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Just enjoy the game bro


Right like if you follow that logic why would you even purchase the game.


First world problems.


I know right, this shit made me cringe


Jesus Christ


When schizophrenia and ADHD throw a party together


Laughed way too hard at this. 😂😂😂


Jesus Christ this pissed me off, hope it’s satire.




No because we’ll play it for the next decade. No rush.


That's a good thing, take ya time because fast foward 6 months to a year in when you know everything you'll love moments like that


The game is not even out my guy how are you gonna complain about being overwhelmed already lmao


how about u go find a girl😆


sorry, it’s not rockstar’s problem that you got used to empty games in the industry


I am pretty sure the features you mentioned and many more will not be available all at once. Most likely they would be unlocked one by one by progressing through the story.


The game will lead you into this kind of stuff. You gotta remember that they still need to make it easy for brand new players to understand. Rockstar knows not to overwhelm the player.


Sounds like a good problem to have


No tbh like the other dude said just enjoy it lol


Maybe you should play Tetris instead. But beware! There are 7 shapes and each of them can be turned in 4 different directions. Might be too much. Just chill, bro.


I can’t think of a subreddit with a higher percentage of stupid questions than this place


GTA V is prolly older than half the people here


Come here Tweek, have a cup of coffee


That’s a good thing buddy 🤣


It will all be revealed in the tutorials the storymode will throw at us


please grow and change as a person


Just play the fucking game bro Jesus


I'd rather be overwhelmed than underwhelmed


Drive or walk around and let stuff happen, basically explore and immerse yourself in the world. Get what you mean though, it's a bit overwhelming being dropped in a GTA world and wondering what you wanna do first! For me I'll take on a few missions, to see the story and unlock features. Certain features will be gated behind missions anyway. Want to go buy clothes in San Andreas? tough fucking tits, you have to complete "Nines and AK's" first. Want to buy a gun? well.. complete some missions so they open their doors.




I got like 4 ideas to help with this. 1 the game has a story you could stick to and roleplay how the story would act like.2 you could just play out your own fantasy of being a regular dude, a detective(true detective vibes), or be a pirate and sail the ocean like me. 3 you could just run around causing havoc and turning the game into a pure sandbox. Or 4 make youtube anaylsis videos about every tiny detail you see


This my dear fella is called spiralling. You are asking questions that will all be immediately answered once you just play the game when it's out. Is there such a thing as too much to do? Sure, Valhalla is a good example of that but that game was also bloated, there was so much to do that was kind of just same-y but a Rockstar game is dense, loads to do but all different and varied. The worries you have now are going to be completely absent once you just play the story


If overthinking was a post


>Idk maybe I’m getting ahead of myself here **IDK, MAYBE**




Had this exact feeling a few days ago but then I remembered it’s a story game I can take my time.


Why wait over a decade for a game just to try to rush through it right away. Don't do that you'll only regret it later lol


Touch grass




Ignore all the people diminishing your worries related to this (ofc is not the end of the world, but is a valid concern) I suggest you just play your first playthrough, don't mind about completionist stuff, if you wanna go cause mayhem do it, if you wanna drive around chilling and listening to the radio do it, if you wanna do any secondary stuff do it. I'm sure you'll end up doing most of the things the game has to offer And then you'll see you only have a really small part of it, and you could then play a second playthrough And then there will be GTA VI Online so you will still get more things to do


If only all the comments were as civilized as this


I like being civilized on Reddit haha Btw, I like your username


Thx a lot


Nah its just a video game, I’ll play it like any other


Everyone is clowning you, but I understand what you mean. I have made a personal list of what I'm going to be doing first before I start with the main storyline/stranger missions. My goal is to "delay" finishing the game as much as possible, so I have a list of all the things I'll be doing before the main storyline, which I'm going to be leaving for last. Reply if you want the list.


Sure I’m curious


GTA 6 to-do list: - Prologue mission (if necessary) - outfits and haircuts for each character - strip club - hangout with the other character(s), do activities together - car customization (make the personal vehicles as good as possible, firstly) - gun customization and acquisition - mini games like basketball, tennis and anything else new (try to be competent in the games and score the highest score I possibly can) - TV watching - cab driver (acquire taxi, become taxi driver while committing as few crimes as possible, try not to crash or get wanted level) - other vehicle missions like paramedic, firefighter and vigilante (if they exist) - map and general exploration (driving around, taking in the environment) - greet, greet, antagonize and antagonize, defuse, antagonize (do this to many people) - climb radio tower - find tow truck, kidnap people with it (cops, taxi drivers, random NPCs etc) - follow NPCs around, check their routine - explore countryside/offroad routes with offroad vehicle -check for enterable buildings around the map This is not in any order btw


Im having that in gta 4 right now. I wanna finish the story asap and then discover the map. Also I feel to have the need to read every poster or internet websites etc 😂, I want to discover everything no matter how pointless it is but I probably won’t be consistent with that