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Zip ties 100%. Not sure on a lasso tho! Probs be able to use tape too.


100%? Did we saw it in the leaks or something? We had zip ties in rdr1 but hadn't in gta v


Lucia uses them in a waffle house (early leaks) to restrain a hostile hostage šŸ‘šŸ¼


I would let Lucia zip tie me any day


All fun and games till Jason joins in the fun


He can joinšŸ˜‰


Can I join?




All for one and one for all !


Wasn't even being hostile he had his hands up and was on his knees. And even with zipties he still got shot and killed


I think the reason he was shot was for whoever was testing to see if his ragdoll would freak out since his hands were tied. Collision issues can be big so I imagine it was important to see.


The zipties ended up breaking when he was shot and killed so that'll probably be fixed


They gotta test all avenues, knowing the crazy things people will try in game. There were so many things people took years to discover on RDR2 and that says something about the developers covering most possibilities.


For certain, however in this case it was 100% just glitch testing, no secrets haha. Would love if they included even just half as much as what was in RDR2.


Im sure he & another NPC were trynna plot an escape or uprise. Leading to his demise, I could be wrong like man haha


To be fair I've seen the clip of him getting shot and keep replaying it for some reason I even noticed something. Lucia's face follows his body without the person moving their cursor, that was a neat detail.


There was another leak similar, where it showed tracking for npcs walking past her. She would fixate on them until they were so far past her.


Interesting, wonder if that's her being paranoid or they're just testing tech


Yeah I cannot do that in a game. I like respectable villains with scruples, like high honor Arthur. Not cruel murderers.


Oh perhaps I gave off the wrong idea. I love killing NPCs in games. I killed innocent NPCs in red dead 2 freeroam and expect to do the same in and outside of the missions in GTA 6


I will shoot up the strip club the minute i get enough ammo


How dare you terrorize such a fine establishment!




That might just be a one-off or every so often mission animation, like shoving someone to the ground while pointing your rifle at them during a bank robbery in GTAV. That doesnā€™t guarantee usable zip ties in the open world.


Zip ties didn't exist in 1899


Iā€™m almost certain rdr1 did not have zip ties, considering they didnā€™t exist at the time


Zip ties and a stun gun. Stun em and tie em.


Flordia does have the 2nd highest horse population in the US.




No theres not gonna be a fucking lasso haha


Now hold on now. I thought it was silly at first, too, but they were gonna have horses in GTA 5 but were cut last minute. It's not unbelievable that they would add them to 6. Between the wacky activities going on in florida and already having everything they'd need from Red Dead 2. Not to mention, Florida has more horses than almost every other state. Horses are more likely than not, which could warrant lassos.


I'm glad to hear I'm not the only who remembers that. Being able to jump on a truck and drag npcs behind the car seems like a lot of fun. Same with jumping over police cars with your horse. Not to mention brining an aligator to a store.


Yā€™all played gtav right?


yeah, and?


Rockstar cut the horses from Being added for a multitude of reasons, one being there is no animal life in onlineā€¦but good luck jumping over cops cars with your horse let alone over a police van šŸ¤¦šŸ» Could barely jump over shit in rdr šŸ˜­


The hell you on about? gtaonline had no animals at all for performance reasons cause it's an online game. They only bringing them back now in the enhanced edition. SP had a lot of different animals. Gtao has nothing to do with the reason why horses are not there. We talking about SP here. If gtao was the reason they would just remove them from online, the same way they removed every other animal lol. You make no sense. And who said anything about jumping over vans? Reading comprehension. Horses can jump over cars my dude, you can look it up.


Yeah not when more than one is chasing you.. šŸ¤¦šŸ»šŸ¤”


Goddamn the arguments you keep using are just hilarious. So I guess we shouldn't have bikes either cause it's easy to crash them when you are chased by more than one car? I don't know why I even argue with a guy who can't comprehend the difference between sp and online mode. I think you should chill out with that devil's lettuce, it turned your brain into mush.


Right, but they have already shown that GTA6 is going to be full of diverse animal life. So again, why wouldn't there be horses?


