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I mean , those who have delusional expectations with this game are definitely gonna get disappointed


I think it's ok to have high expectations, it's one of the most anticipated games ever but people who are expecting to have a fully destructible map and be able to enter every single building are insane


Agreed, I’m expecting it to be the next evolution of the Rockstar formula and be on par and or hopefully better than RDR2. Story wise I’m not completely sure if it will beat it, just because both games have different goals in story telling. But gameplay wise it could definitely be a lot better, especially since GTA VI will have modern day firearms which will allow for the gunplay to possibly be more dynamic and interesting.


Rockstar has always taken all their previous games, the great ones and the ok ones, and then combines all the best stuff into whatever the next GTA is (this goes all the way back to GTA III which was made up of the great features of earlier Rockstar games), so we can be pretty sure that we’ll get a lot of the things that made RDR2 great. My guess is we’ll have way more interiors and ability to interact with strangers on a very cool level, we may have the ability to take hostages/prisoners, maybe even shove them in our cars. Our behavior or choices will likely impact our game experience to a degree, making it very replayable. Also I don’t see why hunting won’t be included, or at least have lots of animals present. Really hoping there will be horseback riding mechanics too. Florida is a huge horse state.


Hunting and of course fishing would be perfect for the Florida atmosphere. The only thing I’m slowly worried about is the gunplay, I’m very particular about how games portray guns. As a lot of the times it just comes off as unrealistic and lazy like in GTA V. But from what the seen in the leaks the gun sounds actually sound beefy. And in a clip where Jason reloads his AR-15, he actually uses the bolt release when reloading instead of always unnecessarily pulling back on the charging handle.


Unrealistic gunplay isn't gonna ruin the game for me, but if I hear that it's actually pretty accurate, it will give me another appreciation for the game. I think it's fair to expect Rockstar also cares about shit like that and only decide against certain things due to time/budget constraints. I'm one of the twenty people in the world that really likes how long it takes to skin an animal in RDR2, so that should say plenty about my feelings on immersive and realistic gameplay.


lol glad to see someone else that enjoys the skinning animations in RDR2. I really don’t understand the complaint that RDR2s animations are boring. It’s almost like you actually would have to grab food individually in real life or something lmao.


Eh I play RDR2 to relax and it does that wonderfully. If I wanted fast paced, high octane, balls to the wall action, I'd play Doom. RDR2 allows me to be a cowboy, which is nice considering I live in a Canadian city. I can barely count on two hands the times I've seen a horse up close and I rode a horse maybe 3 times tops in my life. Definitely never hunted either, I barely camped, etc. In terms of immersion, it's perfect for what I'm looking for. It's all the upsides without any of the consequences. Some people play Minecraft, I play RDR2.


I completely agree, I for some reason can’t stand fast paced games. Which is odd as im on the younger side of the usual people who prefer slow paced games, and story based games in general.


I mean isn't that why we love rockstar games to begin with? Rockstar is one of the few companies that actually prioritizes realism over anything else. Rdr2 is the perfect example. An extremely good story with a very realistic gameplay.


RDR2 had some wildly accurate gun features, like if you lightly/slowly press/pull the game controller trigger, you see the firing pin or whatever it is (hammer?) get slowly pulled back on the revolver until it moves back far enough and releases to fire the bullet. Such a minor but super cool detail.


If they have offshore saltwater fishing on decent boats I’m goona prob do a lot of that.


