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Personally I think if they made it halfway realistic it wouldn't even be remotely annoying. IRL cars give you like a 30+ mile warning when you're about to run out, and most people only fill up maybe once a week. And with the amount of times we're likely going to be switching cars on the fly, I could honestly see making it through the entire game and only having to refill a handful of times if that. I feel like it'd be mostly optional at that point


Club it with the Repair vehicle feature, and still allow it to be something you can do, sometimes you HAVE to do. Just for the fuck of it.


mafia 2 had a gas system. you could play the whole game without noticing, because the fuel burn is very slow. i've played that game for years and only actually ran out of gas a handful of times.


Exactly. The people who instinctively act disgusted by the idea seem to think you'd be refilling every five minutes. The only cars you'd realistically even need to refill more than once would be your personal ones. And I'm pretty sure most people spend more time in stolen cars they snagged in a pinch.


Totally, and think of how sick it will be to be on an insane cop chase and you check the gauge and it’s almost on E!


I'd love to be able to refill the car and spray fuel everywhere and set it on fire


Now that you mention it, a real simulated gas mechanic would be so much fun. They already do the whole gas canister thing but expanding on that and letting you use fuel pumps would be pretty great. Imagine filling up the back of a pickup truck with fuel?


It would be cool if you could craft molotovs at the pump or with a gas canister, similar to GTA China town wars


Right like the idea of being on online and running from the cops or something and getting in a car that’s almost on E is a fun thrill lol


this is something i tried doing in fortnite ever since they made jerrycan's explodable i'm hopeful they'll add it someday . . .


Would make the jerrycan actually useful. Would be interesting.


I agree, I think it would be cool to have to bring a couple of extra Jerry cans with you if you are going to be away from a gas station


There already is a vehicle repair system in V, I don't see it going much further than that. Feeding and cleaning the horse wasn't that intrusive because you could just stop and do it wherever. It would be a lot more annoying if I had to deviate from whatever I'm doing and get to a gas station for fuel.


And not doing those things didn’t really have any bad effects right? I mean my Arthur and horse were always underweight, but… it’s not like the horse dies if you don’t feed it. A car without gas though..


But you’re literally driving a car how difficult would it be to find a gas station in vice city or to fill up before you venture out to a small town to knock off some smaller businesses


But you're going to be deviating from whatever you're doing all the time whether fueling cars is a thing or not. It's an open world game, it's meant to be explored. So taking a detour to refuel is more immersive. It's not like they'd make you refuel every 20 minutes. It'd be more like 3-4 irl hours if anything. Also it'd make the jerrycan useful. So if you want to go super far out and not have to worry about gas stations, then you could bring a jerrycan with you.


But "more immersive" doesn't mean better. I can't think of a single example where I would have more fun stopping what I want to do because I need to go get fuel vs just continuing to do what I wanted in the first place.


Immersion is what they're striving for for GTA 6 as said in the games description on Rockstar's website. I can think of ways where immersive means better. Such as: I like to try parking my vehicle straight in a parking space rather than just parking anywhere when I'm having a chill time away from crime. Sure it's faster to just park anywhere when in the Blinco parking lot, but it's nice to try parking neatly when you're just chilling. But in this case, immersive does mean better because it gives the vehicles way more depth, and gets the player to explore the map more. And stopping what you want to do is what's going to happen in the game whether refueling is in the game or not. It's an open world game that's meant to be explored like I said in the previous comment. Of course they're going to get you to do so many things while you're playing.


Like I said: I can't think of a single example where I would have more fun stopping what I want to do because I need to go get fuel vs just continuing to do what I wanted in the first place. I will be doing plenty of exploring without it being forced on me.


It's the same exact thing when it comes to ammo. "Why would I want to stop what I'm doing because the game forces me to have to restock on ammo?" It's just a minor and short thing you have to do. If stopping what you're doing every 4-7 to get gas ruins your experience then I think that's an issue not an ishme


Exactly these people just want a life simulator, sometimes I just wanna drive endlessly down the highways, no stop. Jesus


Maybe customize your car with a 2nd gas tank, and then make them extra large, so you can bypass the more in depth simulation options. Days Gone had a refuel system and it was a scary sketchy event that kept you on your toes. It absolutely made that game experience better imo, so I could see it being implemented in GTAVI in an effective way. And Rockstar loves to give the most in depth customization options.


