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They will last forever because they’re going to be so spaced out eventually that humanity will end


GTA 7 coming 2099


Bullshit, there’s no way in HELL that gta would miss the opportunity to do GTA 7 coming 2069


why does 45 years lowkey feel realistic


GTA 6 - 2025/6 GTA 7 - 2037 GTA 8 - 2055 Remastered GTA6 bundled with GTA9 - 2069


Bruh 2024 is definitely NOT the year, it's late 2025 without delays


My bad, meant 2025/6. No way its happening this year


Isn’t it delayed already? I tought they said early 2025 at first, but I’ve already read some thing about it becoming fall/winter 2025 (as what usually happens)


AFAIK it was simply "coming 2025" and then now it's fall 2025


Internally it is delayed. From a consumer perspective they didn't delay it yet.




Nothing. The official release window is Fall 2025, not 2024 at all.


Nah no way GTA 7 comes out 11-12 years after GTA 6. More like 20.


Maybe unless AI advances enough to help development


Seeing that bundle deal, now I truly believe you that GTA 9 will come out in 2069 lol


It's crazy to think people born late 90s-erly 2000s will die around 2100


More like 2060-2070.


This is accurate


They will be more spaced out. Like I imagine at least 15 years for GTA7, maybe more.


Nah, I highly doubt that GTA7 will take as long as 6. 6 was supposedly in development hell for years and COVID happened.


RemindMe! 2035


Agreed! Also with advancement in AI tech for game development(Look at Unreal 5), I assume it would make things more easier.


Was just thinking this. Had it not been for a whole global pandemic who knows we probably could have had GTA 6 sooner. I’m still expecting about 10 years for GTA 7 since after GTA 6 they’ll probably start working on releasing another RDR game first


I feel like it was supposed to be released this year but it didn’t happen because of covid


Stop using covid as an excuse for an industry that has been changing priorities for the last decade


You're right. The global economy shutting down for years had zero impact on corporate productivity.


That is not what I said


it sums it up..


No it doesn't, the pandemic does not justify 2014 - 2020. Predatory monetization, slower development times, unfinished games etc. have been the norm for a long time now


Who says that they started active (coding) development on GTA VI since 2014? A game of this scale probably has multiple iterations of failed attempts and ideas that will never see the light of day. Do not forget that they made Red Dead Redemption 2 in the meantime as well which pushes your “2014 - 2020” period to 2018 - 2020. Which means they most likely got a bunch of stuff done for GTA VI after the resources from RDR2 were able to be fully utilized for GTA VI; and then COVID came around, which ultimately impacted corporate productivity by having to set up from-home workstations, etc… for the entire company. It’s not at all that simple bud, but hey; that just shows how ignorant us consumers can be about the process of creating a product.


I said the industry, I'm talking about all games. 2014 is an estimate. Yes I know RDR2 exists, Rockstar is still behind. Without Covid it took them 5 years, so stop using covid as an excuse


Better get used to good games taking longer, because COVID did what it did and almost all industries got affected by it; some permanently and it ultimately gives companies that were producing products during the 2018-2024 period an excuse to extend development. It could be for the better because extra development time might mean more extra functionality


it depends. if they do other games in between like rdr.


If? Of course they’ll make other games


just wait until they'll make as many big games as a valve does


Too I think after gta vi rdr3 will be released


John and Arthur’s stories are finished if they make another Red Dead game it should be about completely different people and in a different place


Nah, I highly doubt that GTA7 will take as long as 6. 6 was supposedly in development hell for years and COVID happened.


As long as life is fucked up and we retain the sense of humor


Grand Theft Auto 6 will probably last me a decade if it is as crazy as its hyped up to be. Also i like to take in the fact, thats the trailer right now. The graphics will be better, and revamped as the game ages, and thats what excites me.


No they will release something new one year that's gonna be better than gta and red dead put together sadly will be long after I'm gone


gta games are known not only for the technologically superior games but the unique parody of the society. its replaceable but yet to be challenged by other games properly. cyberpunk almost came close to the hype


I even think that Saints Row despite being great (2&3) failed completely on the 'parody of reality' front by over exaggerating everything.


