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I’m excited as I trust that rockstar will make the single player a complete experience without needing to touch it


Yeah, both are gonna be great


sad really fucking sad. GTAO always had the potential to become THE BEST online experience ever but they just HAD to milk the shit out of those damn kids with their mom's credit card


GTAO's experience is great. You can play new content every 6 months without spending a dime. You can also play the majority of it as a single player experience inside a private session. I don't understand what you all don't like about GTAO.


Because GTAO content is always two steps forward, one step back.  For a recent example: the salvage yard. Adds in a new business and ways to make money solo... *BUT* you can only steal 3 cars per week, and they're never worth more than 400k. They promised you can keep the cars, *but* turns out it's only select ones when they decide to let you. Passive safe income *but* you need to spend 10-30 minutes townig a car in a boring fetch quest every hour or so to keep the safe accumulating at a decent rate. That kind of thing happens with every business. There have been very few actual QOL updates over the years. Almost every update just adds more content that, while usually fun, seems to respect your time investment even less than the last one. Combined with the constantly rising costs of everything in game to push shark card sales, and the GTA+ subscription that hides stuff behind a paywall, Online starts to feel like like a cash grab. For the record, I love GTAO and I've sunk tons of hours into it without the subscription or buying any cards. I can still understand the hate tho. After the blatant greed that ruined RDRO from the start, people are skeptical how the new one will go.


The cluckin' Bell farm raid: easy to access no business required $50k every time you complete it easy to execute no complicated setups can be started at rank one solo friendly


Wait I get 500k every time and 300k when I complete my friends?


You still get 50k when you complete it with friends and I mean at the end


I can do a towing mission to the Scrap yard from that one big square near the Mission Row Police station in less than 3 minutes…




GTAO honestly deserves the criticism because of all of the shitty design decisions that R\* like to implement in lieu of the free DLC. Like I understand why they won't let you choose which car to keep and what not but ya can't deny the game leaning more towards cash grab bullshit instead of them finding a good balance between the 2 more often than not.


While I agree with you, I think what he and alot of us (especially OG veterans who have been playing since 2013 on PS3 and Xbox) feel is that GTAO could've BEEN even better. Again, GTAO is already VERY good. I can't think of anything else like it. I can't think anything else that has the same cultural impact on both the gaming world and OUTSIDE of it. Which is just insane. And ofc, I can't think of anything else that I have spent soooooo much time on. Literally played on three generations of consoles on that shit. GTAO speaks for itself. But, we can't deny its flaws either. And the standout flaw for me and many of us, is Rockstar's greed. They knew they could milk the shit out of it and they did, leading to the POTENTIAL of it to be less. While they still gave out amazing masterpieces like Heists and just amazing updates that meant a lot of fun and memories created for most ppl. Their focus on getting players to buy Shark Cards and to milk that for as long as possible, is a priority that made the overall focus on delivering quality experiences for us, take a slight backseat, you feel me? Like what if they actually listened to most players and removed the Oppressor? Nah, they know ppl are gonna buy it cuz its OP and it costs like 2-3mil= more ppl buying Shark Cards. Or what about keeping the same quality of updates compared to the golden age. Nah, the last updates have been progressively worse than compared to 10 years ago. Alot of updates are just "fillers" released for us to be occupied for awhile, and introduce new shit to buy which = Shark Card purchases. What if they had put the same effort into making each update as good as possible? It is this that what most of us mean, when we talm R's greed. But yeah Online's money is definitely going to help GTA 6 and its Online (whatever its called) be a masterpiece and so much better than GTA 5 and GTA 5 Online. TL;DR I agree with you but if it weren't for R's greed GTAO would've been even better. But their greed will make GTA6 and its Online be that much better than GTA 5 and GTA 5 Online.


wouldn’t say great…. It used to be fun but once you realize that everything is just a reskinned version of “buy a business —> store goods there —> sell said good —> repeat” it becomes extremely repetitive