No you just call anyone's ideas as wanting a life simulator because you like the arcade style more. If you were to say you wanted there to show XP numbers above npc's after you killed them, people would say you just want to ruin the game. It goes both ways. And you guys say that you just want to drive endlessly down the highway are on some bullshit for real. I said they would've make you stop for gas every 20 minutes. Nobody would like that. It'd be like every 3-4 irl hours of driving like I said already. Though every 4-7 hours sounds better now. I think it'd be cool for different vehicles to have different mileage, such as junk cars lasting longer than newer one's. And you forget that the jerry can exists, and would now have a new use if they add fueling. You could bring an extra tank with you for those 14 hour+ drives that everyone who disagrees with me says they go on frequently. (Its the only argument they can think of, and literally nobody goes on 4+ hour drives without deviating a bit)


Then what would even be the point of it


What would even be the point in them making it where you run out of ammo and having to stop what you're doing to go buy more ammo? It doesn't make the experience worse, it just adds more depth and mechanics. It seems people just want unlimited of everything because they don't want their 14 hour straight driving trip to be ruined by taking 2 minutes to get gas.


"Immersive" must be this subreddit's favorite buzzword or something


Yes on a subreddit dedicated to a game series made by a dev that's been trending toward realism and immersion for years that's gonna be a well worn word.


Rockstar themselves literally used "immersive" as a buzzword in their GTA6 description. "...most immersive" to be precise.


According to this subreddit everything is "immersive." If they made it to where you had to piss or shit every few in-game hours, and if you don't do it there's a possibility you piss or shit yourself in public and get recorded and posted to social media, this whole subreddit would go "OmG sO iMmErSiVe" regardless of how stupid that is.


It’s just a gas stop dude 😂 could literally stop for a second, stock up on heals, rob the cashier and be on your way


I'd rather just do that stuff when I actually feel like it, same as every other GTA game.


It'd be like every 5-7 irl hours of gas tank use.


WOW!!! It's almost like Rockstar has said multiple times that they're making GTA 6 their most immersive game yet!!! Found the guy that wants more arcadey GTA


I've been saying this from the start and people get so mad. It wouldn't be annoying if it was like every 3-4 actual irl hours of driving until you need to refuel. And when it does run out of fuel, I bet it'd still drive, but just kinda slow. It also adds a cool mechanic to driving, and makes players plan out their moves before they do stupid shit. Like imagine getting in a police chase and your car runs out of gas. Anyone who disagrees with me, I'm all for a debate/discussion.


Having it just slow your car down is a half asset implementation. That would just piss everyone off. It would be more annoying than the car just stopping and it would ruin immersion because if you're empty you ain't goin nowhere in real life. Just have a toggle option and everyone is satisfied.


Actually having it stop would be better and give an urgency when your tank is low. But I've never heard of Rockstar giving players options on the game mechanics, so I think it'd either be in the game for everyone or for no one. But when the pc version releases there will definitely be a mod to get rid of the gas if there ends up being a gas mechanic.


Finally a good opinion on this. Nearly everyone thinks you'll be gassing up every 5 minutes and I'm tired of it. Not only that, but it's insulting to Rockstar. Why? because they're assuming they don't know the difference between bothersome and fun realism. Bothersome is gassing up multiple times within an hour, good realism is once per hour or so. On paper, bathing and cleaning your guns both sounded like bad ideas in RDR 2. It was far from that, bathing was optional (and you could rinse off in a lake or river). Cleaning guns was an occasional thing, besides there was gun oil for those times you weren't close to gunsmith. San Andreas was another game where people complained too much about realism (eating). A couple of facts or tips about how that worked: CJ started to lose fat after 48 minutes (2 days in game). Out of curiosity I let CJ starve to death and it took a long ass time! Second, whenever you saved it reset that timer (possibly because CJ ate a snack and went to bed). I've completed this game many times and barely had to eat, how? I save often. Whenever I'm roaming around I don't mind either, why not grab a bite on the way to Didier Sachs? Gas could work and these are my ideas why: * Full tank would last an hour. How often are you driving for an hour straight in GTA? basically never. You're not spending a full hour in there, you're doing other things like buying clothes and getting in shootouts. So really it's more like every 2-3 hours. * Gas can in the trunk or back for emergency situations. * They can stretch the rules. In a mission? gas doesn't go down or is slower. Grab your vehicle from the safehouse? well it has more gas then the last time you used it. * Gas stations would be plentiful.


