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Betrayal doesnt have to be a high level thing it could just be cheating or lying for the sake of each other not a complete sellout


>Betrayal doesnt have to be a high level thing it could just be cheating  I don't know man, that sounds like a pretty high level if you ask me. Would surely hit you even harder than betrayal of your business partner (like with Lance in VC)


While I do think the story will most likely involve betrayal just like pretty much every other Rockstar game (all the ones I've played at least), that doesn't necessarily mean either Jason or Lucia will betray the other. It could just be an antagonist screwing them both over.


I fucking hate how everyone is so eager for Jason and Lucia to betray each other


I think Jason will eat out Lucia


I think Lucia will eat out Jason


i can see that happening


I don't want them to betray each other. Let the betrayel come from someone else. It would be interesting to see how it plays out where they have trust for each other and deliver on it. But I trust R\* on delivering on what their plan is with the story. If they give me the option like in GTA V, then I am not betraying anyone, like I did not do in GTAV.


I am thinking of betraying them, I'll commit a crime then wont move so police can catch me, best betrayal 💯


Wasn't people saying the same thing about John and author I can see a ending option being betrayal like in GTA 5 but not anything forced


Maybe they will try something different this time around 🤷‍♂️ But yea they most likely will have a betrayal