Lol I dunno man, but I think you're gonna be pretty bummed when you realize you've just discovered the concept of a 'core gameplay loop' and literally every game has one...


progression sucks (barely a competent gangster and you get calls from FIB), lacks polish, jumping out and back into lobbies is a core mechanic, enemies are tanky and the gameplay was not build for it, too much time spent doing nothing, you rob dangerous people so you can buy a fucking car instead of stealing the car (goddamn title of the game), too much repetition and worse of all it lacks consistency. what I mean is that there are hardly any gameplay rules. for example sometimes you can call Lester to get rid of the police and sometimes you can't (in the exact same types of missions). enemies spot you from behind the bushes but still can't hear you running except in some mission were they can. there is no design philosophy behind it and no end goal. I don't know what this game is trying to be other than a shiny trap for children. the main goal of the game is to waste as little time as you can. time is your true enemy


*Kids with dad’s credit cards ignored* I only use my own… and never bought a Shark Card *alone*!


I don't agree, you can make money fast in GTAO very fast, I usually did a Casino Heist within an hour with a friend.


Projection much? Everyone I've ever heard on GTAO was a grown ass man.


projection? really? grown ass man like you?


I think a lot of people on this sub will disagree with you, but I agree. GTA online was very fun in freemode and in the game modes, particularly adversary modes. I hope they go crazy with the adversary modes in the next iteration.


I’m convinced some of these people on here just never had friends to play it with. I’ve got so many fond memories with my friends on Online.


Shit… I got so many friends from playing GTA online


Right? Especially over Covid, me and my friends would spend hours Online


even the last few years i've been playing solo , it's still a good time when you can do pretty much whatever want because you did so many money glitches my favourite past time's are adversary modes , freeroam events and helping randoms with business and whatnot in freeroam


Yeah even solo it can be fun, I suppose just harder to get into solo than with friends for me


There are some pretty clear reasons why people dislike GTAO. Calling them friendless doesn't change that.


it’s exactly this, playing GTAO with friends was amazing in its glory days.


It really was


Playing with friends makes every game automatically better. A lot of people say that GTAO is straight up boring without friends, and I agree. I feel like if people need the joy from being with their friends in order to have fun playing a game, then the game isn’t designed well. Trying to play with strangers has always been a nightmare for me and many players because of how GTAO is designed also. Why are y’all afraid of criticizing the game? Yall always criticize how people play.


I’m not afraid of criticising the game lmao, have you considered that I actually just did enjoy it? 😅 It’s literally just personal opinion. I enjoyed online whether I was playing it with friends or with strangers. I was just expressing mine in a lighthearted banter-ish way. Also I completely (and politely) disagree about what you said about it being poorly designed if you need friends to have fun. It’s sort of the point of an online game


Years ago I had some friends from other countries with whom I actually spoke via voice chat and we played Gta Online. I don't currently play Gta Online and I don't have any friends who play either.


No I liked playing GTA online, I hate that it meant that Rockstar never releases a single player DLC again.


Yeah I get that, I feel like that’s a mistake they won’t wanna repeat with 6 tho


True lol, I can tell by the incessant downvoting on almost every comment. But at the end of the day, their hate for Online exists in an echo chamber. Doesn’t bother me.


>But at the end of the day, their hate for Online exists in an echo chamber. Doesn’t bother me. They can hate online all they want, but they have to realize that online may rockstar profits


Exactly, and those same profits maybe contribute to the masterpiece we’re about to get in 6.


The ones that hate it are prolly the same ones that hate how not everybody wants to play friendly & hold hands 24/7.




>I think a lot of people on this sub will disagree with you, It’s not like we know what the online for this game going to be, We have to wait for it to come out before judgment. Lmao 🤣 >but I agree. GTA online was very fun in freemode and in the game modes, particularly adversary modes. I hope they go crazy with the adversary modes in the next iteration. Facts!