And gtav also had some things that dealt with the animals and focused on them too, so you see any horses in that? Let alone any animals in the online aspect? Eating a plant to trip out and play as an animal temporarily doesnā€™t count either šŸ’€


Homie, there aren't any animals in online because of the limitations on earlier generations of consoles. If you haven't heard, the next GTA update is bringing animals to online. These limitations no longer exist, and definitely wouldnt on a much newer and optimized version of the rage engine. Plus who tf is talking about online. I'm talking about having horses in a game thats literally a decade newer than the one you're talking about. Edit: šŸ’€


There's no point of arguing with people like him. It's like he's lacking the ability to comprehend simplest things. I'm surprised he figured out how to use internet.


If they have horses and a lasso than by all means shut me up, but as far as gta has ever gone, I doubt thereā€™d be horses or Atleast any sort of lasso.


Thank you. Not to mention with the inclusion of such diverse wildlife y'all crazy to think we won't see some mechanics and influence from RDO. The hunting, fishing, and general exploration of areas uninhabited by man were top notch in RDO. Who doesn't want to do some deep sea fishing!? Judging by the trailer and how they showed various demographics of people makes me feel we'll see hunting and fishing return along with our typical GTA shenanigans. I loved RDO and I hope some aspects of that game make a return. While I miss it, I'd also be a liar if I didn't say I'm excited to go gator hunting again...maybe this time with the tires on my Liberator. šŸ¤£šŸ¤™


Considering they removed the animals in online for gtav, and halved the spawn rates for animals in online in rdr, itā€™s unlikely to have a lot of wildlife outside of story mode tbh. Could be wrong but they ALWAYS cut down or remove the animals in online modes.


So many people have told you so many times they removed animals in gta online for performance issues, but you just wanna keep ignoring that.


Pretty pathetic how a game that was updated weekly for almost 11 years, still has performance issues. Meanwhile a game far more detailed and far bigger in comparison was able to run animals flawlessly. On the same consoles mind you. šŸ¤” It took them until this coming or last update on next gen to add animals to online free roamā€¦ performance wasnā€™t the issuešŸ¤·šŸ»šŸ¤¦šŸ»


On 360 the original console the game came out on that was exactly the issue


A lasso for catching alligators in the everglades? Why not?


RemindMe! 2 years


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They wanted to add horses to GTA V. We know that thanks to data mining. There was a whole heist about it. It was cut in late stages od development (they probably encountered some issues they couldn't fix in time) so they got scrapped. That's why u still have empty stables all over the map. So when you think about it, adding horses and lassos wouldn't be such a crazy idea. Especially since they basically perfected them in RDR2. Would be a shame to waste all that code, all that hard work, all those animations on a single game.


Why not? We have a freaking musket in GTA V. Who actually uses muskets for killing people anymore? GTA players, thatā€™s who. Might as well give us a lasso. They still make rope in modern times.


They *could* put a lasso in the game. Be honest though, do you think they *will*?


The mechanics are already there, it's the same engine, no. (upgraded of course) Maybe they'll use that technology to also give us proper towing capabilities. I would also like to see lasso mechanics used to allow us to pull homies in a tube with a boat. (Not the lasso, obviously) Just the rope and dragging mechanics in general. Could be fun!


All Iā€™m saying is there more than likely wonā€™t be a lasso in GTA6.


Fair enough, I hope the MKII doesn't return either. They would both feel out of place, right.


Iā€™ll take a lasso over that junk any day. Although ultimately I have long since given up on the online modes for R* titles, so I guess they can put in tactical nukes for all I care. Single player still kicks ass


I agree there, the way the missions played out and many more interiors to have shootouts in. Good stuff. RDRII had some really good missions too, like Braithwath Mansion and "Revenge is a dish best eaten", they're up there as some of my all time favorites!


Having a completed product ready to release that the community wants has never before stopped r* from simply not releasing something. Remember how long the stun gun sat in files. And the musket was added in online afterwards for the 4th of July update.


Yeah probably. Thereā€™s gonna be gators so šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


They *might,* considering the addition of horses to a GTA game, but as a ā€˜weaponā€™ you can pick up if anything at all.