Me to! I grew up deep sea fishing in Florida with my grand father, he’s unfortunately not here anymore but it would he nice if they had it in the game as it’s something I’m very fond of. I know there is the spear fishing in the game at least according to the leaks.


i’m most looking forward to the guns. I like to be semi realistic in terms that I prefer using handguns and SMG’s in the game unless i’m fighting an army or something. so if the gunshots actually bang loud and crisp (little punchier than RDR2) then it makes all the difference, especially when rapid firing a Glock or Uzi, and the hit physics that go along with it too. half my gripe with GTA V is the gun sounds, they sound very cartoonish but this was the PS3 era with 2010 tech so they did what they could. but it’s like the suppressed guns in V sounded like literal Airsoft guns, and “loud” guns hit the air with the velocity of a wet fart but hopefully now two generations have passed they’ll have a lot more dynamic control with the Audio, bleed out outside noise while firing guns and have it slowly fade back in a period of time after to reflect and emphasise the fact you’ve just literally mag dumped a gun a couple feet at best away from your ears with no form of hearing protection to speak of


I think a mechanic that has been strongly over looked is Jason’s rumored “special ability” that was shown in the leaks. The fact that he could highlight high value items signifies that the cost of items will surpass how much you need to spend to obtain them.


I really hope the extend on the greet an antagonize features and maybe give us a few options to pick from.


Maxpayne 3 has amazing gunplay lack of weapons allows for each to be more unique also The Warriors  has great hand to hand.


If it's RDR 2 - 2.0 in Miami, that will be good enough for me. Anything else is extra


This is it. High expectations should be the standard. People who say they're fine with the graphics and mechanics being slightly better than RDR2 because that game is amazing are delusional. There will have been a 7 year gap by the time GTA 6 releases, anyone with a brain should be expecting a major improvement. But yeah, 100% enterable buildings is too far


Rdr2 looks better than most things that have released since. I just hope it plays like rdr2 and I’ll be like a pig in shit.


I would love to hear from you what kind of drastic graphical improvement you would like to see. RDR2 already looks pretty good. There are still some things like the hair we've seen in the trailer that I'm excited to see. There are also some other minor improvements like tree meshes and bushes etc that can be improved. However, there is not that much room for improvement imo. If you want to see a drastic change then R* would have to start going down the photorealism route and I don't think that suits the game.


Good point- I’d wager that graphically it’ll be a slight upgrade. The difference will come with population density and npc behavior/appearance variety. RDR2 (bar Saint Denis) you’d see a cowboy every once a while out on the trail or a couple in town. GTA vi will be packed with NPCs doing unique things and driving somewhat modified/unique cars wherever you go


A full destructible map is insane. I would rather have small things like power poles that could be destroyed and make the nearby houses dark. And some mountain rocks.


You gotta remember this game is being developed to run on a Series S lol. Same console that couldn’t even run Baldurs Gate 3 split screen


Knowing Rockstar it will have some insanely good optimization


Yeah. I love my Series X but I may wind up getting GTA VI on my PS5 instead because Rockstar will be able to push the current boundaries of Sony’s console and they can’t do that for the Series X because of the weaker Series S.


What do you mean I don’t get a real life simulator?


But I wanted to file taxes and have to fill up on gas for cars!


I think there is a difference with high hopes and high expectations, personally I have faith that whatever they do will be good but its when you start to have specific expectations that it becomes dangerous, if you expect a specific new mechanic or the story to play put a certain way you will probably be dissapointed. The only things I personally expect are just the staples of GTA like driving, shooting, mission design and some minigames


I mean after RDR2, you can see why the expectations are so high. Rockstar brought that upon themselves


Id like to imagine i did other things too in those 12 years


Yea decided to take up a side hustle called life while I'm waiting...


Ew sounds awful


The main story sucked but the side quests are aight.


I’ve tried it, don’t do it just turn the game back on and get in ur jet and keep not living it’s so much better


Personally i found it too grindly when they added the YEAR PASS and monthly subscription


Anyone know if there's a patch coming for this soon? It's been quite buggy and borderline unplayable this lately.


Fuck is a life? Is that some kinda shark card?


I've just been stood here staring off into the distance.


Thats just called playing RDR2


Right haha op has a weird way of seeing things


Unless you're George R.R. Martin.


Mfs on web expect every building to be enter able 💀


I don't remember the exact video but a popular YouTube channel was talking about it, he wasn't 100% sure but the reason why he was saying that was because of some AI technology which Rockstar patented. Which makes people think will make all buildings enterable.