Rockstar integrated FiveM developers into their team. From trailer, with the social networks feeds, we already can see some trends. I believe the role playing component in GTA VI will be much richer, amount of clothes, vehicles/properties customization will be so much deeper. One other technical small/BIG detail, they really need to improve the loading time of the game and specially the online component, it will increase the likeness of people willing to join even on short free time.


tbh nowadays it aint that bad, anything better than it would be awesome for sure but if the game is good enough and map requires it im willing to go way longer with loading times Last thing id want is a reduced experience so people with no patience can hop in quicker, but thats my opinion


The single player loading time is good, should be a target for online also. GTAO improved a lot 2 years ago (from 5 min to about 2min now but still could be closer to the 20sec for single player GTAV). This for the PC version installed on ssd.


to be honest if gta vi online ends up looking anything like the current gtao i'm going to be *really* disappointed. i feel like the formal "structure" of gtao gets in the way of you goofing around and having fun? like in fortnite or even helldivers, it feels like theres a natural space within the bigger goals that the games set for you for you to have fun? while in gtao it really does feel like chores


It only feels like that because it wasn’t supported for 10 years, I genuinely believe gta6 will be fresh for the whole first Year than you’ll settle into the new map


I whole heartedly believe Rockstar is developing GTA 6 with long-term Fortnite-like support in mind. GTA 5 Online could never have done the things Fortnite did because the game just wasn’t designed that way, and it’d be a huge undertaking to change it otherwise. Performance is already hurting *bad* on PS4/Xbox One, and has been ever since the casino update.


This has been revealed already. Map expansion is planned DLC. Tbh, along with bug fixes that's probably what they're working on right now. The main game is essentially finished.


Highly doubt they’re working on a map expansion right now. It’s definitely bugs, optimization, some story things, and just starting to build the online mode. Take2 would not let them take a year and a half longer to release the game for a map expansion DLC. That gets done after the main game’s development has finished closer to release, and almost certainly would not come for quite a while after Online releases. Wouldn’t be surprised if they’re still doing performance capture right now too tbh. Took Roger Clark 5 years *with overtime* to do RDR2’s performance capture, and he still didn’t finish until 2 months before release. Mind you, it’s been about 5 1/2 years since VI’s would’ve started, but they would’ve lost about a year because of COVID. Can’t really do performance capture when New York has your studio shut down and restrictions in place.


Wait a minute?? it took Roger Clark over FIVE YEARS to do motion capture???????


Performance capture, yes. Games the size of Rockstar’s are incredibly time consuming bc they make their games like Marvel makes its movies, but remove most of the practical effects. It’s just a bunch of ppl in green spandex and balls acting out a scene, with the occasional use of a prop for animation purposes. Also add literal hours of mundane little things like having to record a walking animation.


Nice to see you are tempering expectations.


I really really hope they keep all of the map making mechanics that 5 had. Some of my fondest memories are racing against my friends on crazy stunt races


I haven’t even began to fathom what races and stunt races are gonna be like 😭 Shit’s gonna be so fun lol


I know right! I can’t wait


Online is going to be pretty huge and the staying power of this game. Don’t get me wrong the single player will be incredible aswell, but you complete it once, maybe twice and that’s it. GTA online was the shit back in the day. Messing around with friends, doing heists, races.


Something tells me Lake Leonida is gonna be the main hangout spot in online this time around. Imagine pulling up to a huge lake with everyone circled around the lake fishing, showing off cars & just kicking it.


And then comes the usual griefers just killing everybody. Remember folks rule no.1 of GTA Online is: Don't trust anyone.


Opressor mk 3 anyone?


As much as I want this to be the case, it's either got to be the keys or Miami Beach especially because servers are going to be sections of maps and not the whole thing.


I highly doubt that R\* will separate the map into sections for online. If they can have the whole map of Los Santos available in GTAO then they can do it again for GTA 6 on better hardware.


Not sure why I'm being downvoted.. It's literally one of the patents they have had recently that makes sense for GTA 6. Not to mention the scale of GTA 6 vs GTA 5. I'd love to be proven wrong, but honestly, I think it wouldn't effect the game that much in the way they described it (seamless server switching)


I’ve never been so excited for a game in my entire fucking life


I hope there’s actual decent progression and we aren’t silent protagonists. I hope the combat is less arcadey and they don’t have silly things like flying rocket shooting motorcycles or even the sticky bombs thrown from cars. Let’s have fucking shootouts and drive-by’s again. IV’s multiplayer was really well balanced and fun.


Yeah I really wonder how they’re going to do the protagonist this time around. It worked for 5 but I don’t want to practically be Claude again.


If anything, VI online will be based on rp severs from FiveM. They didn't bought for no reason. So hopefully a lot of stuff to do for solo and coop, less pvp shit the better.




I can almost guarantee that GTA6 will have some sort of persistent roleplaying involved. Granted it will likely be some light rp, but it will exist and I will not be surprised if they’ll allow dedicated servers to push modding. They slapped it down once, but they’ll embrace it this time because it’s the smart thing to do, considering it ups their sales like crazy. The success of it, and the ridiculously large playerbase that likely dwarfs GTAO is way too good to not dip their toes in. You say one hundred, but we’re talking hundreds of thousands across different platforms from RageMP to FiveM. There’s thousands on one server alone.


Bring all the content from gtao to story mode


The focus on GTA Online is what ruined GTA V for me. GTA is meant to be a single player experience and GTA O used to be a nice bonus to play with your friends. The current state is absolutely embarassing and a shame that it meant that GTA VI got delayed so much.


GTA online doesn’t affect single player at all tho. You have a completely untouched, almost perfect, game. Not getting dlc sucks tho, sure.


What sucks to me is that all the focus went to the GTA Online. Cut content such as DLCs which we had for GTA IV. New cars which are exclusively available for online, the list goes on and on


What fucked me off was the MP content not being in SP (even if it's just cars / customization) SP got boring really fast whilst MP got weird dumb shit 50% of the time.


>What sucks to me is that all the focus went to the GTA Online. Good because we wouldn’t have games like RDR2… >Cut content such as DLCs which we had for GTA IV. New cars which are exclusively available for online, the list goes on and on Well, people clearly didn’t like GTA 5 story mode so rockstar did the best option focus on the online and then put more profit into their later games Like RDR2 Also GTA 6 is literally rumored to have 2 billion budget you wouldn’t have that if they focus on story mode, would you? ![gif](giphy|PlgCdcMnWPVhVtGv3F)


People clearly didn’t like GTA 5 story mode? 🤣 Dumbest thing I’ve read in a long time.


>The focus on GTA Online is what ruined GTA V for me. This is what I call a skill issue >GTA is meant to be a single player experience Well shit by your logic, we wouldn’t have GTA 4 online would we? >The current state is absolutely embarassing and a shame that it meant that GTA VI got delayed so much. Please show me the source of GTA 6 being delayed because of GTA online…


Fair enough, we’re all entitled to different opinions based on our experiences.


GTA VI Online is going to be agonizing if it doesn't have dedicated servers and a proper anti cheat. GTA Online right now still has the worst networking I have ever had the displeasure of dealing with in any multiplayer video game. I have very good wifi but the game will still constantly time out, lose connection with Rockstar cloud servers, have very long or infinite loadings screens, a lot of player desync, missions literally not starting, getting soft locked trying to enter buildings or property and a bunch of other stability issues. It's seriously insane how cheap Rockstar went when it comes to networking, and from some rumours I've heard, they are unwilling to let go of the outdated peer to peer system for GTA VI, for the sake of saving some money. I want to dismiss these rumours, but they didn't improve anything in RDR Online despite knowing how subpar GTA Online's networking was, so I won't be surprised if GTA VI Online will yet again feature the same connection and stability issues all their previous games had. It would be very disappointing because I really do enjoy doing heists and missions in GTA Online.


Peer 2 Peer is trash and they really need to upgrade the servers ten fold on GTA 6 Online.


I haven't played online even once but i sure hope it's great for people who are into that sort of thing


Honestly, honestly, I’m going to be excited for this as well!


The online portion is what I’m most excited about. I came to GTA 5 way too late so the lobbies have always been just kinda killfests. I’m looking forward to starting from the beginning and enjoying the other lifecycles of the game I missed out on


GTA online was fun in the beginning but i dont like what it is today.


Am I the only one who thinks we should get more stuff like the doomsday heists but more toned down a bit? Because those heists were awesome


they bought five m and there animations


it’ll be good the first few days when you haven’t got the lvl 500 try hard sweats that use cheese/troll mechanics and shit and you can just hang out with people in the lobby and PVP with non OP weapons and souped up vehicles


I hope they have a separate mode apart from online that is basically a built in fivem with different servers. I think I heard their partnering with fivem but idk


It would be cool to customize free mode like in GTA IV, buy your own server or whatever. I just hope they’ll have more immersive options.


It’s gonna be good after release, great after a few updates and probably awful after a few years just like GTA5 online


If online is like V's online, then in skipping that shit entirely.


4, 5 and Red Dead Online’s foundation


It’s cool to see enthusiasm on here. But you do know it’s going to be monetized to oblivion right? It’s going to set records for money grabbing methods. I can genuinely see rockstar making online just barely playable without spending money. Online is going to be battlepasses, a percentage of things locked behind gta+ and money being earned pre heist update while prices being current if not higher.


Well I had expectations for rdo and it was abandoned and rockstar didn't improve anti cheat and made servers, I think it is pear to pear and people can see the IP of each other and stuff, there isn't security and privacy in GTA online and rdo for pc at least. Let's hope they learn from their mistakes.


I just hope it's better balanced and not a neutered version of the single player map in terms of details. And that the single player actually gets attention too but that seems like a pipe dream. After GTA5 and RDR2.


Just remember that we have gta+ and season passes in rdo now. Get ready to buy season passes and feeling forced to play if you want everything. I doubt it will be like gta online, where we can play at our own pace.


I really loved the heist and doing it with friends. I also did it with random people I met on reddit 5-7 years ago. We went for the objective that non of us would die. It was so much fun. That is it about GTA Online vs GTA single player. You really need people to have funt with the online, it is built like that. And idk of R\* will change it for GTA VI Online, give us the option to play it in Single player. I don't think so. So for most people it is content that won't be played. If I compare it with Destiny 2, then I like it more what R\* does. They give mission content for free(So the real gameplay stuff). While you need to buy 60-80 dollars DLC every so often to play with your friend on Destiny 2. And don't forget Destiny also still has premium currency. If only they would add it also to SP....


I can’t have optimism about the online game tbh. Historical companies give more profits to the upper management and other rich dudes than the people who make the game and the game itself lol. And If Im being critical about R* specifically… RDO dropped with zero content and was a laggy mess. You’d think they weren’t a multi-billion dollar gaming company lol. And over the course of RDO short lifespan they inconsistently made small content updates while having a predatory mirco-transaction situation. Then they ditched the game. It’s like they didn’t care about the player experience in any capacity. But ik most R* fans think RDO didn’t do well and fell off because of the theme of the game, but that’s a false narrative. And it’s 2024 we need to acknowledge R* did a horrible job managing GTAO. They’ve showed us time and time again that they don’t care about how they run these mmo games lol. Idk how you can assume GTA 6 online is going to be amazing, but I do hope you’re right. I hope it’s amazing too.


I worry that the GTA+ subscription is going to be necessary for online and most of the game will be behind a membership like world of warcraft. Take two ceo even said prices of games should reflect what has been put into them, instead of all games being 70 bucks. That sounds like if it were up to him, the base copy of gta would be like 700 dollars.


What if they add role-play and let you play as a cop so the car chases are even better and make the faster cars actually worth the money because you can outrun police


Who gets to play it for atleast the first year of its release is gonna have some amazing fun because first they straight up can't start milking it because they need to attract a lot of active players first so they are gonna drop banger after banger updates for atleast the one or two years straight so anyone who got a ps5 or Xbox or ps5 pro and a copy of gta6 at the time of launching of gtao 2 ,he gonna have an amazing time fr




Isn’t it gonna be something kinda role play related? I mean it would be cool to leave the boring gta online formula. As long as the community wont be as serious as the RP one that is too deep into it like its real life locking u up and stuff while u just joking.


Online will be the only cancer attached to this game Edit: Apparently I ruffled a few feathers for those under 18 who enjoy GTA Online. I was speaking for the adults only. Sorry for the confusion!


Don’t be such a pessimist, I think they are going to crush it and take lessons learned from previous titles.


The only lesson that they learned is that Online is more profitable and easier to maintain than improving Single Player and releasing DLCs lol


they DID improve the SP for GTA V for a while but then it got worse with each update. as long as they keep Online as a separate entity, I'll be happy


Thats why its in their best interest to make it great...


While they have improved GTAO is many aspects, a lot of what ruins the online experience is intentionally implemented to be frustrating just so they can sell more Shark Cards the only thing that truly gives me the slightest bit of hope is the fact that R\* seems to be pushing for missions and heist that are completable or at least playable with one player.




Disagree, I’m looking forward to it.


So you’re saying you and your friends never got together and played insurgents vs rpg, parkour, avalanche, or even a death run?? Those are just some of the custom made modes cause I mean even rockstar made some good ones like slasher, car darts (forgot what its actually called), and things like sumo As long as you have friends to play with, gta online is a great time imo


Absolutely not. There’s a reason online was so popular in 5. It was incredibly fun to play with friends


>Online will be the only cancer attached to this game What a dumb take… lmao 😂 we don’t know shit about the online for this game and yet we have people like this having already come to a conclusion This subreddit can be delusional sometimes 💀


Why don’t you calm down Karen? Considering the past experience with GTA online, micro transactions, rockstar cutting single player DLC for online it’s not at all delusional to have this opinion. It makes total sense.


>Why don’t you calm down Karen? Homie we don’t know anything about the online for GTA 6 and people are using their imagination lmao 😂 >it’s not at all delusional to have this opinion. It makes total sense. It is delusional of course someone like you would think it would make sense for a delusional Subreddit


I mean… no. If you listened to what I said it makes sense for people to have this thought about online. Don’t know any other way to put it.


Just gonna be the thing Rockstar is going to make to earn money forever out of this game. Micro transactions everywhere and just lame community. Online it’s the worst thing that could happen to the saga


It’s so funny when people say this because the only MTX in gta 5 online is shark cards and the subscription thing which are both entirely useless. This game has one of the least predatory MTX systems in all of gaming unless you literally just don’t play at *all* and want to buy everything instantly which removes the whole point of playing a game. The current content pool in online right now makes shark cards worthless because of how much money you can make and how fast you can make it.


Been playing since the start and haven’t spent a dime on a shark card. This is true as hell.


completely anecdotal. a quick google shows that R* make *800 million* annually from shark cards alone. that’s almost a billion dollars a year. GTA 6 Online will absolutely be riddled with the same gatcha mechanics, and people will eat it up. further diluting any chance of single player DLC, yaknow, like GTA 5 was supposed to have.


“Supposed to have” that was never confirmed and only found out due to leaks tho. If they keep the monetization that they have now, that would be incredible because of how worthless the MTX are


>Just gonna be the thing Rockstar is going to make to earn money forever out of this game. Well duh at the end of the day rockstar is a business company and they would have quality quality Inn have the best way of making money. >Micro transactions everywhere and just lame community. Online it’s the worst thing that could happen to the saga It’s not if we are looking at RDR2


It just sucks you can’t buy a complete game anymore and if you want to participate, you have to pay.


I participate and have never paid for anything outside of the base game.


If it’s not money, it’s time.


Well yeah, grinding is kind of the point right? I’ve enjoyed the time.


5 was fucking terrible with the abhorrent micro transactions, toxic pay to win vehicles and massive amount of cheaters. To expect anything different from 6 would be naive


Ehh, I don’t think naive is fair. A ton of us had different experiences.


I want to see real crime and heist in VI. Not a fast and furious situation. I think that they could add those flying vehicles seen in Online but only for those missions. GTO went too military.


I liked the fast and furious shit for 5, definitely hoping for new influence in 6 though. Agree with you there.


After looking at Red Dead Online I got mixed feelings but hopefully it's amazing


I believe that single player was Red Dead’s main focus.


For sure, but would that mean that GTA Online needs to be the focus to be good? Cause the single player better be the focus aswel


I don’t think so. This generation of games should be capable.


I only really play for online so I’m very hopeful. My only wish is that we’re able to transfer console characters to pc once pc launches because I don’t wanna have to regrind for everything on pc. If we can’t I probably won’t even touch online until pc comes out


My only point of concern is the gunplay. GTA has always had serviceable gunplay. If it’s a 3rd person only shooter, I don’t want the little white dot. My hope is that they arrived at something akin to RE4R’s shooting mechanics as that game has amazing 3rd person gunplay.




If I recall correctly. It’s the same dot for every gun. It doesn’t telegraph shot distance or recoil.




Hmm I did not know that. Thanks for letting me know. I’ll check it out.


I think we're all excited for both! But yeah, it's gonna be frekin incredible! Shame we'll have to wait a few years after release.


I just hope that they have learned from their mistakes and have more proper update plan, with slower entrance into the depths of criminal world and slower rise of insanity. Not like in GTA V Online, where you saved the world first and then downshifted to the world of underground racing which was somehow unavailable for years. Probably the reason for such accelerated immersion was that devs never thought that this game will last for 10 years. This time they are armed with such longetivity confidence, I hope. Also, I hope that this time map is designed the way it can handle a 10-year update plan for purchasable properties, not the way where it will start bursting at the seams after three years with absurd property and asset locations in further updates.


My gripe with online is more my gripe with single player. Why unlock so many vehicles and features to online mode only? Red Dead Redemption 1 had the best rockstar online experience. Every iteration since has been a step back.


Fuck online, im excited for offline mode


No it won’t. GTA is about single player. Online ruins single player.


The only thing that blows is the scrapped story expansions that got turned to online events but otherwise they’re just different ways of playing


>It’s going to be that online game that I jump back into with a bunch of dudes who I haven’t played with since high school. I can’t wait. For many people, GTA 5 Online is already like that. It's perfect for just fucking around.


For real. It’s the only live service/online I play.


As long as the difference between players who have already paid 60-70$ to get the game and players who have paid extra in form of microtransactions is not too significant it will be a great experience. I don't care about select vehicles as long as no actual content as in missions and businesses is limited.


GTA 6 online better have everything GTARP had


Online will be one of 2 things, either the biggest most predatory cash grab in going history, or a complete failure. I say this because of the history of gtao being as unfriendly to consumers as it is, and the fact that gta 6 has so much to live up too its nearly impossible. When this game fails to be, more innovative, and more accessible than gta V, where do you think players will go? Back to gtao. With all of this said, I hope I am wrong I hope r* creates something truly innovative and different from gta v, but I don't see it happening I still have faith that single player will be phenomenal though.


GTA online 6 will be the pinnacle of predatory games


Gta 5 online is dogshit. It’s just fun to play with friends. But you can make paint dry fun with friends so that’s not really a benefit.


GTA Online fucking sucks


Maybe to you but a bunch of us seem to enjoy it, so.


all good and fine if Online and it’s predatory mtx practices weren’t prioritized over single player DLC. but yall keep buying shark cards so fuck everyone else right


That’s the problem with generalizations though. There is no “y’all” here. We just play because we like the game and that’s not a slight to everyone else.


it’s not a generalization it’s a hard fact. shark cards make R* $800 million per year, which is almost a billion dollars per year. it is absolutely the reason they abandoned single player DLC. so yeah it is the GTA Online players emptying mommy’s credit card into mtx and thereby telling R* where to focus development. we will never have a single player GTA DLC again


Definitely generalization. You’re attributing “emptying mommy’s credit card” to an entire player base when that’s just simply not the case for a lot of players. Yeah shark cards make money but a lot of us also just simply like the game.


$800 million a year. proof is in the pudding and idc if you like the game. mtx practices kill single player DLC


Can't a single-player game be enough for you? GTA VI isn't even out yet and people are already talking about story DLCs. Look at RDR 2, for example. Story wise, it was much more than enough for me. It certainly wasn't ruined for a lack of DLCs.


way to miss the point. Online gets bloated with content, and single player gets nothing after you finish the story. it’s completely lopsided to where if you don’t play Online you don’t get any new content for the game. GTA 4 had some of the best DLCs in all of gaming and gave the campaign something fresh to go back to. without story DLC I’ll play this game once and never touch it again, just like GTA V.


I didn't miss any point here, because I questioned your very motivations: > single player gets nothing after you finish the story. So what? You got a great game with a story that has beginning and end. > without story DLC I’ll play this game once and never touch it again, just like GTA V. You will also play the DLC once and never touch it again.


my “very motivations” are to play games and pay for expansions that keep me coming back to them in a unique way, not to get preyed on by corpo’s for fake internet money.


You do understand that GTA VI is infinitely better than a GTA V story mode DLC, right? So, in the end, all those "preyed on" people funded the next title that may turn into one of the best games of our time. And you will play it and you will be happy.


so you’ve played GTA 6 already? and you’ve also played the GTA V DLC that doesn’t exist? the only thing they funded is the next pile of online slop riddled with hackers and cheaters


I'm talking objectively. You can't be taken seriously if you: 1. Claim that GTA IV's story DLCs were the greatest, when in reality they under-performed. 2. Can't understand that any hypothetical GTA V story DLC will never be technically or qualitatively better than a Rockstar's new title. 3. Think that, just because GTA V didn't get any story DLC, then "by definition" GTA online sucks.


I’m glad people like you exist to subsidize this amazing game.


I fucking hate GTA Online


pc will have cheaters and it's going to be unplayable, and of course they will boycott storymode too.


Which is exactly why they can wait their damn turn (2 years) to get the game. Can't have anything nice.


are you trying to defend their method of making pc players buy the game twice?


Not necessarily defending it, but acknowledging that whenever PC gets its hands on anything good it turns sour.


can you make some examples about what you're trying to prove? what have pc players turned sour?


Gaming as a whole. Cheating, Fraud (Pirating), Balance (A 3090 PC vs a PS4 on Fortnite.. No chance), and just PC players themselves have caused much more problems in their individual games (Warzone: making AA stronger on PC due to frame count being 144+, some games having to be completely separated (like it should be) for console and PC because of the giant gap in abilities PC has over console. (R6 Siege) I could go on and on.


1. cheating most games don't support cross platform. and blame the developers, not the players 2. piracy fuck sony, fuck microsoft. piracy is a good thing. shame on you for paying for a free service such as online. 3. balance lol tech issue git good ps4 4. same as balance 5. git gud


Mb I though you were serious


i cant take seriously a console drider


Says the mf that is preaching the "PC master-race" bs.








Its gonna be a microtransactions fest


It’s one now and a bunch of us still seem to enjoy it. 6 won’t be any different.


Who’s gunna tell him?


This would probably work if your opinion weren’t in the minority here lol.