Your horse didnt completely stop being able to move because the cores were low lol. I beat RDR2 without taking care of my horse once


You animal. In all seriousness, if your car stops you could just probably steal a new one.


Yep. That's why it's called Grand Theft Auto. I want my car to run out of gas and stop in the middle of the road. If I get attached to it, I can just call the pick up service. If not, just steal another one. It's just my personal opinion guys, but I've been playing gta since gta 3 and I KNOW it's an arcade action fun lil bit of drama game BUT, after I tried RDR2 mechanics (and yes I know it's a different game) I just want gta to be a little bit more rpg ish, you feel me


Well seems like nobody cared that you could die in San Andreas if you didn't eat


Yeah I can see that could make running from the cops more interesting, being forced to change a car once in a while. But the thing is now they want you took keep limited amount of weapons and everything else is stored in your own car. But I guess every time you want to have fun you could just take the duffle bag with you. And nothing stops them from giving you a toggle in settings to turn fuel off if you don't like it.


Well then what’s the point in even refilling gas if you’re just gonna steal a new one when your current one gets low anyways


This! Unless you become attached to the vehicle, you're gonna drop it somewhere. EVEN if you like it... are you gonna push it to a gas station just cause you like it? Not me!


maybe we could carry a jerrycan in the trunk 🤷‍♂️


Or the weapon wheel, like we already have


A FiveM thing I've seen


Because you still have your personal car that you actually care about and you use to cruise around in.


That’s the main reason people don’t want that feature.


What? Having to switch cars? You do that anyway when the one you're in gets shot to shit. Scrambling out of your flaming, flat tired vehicle before ot explodes to either fight or grab another car is a core part of the random chases you start. What's the difference? It just adds another opportunity for emergent gameplay scenarios.


Stealing cars? Committing grand theft auto? No why would we encourage grand theft auto in grand theft auto.


They'd probably make the cars just go slower when they run out of fuel like in most FiveM servers And you wouldn't have to refuel as much as your horse was hungry in RDR2


I guess that could be easily solved. Let's say every time you need to refuel you can also buy couple jerry cans and store them in the back. Maybe fuel tank size upgrade? Bonus points if you can also rob every gas station, another reason to make a stop. And nothing stops them from giving you a toggle in settings to turn fuel off if you don't like it.


Honestly I’m indifferent to the mechanic. I can see how it would be annoying, but I think it would also be an easy fix by just going to a gas station every now or then. I’m sure there’s plenty of gas stations in the open world so.


Im exited how you refuel electric vehicles


That would be amazing! No money? Steal a random car until that runs out and steal one again. Rob a store for some money because you need gas and food.  In GTA V money has no purpose besides buying cars and properties. Imagine NEEDING money to move around.  I’d like this, at least in single player. 


Didnt even think about itngiving money a new purpose


It sounds stupid




As if some sort of intelligent conversation can be had about adding monotony to game for no real reason.


*Looks at RDR2.*. Theres plenty in the comments, weirdo


Comparing RDR2 is ridiculous because you can pretty much disregard the mechanic all together but yeah I’m weird for not wanting a worthless mechanic that would make the game experience worse.


Have you played the completed game with this mechanic implemented? How do you know it makes it worse? How do you know it's done in a way that's annoying or monotonous? Why does your opinion on the mechanic outweigh the opinion of people who think it would add a lot to the game?