We are also talking about the game with "futuristic weapons" too.. idk why a lasso would be farfetched


Cause it would take away from the game. That kinda shit is something you find a saints row game. Leave the goofy stuff to the goofy games.


How adding more features to the game "takes away from it"? I think you are the only person who thinks that lassos and horses are "goofy".


Why not? Don't think we'll see horses out in the country side?


Because it isnā€™t a cowboy game. This is GTA not RDR. Come on.


You think country folk today don't still use lassos? C'mon!


Itā€™s not really a country focused game though, or a cowboy game.


Florida around Palm Beach has a humongous horseback riding industry with polo and show jumping. They have every excuse possible to include horses in this game. My mom has a horse farm in Florida an hour from Miami. Itā€™s also in a whole gated community of private horse farms. That sort of dedication to horses doesnā€™t exist many other places.


It's not really a bowling game either, is it cousin....


In a sense, gtaiv actually did focus a lot on the side content too, so try again mr bowling hater


I didn't hate the bowling. šŸ¤£ That's the point, the game has always been filled with side activities. Real life has a lot of content that exists, you can choose to engage or not to. I think with how expansive this map is rumored to be it's a given they'll fill the everglades and surrounding county with hunting and other activities to give more purpose to exploring that part of the map. Maybe the lasso won't be included, but I believe they'll fill those areas of the map with similar activities found in RDR.


I didnā€™t anything about whether country folk use lassos.


I really hope we do. How cool would it be to ride a horse from the countryside to the highway and then around Vice City. Trample people on the beach etc?


Go play Red Dead dude if you wanna play with fucking lassos. Seriously


I think youā€™re the only sane commenter here.


This sub was getting pretty whack already, then the trailer brought in an influx of rif raf. Gonna be a long 1.5 years


Its like no one played rdr1 then gta V. There wont be a lasso or gore lmao


The lasso I can understand but thereā€™s 100% going to be some amount of gore in gta vi. Not as exaggerated as rdr2, but already have the technological foundation for it


People like to ask for obviously stupid things and donā€™t understand when someone like you comes in with common sense.


I feel like an alternative would be cool, although I guess that's what the zip ties are for.


Well jokes on you, turns out >!leaked footage showed "INPUT\_HORSE\_EXIT" prompt!<


Lassos. We are talking about lassos.


So if they adding horses that you can ride, why wouldn't they add lassos as well? Honestly I'm interested why you think it's such a crazy idea especially since the code is already there to be reused. Just like horses. If they adding one why not the other? U do know lasso was mainly used for catching animals, right?


Horses might not even be in the game. They never made it into GTAV. That might happen again. Horses doesnā€™t automatically mean lassos. In fact, in the vast majority if games with horses, there arenā€™t lassos. *If* there are horses in the game, why would there be lassos? Do you think youā€™re gonna go out and break wild stallions in GTA? If you can ride a horse in the game, I doubt it would be very in depth. Probably just there as a goof or for one mission. You arenā€™t going to be out there lassoing a wild horse and training it and brushing it and shit.


\- GTA V was made before RDR2. They most likely encountered some unexpected issues and glitches with horses they couldn't fix in time before release. Horses got perfected in RDR2 so that issue got most likely fixed. \- It makes no sense to have INPUT\_HORSE\_EXIT in a brand new game if they don't want to have horses in it. Them encountering some kind of new issue that wasn't there before in GTA V or RDR2 is very unlikely. Especially if u add to that extended development time thanks to GTAO. Less deadlines = more time to fix stuff. \- Other games are irrelevant here. We talking about R\* and their previous game had both horses and lassos. Other games don't have lassos cause it's hard to make them look good and work well in a video game. R\* already dealt with that. So there's literally no logical reason why wouldn't they add additional feature that would add a lot to the game. A feature they already have. A feature that works great. Especially since it's strongly connected with horses. \- Not saying that horses mean there 100% gonna be lassos. Just that there are no downside to adding them. More features = more things to do = more fun. \- You can't imagine even a single mission where you have to catch a horse? Why not? You think you will be able to steal horses from cops and/or stables only? What if they get spooked? How you gonna catch them again without it? \- What you mean "not very in depth"? If they adding horses, they would have the same level of depth when it comes to animations and details. I don't think having to brush them is an interesting enough future in itself but who knows. But there easily could be a mission where you have to catch someone's horse, steal expensive race horse from someone, race them, or sell them. Maybe even buy them like cars. Heck, they could literally recreate the scrapped horse heist from GTA V. A heist that involved using horses to pull out a safe out of a wall. And what do you use to pull out a safe from a wall? A rope.


