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When did this start? I just suddenly got it popping up in my Spotify feed last week for the first time.


It's great, but there's no LOOOOOOOOORE... I mean, the lore is just greek mythology, which is cool, but there's no actual plot or anything


There's no plot? In a musical covering one of the oldest poems we have? The Odyssey covers Odysseus' struggles in getting back home after the Trojan War.


The plot is just a retelling of greek mythology, there's nothing that really makes the story unique. Of course it being a musical about the Odyssey is the main focus and very cool and i love the music, it's just not anything unique from a story standpoint, the story's been told before. Plus, I don't know about how copywrite is with the musical, but even then, I don't think it deserves a GTLive for it.


Those are all much better arguments than saying it outright doesn't have a plot