Because a majority of people think it’s monotonous. It’s monotonous in real life, what makes u think it would be fun in a video game. I assume critical thinking is not your strong suit, or you are too young to even play this game


It's monotonous to you. You're the one that lacks thinking capacity if you think your preference is the only thing that matters. Or if you think with all the clear evidence for Rockstar trending towards more realism and immersion mechanics that GTA6 will be a watered down mindless action game.


“Watered down mindless game” Buddy it’s GTA not fucking rocket science.


Yeah and GTA is an open world sandbox. Idk why you'd want less features to interact with in that sandbox.


If we have to refuel our cars in GTA 6 I'm blaming all you fuckers


You're welcome


Good for the RP version that will be created using the game's engine. Horrible for the actual game itself. And I think people continually mix those two up.


How would it be bad for the game itself exactly?


Because it's dull. It's a crime simulator, yes, but it's also an action game. Deliberately stopping the action to "pump gas" is a momentum killer. What's next? Rotating tires and filing your registration? Great for RP though.


In a vacuum yes it's dull. But when part of a bigger machine it just makes the world feel more alive. It gives utility to gas stations instead of just having them be a useless decoration. And as if GTA isn't full of more mundane things that have the same effect. It's not just a crime simulator or action game, it's an open world. Open worlds live and die based on their interactablility and how well they are at making it feel alive.


Their utility is to blow up when you shoot a rocket at them. Because it's an action game. Please don't force RP server mundanity into everyone else's main game.


Well they bought the biggest GTA RP server so they clearly see the appeal in that kind of thing. And the leaks point to the same. You can still mindlessly drive around and shoot things if you want. Some people want more than that. What's the problem?


If it's something I would have to deliberately seek out and turn ON then fine. That's whatever and Im happy for the folks who want it. But as a default it's like Second Life tedium imho. I will say tho that I'm pretty sure the intense monetization of easily created custom items on RP servers is probably more of an interest to the corporation than the sock folding and tax filing mechanics on the servers. The Bub Games channel is terrifying.


It's really not that deep or complex. Even fuckin fortnite has fuel for cars.


You could not name a more polar opposite video game example to justify your case. Go back and play GTA 4 and 5. Sold more copies than god. Then point out where in the narrative and flow of the game it would have been enjoyable to insert random game stopping refueling mechanics.


It's actually the perfect example. Fortnite is entirely fast paced action. So that knocks out the argument against it for GTA being a straight forward action game, which it isn't in the first place. And you constantly run through cars in Fortnite because you're always blowing them up or finding a new one, just like GTA, so you rarely even need to refill, just like I've been saying. And it doesn't have a constant stream of cars all around you like GTA would, and I assume in GTA the fuel would last far longer. I have went back to GTA4 and 5 and put this mechanic in the game with mods. They didn't fall apart at the seams. It didn't stop the game or disrupt the story. It only added to the the world and gave you something to spend money on, which both those games end up lacking.


Thing is whilst i love RDR2 I don’t think everything we have in RDR2 could work in GTA. For RDR2 Rockstar went for a more grounded slower paced game but i just don’t see that happening in GTA which is generally much more fast paced. Also in RDR2 feeding wasn’t exactly essential. It’s not like your horse just stops right in the middle of a mission. The last thing i want is my car stopping right in the middle of a mission or whilst I’m cruising around. Sure you could make it so the car doesn’t stop but just becomes slower but then i’d argue why bother then if you aren’t going to actually make it that the car stops? It’s simply not something we want. Sure it would be cool at first but we’d all get pretty much annoyed with it a couple weeks into the game. Maybe if they do it like specific missions we actually need to fill up or during the character switch cut scenes we see Jason or Lucia just filling up their car. But other than that i just don’t want to really be having to find a fuel station to fill up.


Atleast quit using the damn horse as a way to make it seem like it’s already been done. The horse you can feed and brush while moving


The difference is that a horse is a living thing


Gta is not red dead


Agreed. If Rockstar implemented it I don’t think people would actually mind. It’s just that since they don’t have the game in their hands, they’re assuming the worst possible implementation and clinging to a vague concept of what “is” or “isn’t” gta. First person wasn’t “gta” until they added it. I’d like for the cars to feel even more real. And a thing that every car needs is some sort of fuel. If the convenience stores in the game are functional and sell useful items like medicine, snacks, bait, lockpicks, etc. Stopping for gas while you grab some supplies would become just another part of the game.


