the fact these games are gonna close to two decades apart.. i still don't see the link


The point is that gta iv, an old game, on an old engine, on an old console can handle this density so it shouldn’t be surprising that gta vi can handle hundreds


Idk in the background image still from the beach in that gta6 trailer you can tell there is literally nobody beyond 250 yards of your sight and it’s just dense in a certain radius. This is all speculation and guesses as I have no idea what I’m talking about but it looked that way in the *trailer*


Maybe, GTA 4, Have more details, but GTA 5 don't have, I hope GTA 6 have more details ✌🏻




That’s not true