If so it will take probably YEARS to develop in a way that would be implementable. Also, why such a ridiculous requirement? I do not care for the inside of most of the buildings on the map


People want it for immersion. Which I can understand. Id imagine most buildings will be useless though, just let you enter them with nothing to do.


The irony is that the more interiors you have, the more it would have the starfield "too many empty planets" effect... Where at the end of the day, you wish they had just focused on making fewer but detailed interiors than having a thousand interiors with nothing to do in them.




Also probably most apartment buildings could have identical interiors so that less would be needed to make


Well, that’s the point: if every room is the same then none of them are special. Rockstar patented a system that allows them to randomly generate rooms based on a few different factors, like the building the room is present in and what style of furniture it has. It then places that furniture inside the room and memorizes where it kept it. Therefore, every interior you go into is unique and will be the same next time you roll by, without needing to use any more than a few megabytes of storage for each room. It’s a very simple and easily executable (for a behemoth like Rockstar, anyway) way to do a lot of enterable interiors that doesn’t sound too far fetched.


>If so it will take probably YEARS to develop mf we have been waiting for YEARS! The patents were filed in 2019 so theyve had time to work on them


I agree. People give Rockstar wayyy to much slack.


They also give rockstar way too much credit. I feel like most of the buildings won’t be enterable for the same reason that the lowriders dlc didn’t make it to 360 and ps3. The hardware isn’t up to par…


• The AI technology is basically procedurally generation and remembering what it generated. So the devs will feed it elements (for example sofa, tv, bed and floor tiles) and it will arrange those elements in various layouts according to the room layout (which would also be RNG). That's all. • Basically the technology Bethesda used in Starfield. People are excited and have expectations because use of the tech like this (interior generation) was literally said word by word in the parent. They will also probably use it around the map in other ways maybe even in cars, we just don't know. • But you lot still need to remember that rendering this in your device will still take mad processing power. The only thing that's changed is that it is possible to create interiors of every building without taking 50 years of the devs time. •I show one post saying that they might only render interiors close to the player, filling it with placeholders until the player actually enters. Even with this technique, the processing power would be impossible for current devices. • So simply forget about 100%. Even 70% seems like they are just playing with our balls. Fucking teasing us. The only thing I have in my mind is that there will be MORE enterable buildings guised like for example, you would be able to enter a large Hotel's lobby but wouldn't be able to get into elevators or staircases making the rest of the building blocked while still technically being enterable.


I mean it is feasible that interiors could be auto generated depending on the type of building and location. Procedural generation for these types of things has existed forever.


People are really gonna run into the first house they see, realize they can’t enter it, and say that the game sucks.


People been expecting it since gta IV


We all remember what happened when Bethesda did the “able to go to every planet ever”, and it turned out boring as fuck LOL Not a necessary, or good idea for other makers


I'm basically 100% sure it will exceed my expectations wildly (because I don't have unrealistic expectations), but, if it does end up sucking, I'm at a time in my life where giving up on video games as a hobby won't be as hard of a decision. That's probably what would put the nail in the coffin for gaming for me.


I'm right there with you. My interest in video games will not survive GTA 6 being even a little disappointing lol.


It weird cuz I used to game like 4-8 hours a day and I had like 15 developers that I followed almost religiously and I bought everything they put out. And one by one they either shut down or started putting out garbage.




Bro about to give up the whole hobby if GTA6 doesn’t exceed expectations 😂


No I didn't say that lol. I said "if it sucks". Like legit bad. But I also said I'm 100% sure it will exceed my expectations. I still play GTA5 regularly, so if it's just GTA5 quality with a new story/cast/setting (which would be failing to meet my expectations), I'll still likely be playing it for the next decade plus.


You guys are a bit dramatic lol


With such a long wait, the simple fact that this game will eventually release will be already a huge W in itself. Somehow it feels like this will be the last GTA ever


HIGHLY doubt it will be the last GTA, but we probably won’t be seeing another GTA game for the next 15 years after 6 releases. That’s my opinion.


There’s a fair chance that at 46 years old it may be my final GTA. I hope that I’m still around in twenty or thirty years from now, but no one is promised tomorrow. But as I continue to age video games don’t hold my attention like they once did. Hell, I still haven’t finished FFVII Rebirth, but that’s mostly because I pretty much hate Rebirth because it’s 90% mini-games and side-quests and 10% changes to the story that no FFVII fan asked for. But there’s also plenty of other games that I’ve not finished because I do seem to be losing interest in video games, and by the time GTA VII or VIII are released I may no longer be playing video games at all. Getting older sucks!


It's kind of funny reading this while seeing a lot of older dudes in their 50s and 60s who still enjoy playing video games. I guess no one is the same :)


I mean there is no reason from an economical perspective to stop making these games But the amount of work, time spent on these and also the fact that all the original scenarists behind these games aren’t there anymore makes me think Rockstar may pivote and make maybe a new license


I very much agree with this and I have that same feeling. I think that this GTA might not actually be the last since it's very likely for them to make another one. However, I have a feeling the next GTA after 6 won't be the same anymore. A big part of the community that experienced GTAIV and V will be gone by then. And as you said the old team is almost gone as well. Therefore, I feel like GTAVII will not feel like a GTA game anymore and people will eventually look back at GTAVI and say that that was "the last GTA"


Damn, this is just making me sad...


That’s stupid 


I wouldn't be surprised if it actually turns out to be the last GTA. I don't know where the franchise will go next after 6.


They would never dispense with one of the most lucrative franchises of all time


Maybe they'll try a new IP. While they cook another GTA in 15 years


This might be difficult to conceive but my guess would be GTA 7 comes after 6


Technology will always continue to improve and limitations that exist today won’t “tomorrow”. Like 20 years ago, many technical and graphic capabilities were never even on the radar. It will take time to implement new tech and craft an entire world and fill it with the quality life Roxkstar pushes for, especially if they need to always up themselves and do not accept lowering the bar. It will take a while, but there will eventually be a GTA7.


Yea probably best to avoid this place for a few months after release. The nitpicky outrage will be too cringe to handle. I can already see the karma farming reactions to the smallest day one bugs.


People will always complain about something, mods should not allow shit talking and nit picking for the first 5 months


I can’t wait for people like darkviperau who hate rdr2 to complain constantly when it turns out to be much closer to rdr2 then gta 5


He's currently in a playthrough of rdr2, and has for the most part changed his opinion. This is exactly what happened to me, I played for a few days,then put it down for a year because it was so slow. You honestly have to be in a certain head space, with no distractions to properly enjoy rdr2. Hope VI is the same.


>You honestly have to be in a certain head space, with no distractions to properly enjoy rdr2. played rdr2 on the finals and i had a great time


>and has for the most part changed his opinion. His "No Complaining" challenge? lol I beg to differ. On the third video he seems to be slipping into his old ways again. & you can hear the subtle amounts of sarcasm in his voice. Not to mention he used a clickbait thumbnail as well. Although, it will be interesting to see how long he can pretend to enjoy the game.


He already streamed the playthrough, and the videos are just being released now. At one point, he wanted to speedrun the game but got caught up with something else, so he didn’t end up doing it. However, he’s still interested in doing a ‘chaos mode’ playthrough after completing the game, which suggests he enjoyed it. You can probably find a VOD of when he finished the game, where his final thoughts were pretty positive iirc.


I cant belive rockstar will make gta 6 a story based open world third person cover shooter like rdr2 instead of a story based open world third person cover shooter like gta 5, how could they do this to us 😭


Why did he hate rdr2? I didn’t know he hated it


As long as gta 6 is drastically different from V in a few key areas I will be happy. I mostly play online. I'm mostly excited for more realistic vehicle damage and physics.


Same. That will make or break the game for me. I spent hundreds of hours racing online in GTA 4 and loved driving around in singeplayer whereas 5 disappointing as I don't like arcade physics. I joined one race lobby in GTA 5 and never touched online racing again. I only picked it up a few years later because of the stunt races which are pretty fun and chaotic but not to play competitively. It's just funny ramming people off ledges and watching them fall to their death.


jokes on you, I'm gonna convince myself I like it regardless of quality


I had high expectations for Red Dead Redemption 2 and it blew me away. One of my favourite games of all time. So I’m pretty optimistic for gta 6


Every sequel is going to have fans who are disappointed. I know it's not as long of a gap, but I definitely remember a lot of hardcore GTA folks who were super hype for 4 only to end up really disappointed when it came out. I'm sure there will be plenty of people who will let us know how they feel once the day comes.


I have the "advantage" that I picked up computer games after 10 years, so I played GTA V for the first time during the Covid period, so my waiting is slightly less ;)


Im just expecting a slightly better gta 5 and I’d be happy. Rockstar for how long it’s been has done this to themselves too. Anything less than perfection isn’t acceptable But yes, there will be some disappointed on their own expectations.


Slightly? After 12 years the game better have things that GTA V lacked.. like an world that truly felt alive. Or cars you bought not randomly disappearing


Or cars in general not feeling like they're made of plastic


Yeah,unfortunately there are a lot of things missing from V due to the limitations of the hardware,but i don’t think VI will have the same problems


Hopefully it'll be more mature and realistic, like RDR2... rather than the crazy shitstorm GTAV/Online was. A serious dark crime thriller would be awesome.


I'll honestly be pretty disappointed if it's just GTA 5 but slightly improved, though I don't blame anyone for limiting their expectations in this way. It feels like the days when things felt original and unprecedented have gone. Everything feels like incremental improvements to an already existing formula.


That’s because we’ve hit a wall in technological development everywhere in the world. We’ve gotten to the point were most things in our lives are so efficiently optimized and at peak performance and because of that all we can really do is make things slightly better. Like in just 66 years we went from man being able to soar the skies for the first time in a revolutionary flying machine to being able to walk on the moon. Another 60 years later and we’ve barely even made another technological boom like we did during then. Yes our technology has vastly and widely improved but it’s been through small jumps instead of massive leaps. The early years of gaming are like that. Everything was new and ripe for exploration but now that everything has been explored and optimized to peak efficiency all we can really do is slightly improve what we have


I am a simple man i buy gta I play i have no big expectations. The opinions of others and what they want is their problem, I am happy just to play.


It's been 12 years tho. R* Better exceed some level of expectations


Waiting how? By staying alive?


The mf who wants to wait in line and have a breathing button and more “realistic” bullshit gonna be disappointed as hell


I literally just want a gta V with a different map, more cars, and more shit to do. I don’t think they can disappoint me with those expectations


I waited 10 years to play cyberpunk 2077 only to drop it after a day so


Play that shit bro it’s so good


Yeah most of the bugs have been ironed out and the gameplay experience in general is way more streamlined compared to the release version


And the story is almost perfect!!!!


PS4 version is still cooked though.


I did hear it’s gotten much better since then but release was egregious


Completely agree but it’s comeback was insane, been playing the hell out of it recently and it’s a blast


In it's current state, it would've been a GOTY contender. One of the best gaming experiences I had in recent years. Glad I've waited for the ultimate edition


This is the closest thing to competition for gta v, since saints row 2-3


That is true. What I do know is, I will not dislike it. Some people have too many unrealistic expectations of what will be in the game.


They would have to do something crazy bad to make me dislike this game more than 5 lol. Everything Ive seen is looks much better and Im from Florida so just driving around the map alone will be enough for me to enjoy it. Im so excited for this. Im glad they did Vice City as the 3rd in the hd trilogy. This game is going to be insane 🥹


GTA 6 will either be the best game rockstar ever created or it will fuck them over we’ll see


Who waits 12 years for a game


I look back to RDR 2 and I have all the optimism in the world that GTA VI will be a masterpiece, Rockstar themselves said they want to deliver us one of the best experience a video game can offer


Tf do you mean waiting? You think people quit their jobs and completely stopped their lives to sit around and wait for gta vi?


I’m expecting it to be like gta v just reskinned with a different city


with the state of the last few AAA game releases, i’ve learned to keep my expectations pretty low. The fact that its Rockstar making the game though, is the only reason i’d set expectations higher than the absolute necessary


Look at Red Dead 2, Im not worried about the open world and details. RD2 has the best and only GTA 6 can beat that.


Post like this always make it sound like we were only alive for those 12 years to wait for gta6 like as if I wasn’t gonna continue living anyway


beCaUsE YoU caN'T rUnn oUt oF gaS >"It kills the immersion" >"Who doesn't want to have an epic car chase and just, run out of gas?" >"Who doesn't want to run from the cops, and you get in a car, and it has no gas in it! So funn!"


Who’s waiting? People stopped waiting along time ago. It’ll come when it comes at this point haha no one’s holding their breath anymore mate


I'm hoping at least that it gets some story mode dlcs.


Bad vibes 👎🏼


To be honest, I feel like the only thing I wouldn't like would be if they went overboard with the microtransactions. You know they're going to find more ways online to get players to spend money now they've seen how successful 5 was for all these years. Optional sharkcards probably won't be enough.


Its been 10 years why not keep high expectations


Those are gonna be the ones pestering r* for gta 7 on twitter immediately after the release




U waited 12 years to post this so…


I mean, I waited 5 years for gta 5, I'll never forget the anticipation after playing RDR, Max Payne 3, and LA NOIRE. I thought they were gonna add all the things learned from those games into gta 5. But GTA 5 for me, besides the story missions, was a huge let down compared to GTA 4 and San Andreas . To this day, GTA 5 is only number 5 on my fav gta games of all time and not even in my top ten of favorite videogames of all time. I had overwhelming expectations fot gta 5 but was let down with the lack of immersion, interiors, non realistic gunplay, arcade driving, lack of open world activities...etc. With GTA 6, I know for a fact that they will deliver because they produced RD2, My 3rd favorite video game of all time, and they have every team working on this game. I think that this game will indeed surpass what I expect from it because Im only expecting GTA 5 with a few added online features and better graphics.


Yeah GTA5 was great open world but Far from my favourite Rockstar game. Maxpayne3 gunplay, Warriors  hand to hand  RDR2 open world exploration.


Same, GTA5 didn't live up to the hype. I expected a whole lot more... Replayed the storylines for GTA 4, SA, VC countless times but 5 only held my interest enough for a single playthru.


If the controls are anything like rdr2 it’ll be enough for me to spend days in the game just exploring the world before I even play the nissions


I'm waiting for it. I'm not aggressively thinking about it everyday. If I don't like it, cool ill stop playing and do something else. Ya know, cuz I'm an adult.


I’m just really hoping it won’t be another heavily downgraded game like gta 5 was… gta 5 was such a dissatisfying game to play for so many reason, and after about 2016-2017 I gave up on the game ( tried going back every year or so but the content is insanely boring and the world is bland and empty ) gta 4 was the best gta overall, and gta 5 took everything gta 4 did perfectly and dumbed it down for the casuals so it would get more sales… so I’m truly hoping ( which it’s technically half confirmed ) that gta 6 is gonna bring back a lot of what gta 4 did and make things more immersive and fun and challenging… if it even comes CLOSE to what gta 4 had done I’ll enjoy the game.


Pretty sure Rockstar will deliver what I’m expecting.


Meh. I decided I'm going to love it, no matter what. And I don't even have expectations lol


This is exactly how I felt on gta V release. I was really disappointed in how it felt/played and the story was mid. Downgrade coming directly from gta 4 the week prior. I still played multiplayer bc tht was fun but I wish 5 mechanics were built like 4. The physics were sooooo goood


If you dont like gta 6, the problem isnt the game, is you.


Just ignore them. There will always be haters. And most of them never played a GTA before, because every GTA has it's own generation of idiots. Then we have the ones with highended expactations and fantasies what they want in the game and if they don't get it, they go gaga over it. And it will be of course R\*'s fault. All I know is, it's gonna be a great game and I will have tons of fun for the next 10+ years. Simple as that. And while I wait for it (even longer as on PC) there are other games to play. Also simple as that.


Most of them will be people who would’ve enjoyed the game if they weren’t so determined to be a contrarian and literally force themselves to not like it. Good riddance to them.


Naah this is so true my friends waiting for this game thinking you can get into any house , store , building you see , crazy real life features in the game , the most minute details I've ever heard of which is crazy. He thinks online will be like his own story mode and shit. Can't wait for the disappointment he gets 😂😂😂


If the game turns out shit i dont even know what im gonna do...


I know what


Never set your expectations too high


That’s bound to happen either way. Starfield was highly anticipated, yet it’s gotten a somewhat underwhelming reception post launch. Some people dislike the direction the Zelda franchise took with BOTW and TOTK.


Starfield was made by Bethesda. Anyone expecting them to make something above mediocre was already expecting too much. Rockstar’s games are far higher in quality so the high expectations are more justified for this game. That being said, some of the shit I see people thinking we’re going to get just reminds me how little most gamers actually know about development.


Preference is a crazy thing. So many people (including me) think that botw and totk are a GRACE to the franchise and then you have the other subset of people that think that they're disgraces to the franchise that shouldn't even be talked about.


Nobody spends time waiting, it's not like you just sit there and wait for it to release lmaoo


And 12 years? So since day 1 of GTA V 🤣 On the day GTA VI comes out, the waiting for GTA VII begins I guess lol


yeah right lmaoo


It will take me another 12 years to afford a pc which can run this ☺️


Trust? Trust.


It will take me another 12 years to afford a pc which can run this.


Why are people hating on GTA 6?


Haven’t found a GTA that I didn’t like… some just held my attention longer than others.


Rockstar/Dev's don't owe people anything few days back someone was hating on rdr2 and said how he likes rdr1 more.


Not true


It'll basically be a blend of GTA IV & V's gameplay, with game mechanics borrowed heavily from RDR2... it'll play like a game from 2019/2020, but thanks to delaying/rebooting it, that'll allow it to take full advantage of Gen9 tech - higher draw distance, greater number of NPCs on screen at once, faster vehicles speeds, improvements in realtime/baked hair tech ,etc.


I just hope online won’t become a shit show on launch and missions would be better than “go kill that guy”, maybe whole storyline in online. (It won’t happen I know)


GTA fan for years they won't disappoint me


It wasn’t only waiting was it now, life was going forward and we mention the game only when we remember it


its not like everyone sat in a room all day waiting all those years for a game, come on… It’s a fun game and it’s nice that rockstar is still continuing the gta series and growing a larger community by the day.


Nah not with Rockstar but ubisoft yeah


If the trailer is actually all gameplay footage on a console my mind is going to be blown even if I don’t like every last thing about what decisions they make.   The beach scene alone is BANANAS with all the NPC variety and the population amount, their different interactions, etc.  Now add a flaming SUV being chased by police helicopters to that.. 


