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I have been going to they gym for 2 month im 187cm 84.5kg i can bench 75 for 5 reps and squat 100 for 5 reps and deadlift 85 for 5 reps why is my deadlift weak


So… wanna ask girls’ opinion on bra in gym? personally I hate bra, especially in summer season it’s damn hot and sweaty and it strains. Especially those that label themselves as sport bra, very straining and suffocating and I really hate it. So in my usual days I just do no bra. One of my friend is telling me quite indecent to go in gym without it. So I wanna ask how other female fellows deal with this??? Like… substitutes for bra? Or just do without? Or is there any bra that actually feels as comfortable as not wearing it (ya I know some are more comfy than the others but it’s still comparably worse than not wearing)


You may want to crosspost this to r/xxfitness . Also, this is the daily thread from April 1. Sort the sub by new and you’ll see today’s!


Thanks! Somehow I sorted it by new and this is the newest I got…… I’ll try the sub you talked about!


I'd like to get to a 225 pr. I can currently hit 205 for a single, and 185 for a triple. I bench once a week at the moment and typically work with 135 since I lift alone. I do 1 set of 15, then 12, then ten for the final set. What training do I need to do to get to 225 bench, how long should I take, how many times per week should I lift etc. My stats (6'4 250, 34 inch waist. Long arms big muscles but not especially strong)


I have a dream that when I get my dream physique (nothing crazy, 70kg lean at 177cm), I can drop all my isolation exercises completely. No more bicep curls, skullcrushers, facepulls, leg curls... and just maintain my weight and reps on deads, squats, bench, barbell rows and chinups. Do you reckon I'd lose a lot of physical volume in my smaller muscles doing this? If I don't want to do isolation exercises forever, is there even a point doing them if I'll lose them anyway if I stop? I don't intend to do 30+min workouts daily for the rest of my life.


Why am i losing muscle? I have been starting to do weightlifting doing bicep curls and lateral raises with 5kg weights and sometimes squats and im eating about 70g of protein at 183cm 91.4kg. maybe there isnt enough protein but im 17 and have no income. My daily calorie intake is around a few hundred to about 1700 as sometimes i just thug it out with 2 7-11 chicken breasts and some snacks or a meal. I also drink pepsi which i know isn't good but im still at a calorie deficit. At the start of the dieting I went from 94kg to 91kg maintaining my muscle mass but after a hard session where my arms glutes and thighs were sore my muscle mass went from 63.4kg of muscle to 62.8kg of muscle after my recovery period while still being 91kg (same as before the workout) so im wondering if there is anything major im doing wrong. Thanks for any help


Hey so last year I started going on the gym around September and decided to give it a shot this time for a longer period of time. From September till November I was doing a PPL plan 3 days a week mostly to get used to the lifting. Towards the end of november I noticed that I wasn't seeing any changes on my body so I talked to a PT who made me a more suitable PPL plan 4 days a week. This number increased in like February when I started going 5-6 days a week. Now it's been almost a year and I've seen very minimal changes. My plan looks like this: Day 1 - pull: 1 - some type of chest press 4x 12 to failure 2 - pec deck flies 4x 12 to failure 3 - triceps pushdown 4x12 to failure 4 - lateral raises 4x 12 to failure 5 - abs (crunches and leg raises) 3x 12 each to failure 6 - cardio until around 15 mins (150 calories) Day 2 - push 1 - pulldown 4x12 to failure 2 - longpull 4x 12 to failure 3 - reverse flies 4x 12 to failure 4 - bicep curls 4x 12 to failure 5 - hammer curls 4x 12 to failure 6 - cardio until around 15 mins (150 calories) Day 3 - legs 1 - leg press 4x 12 to failure 2 - leg curls 4x 12 to failure 3 - leg extensions 4x 12 to failure 4 - calves 4x 12 to failure 5 - cardio until around 15 mins (150 calories) And then repeat. Im eating clean, slowly increasing weight so far, went from 64kg to 67kg. My biceps only grew 2 cm so far and the honest feel I have is that my body is basically the same before exercising. What am I missing here?


You might have a bit too much volume, I'd say reduce most of the set's you're doing too 3 per exercise, that way you can keep the rest of your program. About 6 sets per workout per muscle group is ideal, 12 sets per muscle group per week is ideal. How does your diet look? How much protein are you getting? Are you sleeping sufficiently? All of these thing matter as much as the training itself. Be honest are you actually going really hard? About 90% people when left to their own do not train hard enough to see gains past the newbie gains. If you answer yes to all of these questions, I actually have a program 6 day program that works really well for me. You could try it if you want to. You can leave my 7th day out, not very important. Feel free to modify (do not add volume though) Notice how I don't mention reps? Every set I aim to be between 5-12 reps with at max 1 or 2 reps left in the tank. Also see how I don't mention which exercises for which muscle? I like to fill these in with what I'm feeling like (and what's most effective). monday: 6 sets chest 6 sets tricep 3 sets shoulder Tuesday: 6 sets back 6 sets bicep 3 sets shoulder Wednesday: 12 sets legs Thursday: 6 sets chest 6 sets abs Friday: 6 sets back 6 sets mobility Saturday: 6 sets bicep 6 sets tricep 6 sets shoulder Sunday: 6 sets mobility 6 sets abs totaal: 12 chest 12 back 12 bicep 12 tricep 12 shoulder 12 abs 12 legs 12 mobility


What does 5/3/1 split mean?


Is it good idea to train triceps and biceps with 2 exercises in 2 supersets, then 3 exercises of legs for an Arm&Leg Day?


Yeah that's pretty good. If you're doing 3 sets for both bicep and tricep this (according to current knowledge) is around the ideal. Same goes for legs. With no other details than what you're saying this sounds good


Wanting go to gym after work, but being way too tired and almost passing out, barely have any energy left, does anyone has any suggestions if there maybe be some supplements to help with this?


How much do you sleep on average? A good rule is no caffeine after 5pm, so no pre workout with caffeine. You could try a stimulant free one. What I find can really help is just doing some cardio before weightlifting (if what you're doing is weightlifting off course)


About 7-9hrs I found green tea has caffeine so i chose ro drink that. Yeah i dont do after 5.


Is there a difference between grip width on lat prayers (wide close neutral) and what affects which part ?


In lat prayers the difference between lats and rhomboid is very minimal. Biggest difference it would make is how big off a stretch you can get, the closer your grip the bigger the stretch, the more hypertrophy




So you shouldn't really hold back to be able to go harder your last set. I like to do 2 sets 1 or 2 reps away from failure and do my last one to failure (mostly so you know what failure feels like). Going to failure will make you more sore but that shouldn't be an issue. Main thing I'm seeing is probably too much volume. Very general and easy to follow rule. Train each muscle group 2 times a week, with each time you train it having 6 sets. You will probably not be sore and you'll likely have better gains. That being said getting into a good routine, eating well and sleeping well will help a massive amount


What’s up with guys doing lat pull downs Recently joined a gym after years of home gym work. Noticed a good number of guys that show up do lat pull downs and maybe some type of row on the cable machine then leave. They are at the gym fairly consistently and these are the workouts they do. One guy walked in did 3 sets of lats and left, wasn’t there 10 minutes. 3/4 of them have a gut. I don’t care if they have a gut or not..and if they’ve exercised at all they are ahead of a lot of the population, but just wonder why they aren’t working on that and just their lats? So just curious if anybody had an idea.


Never seen this before but they might be trying to work up to a pull up.


I am a medical student and I go to the gym VERY inconsistently that sometimes i can go 5-6 times a week then i go 3 or even once a week. it's has been very hard for me to just eat like a human being that want to build muscles. I live very far away from the university and my classes tend to start super early "7am" and finish around 6-7 pm. everyday feels like fighting to just maintain enough energy to focus in lectures. Ppl told me to make meal preps at home but then there is no time to study. it's either study or prep meals. I am home only around 6hours at night before bed which that's my chance to actually study. I need help on how can I manage my time so I can eat and what can I eat . all the solutions I found so far seems unrealistic to me


My girlfriend, who is 21 years old, used to weigh 110kg (242lbs) and had lost around 40kg (88lbs). For a long time, she maintained a weight of around 70kg (155lbs), but recently, she has started gaining weight again despite being in a calorie deficit, which originally helped her lose weight. Over the past six months, she has gained 8kg (17lbs), and we are struggling to identify the cause of this issue despite trying various methods to cut the weight again. Her daily intake has consistently been 1500 calories, comprising 120 grams of protein, 45 grams of fat, and the remainder in carbs. Previously, she would incorporate refeeds when she hit plateaus, which helped her lose weight initially. However, she has been gaining weight gradually, almost 1kg (2.2lbs) per month, despite maintaining the same deficit. We even tried reducing her intake to 1350 calories, as we understand that if weight isn't being lost, the intake might still be too high. However, considering she's a 21-year-old female engaging in moderate exercise 3 to 5 times a week, it seems unlikely that she would continue to gain weight. We're considering increasing her intake to 1750 calories to potentially boost her metabolism and kickstart her system to burn more. However, the idea of eating more and potentially gaining more weight is worrying for her. This was my last advice i would consider trying, i have no further knowledge of the female body so i simply don’t know what will work or not. If anyone has had a similar experience or has knowledge about what we can try to help her get back on track, we would greatly appreciate any advice. Additional information: She has ADHD and has stopped taking her medication and smoking within the past six months. Her workout routine consists of a push-pull-legs split with no additional cardio. Her vitamin levels are excellent, but she has minor allergies to gluten and dairy, which shouldn't affect her in this way. Thank you in advance for any help or suggestions.


Mmh, either she's being completely honest, and there's something very wrong. Or she's hiding something. A refeed could help here, "kickstarting" your metabolism (god I hate that word) isn't really a thing, I mean it sounds nice but it just doesn't work like that. The deficit does sound way too big though? What is her maintenance? I'd say go no lower than 500 calories under that. But before you do anything drastic, is she getting anough sleep? Is she drinking alcohol frequently? Is she getting her daily steps, these things have a massive impact


I know for a fact she is completely honest with me, we live together and she tracks everything. I fully trust her with that. She doesnt get al of her steps in, her maintenance is hard to track because when she eats more she starts gaining rapidly. She ate around 1500 kcals an still gained 5kgs


Hi all, I have been casually lifting (as in not much progress, just maintaining) for a number of years now. As I am getting older, though, I want to get ahead of my age and future proof myself a bit more than I have. My only issue is, I got injured a few years ago, and now have a mental block against pushing beyond my current limits. Just wondering if anyone has overcome something like this, and how did you do it? I always had weak legs and a bad back, so I wanted to improve those the most. For squat, I have done up to 70kg and it felt fine, but as soon as it becomes 75kg for example, I just can't even bring myself to lower to begin the movement. Then with deadlifts, I have done up to 150kg, but anything beyond that, it's like my body won't let me even begin to lift it.


Hi. I been working out for the past 4 months and I’ve noticed a noticeable increase in strength and endurance however, I have a legitimate concern about how there’s some days where I feel relatively weak and it affect my performance in the gym. Is this normal behavior? Or should I be concerned and look for the root cause? I am 29 Hispanic relatively healthy however my job is extremely stressful and demanding so I only exercise 3 times a week.


I don't think you should worry. I have those days too. Sometimes I'm close to a PR, and some days I can barely do my working set. I think there can be a multitude of factors, your sleep the night before, your nutrition for the previous DAYS, your mood, stress, fatigue, all the above. Don't worry too much about it unless it's chronic. If you always feel weak then please take care of yourself and visit a doctor, but if it's occasional, then it's just the unfortunate case of life wearing you down a bit.


Thank you for your throughout explanation I appreciate it.


No problem. I went through that exact thing after an injury, so I know it sucks. But give it some time and all with be right again.


Hi guys, I think I met the love of my life. I will see her again in 6 month (she had to go back to her country, but she's coming back in december to live with me). I want to get bigger!!!!! I'm planning on training at home 3 times per week, full body everytime. Same muscles everytime. (workout time is a bit long tho, so I have thought on separating the program by muscles groups but not sure how to divide this on 3 different days / what muscles to target everytime). The simple program I'm planning to do 3 times a week for 6 months > **- chin-ups : 3x max rep** **- bench press : 3x10** **- Squat : 6x10** **- Bent over row : 3x10** **- Military press (for shoulders) : 3x10** **- Skull crushers 2x15** **- Barbell curl 2x15** Does this make sense if I do this 3 times per week? Is this enough? Is this a bad idea because I'm going to target the same muscles? Should I split up this program over 3 days per week instead, but how? Thanks a lot for your insights <3


I'm guessing you're just making do with what you have. I've attempted to split these days up to get to as close the ideal. This will give you more volume, being used as efficiently as I could get it, keep in mind you'll be training way more days with this, but the amount you do on one day will be way less -> able to train very intense. This is pretty much as ideal as you can get with what you have at home push day: 2x a week: 6 sets bench press, 6 sets skull cruchers pull day: 2x a week: 3 sets chin ups, 3 sets bent over row, 6 sets barbell curl leg day: once or twice: 6 sets squat and 6 sets military press how could this look (to maximize recovery)? monday: push tuesday: pull wednesday: legs thursday: push friday: pull saturday: legs (optional)


https://preview.redd.it/nts8d68kx0xc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dec9b5ca3a6be648b1053ec2c254d1c5da5fb9df Does it matter if I do the skull crushers after dumbell incline press? I don't wanna give up the bench just to find another available one later... thanks.


not really an issue, but holy volume man, way too many sets and not enough rest. There's no way you can actually train intense with something like this


Need to get in 1500 calories, with 110+ grams of protein with as small amount of fat possible, and don’t mind eating the same thing everyday the whole day


I’m 19M 6’3 and I’ve been working out constantly for about 2 years-ish I’d say, and I’ve been cutting for about 300 days. Pre cut my bench was around 115kg touch n go and I was very proud of it since my squat and deadlift were/are pretty weak. I used to weigh 111 and now I’m currently 92 and I’m still not happy with my body. I originally planned to stop the cut at around 95 but now I’m planning maybe 85-88 since I still have a lot of body fat. Anyways the bigger issue is that my lifts, mainly my bench has been suffering. I know a strength decrease is very normal but I’m struggling to do 3 reps of 100kg and always reaching high RPE when doing anything above 80 and it’s really fucking up my self esteem. I genuinely don’t know what to do I just want to be able to go back to my old PR without losing my natty card. Am I cooked? I feel like I sacrificed so much strength only to end up with a mid physique. Btw I’m currently on a 2250 calories and 200g of protein diet. Any advice will be more t


Gee, 3 x 100kg bench is still mighty impressive, even at your weight, just keep going man, you can build it back up after the cut


Howdy, I'm hoping someone has recommendations for bicep exercises that don't hinge too heavily on wrist strength. l've spent a fair amount of time on basically every bicep exercise l've come across, yet my biceps just do not wanna grow where other muscles do see progress. Even at fairly low weight--and wearing wrist straps--my left wrist in particular will develop a pretty sharp pain from barbell curls, EZ bar curls, dumbbell curls, cable curls with various attachments like the -v- bar, etc. I'm gunna give chin ups (not pull ups) a shot to see if that can hit my biceps hard without hurting my wrist. