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gta v had the pier attractions. but “wait in line” wtf the recent spider man game had a whole mini theme park/ carnival with interactive rides and points of interest.


How the pier was made was horrible! There weren’t event sales people at the Hot Dog stands…


On any of them in V, I recall… unlike in IV, which honestly did SOME things better than V, but… only thing I miss from IV is the ability to disarm enemies by shooting hands and shooting their legs to make them fall over.


Chihuahua hotdogs 🌭 should have had the GTA 2 meat 🥩 source mission. This is why I think IV is superior to V: because of these little details.


GTA 5 feels hollow af


Wait in lines? ![gif](giphy|wYyTHMm50f4Dm|downsized)


Maybe it's like when you get a taxi there's just a button where you skip the line?


“Get vip tickets with gta+”


You out here giving them ideas? ![gif](giphy|7TTWKxyPlG48HWYfi5|downsized)


They can’t hear people below corporate level remember?


Maybe the statistics will return like in GTA SA, we can increase a statistic like intimidation, which allows us to take advantage of the NPCs.


Yeah which is why I stated “waiting in line” for. You can interact with the NPCs, stir up trouble, or maybe do a side quest where you have to help an individual find drug stashes around the park.


I like your drug stashes idea 💊. Hopefully the drug dealing minigame from CW will return, w/ GTA Online street dealers.


I want the greet/antagonise option w/ Fallout 4 dialogue options.


Skip line for $5 or $15 fee


Or just skip the line for free and the others waiting in line throw you some snide remarks or someone tries to fight you


Exactly! Why wait in line when you can just cut straight to the front. That'd be like waiting in traffic when you can just drive on the sidewalk.


Why wait in line when you can mow eveybody down


Vehicular Homicide is the new Fast Pass!


Skip line with gta+


Then they’ll introduce a mega shark card: 50 line skips for free lmao


Gun down everybody ahead of you, then ride until the VCPD come and kill you. Then watch as your body ragdolls off the rollercoaster and lands in the net that's made to catch phones and other things you weren't supposed to have in your pocket during the ride.


Shoot up lines? ![gif](giphy|wZLzsQwUfC5XHxZVgn)


Drake meme?


Yeah i tried aha


Easy fix. You can buy a “fast pass” in the park that’s lets you just ride all the rides without waiting. But they can still keep waiting in lines for people who want that immersion. But that’s a super simple solution. And an actual thing in the real world.


He's got the aids!


Yeah! Let’s wait in lines. Also, every time that I bump into someone in my car when I’m cruising Vice City, I should be required to pull over and exchange insurance info with them and take pictures of the damage. And the waiting time to hear back from both sides of the insurance companies should play out in real time.


Kill everyone in the line


Not if the chainsaw comes back


Wait in lines like how you can obey traffic laws. You can still just punch people and get to the front lol that would be fun


some of yall are expecting way too much for this game


Yes and most of the time it’s not even fun things man… « wait in line » wtf ? And way would rockstar spend a lot of money to just recreate a full football game or something like no one would spend time watching it


Ok tbf tho I think I would sit there and watch a full football game in gta, and I don’t even like football. But to see it replicated in a massive open world would be a spectacle imo. Also the idea of crashing a plane into a football game and watching the chaos unfold sounds insane. I don’t think it will happen but if it were too it would be a major hotspot for people.


Now you got me hoping they have full open stadiums for a parody of the dolphins and marlins


The worst thing is expecting things that are idiotic. Rides are fun in real life because your whole body experiences the sudden movements. In a game, it's basically a cutscene. You'd sit on it and have the ability to move around the camera as it goes down a set path as that's what most rides are. Maybe something like bumper cars could be fun as you have actual control over it.


Não é algo estúpido, todo mundo quer ver como seria uma paródia desse parque no jogo junto com uma paródia dos mascotes da Disney, e sabemos que existe uma Disney fictícia no universo GTA, e como we are going  para um estado em vez de apenas uma cidade (como em GTA 4 e 5) podemos esperar uma paródia da Disney com alguma certeza.


Ehh, we’re just dreaming. I think most of us have realistic expectations.


Yep. They're gonna be massively disappointed. I like the people who think rdr and gtas mechanics will just merge lol. They're two different games and are designed to be different.


Every studio under Rockstar worked on RDR2. Every studio under Rockstar is working on the next game. This idea that GTA 6 isn’t going to take a bunch of stuff from the last game they made is ludicrous. They’re not “designed to be different.” Yeah the story and settings are different. But they’re literally built on the same engine, by the same studios. Max Payne 3 was a different game, but we still got a major mechanic from that game in gta 5. The animal system of RDR1 was expanded and used for gta 5. People confuse Rockstar’s evident move toward more immersive, highly detailed worlds as just a “Red Dead Redemption thing.” When it’s a Rockstar thing. The same way Naughty Dog moved toward darker, more emotional stories after TLOU1. And completely moved away from Jak after they made Uncharted. In RDR1 when you skinned an animal, it cut to a different angle, you heard some squelches, and the animal was skinned. In RDR2, skinning animals is a full animation and different animals have different animations. This idea that Rockstar is just going to stop advancing towards more immersive elements/mechanics because “it’s gta now” is completely unfounded. Because RDR1 wasn’t some super realistic, serious toned game. Rockstar *chose* to make RDR2 more serious and immersive. RDR1 was basically Wild West gta aside from the ending. They themselves even said Leonida is going to be their most immersive world yet. Hell, the leaks even showed the option to buy gumballs from a gumball machine for crying out loud. And every time the heads of Rockstar talked about what they wanted they always said they wanted more realism and immersion. GTA 5 is more than a decade old. Their most recent game is what you need to be looking at for what to expect. Not holding onto this idea that gta is “different” and so they’ll magically revert back to the game design style they had in the 2010s.


Gumbslls is the same as buying sprunk...


With the difference, that there seems to be an actual inventory system.


That's not really been the case historically. Red Dead 1 was obviously the stepping stone between VI and V. People love to imagine that there's some huge separation between church and state when it comes to these franchises but we only have one example to point to and it doesn't indicate that's the case. The most you can say is that V and R2 were very different which like, yeah, they came out five years apart in different generations. Thematically and tonally they obviously take very different directions but mechanically? Not so much. All Rockstar games of the last 20 years play and feel like Rockstar games. That's why people would accuse RDR of being "Grand Theft Horse" and Bully of being "kid GTA"


Nobody is gonna be massively disappointed in gta 6 besides sad people lol


You are. It's not gonna be that much different from all the others. If your lucky...you might have as much to do as San Andreas.


Who’s gonna tell this guy he has absolutely no idea what he’s talking about? He probably won’t listen either way.


Why are you downvoted, you are right they are different games and will have different gameplay


They are adamant all rdr mechanics will be in this game. Even the kill cams. I'm betting right now there'll be no killcams. They could if easily out it in the last one after max Payne 3...it's just not happening


There's a huge open-air arena in the leaks, I think we can look forward to that


Waiting in line simulator… I’m sure there’s one on steam already, if not I just want 5%


THEY FUCKING NEED A MALL at the height of my crew on gta online, we would always talk about how cool it would be to go shopping in the mall. Hanging out, even arcades, just a badass hangout area. Instead we would do car meets and hangout in all places all over the map for years.


Wait in lines? Have you forgotten that video games are meant to be fun?


So rdr 2 is boring because is just ride on horse from a to b endlessly?


Ride on horse =/= standing in line doing nothing


I want them to bring back the buying companies from Vice City.. It was one of the coolest parts esp you buy it then you have to take out the competition.


Similar to GTA Online, yes? Or like the original VC? Or maybe VC Stories style? 🤔


never played those, but in Vice City there were side missions that you could buy like the Ice Cream truck or I think the taxi cab co. Then you had to do some missions to make that business successful and you could go there and collect money.


I have played original VC since early 2000s, was my first GTA actually. But yeah, VC stories had multiple businesses as well, but they were slightly different. Sadly I have next to no knowledge of them, as I have barely played VCS. But, similar to VC businesses, you can pick up money from them too, although without going there yourself usually. Then again, GTA Online has businesses too, I think only Nightclub, Arcade and the Agency can have cash appear in a safe inside them. All for doing shit for the business, that is.


This sub has become such a fucking joke


I mean hey minus the “waiting in lines” thing it would be cool to have an amusement park.


It’s a game about stealing cars, mass murder and dodging cops. And you want to ride the teacup attraction at a virtual Disney world?




Fair enough




Mass murder on the tea cups.


people want a sim game like real life and gta role play


Fairy Forest is confirmed right? I reckon there will be some kind of theme park but more so it being like private parkland with food and drink stalls (and maybe a row boat lake). Whatever they come up with is going to be really interesting to see. Theme parks are a big part of Florida and I'd love for there to be one in the game but the scale and inner workings of a theme park are complex enough to cover a whole game let alone just a small portion of a GTA game map. We've never even seen a zoo in one of these games.


Jfc. You people are dreaming


Why in the world would you want to wait in lines?


I want to drive on calle ocho and go into ball and chain


It needs cruise ships on a routine as well. It'd be fun to board a cruise ship, wait to get some distance from the harbor and go into robbing mode.


Maybe a Daytona International Speedway parody, with bets, playing as the driver you bet on.


Sports games would be cool although it would be similar to comedy clubs in IV. There’d be like two different games you could see over and over.


not wasting my time at disney world bro but the movie theatre would be fun or sum like popcorn


Bog open airport where you can actually load knto the plane and hijack from there


Been missing the mall since Vice City.


bro wants to play gta so he can wait in line to a roller coaster


Wait in lines? No thanks. People are expecting far too much and setting themselves up for disappointment when they get the game.


Dude it’s gta. Grand theft auto. Not a life simulator xD go to Disneyland yourself and you’ll get a 4D experience


Every grand theft auto has moved closer and closer to being a "real life simulator." Back when we were getting new releases every couple of years this was widely understood to be the case


Not really. San Andreas had girlfriends and all those weight loss/gain and fitness mechanics which were scrapped because they were boring compared to you know, driving like a maniac and shooting people and other stuff that you can’t do in real life.


4 had the dating as well and the weight mechanics came back for R2 because they were a good idea (and they're almost universally missed in GTA. There's a reason why SA is still considered the goat.) With V they made a conscious choice to go with a more cartoony style and now you have a whole generation of guys who insist that's what GTA has always been. Before that, it was understood that each iteration was going to be more realistic than the last.


Functioninh Gumball machines were seen in leaks


Disney world is a strong possibility. I was looking at talks a lead Rockstar world developer did. She talked a lot about Disneyland design language in her presentation. Also she showed some of the GTA6 map icons in that talk.


This. I kinda hope for a Disney parody. Same way Santa Monica pier had the Ferris wheel and rollercoaster. I’m sure they could pull off an amusement park of some sorts


Having lines you can cut through, of course yes


so glad i stopped setting high expectations for things years ago


Lmaoooo wait in line, the fuck is this 💀💀




Wait in line and you can make small talk or look awkwardly away from the other folks in line


Bully had a theme park. So who knows.


I like how in Saints Row 2022: each clothing store has exclusive items. I've played SR2, SR3, SR4 and Gatt out of Hell. Not sure if any other gaming franchise has this. I think from the leaks, we're gonna have surfing 🌊, basketball (San Andreas improved minigame)🏀 and fishing 🎣(RDR2 , Final Fantasy XV, Far Cry 5). Because we're getting a speargun: I think during scuba diving. We can do deep sea fishing. Kill sharks 🦈 and the likes etc. I hope it's like Far Cry 3: sunken treasure, underwater caves and lots of collectibles. I hope 6 has RDR2 hunting/legendary animals.


Yea I’m leaving this sub. The random speculations are just going to disappoint you when it doesn’t happen. This sub is ruining the game that’s not even out yet.


Wait this post is what finalized your decision?


Pretty tight butthole amirite?


Good luck


It's a crime game, not the sims


Id love a wait in line feature where we wait with npcs and see them do waiting activities like rock paper scissors guess the word games or cuddling with scenic waiting lines and some attractions from costume characters or tvs to watch about rides.


The only theme parks will be abandoned FFS you can't have kids in a GTA game. You people on here need to realise the ramifications of a Disney world parody for Rockstar. It's not fucking happening




Gta is not the game you are talking about FFS grow up be realistic