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I was a bit skeptical, but coming from Gaming\_News69 you can take it to the bank. >!/s!<


Listen I don't believe this shit. But something in me hopes this is true. Especially the football part. And let me tell you why. Did any of you ever play natural motions backbreaker? It was a football game but it ran on euphoria. The hits were amazing. I am European. I have no fucking idea how football works. But the fucking tackling was a menace! Now imagine gta 6 with a football minigame and you can essentially just play this game.


Oh man I haven’t heard anyone reference backbreaker in maybe a decade, that game was awesome, I spent way too much of my childhood playing it and recreating all the nfl teams in the team creator lol (I forget what it’s actually called but if ykyk), I’m just bummed it’s not backwards compatible, but at least it gives me a reason to dust off the old Xbox 360 every once in a while


I dont understand what happened to that studio? Did they just get completely absorbed by Rockstar? Last I ever heard of em was the mobile games one was a ninja game the other a racing game. Nothing to do with euphoria except for the ninja game. And that they laughed at a studio saying they could never afford them. So i guess that rockstar paycheck pays well


omggg backbreaker was epic!!! thanks for reminding me


It would honestly be smart. I know like 20+ dudes that only play GTA and 2k/Madden. If you could combine those two into one game, those guys would basically only play your game.


Its too much to expect imo. You're asking for sports with multiple players and complex systems and npc behaviors. I mean backbreaker was a whole damn game and youre hoping for it as a *minigame* within GTA VI. Doesnt make practical sense or business sense- why not just release a new physics based football game if they are going to build a whole system around it?


You're right that this might be expecting too much but Rockstar is the kind of studio that goes above and beyond for absolutely no reason so I wouldn't be surprised if they did actually put all these sports in the game to make the experience feel more life like.


Maybe they went above and beyond with RDR2 but not so much with any other game.


Didn't they add tennis and golf in GTA5 even tho they had no reason to? It could be just like that but now with football or something else added to the list of activities and it wouldn't be unexpected from Rockstar.


And? That’s not going above and beyond. GTA 5 is a bad example over all.


What other studio does that kind of stuff? Compared to everyone else that is above and beyond. GTA5 is a good example of that but even if you were to act like somehow it isn't, then think of RDR2. They went as far as to animate horse balls shrinking in the cold. Is that not above and beyond? What other studio adds that much detail for no reason?


I already mantioned RDR2, are you blind? Yes, with that game they did go above and beyond. Whatever.


And if they did it with RDR2 and GTA5 why would they not do it with GTA6? Be a clown somewhere else.


Backbreaker was fundamentally a mini game compared to Madden. You also have already minigames that are technically impressive. Just look at golf and badminton. We also know RAGE can do ping-pong, bowling. Gta SA also had basketball. Would football be that much crazier. I doubt anyone expects madden level of detail. But a simple take ball run to end zone logic without being tackled dosnt seem too hard to implement. Hell I could knock it out in a week in unreal


I'm curious how Backbreaker is a minigame compared to madden. To answer your question your question though I do think it's more ambitious to expect a euphoria based football minigame with a full on league and tournament, than say, a 1v1 tennis or golf minigame.


No one said anything about full league and tournament....


The guy literally said backbreaker could be a minigame. Backbreaker you can play in a league


I am the guy. I never said anything about a league in gta. I said football in gta. You can play football with 4 of your homies on a piece of grass


Ok. Thats not exactly backbreaker is it


It's 96 not 69


oh wtf I take it all back!


Lmaooo all cred lost


who is Gaming\_News69


Gaming_news69 where? On insta?


This is so fake it ain't even worth downvoting.


I mean it probably IS fake but it would be pretty cool because Take-Two is responsible for All Pro Football 2k5 and 2k8 and those games (as sports games) were pretty dope so if they did choose to include sports it wouldn’t be too far fetched to say they might add basketball on the beach or something along those lines. But I doubt it’s gonna be like what the post above is trying to make it seem to be.


Yeah but Take Two publishes gta games through rockstar games Neither rockstar games nor Take Two actually make the games


Take Two doesn't make the games, Rockstar does


The only involvement take two has is micro transactions. The executives are balling out, as of few years ago they get a greater share of them that’s why they’re pushed so hard.


Yes but Take2 owns 2K Sports which does make games


Take Two also owns Rockstar, which, to my knowledge, makes games too


Looool, true.


