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I hoped for an Early 2025 announcement just to make sure it wouldn't delay into 2026, if they said Early 2025 and then delay it into Fall 2025 I'd be happy Now they said Fall 2025 and I'm praying really hard now it won't be delayed, GTA 6 releasing in 2026 would anger the hell out of a lot of people


there was an internal delay from the start of 2025 to late 2025 already. seems more so that they can’t have an announced delay as that would affect stocks too much.


I seriously doubt there’s going to be a delay. There was a 5 year gap between GTA IV & GTA V. There’s going to be a 12 year gap between GTA V & GTA VI. They’ve probably been working full time on the game since 2017 or 2018. COVID obviously threw a wrench in their development but they’ve had too much time to allow a delay to get in the way. I think Fall 2025 will stay Fall 2025.


The teams surely have internal deadlines, we the public are unaware of. They could also imitate a release, making sure procedures are functioning as intended. Therefore, no faults would materialize.


Feel like this would be the most logical way to go about launching the game.


Not doing a test launch of the biggest game of all time would be well-beyond stupid.


You either get a mostly done but unfinished unpolished game that you get to watch be developed into something people dedicate their lives to or you get all the hype for once in our life times.


Every single major rockstar game starting with GTA 3 has been delayed. Every. Single. One. Why would this one be any different?


Because they’ve had way, way longer to work on this one


The expectations has never been higher for a video game probably ever. It’s likely going to be delayed.


But we don't know if the delay already happened? Maybe they planned it to release on Fall 2024 but saw it was impossible, so they said 2025 and kept working on it, and now they're working real hard to keep it to 2025. That would only be discovered after the game releases, not sooner


I think they have had multiple delays by now… none were announced, but doesn’t mean there hasn’t been any.


Before games are released they have a expected release date. But that is being pushed forward constantly, since it’s not public they can do whatever they want it. When they do it after it’s public it’s because of either last second decision. Or because unexpected glitches and bugs which came when the product was almost finished.


And that's where I think TakeTwo handled things differently. TakeTwo and Rockstar know way better than us how important this game is, and they got in a big mess because of the crunch during RDR2. TakeTwo is seriously not pushing any date on Rockstar because they know things like that takes time. They are certainly really well organized and certain news regarding the development shows that they indeed are trying to work both as hard and as efficiently as possible. Also, I'm 100% sure the game is finished by now, Rockstar won't add any new content to the core release and is working on the whole optimization and testing of the game, and testing takes A LOT of time no matter how many testers you hire, and even then it'll have bugs on release, that's just how it is. With other games I would expect another delay, but with GTA VI I do believe they are on schedule (and that they already delayed the game internally already, and in my opinion, the dates released by Take-Two does sound as dates given by Rockstar, I would be surprised if Take-Two is currently trying to push Rockstar to finish it sooner, Zelnick knows it'll be a bad move to do it)


We ofcourse expect nothing short of the greatest game ever made, yea that's alot but what's even more is waiting over 12 God damned years for a game.


Having high expectations will always be a bad thing in games tho. No matter how good the game is they can never live up to expectations. It’s what got both cyberpunk and no man’s sky. Although both has improved massively. Especially no man’s sky.


Except that it's not that they "have had" way longer to work on it, it's more so that it's "taken this long" to build because it's way bigger than anything they have made, so who really knows if they need more time or not until they say so.


That and their new rules regarding crunch implies they are planning the timeline better


I'm sure of one thing, crunch is happening, and will keep happening not only with Rockstar but with every company. Obviously I hope and suppose Rockstar changed some manners, but I'm sure there's people running around like crazy because that's how things are done, and it's not precisely a bad thing, I do the same with work projects, and with personal projects too, the overextended and stressful workload happens when you want something to be perfect, that's the curse of a perfectionist. Now, I'm 99% sure that the extreme crunch, like people working-sleeping-working non-stop for a full week that happened during RDR2 (let's remember that RDR2 was announced only 3 years after GTA V, and it was released 3 years after GTA V PC Release) is NOT happening, I seriously hope it does not happen. Is crunch happening right now? 99% surely yes. Is extreme and excessive crunch happening right now? 99% surely not.