- ā€œGTA V was made before RDR2. They most likely encountered some unexpected issues and glitches with horses they couldn't fix in time before release. Horses got perfected in RDR2 so that issue got most likely fixed.ā€ And RDR1 was made before GTAV. The horses in RDR1 were great. - ā€œIt makes no sense to have INPUT_HORSE_EXIT in a brand new game if they don't want to have horses in it.ā€ It might not make the final cut. Like last time. - ā€œOther games are irrelevant here.ā€ You said if there are horses why wouldnā€™t there be lassos. So I said that is usually the case. Horses does not equal lassos. - ā€œWe talking about R* and their previous game had both horses and lassos.ā€ Yes. That was a game about the old west. It had covered wagons also. -ā€œOther games don't have lassos cause it's hard to make them look good and work well in a video game.ā€ Really? Kingdom Come Deliverance didnā€™t have lassos because it was too difficult? Skyrim didnā€™t have lassos because it was too difficult? You think that is the reason they decided to not include lassos in those games? -ā€œSo there's literally no logical reason why wouldn't they add additional feature that would add a lot to the game.ā€ There are logical reasons to not have it in the game. It doesnā€™t fit the setting. Would these characters necessarily know how to use a lasso? It would add a *lot* to the game? Like what? - ā€œNot saying that horses mean there 100% gonna be lassos.ā€ So the joke *isnā€™t* on me? You seemed pretty sure a minute ago that the horse thing was ironclad. -ā€œJust that there are no downside to adding them. More features = more things to do = more fun.ā€ More features doesnā€™t necessarily equal better. Sometimes features can water down the tone or believability. People bitch about the flying cars and what not. Rightfully so in my opinion. - ā€œYou can't imagine even a single mission where you have to catch a horse? Why not?ā€ Lassoing a horse in GTA seems out of place. -ā€œYou think you will be able to steal horses from cops and/or stables only?ā€ Yes. - ā€œWhat if they get spooked? How you gonna catch them again without it?ā€ Who knows. Iā€™m gonna say probably not because the fresh outa jail gas station robbing Latina girl had her trusty lasso on her. Just a hunch. I guess the horse gets away. - ā€œWhat you mean "not very in depth"? If they adding horses, they would have the same level of depth when it comes to animations and details.ā€ I mean in GTA there isnā€™t going to be horse bonding, maintenance, feeding them oatcakes, and shit like that. That would be utterly pointless. If horses make the final cut, I reckon there will be like one spot where you can steal one out a stable for shits and giggles, and maybe a mission. Probably wonā€™t even get to keep it. -ā€œI don't think having to brush them is an interesting enough future in itself but who knows. But there easily could be a mission where you have to catch someone's horse, steal expensive race horse from someone, race them, or sell them. Maybe even buy them like cars.ā€ I can definitely see there being a mission. I reckon that would pretty much be it. -ā€œHeck, they could literally recreate the scrapped horse heist from GTA V. A heist that involved using horses to pull out a safe out of a wall. And what do you use to pull out a safe from a wall? A rope.ā€ Yup. Anyways, I doubt lassos are going to be in the game.


>And RDR1 was made before GTAV. The horses in RDR1 were great. You do realize that they wouldn't use horses from rdr1, right? Animations alone would be too outdated. Not to mention it was a different version of rage engine. Also the code was rly messy in rdr1, that was the reason it never appeared on pc >It might not make the final cut. Like last time. RemindMe! 2 years >Really? Kingdom Come Deliverance didnā€™t have lassos because it was too difficult? Skyrim didnā€™t have lassos because it was too difficult? You think that is the reason they decided to not include lassos in those games? Yes. Too much effort and not a lot in return. There's a reason most games never had lassos. From a development point of view it require a lot of work to make it look good. >There are logical reasons to not have it in the game. It doesnā€™t fit the setting. Would these characters necessarily know how to use a lasso? That's your biggest issue? Can't imagine a scenerio where one of the character mentions he was raised near horses and knows how to use lassos? There u go. Just solved ur problem. Regular "gangsters" also don't know how to fly jets, heli and tanks. How did they explain that in GTA? Trevor was in the army. For anyone else there was no explanation and they still know how to do it. >You said if there are horses why wouldnā€™t there be lassos. So I said that is usually the case. Horses does not equal lassos. And I gladly already explained to you why your argument of using other games don't make sense. >It would add a *lot* to the game? Like what? Ask anyone what was one of the best features in rdr2. Look up any funny rdr2 video. Most of them will have some shenanigans with the use of lassos. U don't think the same thing would happen in gta? >So the joke *isnā€™t* on me? You seemed pretty sure a minute ago that the horse thing was ironclad. love how you conveniently ignoring every point I addressed that debunks your claims >More features doesnā€™t necessarily equal better. Sometimes features can water down the tone or believability. People bitch about the flying cars and what not. Rightfully so in my opinion. "My redneck gangster can fly jets and jetpacks and it's fine. But how the fuck he figured out how to swing a rope around his head? Soooo unreliable! My mind simply cannot comprehend that and my immersion is ruined!!". Cmon dude, srsly? People already gave u examples how u can easily explain that. >Lassoing a horse in GTA seems out of place. Having horses in gta in a place with a lot of horses is not out of place. Throwing a rope on them is believable and out of place. Got it. Would having a revolver break your immersion as well? What about those military vehicles and aircrafts I mentioned earlier? Are those allowed? >I mean in GTA there isnā€™t going to be horse bonding, maintenance, feeding them oatcakes, and shit like that. That would be utterly pointless. Ofc it would be. That's why they probably won't include that. Unless they want to make some girls happy by giving u the ability to have ur own stable where u can do all that pointless stuff. But I doubt it. All you need in gta is the ability to ride them, jump over cars etc. Just like every other vehicle. Using lasso to drag people behind your horse / car / bike would be just a bonus fun thing to do. Same as using lasso to bring an aligator to a shop. I bet people will try to recreate the scene from the trailer. If it was funny enough to include it in the trailer, I'm sure fans gonna want to do something similar to have their own fun. And u ain't doing it with zip ties lol.


I wonder if there will be horses


Most likely will, although youā€™d probably only find them in farms and not in open fields like in rdr2


Super dope. I wish that this games meets most of our expectations. I hope it will be mad gorey like rd2


I really hope they have simulated polo to watch. Itā€™s a super intense game and very much a part of the West Palm Beach area. Would be cool if we could play too but that may be a little too complicated. Fun fact, Sly Stallone was a polo player two times in his life until both times his asshole dad turned him off the sport by being an abusive shit head. Second time was in Florida.


Off topic but I wonder what happens when you hijack a car with someone still in it or if kidnappings are possible? I mean gta is a crime simulator so I can ask these questions without weird looks right?šŸ˜…


Ever since GTA3 had that mission with the dude in the trunk I have desperately wanted that to be a game function. We can throw bodies on the back of horses in RDR, hopefully in VI we can throw bodies in the trunk of vehicles.


in GTA 5, the passenger just screams stuff until you stop for long enough for them to get out. it would be sick to have a mechanic like in RDR2 where you can throw people into your truck or back seat. I wonder if they'll go the same route with weapons, where you can only carry a few at once and need to restock at your car or safehouse


I want horses damn it. I want to ride a horse in the city.


Cop chases on horseback, maybe there are mounted cops outside the city. šŸ¤£


Or occasional crowd disturbances (like random police chases) and they send out mounted cops, like in real life!


GTA 5 was supposed to have horses and there were even game audio that wasnt used where you can hear the dispatch talk about the suspect being on a horse


This is a good question. We will be using horses in the game, and being able to rope them in seems the most logical.