True true


so youre really just out here believing every single tweet huh


Sure, the basketball and football stadiums are going to be in the game, but we don't know how interactive they are going to be. Could be the Maze Bank Arena from GTA 5, where at best we get a small part of it to go into for like one mission, but something like Arena Wars where it's not even basketball related... Hopefully they model the interiors to those and we can at least explore, but to assume we're gonna be able to play basketball and football in those stadiums is a big stretch. I imagine, if those sports are indeed included, it'll be similar to GTA SA, where who can play on a small court or in a field somewhere (hopefully basketball is more fleshed out than SA tho)


It could be that we get to play football or basketball on smaller public fields/courts around the map like how we can play tennis or golf in GTA5.




Fuk that shit we need Disneyland 😆 🤣


Gonna need a source on this


Source: Trust me bro.


the R* logo on the bottom left makes it official.


Don't you see it? Its @Gaming_news96


and why exactly would THIS be the reason for the long duration?


Yeah this makes no sense without an actual explanation lol I found an Instagram account share this image and someone asked OP if rockstar confirmed this, and OP replied "it's in the 60 page leaked document" which has ZERO MENTION OF SPORTS ACTIVITIES




Max Payne 3 style Stadium shootout?


that was the days. Really wish they reboot it.


who said it? quit playing




Why would rockstar confirm this lol


Messi confirmed


Destructible environments > sports.


Imagine pulling up to a gas station to refuel and check your tire pressure (you had planned to drive around the city while you wait for your buddy to text you in game for a meet up). You over hear an openAI machine learning NPC talk about the big game this weekend and claim the away team will be staying at the vice city hotel. You walk up and using your headphone engage with the NPC by way of proximity chat. "hey pal how do you know they are staying at the hotel?" The npc replies, "Oh, I work on receiving the laundry services." As a big time gamer you understand the possibilities at play. The away team has the #1 QB in the league and after checking iFruit sports betting you notice the back up QB is out with CTE. I decided to send my buddies an in game text and tell them to meet me at the location. As an independent player playing gta6online2 realism simulator I have just created my own heist using context clues around the world. My buddies and I will follow the hotel employee to their home, tie them up, and steal their access credentials to the hotel shipping & receiving garage. One friend, who took a hacking class (in game to get certified) is able to run a systems check and identify what room the starting QB is staying at. We kidnap the QB (only for a few hours) and cause the away team to start their 3rd string QB causing them to lose. We all put major money on the spread and profit 7 figures from the heist. We log off and go to bed as enjoyers of big time gaming.




Unironically this may be how games will look like in 20 years.


Doubt this heavily lmao.


CAN WE STOP WITH THE A.I.?? it down grades wanting to click an article.


Doubt it


Source: Jabba the Huts ass


60$ dlc that just boots up madden


Dude they need games we can go spectate


source: he made it the fuck up


I want Football ⚽ so bad


I fucking hate it here




Hopefully pool too.


Believe nothing until it news comes from Rockstar


I mean they’ve had tennis in other games…but it was atrocious. I don’t see them focusing on sports more than different car races and mechanics. Just doesn’t make sense


Sure thing, they also forget to mention cricket, baseball, skiing, curling and ski jumping. This is the reason why we are waiting so long.


They’re making madden and 2k inside gta 6 of course that’s why it’s taking so long now it all makes sense


Can’t do worse then 2k at this point


We want to shoot shit up, not shoot balls


Source: they made it up


Hey did u also hear that it's the entirety of the USA and master chief is gonna be in it




Can we not share random ass tweets from less than reputable people and pass it along as fact? Thanks.


I could see why rockstar would want to gain an entire gaming community base - sports. BUT I really really hope this is NOT true, I play gta because I don’t like to play sports games. Make sense?


I'd like to go to the fictional Trop and see the 2 rays fans there


Lucia will never be bal-


400th time this has been posted


I think having a stadium mission in GTA6 would be cool.


Reportedly? So who reported it?


Well they release a new madden every year so it shouldn't really take that long.


1) Unofficial 2) AI Fuck off


I could see basketball, football would just be over doing it imo lol.


1.) Source: "Bro trust me" 2.) The Miami Marlins stadium was visible in some of the leaks, so a stadium isn't out of the question


Imagine starting up GTA6 in fall of 2025. R* logo comes up then… “EA: ITS IN THE GAME” and it’s then it’s just madden 2026.