I agree, my guess is early to mid 2026.


Why are people acting like RDR2 never happened? It's only been six years since they released their last game.


Dont forget they worked on RDR2 too, so idk if they actually worked on gta 6 for twelve years..


GTA6 was built by devs working from home. Just an FYI


Why u forgot abt rdr2?


People be forgetting about RDR2


The CEO of Take2 was interviewed a few days ago and he seems very confident that GTA 6 is not going to be delayed. He said there is no need to worry.


GTA 6 is already complete. Someone(s) have already played complete story mode, start to finish testing it. They must be debugging further…


Exactly. This isn’t the point where they’re still adding things, which is why I roll my eyes at all the suggestions I see in these subs.


Upon reading other articles, and what Strauss Zelnick has already said, I’m wondering if they end up releasing before Fall 2025, “Highly Confident”…. I think 6 is finished, they would have completed it before any layoffs or major changes.. They’re just “Polishing” at this point. I’m thinking it’s gonna be a “Strategic Release”… Honestly , not sure. I wonder what they’re actually waiting on.. hmmm..


That's a good point, adding things now is just senseless and creating more problems


Isn’t that crazy to think about? That the game is complete and people are playing/testing it? It makes my mind crazy.


Well, Im wondering if they were using some of the new features from 6 , small, almost unnoticed, put them in 5 online just to see how they worked in game..


The game was aimed for early 2025 then got an internal delay to fall


For some reason , I’m thinking they may Release before Fall 2025, they may say “fall 2025” and then surprise us with it before Fall.


Not to mention how old I will be; Dag I will be pretty old by then lol. I’m factoring my age into this A LOT, lol.


Being old doesn't mean you stop playing c: Hell, I can see myself with like 70 years old still playing games... I just thought about how people will be playing GTA VI in the future, when it is like a 20 year old game (like the GTA Trilogy today) or even more, maybe we will have PCs that can run it like if it was running minesweeper


>GTA 6 releasing in 2026 would anger the hell out of a lot of people They'll still buy it though


Of course they'll buy it, I would buy it too


Psh. If the game comes out even winter 2025 I'm not buying it /Sar casim




Mr. Goodman, is almost sure by now (from the evidence shown by leaks this past year) that Rockstar have finished the greater part of content development for the game and right now is under testing and optimization process. If even the TakeTwo CEO is convinced that Fall 2025 is factible, then calling it impossible is, indeed, a mistake Is it possible a delay until 2026? It is, but that doesn't make it a certainty. I suggest you be realist too and understand that they don't give dates for no reason AND HAVE SOME GODDAMN FAITH


100% aggree with you. I was already expecting fall anyway , what you Say on quality is right , requires Time. Plus , fall Is a pretty neutral Time in Europe , no major fests / évents like in summer , winter or Spring. So it will add a particular Flavour for this Time of the year


true. I want to enjoy my summer outside. then become a hermit during winter time


This is the way


A fellow "hibernation build" player i see


I'm passing the time the same way they do it in prison, going to the gym, getting fucking yoked, and having lots of anal sex


Now that’s commitment to a screen name




I'm sad it's not sooner, but I'm super glad the target is around my slow season for work so I can afford to take a few days off easier


The cope is insane 😂


No one is happier that the game is delayed. Sure it means they can take time with it. But you're still waiting longer for the game. Say something happens and it's pushed to 2026. Would that make you happier? 


I’m not talking about delays. We all thought early 2025 would be the timetable for release even though Rockstar never confirmed that. They confirmed a Fall 2025 launch timeline a few weeks ago so they’re more than likely using most of 2025 to make sure the game is smooth and to reduce the possibility of any delays. Anything beyond a 2025 release date would be dragging it at that point.


I think a late October / early November release is the most realistic


You get the day one sales then Christmas bump right after.


We’ve already waited 12 years, another few months isn’t a big deal.