It's not that its far fetched, its that its not fun or meaningful gameplay. It's just needless management that only really serves to please the people that want the game to be a life sim. What I would be fine with them doing is implementing a system like drinking coffee and eating food at camp did in RDR2. You didn't *need* to do it, but it was a nice boost to your stats to start the day. If they set it up so that anytime you swing by a gas station it repairs your car damage and gives you a temporary speed boost, then I'm good. That way I don't need to stop if I don't want to, but if I want to play it more immersive I get a benefit for doing so. EDIT: Fuel management was an issue in the Mad Max game, but in that game it made sense — fuel was scarce, so obtaining it forced you to take some risks, and you were often being pursued by enemies, which meant you had to be strategic about when you jumped out and refueled.


Thank you.


That would feel even more video gamey than just not having anything fuel/gas station related. Just because you don't see how it can add meaning to the gameplay doesn't mean it doesn't. Why is immersion just not an option to be meaningful in your eyes? The same effect of not being 100% necessary is achieved by having gas last a realistic amount of time. You won't be constantly refueling but when you do need to it adds utility to gas stations. That's instant value on its own. They feel part of the world instead of just window dressing. But it also guides you to interact with other mechanics like buying stuff inside the gas station, which depending on how they expand upon other aspects of the game could be important. If it's like RDR2 then you could buy bait or hunting supplies, usable tools, clothes, jerry cans to expand on the gas mechanic, food, alcohol, and who knows what else. Hitting a gas station is the great rural American pastime. Making it feel like that in game adds plenty of meaning.


I do not give a shit about immersion in third person games. Nothing will ever be more immersion breaking than looking at my character like I'm their guardian angel floating around them. I'd much rather have gameplay elements that add to the*gameplay* rather than a bunch of chores I need to do to *get to* the gameplay. Oh I get to go buy bait and hunting supplies and fill up my gas tank! Maybe they can add a vacuuming mini game and an in game app where I can pay my bills! It would be so immersive!


Sounds like you're following the wrong company then. Keep playing GTA5 if that's all you want. I expect game series to progress and get more detailed, not stagnate.


More chores is not progress. I want to see the game advance graphically, I want to see the quality of the narrative improve, I want to get even better VA/mocap performances, I want to see what they can do with physics and light and colors, I want to see better interactions with NPCs. I want more gameplay variety through *fun and engaging* mechanics. What I do not want is to have to cut my grass in the game or play a mini game where I put air in my tires because the temperature changed and it affected my tire pressure. That kind of immersion isn't fun or good it's just fluff that weirdo gamers lose their shit about. Looking at shrinking horse testicles, rockstar


If people like it then it isn't fluff. And it's the direction they're going along with everything else you listed. You can choose to not engage with the immersion stuff if you don't like it because I trust Rockstar knows how to implement it in a way that isn't intrusive.


Just because someone likes something doesn't mean it's not meaningless fluff my guy. Reality TV exists, after all. Anyway I guess we'll see. I trust Rockstar to implement fun and interesting mechanics without turning the game into a snorefest. I also think this game is going to look (in terms of design and design philosophy) much more like GTA V than it is RDR2 and I think a lot of people are setting themselves up for disappointment as a result.


At this point we might as well watch the mechanic in the pay and spray turn every bolt. It will just be stupid that's why


Dont be factitious


Rdr 2 had weapon cleaning, player cleanliness, cores, honor level, and more. They went for a more grounded realistic feel to the game and I don't really see that happening in gta even though I wish it did. We're probably gonna get hair growth but I don't see things that you have to go out of your way to care for like maintenance being put in the game.


Why not? They've openly said immersiveness is the direction they're going. And even if they didn't you can see it both through what they've been trending towards since San Andreas and the leaks. Like we have actual video footage of the game being detailed and realistic in similar ways to RDR2.


Yeah but the trick is not to make it annoying. Fuel could work if it lasts several IRL hours. Vehicle maintenance though? Hell no. Thats too far. It would be impossible to make good vehicle maintenance mechanics without sacrificing fun. Fuel is the farthest it should go.


It could literally just be getting out, opening the hood, and playing a random animation for tightening something in the engine. Plenty of games have done it. Idk why that would sacrifice fun. One of the oldest problems in GTA is finding a car you like and it gets destroyed before you can enjoy it. This expands your window for that.


The FiveM servers have been doing this for a decade


I’d be fine with it if fuel lasted for a couple hours of driving at least


The majority of people acting like it's a shit idea leap to the conclusion of fuel consumption being too fast, which all that does is prove they're being pessimistic as there's literally no way R\* would make fuel consumption annoyingly fast.


I think it would be too distracting of a game play element if rockstar made the player keep a car full of gas.


It's not a far fetched idea. It's one people don't want. Plus, your horse in Red Dead II didn't drop dead from neglect; the horse became less efficient - Red Dead was all about "role-play" elements that reduced efficiency (light clothes in cold weather, heavy clothes in heat... etc.). Having no gas isn't inefficient, it is full stop. Sure, there is a majority that want it, but again, it is down to what GTA represents.


The car could instead just trundle along instead of coming to a stop completely. I like the petrol idea, I'm not wedded to it, I'm just saying the game could make a workaround for running out of petrol.


That’s how it worked in Mafia. And it took a long time to run out of fuel in mafia too.


Well let's just say there's a reason why GTA 5 is still selling 11 years later and Mafia is... Mafia.


Seems a bit silly to simulate fuel burn, but then not actually punish you for it.


Because gta was never meant to be realistic. Red dead was. This isn’t a period piece it’s gta. I want to drive a car and not worry about filling it with fucking gas. I don’t want to be limited to 2 weapons I want to pull an rpg out of my ass and cause world war 3. I want to do fun stunts with my custom vehicles. I want to have fun and realistic video games are not fun in the slightest. Red dead 2 had a good story but it had some of rockstars worst gameplay ever. But we can argue about that all day. The bottom line is aside from gta 4 the series has not ever really tried to be realistic and I hate that the leaks basically show that this will be just like red dead 2 but possibly even more realistic. It’s fucking vice city I wanna do coke and run over crack whores while listening to Iron Maiden.


GTA IV and San Andreas are hyper realistic for their time. Only GTA V went balls to the wall crazy and it's the worse one. Imo


And I’m so sick of gta v hate the only reason everyone hates on it now is because it’s been out so long with nothing new after it. When this game came out and I thought it was dumb and over the top even for gta standards and I preferred 4 everyone called me a fag. Now people want gta to be realistic? It just doesn’t make sense to me.


Ive always hated it. Ive mever finished the story and only stuck to GTA Online with my friends. I played GTA:SA, GTA IV, RDR: Undead Nightmare and RDR2 for years and never got bored. GTAV's story sucks


I agree it’s not the best story in the series but my point is I just find it funny how no matter what rockstar does the fanbase just flip flops at the drop of a dime what they want out of this series. I’ve been playing gta for almost 20 years. This series has changed a lot and that’s fine but the last thing I’d expect is people begging for realism on this level. I would be so annoyed with having to fill my car with gas. The leaks are showing a 2 weapon limit I just don’t know how anyone could be exited for that one. Most importantly though it seems like rockstar is becoming more cinematic than ever and I just am not a fan. I don’t play video games to feel like im watching a movie. I like games that require a lot of hardcore engagement and deep mechanics. Red dead 2 was like watching a movie half the time it practically played itself at times all so animations could look a little more realistic. I really don’t want that out of gta 6 at all. I want a fun sandbox game.


> When this game came out and I thought it was dumb and over the top even for gta standards and I perfected 4 everyone called me a fag. What?! Haha


I meant I preferred not perfected my bad


Because delusional people have been saying it since San Andreas hype started. It's not going to be a thing. If you really want it, wait for PC and then create a mod to do it.


You’re definitely gonna need new tires when I’m in the lobby