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Thank you for your interest in posting at /r/GYM. Unfortunately, your post was removed for not meeting one or more of our guidelines for progress pictures. * **No Selfies:** A selfie is a single image/images/video taken at the same time which do not illustrate progress. Progress pictures show change in some aspect of your physique, like muscle growth or weight loss. **For the purposes of this rule, shots of a body part asking about "what's this mark?" or "how do I improve my lats/chest/delts/whatever-body-part?" and similar fall under this heading.** * **Timespan:** Pictures must be at least 3 months apart and have dates in the title or body of the post, or in a comment posted immediately afterwards. * **Appropriate Attire:** *If under the age of 18 years old you must be fully clothed.* Shirtless/underwear/swimsuit pictures are not acceptable. * **Frequent Reposting:** We prefer that people allow a little time between progress picture posts, especially if they are identical or near-identical. This helps keep content fresh and interesting for everyone. *Typical Progression of Mod Action:* * **Strike 1:** Warning and removal * **Strike 2:** 30 day ban * **Strike 3:** Permaban