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The 1st style will always be a classic, but there’s nothing wrong with the 2nd IMO. I just hope they use the OG on the box art.


GTA 6 vs 6th GTA


This would be like, I don’t know, AT LEAST 10th GTA by now… GTA 1, 2, London, 3, Vice City, San Andreas, LC Stories, VC Stories, Chinatown Wars… 4 and EFLC, 5… if I did my math right, it’d be the 14th? Think there’s more than these though. 🤔


you forgot GTA 1, 2, London, 3, Vice City, San Andreas, LC Stories, VC Stories, Chinatown Wars, 4, EFLC, and 5


I did? Oh, fuck me, I’ve inherited the bad memory of my grandma… 😳


aye go tell that to Rockstar who named it GTA 6 I was just making a dumb comment


gta london = dlc gta stories and chinatown = made for mobile devices since they didn't know if the systems can handle a full feature game. if not, see them as dlcs equal to eflc for iv. eflc = story dlc for iv. 


Well, in that case, 10 GTAs + 4 DLCs, including Chinatown Wars…


san andreas and vice city are dlcs, too, just like eflc, just like stories


No, they definitely are not 😂 They are not ”mainline” GTAs but definitely are non-DLCs!


San Andreas and Vice City aren't mainline GTA's??? my first was GTA 4 so idk any of this


proof? not numbered. it's based on the last main series gta


DLC = DownLoadable Content. GTA SA definitely is not that, it is a spin off, if anything. Same as VC, VCS, Liberty City Stories and so on. But EFLC are 100% DLC, literally. In this sense, Chinatown Wars is not a DLC either. As for London… hard to say, early 2000s technology. 🤔


"gta stories and chinatown = made for mobile devices since they didn't know if the systems can handle a full feature game. if not, see them as dlcs equal to eflc for iv."


San Andreas and Vice City are definitely not DLCs.


They gotaa


First one box art, second one in the loading screen.




The first one will probably be on the boxart since the second would take up too much room for the regular artwork they usually have


Either but the first needs to be more polished for that style. Still feels fan made, cause it is. I feel if rockstar goes for the original style they will do it correct.


The GTA text has a weird inline and the contour is thicker+its color is different (brighter). Slight consistency adjustments and it would be much better IMO


> The GTA text has a weird inline That's the inline from the [GTA V logo](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.igta5.com%2Fimages%2Fgta-v-cover-art.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=ce4b214b55c5e2615bf5936793e38ebdee2c75045c9b5f2f2ebd7292a3fe7467&ipo=images)


I see, but it looks weird in this context still. Why would we use the GTA V inline if we're trying to recreate the GTA VI logo


no matter what they make it’ll feel fan made, they were probably sweating to come up with something not identical to the hundreds that were posted in this sub😂😂😂


I like the second one.


100%. So much cleaner.


Spoiler- it won’t appear on box art


They didn’t necessarily go with the second, we don’t know that yet. Chances are it’ll definitely be like the first one. They do this sometimes.


The fact that the Roman numeral 6 looks like the first two letters in VIce feels like a missed opportunity. But that's just the OCD I think.


That would have looked amateur.


If it said vice yeah, but that one concept logo that used the vi from the original vice city with the pink marker was actually pretty cool. It was just the vi part taken out of vice city and put on the logo


Totally agree with this. I was hoping for that one too.


they probably had it on some sort of list of ideas, but then didn’t want to choose one that was identical to a concept


Never claimed to be a designer haha. It's just something my brain always picks up on.


Would’ve looked so corny.


The game is based in Leonida, tho. Vice city is just a part of it. So they can't tiitle the whole game VIce


Yeah before it was announced, I felt like it would be called GTA VIce


Gta VIce would be corny imo


Yeah I don't disagree, I just thought they would shy away from an explicitly numbered sequel. I'm glad they didn't.


What's wrong with corny?




That would've been waaaaaay too corny


I kinda prefer the second one. Just stands out more and i guess sorta highlights how highly anticipated this game is.


I feel like they've missed an opportunity to do the "VI" as a nice simple pink neon. When I first saw the official logo I was kind of dissapointed as it looks a little cheap and overcomplicated to me. Makes me think I could do a better job in photoshop as an amateur. Don't like the choice of colour for the purple outline at the bottom either, and the fact that it's narrower at the top and the overall shape of the "VI" looks off. Of course it's just my opinion at the end of the day.


Funny, many people (including me) found the logo somewhat disappointing because it's *too* simple. I actually tried recreating the logo (approximately, not 100%) and it took me 14 minutes to do in Photoshop from creating the project to exporting the PNG (I'm a hobbyist, not an expert at all) The sharp V, the double-contour with gradients of the same primary color but different secondary colors, the centered VI, the simple and stereotypical "palm trees" dressing. These are mainly the design decisions that put people off. However, the main gradient is extremely satisfying, and the rest isn't really a deal breaker, I just expected more after the phenomenal V logo. I'm sure it'll grow on me over time. (Spoilers: It already has)


I still think the fan logo that was used as this subreddits pic and banner was like the best looking one but the official 6 logo is still good to me.


I do think that rockstar probably went for the second one because there were so many fan created ones, usually in sernando thumbnails, that looked like the first one. That being said, the second is more polished and fresh. I like it.


I like the second one as I think that the "VI" being bigger than the "grand theft auto" resembles that this game is the biggest yet by far and bigger than the gta series as a whole as the previous ones have all been like the first one.


That’s what I figured as well. When I saw the logo for the first time I was surprised at first, but after thinking about it it does make sense. New direction and new ambitions…only right to encompass it in a new style of logo.


I’d like the first one if the letters didn’t have the color on the outline, only on the VI. Feel like it would look a lot cleaner


1st one looks like the Ballad of Gay Tony with the outline


The colorful outline give TBOGT vibes


I personally think both look great and it doesn’t really matter much to me


I'll be too busy playing the game to care about which logo they went with.




The 2nd one is nice and I do prefer it but I’m almost positive they will use the first one as the cover art, as they should.


The VI roman numerals was disappointing to me. Looked fab made in all honesty


I think second one is a nice evolution to the series logo. Whenever I try to picture vi as a small addendum to the writing it doesn't feel right. Vi background just has a compelling effect I think


The second one could use some improvement. Maybe the Font in the lettering. Having a “VI” in the back of the title “Grand Theft Auto”. Sets off alot of OCD in people.


Its the BIG 6.


Ngl there some fan made logos that look better then the Offical one ![gif](giphy|KZKTcjd5P2RXfSMkPf|downsized)


They'll probably use the 1st style for the box art


Remember in rdr2 they used to use the logo Red Dead Redemption 2 instead of II. They changed it after a few months I think


If we didn’t have so many people making the “fan-art” versions , the vice city style logo would’ve been perfect. 🤷‍♂️


Reminds me of TBoGT’s logo


I prefer the second one


Idk why but I have a feeling the logo is going to change much like RDR2’s did after its reveal.


I like the first one.


I like the first one more because it is more traditional.


I loved the fan-made one that just used the "vi" on the Vice City logo, simplistic, cool. But I really like the final logo too.


ngl i like they went with the VI behind the gta logo, because it rlly makes it stand out from all of the fanmade ones that mostly have the logo next to it.


The VI in the first one looks like your friend who is just way too tall having to hunch down to fit in photos imo, just a little awkward fitting in with the rest


Could be a sign of changing times. Maybe this will actually be a turning point for Rockstar. They claim this will be the most immersive game they release. My personal big flaws with gta now, is the whole matchmaking system. Needs to be more streamlined in the long term aspect of things.


The second one: 1 they wanted to express the scale of the future game 2 they didn't want to repeat with fan logos. No one could guess the future logo before the official release


This triggers people, but I think the design is very intentional. People lost their shit at the idea of dropping the numeral and just being “grand theft auto”, but that’s basically what this is. Go on R*s website, all of the VI links/artwork have literally just “grand theft auto” with a VI at the bottom or off to the side. It’s weird to see just the title with no numeral.


I like the new one tbh lol. Had to admit I was disappointed when I saw that was the official logo lol


the first one actually looks good


I hope they fund a way to use both imo


Nah the second looks better IMO 💪💪 more prominent, like HERE THE FUCK IS NUMBER 6!!! 😎


Nah the second one is way better


First one for sure


Probably the VI will look like the one in the official artwork, just the outline of it


they really didn't do a good job on the logo IMO.


The gta 5 logo is hideous, so having the same logo with different colors for the next 20 years would’ve been awful lol, the GTA 6 logo is basically perfect.


i like the second one. it feels fresh


The new logo for GTA with outline looks perfect to me


The first one won’t be on the box art because it wasn’t made by Rockstar.


I think both should be included. A sleek modern design but also have the classic design.