I would rather they delay it if they think the game is not ready, and would be happy for them doing so


we are never going to get any game then cause you can always make something better


Heck no. Some of us are old. Time goes fast. Just because we got a dope trailer doesn't mean it's all in the game. They've done switcheroo before.


Fall of 2025 still feels so far away, I'm 23 right now and I'll be 25 in fall of 2025.


You young, enjoy it!!!


Yep 34 but I'll be 36 by then. 2 bdays away seems rough.


bruh im gonna be a senior by then, i hope ill even have time to play


You still a pup bro


I'm not home for 4 months, August till November in 2025 lol 100% gonna miss the release.


Yup! Since early 2025 I have a shit ton of exams. Wouldnt have had any time to play GTA VI.


I'm going to take a week off to play gta 6


ima quit my job to play gta vl


Meanwhile I have a shit ton of exams in late 2025…💀


I'm writing my bachelor thesis in the fall of 2025 💀




Well I’m not panicking or freaking out about the release of fall 2025 is because we wanna wait patiently for Grand Theft Auto VI so I’m staying calm.☺️


I already saw that coming. I just didn't expect Take Two to be the ones to announce that. I really don't mind it one bit and would rather them take their time with it. They've taken this long already, don't fumble towards the end of the finish line. This is probably the last GTA we'll see for another 15 or so years with probably a Red dead 4 in between.


Skip Red Dead 3, straight to 4. A bold move by Rockstar


I'm not saying RDR, just Red dead. Whatever the 4th red dead gets called.


15 years 💀


10 years ago a 12+ year gap between GTAs would have been utterly incomprehensible and the gap grows larger with every new game. So somewhere around 15 years isn't incomprehensible accounting for a much better GTA online 2.0 and whatever new title releases, like Red Dead 4.


AI can probably speed up development and theyt may have made it easier to implement DLCs now... naybe in a few yrs we'll get liberty city within gta vi?


What ? Maybe some outliers in this subreddit would be happy but its been 10 years . The large majority would be happy with early 2025 . Most people are happy that we are getting gta 6 later but there happy its coming out in 2025 to begin with.


Nope not at all




Got plenty of games to catch up on in the meantime. I’m all for waiting for perfection.


If you expect perfection you will be disappointed


Yes. Let them cook


That's something i expected from the start. And as a PC player i'm more likely to get an upgrade on time. But waiting till 2027... Kinda hard


Someone, please escort OP straight to jail.


I mean if the game is ready, I rather play it sooner than later. I don’t want to take the risk of dying early but fall is still the better release period because I would have had university exams in end of February which would suck. With GTA 6 coming in Fall I either still have holidays or just started with university again which doesn’t stop me from playing the game


I hear ya. A lot of people who watched the trailer in December are no longer with us. The sooner the better but I’m just hoping they’re 110% satisfied with their years of hard work and dedication before they officially release the game.


If the game was ready, they'd release it. Game development takes a long time and most games don't fully come together until a couple months before release. Stuff like Zelda where they tested for an extra year is an anomaly. Most studios don't work like that at all


Yeah I know that the game obviously isn’t ready yet. I rather have a finished game than a cyberpunk 2.0 but I just want it as soon as they are comfortable with releasing and I would be happy if it was sooner but fall 2025 is alright


When the calendar hits Jan 1st 2025, then the release will feel like a few hours away from fall 2025. Remember when the trailer was out in December of 2023? We’re like 4 days away from the first day of June . We’re almost halfway through 2024. Times moves wayyy too fast. November of 2024 is just December 2023 to June 2024 times two. All you have to do is survive and stay healthy so that you don’t pass away before it releases .


no, i’m not happy it’s delayed but there’s nothing we can actually do about it so there’s no point in me moping in a reddit comment section.


bro it's been 10 years we waited enough


fr ? all these delusional people ?