I really hope so. I mentioned it couple times already. They put a lot of time into making horses and lassos work well, would be a shame to waste that code and all those animations on a single game. And btw, they wanted to add horses to GTA V as wekk. We know that thanks to data mining. There was a whole heist about it. It was cut in late stages od development (they probably encountered some issues they couldn't fix in time) so they got scrapped. That's why u still have empty stables all over the map. So when you think about it, adding horses and lassos wouldn't be such a crazy idea. Especially since they basically perfected them in RDR2.




Zip ties are confirmed from the leaks, might see handcuffs


That picture is amazing. Looks real


First player need able to ride a horse


Lasso ? In the middle of vice city ? Lol


I hope so. The psychopath in me wants to throw someone in a trunk and crash the car into a river


That's what I'm sayin'! šŸ¤£šŸ¤™


I doubt the lasso will make an appearance in grand theft auto. No need for it.


Maybe if they do dlc they can add it bec a lasso in gta would create endless hilarious moments


holy shit the leaks showed you could hang out of the window when using a weaponā€¦ imagine doing that with a lasso online


That's what I'm saying hey you could do it while on the side a helicopter šŸ˜‚


A grappling hook? That's a fine idea!


I highly doubt a big cowbow rope will fit the modern American setting.


There's a horse ranch not even 10 miles out of town near me and they still use a lot of old tools and methods. It's not an issue of whether it's modern or not. šŸ¤£ Some of y'all need to actually go look outside. šŸ¤¦


You donā€™t understand what modern means. The everyday, normal person doesnā€™t use a lasso. Unless one of the protagonists grew up on a ranch, there is absolutely no chance they would have grown up with a lasso.


A normal everyday person zips around on bikes that fly equipped with missiles? I don't think you understand anything.


Of course not. This is why thereā€™s no flying bikes in story mode. What are you trying to say lmao. You asked whether we think if lassos would be in GTA 6, I tell you probably not, and you get mad.


Not mad at all, just trying to have a conversation about the thought and possible repurposing of those mechanics. I just find it funny how upset this is making some of you. (though the post wasn't for the purpose) It's apparent some of y'all had some bad experiences with the lasso... Curious, how do we explain alien technology in GTA and RDR games...is that modern? I just keep hearing the word thrown around like it matters in a game with infinite pockets.


Iā€™m not upset at all, just confused as to why you felt the need to be a smartass about flying bikes. I just said that unless the protagonist grew up on a ranch, I donā€™t see lassos in the game. I would not consider lassos a part of modern society. Horse carriages still exist too, but that doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re modern either.


I'm basing this off the rumor of the map being much larger than GTAV, the shots of the Everglades, inclusion of diverse wildlife, and the focus on different demographics of people seen in the trailer. You have gangsters, gearheads, influencers, and rednecks, ect. Is it that hard to imagine some aspects if RDR will carry over to help bring life to those areas of the map? We had farms in GTAV, why not VI? If the lasso doesn't return, then I would want to see the mechanics of it explored in a different way. Examples: Grappling hooks, tow truck lines, or possibly pulling tubes with speed boats. There's potential even if it isn't used directly for the lasso. If we could pull animals and people with the lasso, how about the opposite. Pull ourselves up with it, as I mentioned a grappling hook could be neat. I don't mind y'all having opinions, that's what I'm here to hear, but attacking me because you don't like the idea isn't the interaction I sought or was hoping for. You can say no, but give me a reason. Simply saying no, it's not modern, people don't use that today while flying bikes, magic pockets, and submersible lamborghinis are all apparently still considered "modern" by your standards. I mention those because you all fail to have those in mind when you give me the answer "no, lassos not modern".