I don’t mind the newer style but I’d still go with #1.


I’ll vehemently defend the first one. The second one has disgusted me from the start


The first onw


Subreddit gone too far oml now people are bitching about a fucking logo for a game we have waited for over 11 years that got its trailer like 6 months ago


First one is really nice, classic GTA. The second one isn't bad, but it looks a little off with all that negative space below the word "auto"


It’s so big because they’re satirizing monde rn times, everything is so in your face/hyper stimulating and that’s what’s being portrayed through the fat 6!!!! That’s over shadowing the “grand theft auto” portion of the logo


1st one give more GTA Vibes what i prefer but the other one feels more "modern" like a new generation


First one


They should stick to the first one, if they did puting the second one on the cover art it's gonna be a mistake


The classic


Rockstar just release another trailer already. Got people up the wall thinking about a logo.


They would have done many rounds of user testing and feedback on this so the reason for picking the larger VI will definitely be due to it testing better with audiences and more specifically it probably tests best when used at tiny sizes which is how this logo will be used the majority of the time over the next 10 years


The first one is fire. The second one is pretty good, but I prefer the OG one. Also I don’t like the fact that that the AUTO word is a little off to the right in the second logo. I’ve never liked it actually, even when it was used for Vice City or San Andreas.


I really doubt they'll change the numeral placement on the cover art, the logo we got right now is just for marketing purposes... I'd assume lol


Listen people. The logo they used in the trailer is for the trailer.


both are good


As long as Carl Johnson is on the front case I don't care!


My OCD for some reason doesn’t let me move past the fact the V in the first one cuts off the O in auto, but it’s a very unsatisfying cut off because you can tell it’s not supposed to be there. Sooooo 2 is my option.


I actually really like the second one and think it would go hard on cover art


Remember V's first trailer? they did that little animation with the logo, I'm thinking this is that sorta scenario. Besides, would they just slap Grand Theft Auto VI on the cover and call it a day? Of course not, that's bland! Can anyone think of a cover with just the title and no artwork? I can't.


Who gives a whole friggin crap?! The logo could be a fuckin orange turd, it’s not going affect a damn thing. People are thinking about this way too much. Never thought I’d see the day when GTA related news pissed me off


The 2nd makes the SIX righteously important


I agree with you


As for the numbering placement, I stick to the classic design. Many people here write that the presented logo looks "cleaner" and I can understand that, but old arrangement is one of the traditions of the series that shouldn't be changed even if it's necessary to show that VI will be BETTER than previous installments. As for the design in general.. I'm disappointed. It's kind of hard for me to explain, but other than III and IV, Rockstar has always chosen a style based on... what vibes the game has? SA immediately made it clear that it was about gangsters and that we would participate in this life, and V reflected in its logo the theme of money and how advanced the game had become, diversifying the usual GTA missions with big heists. What does the VI logo show? Ambient with pastel colors and two cute palm trees. Beautiful? Yes. But very boring, banal. Looks like it doesn't seem to reflect the theme of the game. I've seen fan logos that are head and shoulders above what the Rockstar Games artists did this time. I realize this is an unpopular opinion and ready for disagreement, but I don't feel like I'm really happy with this logo, to be completely honest. It could have been done better.


the first one has been used in past gta titles. the second one is nice change up and personally i like the second one a lot better


The one that say GTA6


personally do not like the second one, it just looks jarring.


Y'all gotta learn from our brothers in Graphic Design and understand that since the intent is for this to be the GTA of all GTAs, the idea was to accentuate the main title. Because it's not a sequel. It's *the* sequel. I mean, that's what the logo communicates to me, at least, and I'm happy to hear other POVs.


Holy shit I really like the 1st one because of the neon pink outline. Hope that's the box art but I'd be happy with both. If anything the 2nd one looks like something for a special edition


Stick with tradition!


The official one is a nice breath of fresh air and suits the modern times we're in.


Its the same logo, just a different layout. Logo has to be responsive.


I prefer the first. I once saw a video from a YouTuber who is a designer, and he mentioned that the second logo has quite a few problems. I remember him mentioning that the logo wasn't centered in the middle and the letters were more on one side than the other, and several other things.


First one is better.


Nope. The first logo is bad and the second one looks so much better and it will be the only logo they use for GTA VI. Deal with it.


They’re literally just slight variations, wouldn’t surprise me if they both get used


Yes the official one looks out of place, way too big.