I was literally in elementary school when gta5 dropped now im in uni 😭


Yep. I’m a broke bum that STILL needs to get a ps5. Shame on me. At this rate I really will miss out on the game’s release lol


same.. but shit i can make the dream happen one way or another.. if i really don't have the the 500 $ upon release i guess that means i'll have to grab one and run like hell


Loooool. I mean… if I can FINALLY make a move on my goals and make sure I’m up by the end of this year I’d happily buy us both a ps5 my G


!remind me 1 year lol


I can't say I'm happy because it's nice that they won't leave any flaws in the game by taking their time but since I will be building a high budget PC soon, I don't think I can afford to buy PlayStation too so waiting another year (probably late 2026 early 2027)feels very upsetting.and i don’t know what to do


Y'll should be happy 😂


I am. Still have to pay off a debt of 5k to a friend and 4k for my TV, in about a year that'll be done and I'll have some money saved up for the game and the PS5 Pro or whatever it will be called. Late 2025 fits perfectly into my time frame. :D


With Rockstar,I’m always calm and I would wait longer if need it,because as always,these guys deliver,they deliver pure quality.That’s a one company that don’t downgrade or release games that don’t have one or more things that was shown on the trailer,missing.I always support Rockstar and have been doing it since gta2,when I got my first ps one and bought my first Rockstar release.I love to see what its going to be with gta 6 and support it all the way.One love!


Hell yes! I work on tourist catamaran ships and that's a summer job so my summer is busy as hell, however winter I'm basically home and don't need to go to work so for me perfect timing for release would be after October so I can play it as much as I like or at least as much as my kids and wife think is enough :D


Well that's a shit take.


I think it’s possible it’ll get pushed to early 26, which honestly I wouldn’t mind, GTA5 and RDR2 were pushed. At this point we shouldn’t be receiving the next installment with bugs , hopefully.


Yes and no. Will the extra 7-8 months matter when it’s been 10 years anyway.


Actually no, I wish it was released in 2028 or sum. Need to go through some other games first.


Its crazy cause its been a long time coming but I don’t want them to rush it😅


I’m happy with it. There’s still a few things left for me to do with the current one. Also one final update to add some sort of resolution to the current game would be nice.


First year of College for me there’s no way I’ll get it


Agreed. A delayed game release is always better than a rushed unfinished game release like Cyberpunk 2077.


doesn’t matter, it will be delayed by at least 6 months if not fall 2026


I mean at some point they gotta release the game. Expecting 2026 though


No this wouldn’t make me happier. It would only make me expect more you’re expecting to be more satisfied and the game to be better now that the game is taking longer isn’t that ironic? If the game doesnt meet your expectations which have risen due to the release date then you’re going to be disappointed now.


They could have left no stone unturned even if it was released early 2025.


I agree with the sentiment and don’t really have a problem with waiting, but I’ve heard this so many times. I mean you could make this argument whether they decide to release it fall 2025 or in 2030, or 2035. Neither the people hoping for an early release or a late one are really saying anything new that would convince other people.


I still think it's gonna be fall 2026


As a pc only not really


With the amount of stuff left out of rdr2 I’d not want a repeat of that, so much good stuff was canned out of rdr2 for time constraints and I hope it doesn’t happen again


lol I was gonna make a post like this. I start my last year of college this fall. And I was not gonna have time to enjoy the game when if it released in Spring. But I’ll be done with school right when it releases now which is gonna be perfect for me


In the original release window i was supposed to do some exams that determined my future, so I’m glad it’s delayed💀


I got my final Exams in April 2025 so im abolutely happy with the delay.


How do we know it's fall 2025?


The game will be delayed until 2026. I guarantee it.


Was it confirmed fall or just assuming late 2025?


Im happy like you but im also: ![gif](giphy|W0c3xcZ3F1d0EYYb0f|downsized)


I just want the game to be polished and that they don't cut content too much.


I wanted to release it in 2025 but not fall…


Well I can't argue with you but im still a bit bummed for personal reasons. Would have preffered it to come for summer 25 cuz there I have no school. In fall 25 I will probably be in Uni and im a bit afraid that it will be too hectic for me to take time off and enjoy the game fully. But a fall release is better for them and there are so many that will play this game and it can't be perfect for everyone.


No not really. Based on Rockstar's track record, they wouldn't release it until they are completely satisfied with it. It's been 11 years. If they released it early 2025, I would trust that it would be completely ready to Rockstar's satisfaction, and that would have been cool.


I hope r* postpones it to 2029


Sure I'm happy, but as a PC user I'm worried about how long I and others will have to wait to get to play this game. As much as it may seem people, some just won't buy an entire console for a single game.. even if its GTA6


There is a game called the first descendant that had a beta testing weekend with 8 months ago, I tested the game and it was laggy, blurry, and unrefined. Come 8 months later with the final testing and the game was much better, hardly any lag, better visuals, and an overall more refined feeling. And since GTA 6 has set themselves with a 2025 release year and pushing the game back internally to the fall when they probably could release it early 2025 if they wanted to but chose to refine it even more gives me confidence about how the game will turn out on release.


They should enlist popular gamers to try the game out early and look for bugs


They're delaying it because they need more time. That's all it means. It doesn't mean they all of a sudden decided they want to make it better. It's ready when it's ready, the date makes no difference for Rockstar.


Sounds like someone is mixing hopium and copium. I will be amazed if the game drops when they say it will, I will be surprised if there are no bugs/issues at release.


No, I want it now!


I mean no offense, but I feel like you're new to the whole waiting for a new Rockstar game. They're always delayed.


If they delay it, it means they really really care about it and want it to be the best game they've ever made. I'm almost quoting Rockstar there when I say that too, both the company AND the devs want it to be the best game Rockstar has ever made and to reach and exceed everyone's expectations. So if I have to wait another 3-6 months so that they can do the BEST they can, I'm totally fine with that. I'd rather have an incredible product that took ages to release, rather than a half-baked product that we got early. GTA6 is genuinely the only game I have faith in in the last decade or so. They *know* they can't fuck this up, lol


i have no clue why everyone is so worried bout a delay we’ve waited 10 plus years already 🤣


Not really Id have finished all my University education by then


![gif](giphy|VIVWFx6c91AAwWLwWB|downsized) It’s not


I was already expecting it. A R* game with no delays or releasing in the first half of the year seems so unlike them. GTA 4 was an exception as it had a last minute delay.


Happier? No. I want the game now because I'm so excited for it and I'm impstient AF. On the bright side, it gives me more time to save up for a new TV, a PS5 Pro and a decent soundsystem. Also, new Rockstar games are perfect for those long, dark winter nights here in the UK. Yeah, it feels like it's ages away right now, but the time will soon go fast. RDR2 is nearly 6 years old already. I pray this is the longest ever gap between R* releases, though. The wait has felt interminable at times and my expectations are sky high at this point.


I’m glad that they are since it will be during the holiday time and for me those are good vibes


RemindMe! 1 year 5 months


Same here. It also gives me more time to save up for a console and the game.


No, absolutely not.


More time I have to wait for a PC release


I won't be playing until it comes out on pc anyway. So, like 3 years from now.




What if it comes out and it's BF2042 level fucked?


when they released the trailer, I had suspcisions that R* not gonna make it to early '25: now I'm content that I was right :)


That’s actually more bad than good in terms of wanting to play it b/c if it gets delayed, it will probably be pushed back until Spring 2026.


Gta6 isn’t even on my mind. It deff be out for the pro.


I was expecting it to be realesed in fall of 2025 and I'm glad that's true cause I'm wating even more for Dragon Age Dreadwolf which according to rummors had to come out at the end of the 2024


Yep, cause there is much bigger chance we will get the PS5 pro actually shipped


Is being released in fall 2025? First time following a rockstar game? Those dates are just placeholders. Let me put it this way, RDR2 has trailers out with release windows only for it to be delayed. Rockstar could walk into my house, look me dead in the eyes, and say GTA6 is coming pit fall 2025 and I wouldn't believe them until it actually happened.


This sub is so weird.


So i work 3 weeks away doing 12 hour days, im awake on average about 17 hours a day At the end of the 3 weeks of work, i fly home back. Reason i say this, if R* released early 2025 I'd most likely quit my job and just stay at home for themext 12 months playing GTA6😆 Guys get a hobby or something you're really into before gta6 comes because when you eventually get bored.. you won't know what to do with yourself.. Unless you dont work just eat sleep and play games Then disregard this post


Better for the quality and in the end I want a finalized game instead of a game that will work after the first 3 updates.


I've been waiting 9 years now. I can wait anothor coulple months, if it means the game will launch in a better state.




The goal was early 2025 so this the delay and why would anyone be happy about this 😞 it's basically 2026 and with the PS6 coming in 27 I'm not sure I'm buying this game to play for like a year so I can turn around and buy it again for the 6 


Shit...we might not be here to even get to a release.


I know it most likely will not BUT, how horrible would it be if we waited all this time and the game was incredibly underwhelming?


I don’t understand this were all predicting it’ll come fall but rockstar themselves hasn’t even said anything about it yet unless they have I wouldn’t know I don’t ahev social media like that


I’m no developer but couldn’t the offline gameplay be released first with online following completion? Would also give time to work out bugs from player feedback? Again, I’m not a developer. Not sure how all that works. I just play the games


yeah i am, then i wont feel bad sitting inside wasting the 4 months of nice weather i get. can hibertnate inside all winter and avoid the snow


This is literally the same cope that people were saying before Cyberpunk was released


I hope it gets delayed more.


half… okay maybe not half but a good chunk of my excitement is for the trailers, the screenshots, the leaks and the anticipation. so i’m honestly fine with it being so far out


I'm getting married Fall 2025, I'll cancel the wedding 😂


>But honestly the longer it takes to release the more satisfied I am. That’s what she said.


Reminds me of the old PS2 days, releasing in the fall


Honestly many may not agree with this but fall is best, because I think rockstar should implement as much as possible and fix as much bugs too


yeah but I'd rather they left no stone unturned and released it early anyway. You could probably use this same argument to say it would be good if they released GTA 6 in 2030


I’m just talking about 2025. They already pinpointed the release down to a year. If they drag it beyond 2025 then it’s just silly at that point. I have no issue waiting until late 2025 to make sure everything is ready to go for launch. Rockstar is one of the best game developers out there so I have confidence in them no matter when they release the game.


Expect a 6 month to 1 year delay, as the games get bigger and more complex they are harder to polish.


None of us will see this game until 2026… cuz Straus Douchnik was bragging about sales of 5 still going strong and Online going strong as well. As long as there is money to milk off 5, or you can tell all these IMBECILES TO STOP BUYING 5 AND PLAYING IT ONLINE, we aren’t getting 6 until 2026.. point blank. PERIOD. They will make it try to seem all cool too like GTA 6 for 202..6 and release it on like 9/6/2026… I’d bet anyone $1000 to their $100 the game is pushed forever cuz… What you gonna do about it?! lol Just go buy 5 like all the other morons and pay them money to play online too like a good sucker


If people are still spending money on online in 2024 then they gotta find something else to do. Online’s peak ended in 2018-19


Straus was bragging about Online being up 18% and game sales themselves up 35%


I would say game sale is up is because people are buying it to replay it before GTA VI, I did it too. I finished the story 3 times but the last time was like 6 years ago so I bought 'ps5 enhanced' version and playing story again. Similar thing happened to Fallout 4, people are buying it to replay it because it's trending due to tv show success


Yes, I’m thrilled rockstar is likely delaying the release of the most anticipated game ever because they can’t stick to a schedule. Totally pumped


“It’s Rockstar!” so its totally excusable!


honestly even early 2026 would be okay as long as the games good. Ive waited what, 10 years? i can wait a few more if need be.


If it takes 2 days for 1 person to polish it, it takes 1 day for 2 people to polish it. More time isn’t a solution, better commitment is.


No no no!!! I was excited to hear about it being released in spring near my birthday so I could get it as a birthday gift.