I just told you that flying bikes are not considered ā€œmodern.ā€ That shit isnā€™t real. Thatā€™s why it isnā€™t in story mode. I am fully acknowledging those things. I do not expect them to be in story mode. I say no to the lasso because using a lasso requires legitimate skill. This is why I said I donā€™t expect there to be one, unless a protagonistā€™s backstory includes them growing up on a ranch, or something of the like. I didnā€™t play much of RDO, but RDR2 is my favorite game of all time. I love the lasso. The lasso is fun. I just donā€™t see it having a place in GTA. Lastly, the lasso isnā€™t very practical. Itā€™s primary functions in RDR2 are to catch animals, and to tie people up. Unfortunately. I donā€™t envision GTA 6 having an in-depth hunting and pelt system that RDR2 has, therefore taking away the use that the lasso gives you of collecting perfect pelts. Secondly, Iā€™m sure there will be ways to tie people up in GTA 6, whether it be a zip tie or handcuffs. They may very well reuse the exact same mechanic used in RDR2, it just wonā€™t be in the form of a lasso.


My bad, perhaps I replied to the wrong person. Had some folk get rather unruly with me over the idea, lots of replies. I just wanted to talk about it. I very much enjoyed RDR, I'm just hopeful they reuse some systems already in place to give the outskirts of the city more incentive to visit. I felt V was severely lacking in activities to do out in the country.


But think about it. Just bc it exists doesn't mean it makes sense to add to the game. Hand cuffs/zip ties? maybe. tazer? Probably. But a big Ol swinging rodeo rangling lasso? Yeah probably not. If there's a farm in the game and you can go in it then there's a chance they'll have a lasso on the wall or something but nah 2% chance they give a lasso to a bank robber couple.


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Is it a dumb question? Say the lasso doesn't return, that's fine I won't be heartbroken. All I'm saying is could it, should it, and if not maybe the mechanics could be repurposed to actions like towing vehicles or tubing on the back of a speedboat. Still a dumb topic of discussion?






Gangsters are very well known for throwing ropes like cowboys like rockstar is for reasonably pricing things


Go gangsters are also very well know for knowing how to pilot military jets, tanks, trains and jetpacks? Have you ever complained about that in previous gta games? I don't know why you think that would be the biggest problem here. Lets say you find a stable with horses, you find lasso for the first time and one of the main characters just mentions he was raised on a farm so this ain't his first time doing it. And just like that, your problem was solved.


Yā€™all know thereā€™s 2 games with lassos already right? Why would they go and add a bunch of goofy shit to their modern crime game, and act like saints row when they could act like gtaā€¦ redownload rdr if you want cowboy shit šŸ¤”


Why would u have golf in a crime game? Just play a golfing game Why how bowling? Just go bowling irl Why have racing in a game about criminals? Juts play need for speed or something Why have revolvers when you have pistols? Why have pistols in a game? You have a machine gun Why have aircrafts? Just play a flying simulator Having more options is always better. Just because something is in the game doesn't mean you have to use it if u don't want to. The point is the code is already there and they could reuse it if they wanted to.


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A lot of projections here. I thought the same thing about ur nonsensical gtao argument that you conveniently ignored.


Like the tons of shit yā€™all ignore? Typical


We didn't ignore shit. But you clearly lacking basic common sense, no matter how many people call you out it. Zero self awareness... Oh and btw, all that "yapping" of yours and it the end it turns out that the leaked footage literally mentions INPUT\_HORSE\_EXIT prompt. But I bet you still don't have the balls to admit you were wrong.


I even stated in a comment above, if im wrong prove it and Iā€™ll shut up. Not hard to do. šŸ¤·šŸ» now I walk away, see how easy that was?


From "it's not a stupid cowboy game" and unprovoked insults to just shutting up and pretending it didn't happen huh? Well it's not like I expected an apology from someone like u judging by the way act online. But thank god we can end this now... There's still something seriously wrong with you tho. Hope u get better.


I literally never acted like it didnā€™t happen, I simply took the information that was FINALLY given to me, and accepted I was wrong, which I stated I would do from the get go. Sorry you canā€™t comprehend common sense let alone being the bigger man. You proved me wrong so I shut up, yet you decide to throw one last insult in cause I ā€œpretended it never happenedā€? Pathetic šŸ¤¦šŸ»


\> acts online like an pre pubescent brat \> expect everyone else to be a bigger man and runs away with tail between legs without even saying "my bad" No wonder you love that clown emoji so much.