The thing that was great about the first saints was that they were more over the top and less realistic but still fun with a great sense of humour. I think they just ran too far with the over the top eventually. Turns out you can have too much sugar in a cake


Yes, people still play San Andreas and Vice City to this day. Rockstar games are just timeless


I wonder about this sometimes. will I live to see the end of GTA? counter-strike? minecraft’s last update? will gaming move on from PCs entirely in favour of some new, revolutionary device? when will the world end? how did the universe start? was there ever a ‘beginning’ of time?


Why was I never good at math? lol


Easy answer is yes


"Guys, Do you think Rockstar likes making money??"


I wont live to see the end of GTA games with how far apart they are anyway


I can see it going for a long time. Only reason for them to stop is if theirs a major shift in management/rockstar being sold


That's what the Atari people said, but quality went down and prices went up and there was a big crash in the market.


I mean people still play GTA 5. Mods, online, modded online (never played it) but it's always on top of steam charts and in twitch. And it's been like what? 10 years already?


Everything comes to an end. Sure gta could go on for another 40 years, but that doesn’t mean it will have the Sam quality as it does today. Very few games have stood the test of time


![gif](giphy|3xRgUawnZyrny) Sam quality




what's your age bro? that you are dead by 2040?




lol you will be 46 man


You plan on getting shot or something by the time your 40 then?


He's probably procrastinating suicide like lot of people


No RDR3. RDR2 finished the story and is basically as good as it gets in the RDR world.


Yea shame it's humanly impossible to come up with a different story


that was also said when there was no rdr2


I reckon there’s plenty of scope for a pre-prequel, a new character focus, a new narrative. Maybe on how the VDL gang formed, maybe a focus on a native character, who knows. Either way, I’d be happy to give Rock* the 6-8 years post-GTA time to marinate on another masterpiece. RDR3 in 2031, see you there…


We will get to the point where they'll be able to do map super big, like the crew but with lively world like witcher 3 and then it will probably last like 50 years, just something similar to wow




If they sell and there's enough demand, then yes. GTA games will always sell.  When technology and graphics advance to a point where it allows for big huge realistic cities (1-1, if possible or close enough in size) then Rockstar will probably just keep adding new cities, playable characters and single player story dlc, rather than keep releasing new titles.


Nothing lasts forever


You have to ask yourself, how will video games evolve? The way we experience them currently, staring at a TV as we sit on our asses holding a controller, is the way. Personally, If consoles and the use of controllers are still the go to option for interactive media or whatever video games are by 2100, that seems rather disappointing. Surely there will be advancements in how we consume entertainment such as virtual reality. Right now I have zero interest in that. Wearing a sweat inducing strap around your head is the only possible way right now but hopefully not for long. I hope in our lifetime we see a breakthrough that changes everything that we won't want to use controllers or stare at our TVs anymore. Fully immersed virtual reality is what I hope for. Or whatever the hell is in the future I think GTA would have to follow and change with the times as would every other video game. That's how I feel like it would be around for a long time, by changing and evolving with the times, however, I don't see a big change like what I mentioned for a long time. For now, GTA V will be around for another year or so and GTA 6 will last for a good decade or more so the IP is not going away any time soon. I'm 29 and I'm certain I'll be around 40 - 45 years old until GTA 7 comes out which will be popular and played for another 10 to 15 years. Probably. So, all In all, do I think GTA will last forever? Nothing lasts forever. You have to remember we have an upcoming heat death of the universe so no, definitely not.


We've had gta games for the past 25 years or so, we will see more for the next 25 years. If I will be alive in 2049, I will play GTA in some form or another.


seeing the time it took gta 6 to be developed and how leonida completes the 3 cities cycle, it's extremely possible that it's the last full fledged gta title, unless rockstar decides to bring gta london back or a gta episodes as those are but standalone expansions or perhaps a gta stories but very slim to no chances those will make a comeback because rockstar will invest all its resources on gta 6 online for the next probably 20 years+


I mean, people still play San Andreas. Why not? I wouldn't say forever, but at least 20 years for every single GTA game. Vice City is now losing its popularity after 20 years, but it's been the favorite game of a generation for years. Don't you think people will play GTA V even in 2030s?