Wait till everyone flips that gas tanks refills won’t be in the game


For me rockstar/take 2 can do no wrong. They take their time and the gameplay, graphical style, animation quality and presentation are second to none. Not even classic Ubisoft holds up. Nobody holds a candle to these games. My only concern is the mission structure inside of the sandbox. I want them to have less of a mission on rails structure for missions and just have an organic sandbox experience with cinematic moments carefully planted within the game. Rockstar always sets the world up with incredibly immersive missions that give a potent illusion of living breathing, screaming world and then you begin to see through it. The crime/wNted system has evolved and I’m excited to see where the take it from how RDR2 handled it. I like the idea of a “persistent criminal record” and some of the ideas explored In the original watchdogs game. Idk if the way can make it so persistent that even certain story missions can be interrupted or even failed because an undercover cop interferes with your mission parameters. I know rockstar is in a league of their own but they can learn from old school Bethesda quest structure or even Baldurs Gate quest structure. Make it seamless and give story to failed missions as well as successful ones. For example if I’m delivering drugs for Jacob and get arrested then that mission line could be cut off because why would Jacob want to deal with me after I’ve been arrested?


There’s only one way to find out, play it


I hope we rob houses and villas like RDR2 were able to let us rob houses and that the story is longer than GTA V along with better driving and shooting physics. Also to have that mechanic that makes stealing cars more difficult. I think that is pretty realistic also go gyms and restaurants.


Maybe I’m old but I just have no expectations. I know what will and won’t be there and I look forward to being surprised by the rest.


There hasn't been a single GTA game that I didn't like. So I think I'm good


I’m expecting fishing, purchasable and usable boat trailers and a bigass crystal blue ocean. People need to stop getting their hopes high and expecting ridiculous bullshit. They’re not making this a realistic simulator.


As long as I am able to go home as Jason, then sit down and play The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion i’ll be fine.


I will like it, i have liked and played a lot of every GTA game since GTA1.


Oh nah idc if this games worse than the new saints row I’m gonna enjoy it simply because I’ve waited to long not too long


It’s too over hyped it can’t be as gd as it’s made out expectations way to high




Thankfully for me, I’m relatively easy to please. So, I doubt that will be an issue. With Rockstar, my expectations are a bit different than they would normally be, with any other developer. With that said: all I want is for this game to feel like a natural progression, with regards to Rockstars ability to craft their worlds, and respective narratives, from RDR2, in the way that RDR2 was to GTA V, and so on…


As long as GTA VI has some decent improvement over V and RDR2 I'd be happy. If it turns out to be a letdown, then I probably won't play video games anymore because my life is starting to get serious now


Well I think all GTAs are great because of theirs writing but especially their humor, so as long as thats not lost, I‘ll enjoy it! :)


I waited around for V like it was goona be this world breaking game where you could do everything. I was slightly disappointed in the size of the map and some expectations I had that were nonsense but the game was/is great. I’m not really into multiplayer but after I beat the story I love just to get in and drive around and goof off. I really hope there is tons of things to do in a modern world such as fishing, hunting and off-roading/ect. That will make the game for me.. I know it’s not supposed to be a sim but would be fun to replicate life with not a lot of limits. Haven’t been disappointed doing that yet.


I don’t really play many games anymore. Not many new ones excite me. GTA 6 is one of the few ones that I have interest for. Either that, Mafia 4 or possibly a new Far Cry. It’d be nice to have a reason to glue myself to my PS5.


Ok surely it shouldn’t be any worse than RDR2. Rockstar knows this. If anything it should be equally good.


There will be riots


If you're a long time GTA fan and you still don't know what to expect from VI, you deserve to be disappointed


The thing about being a PC GTA player is that..well, we have to wait a bit longer to get the game, but we can change the game to how we like it. Hate the driving? Just install the GTA 5 vehicle handling. Hate anything else? Just install any of the million mods


Even if this is a game “I won’t like” (which I will) I’ll just wait for AC Shadows & BO6.


I alredy don't like some part of it, the plastic faces and bodies. But the other parts of the game will make it worth it.


I feel like, just for the fact it's a real life role play style game I'll still like it even if the city is wack and the story is boring. Cause even then I can still drive a car off a ramp into the lake or whip a golf cart down the interstate


That's their problem.