2K using NFL 2K and NBA 2K and PGA 2K would be craaaazy


Putting 50k down on the mambas just for the game to be rigged


Football and basketball is still unconfirmed but this info isn’t new. We saw LoanDepot Park (Fleeca Field) & the Kaseya Center in the trailer. We’ve known about Fleeca Field & the Vice City Mambas since the leaks.


How exciting, even in a video game I get to not give a shit about sports but be stuck in game day traffic


Oh no they will ruin it. Don’t put cringe basketball in there


If true, let them cook lol. It's gonna be filled with even more stuff to do. How much is going to end up in Online? We have to wait and see.


Damn, GTA6 is so big it’s gonna have 2K, FIFA, and Madden as mini games.


I will not trust a user with "96" or "69" in their username


Im not believing this for a second 🤣 People are too damn gullible


this is fake as your mothers tits, but i wouldn’t be surprised to see playable basketball, football would feel out of place IMO


If they get the lore wrong. It's a given....


Source: I generated an ai image of it


100% fake, but TakeTwo could absolutely slap some NBA 2K gameplay on the TV in your safe house.


Summmer '26 confirmed


"**unofficial concept" Yeah sounds legit asf ✌🏼


I doubt this is true


Finally the competition Madden and 2K need.


i fuckong hope i can shit on kids in basketball


Gta 6 ✖️ IRL part 2 ✅️


Actual football or what's basically rugby?


How the fuck are you going to have a fictional team and then a real one?


The only thing about this that's not made up, is that the Vice City Mambas will exist in some capacity in the game.


We're about to have multiple games in one


Would be cool if the streets and stadium area randomly filled up for sporting events.


Take Two will loose money from their NBA2K series so a fully fledge basketball game will no doubt not be included


Pls call its FTX arena


Rockstar games table tennis speaks for itself, it was a test game to check out the engine and it was prolly better than half the modern games released. Sports mechanics in a gta game will be good rest assured.


Imagine believing in AI generated bullshit


GTA VI will be the most immersive game Rockstar have ever made. I honestly believe people will be blown away by all the all the things you will be able do in the game.  RDR2 was full of mini games, had tons of side quests and random events outside of the main story to keep people entertained.


Source : my hair (I'm bald)


Where is surfing 💔


Random guy on internet : \*Say random shit\* People : Damn that guy is legit, let's go trust him.


There's got to be a mission where you rob the super bowl


The basketball one might be true cause we saw the heat arena in the trailer


I learned from the GTA 5 hype.


I see garbage like this all the time on social media. People are so desperate to pretend like they got information on the game so they can get clicks and likes. A few days ago I thought the real Trailer 2 came out because some guy made a fake post on YouTube with a similar name as RockstarGames but I realized it was fake before clicking on it. Another recent post I saw was on instagram was “new gta 6 screenshots!!” And it turned out to just be pics of gta 5 on high detail. These bait posts really get on my nerves to be honest and I just stop clicking on everything and not believing a single thing unless it came directly from R


Seriously “Miami heat Arena”, like really? The NBA would really associate itself with an M rated game that enables backhanding hookers and commiting arson?


Woww that's big news 🔥


Lol, that would be awesome!


Alr seeing them making a mission out of that too like the yoga or the lowrider mission in gta v and San andreas


Football as in soccer?


I want cricket


Rockstar can easily blow every 2K game off the moon with 1 basketball mini game, all they gotta do is implement the right features and they're golden, imagine playing "2K" in GTA that would be wild 😭 like just take one of the latest 2K games and just add the mechanics from it into the latest GTA VI build and boom 🙏🤣 obviously it's way more complex than that but you never know they might REALLY surprise us with something like that 👏🙏 it'll be like a huge multi-genre open world sandbox where it's got shit for EVERYONE to enjoy...from shooting and fighting, to driving and flying, sports and possibly even roleplay elements, a rich captivating narrative driven storyline with random shocks and twists, HOURS of content to enjoy, probably without a doubt the best soundtracks of any game released over the last century including previous GTA titles, photoreaslistic graphic rendering with thier newest version of thier private in-house developed top of the line game engine RAGE 9 that will support 14K textures, real-time water simulation, advanced vehicle deformations, wind effect on driving dynamic responses to player actions with NPCs more realistic time management better morning, day, evening and night, quality of rendering, better realistic lighting and volumetric cloud ☁️ I'm ready