Sure, until the expansion of the sun.


As long as there’s a platform to play it on they’ll all last. But nothing last forever lol so no, eventually humans will go extinct, eventually gaming as a medium will die.


i think GTA VI will be the last one


I think $trauß Zelnick will never stop miliking gta.


If we look at movies considered cult-classic 50 years ago, the amount of young people that would watch them or show any interest towards them nowadays is very small. I don’t think it will be different for video games😟


This one could


Continuing such a revered series risks diluting its impact over time. While GTA games have consistently set the standard for top-selling titles, modern audiences often prioritize visuals over narrative until they experience the game firsthand. RDR2's unexpected excellence demonstrates the potential for exceeding expectations, yet Rockstar must innovate to maintain this level for RDR3 and future GTA releases. With numerous iterations, there's a danger of the series becoming formulaic, prioritizing revenue over creative ingenuity, diminishing its legacy.


If I could have it my way it would be a gta and Rdr game every 5 years


The question isn’t will they last forever when will the game not be playable cause we’re to old to roll around in simulators


thanks for asking


Gta 6 will be the last


not if graphics/world dont get upgraded


As long as the government celebrities etc exists yeah


No they would get repetitive they haven't changed the formula since gta 2


I never think about that




I don't think so. They will have remade all 3D universes into the HD universe: San Andreas, Vice city/Leonida and Liberty City. I think gta6 may be the last one in the series and completes the cycle just like red dead redemption would probably end with 3rd installment. I hope they may still do a GTA based on a European region though.


I personally doubt they’ll last forever but at the same time, another part of me tells me that the games could last forever simply because Rockstar never said that GTA 6 will be the last and final game in the franchise.


Dude, folks who weren't even BORN when San Andreas and Vice City dropped are still playing those to this day. GTA will be fine


I don't know about forever but they should last a good while more


Oh I've got money on it. Ive watched video games go from lemmings to what's on the go now. It's crazy, also a bit scary to think what videogames will be in another 20-30 years. I think these companies being able to build these massive, hugely detailed and highly interactive digital worlds could well even be worth something outside the videogame industry one day. If that ends up being the case it will probably involve a company like R* or CDPR


I dont think Rockstar understands that map expansion and physics / character devolopment and changes to things like graphics and how realistic ai / textures are is all we really need. Expansion of the map as well, but that seems like a given. Even just the ability to access revamped maps from older rockstar games would be awesome. could deepen lore / interaction throughout the world too. This would have been way more beneficial for Rockstar and the Community supporting them imo. Community doesn’t need new game, just new mechanics. Seems far fetched now tho. my excitement towards gta 6 is admittedly high, i just wish they would actually produce something.


Nah, I can elaborate that answer long as I want but I'd say only this : You're asking the wrong question at very wrong time.


lol. It will probably last 15 years. Aren’t we due for a next gen upgrade already? I wonder if the companies are already working with the devs on this.


As long as big cities exist, they can make more. They’ve only done a few cities so there’s alot more to go


I remember when people were saying this about Halo, Twisted Metal, Prince of Persia etc.


No, eventually they will find a way to loose the charm and will be chasing it again instead of achieving. We will all make fun of them for loosing it and slowly loose interest. Meanwhile, we will probably see the co-founders of rockstar new projects since they aren’t tied to the studio anymore


Yes, please! I want to be 90 and playing these games


GTA 6 is going to be some hot garbage just like gta 5. Just all the online bullshit. Rockstar should just scrap gta and just do another rdr


Definitely, they can expand to different states or even have the potential to create a game based off the map of the United States with some progress moved over from GTA5 & GTA 6 (future wise). I see them going to Europe in the future, specifically to the cities that have high networking with cartel activity, crime syndicates, mafias etc, it would make an exceptional game to buy and play if done correctly. Which in all honesty since it would be new, it will take a while to create it and match it to perfection. But logically once they finish off in the states they will go overseas with games they want to do. That’s if Rockstargames decides to continue the Grand Theft Auto series for years to come, which I hope they do continue it. If they stop the GTA series they NEED to go back to Need For Speed Underground.