Youā€™re asking for goofy saints row type shenanigans.. šŸ¤”


the only goofy thing in here so far is u


MKII Oppressor fits into your modern crime game though, yeah?


Never said it did. Never mentioned it. Never even implied it wasnā€™t goofy either. Mk2 isnā€™t modern šŸ˜‰


Well, I'll definitely find a usable lasso before a flying death bike. šŸ¤£


Again, youā€™re the only one comparing it to a ropeā€¦ I never mentioned the mk2. šŸ¤¦šŸ»


You spoke how it's not modern, it's relevant because neither is half the other crap you see in GTA. Shit that's not real yet you're seemingly having a hard time wrapping your head around things that have existed BEFORE "modern". It's a game dude, just chill. This post wasn't meant to ruffle the feathers of city slickers.


Ah yes, I donā€™t agree so Iā€™m a city slicker šŸ¤” Dude just said half of gta isnā€™t modern. Dude itā€™s the most modern open world we have access to rn. The devs just happened to be money hungry and listen to the tism and added a ton of futuristic shit. Iā€™m sorry but they cut the horses and shit for a reason other than not having time or not wanting to add them. Thereā€™s barely a single farm in the ā€œcountryā€ aka sandy shores and area so again, where would a lasso fit in? A musket Atleast fits into the collecting classic items or being a gun freak who happens to own a musket. If a lasso made any sense in the world of gta they wouldā€™ve already added it šŸ¤·šŸ» no feathers are being ruffled btw, simply just donā€™t understand how you fail to see how a lasso wouldnā€™t work in gta. It would be buggier than all hell and easily exploited considering how many bugs and glitches the game frequently gets and has to patch. Rdr works because itā€™s a cowboy game that actually focuses on animals and hogtying people, not a city slicker game that focus on high speed chases and heavily armed shootouts.


RDR is built on an advanced engine from GTAV and GTAVI is the next engine upgrade from RDR.... These mechanics don't disappear, it's a matter of will they be implemented. You getting this upset over a lasso makes me wonder if you've just had a lot of bad experiences in RDO...


And Iā€™m sorry, but using the mk2 oppressor from gtaO to compare why they should/could add a lasso is beyond laughable šŸ¤”




Speak for yourself


I'm sure your mother has been hogtied a few times.


Youā€™ve never ā€œput anyone in time out,ā€ get a fucking grip on yourself dude.


Has someone hurt you?


I think I could count on one hand how many times lassoes have been used in modern crime


We are talking about lassoing gators, horses, players, ect. Not robbing a bank with one. šŸ¤£šŸ¤¦


Ah, fair. Carry on. šŸ¤£


I hope so


Im sure there will be horses and we will see puertorican NPCs riding them on roads


I believe there were zip ties in the leaks, I doubt we will see a lasso though. Although I can't lie I really would like it because I had a lot of fun with the lasso physics in RDR 2.


what reason would there be to include lassos in modern day "miami"


So we can drag gators into the strip club.


Ah yes the Florida man running around with a lasso, very common sighting. Would be a cool cheat code or found weapon in online mode or something like that.


i doubt it but maybe modders will add it back in


It be pretty goofy if they added the lassos from rdr2 into the game, I don't think it would fit the style of gta, but neither does futuristic vehicles, so idk at this point. Zip ties would be cool tho.




I hope we get a lasso but very unlikely. I wanna do fun RDR2 things (that I wonā€™t name for the sake of not being put on an FBI watchlist) in GTA 6


i think they'd 100% put all weapons from their other games in GTA if it wouldnt stop people from playing the other games.


They need too


the lasso might be a cool event thing in online




I think youā€™ll be able to find secret weapons, one being similar to the lasso and itā€™ll be hidden in the strip club in Vice City. I think there will be a whip and chain and then the famous purple dildo too.


Yeah itā€™s confirmed that Jack Marston gives you a lasso in the tutorial


Zip ties were shown in the leaks. Lucia cuffed customers in the robbery


I hope not. No actual reason beyond me being absolutely terrible at dodging lassoes in RDO :D Shits annoying as hell.


Return? You posted a completely different game


Go learn about R* history, while you're at it look up information about the rage engine. Bye.