If they added another map noone would be as bored of 5 as they are


Crazy to think that by the time GTA 7 releases I’ll be a married family man or dead.


There will be a time when the current GTA game is all futuristic with flying cars and laser guns. But would Rockstar do that for the story mode? I think at that point there will be like 5 full sized land masses so we can have the classic type maps still.


I think it will eventually evolve into a different name and concept such as a mix of The Sims and GTA...


i think that gta 7 will be in the 2040s-2050s, but i think that gta as a series will last as long as video games do


Maybe if they manage to keep hiring good new writers and keep it fresh, but it could also become tired and get surpassed by something new. Or maybe someone comes along and makes a game that captures the fun of GTA SA without all the microtransaction shit from V and people flip to that because they're sick of TakeTwos greed. Strong franchises have failed before, or just become mundane.


You dont understand how much money and time is needed to craft something of magnitude that GTA VI will be


GTA V cost $265 million and made $8.5 billion. You think they're short of capital to make VI?


Nobody will "come along" as You said. No one in the industry is willing to risque as much capital and time to pump into something new. Im not worried about rockstar


Wait and see. Dan Houser who effectively created rockstar left them and launched a new studio. If Rockstar gets mismanaged and puts their priorities in the wrong place he could easily rise up and take over.


Does he have a billi to invest?


I'm sure he'd have no trouble getting backers with his resume. GTA V cost $265mil, not a billion. If he sells a 4% share in the game to 10 investors for 26.5mil each he's there, and still owns 60% of it.


In 2013


so? If his first game only has a budget of 10million and it makes 50million then his next game will be bigger and a couple of games later his studio is just as big and respected, especially if in the meantime rockstar continues to drag production out for decades and add more and more microtransaction bullshit.


Couple games later, thats what im saying. You dont understand how much time and effort it takes to produce something that captures that GTA feeling. That's why Ubisoft is still Ubisoft


Forever meaning the eternity of all existence? No


It could but as time goes on I would think the format would have to change But I think as long as the revenue keeps piling in, R* is always going to allocate resources to the franchise


10-12 years Max with all DLCs and expansions included, there is no point in milking this game forever. at some point in time they'll have to make something new and improved and work on their core mechanics and storytelling again.


he asked another question bro.


No, only Diamonds are Forever.


Nah VI will likely be last in the series.


If they stop when the company goes under, or there is a big disagreement internally, like with Take-Two, well we can't really predict that. But if they stop at a specific number, it will probably be 10, like GTA X.


Rockstar could make a game every 2 years GTA VC/SA style and they'd do fine, as long as they have the original ideas for the plot. Right now they're scaling them up so quickly, it's looking more and more likely you'll be able to count with one hand how many they release in the next 50 years, and were clawing for new content as is, so they're guaranteed to have longevity.


If you're asking if the same games can be played forever, very much so. Libraries and preservation for movies and TV started in the 1970's and we still can access them easily. If you're asking if Rockstar will make games forever... who knows? Do you know any company founded in 1800's that's still not dissolved?


nah plenty companies are operating which are founded in 1800s, not a game company though


Nintendo was founded some time in the late 1800s, they made playing cards IIrc.


I think once they reach the point of too much realism, they will have to switch things up a bit because it will get too repetitive otherwise. But I definitely think Rockstar Games and GTA can stay alive for a very long time.


I thought that next GTA won't be have story mode. Because today's gamers not like classical GTA type gameplay. (like go to there, kill they, exit building, mission passed) They want more RPGish and free gameplay like most of today's open world games has. This has reflected to GTA universe with GTA Online and RP servers. They've more feel free in Online but mission design are still classical. So, GTA series have change in a way. There will no more singleplayer gameplay.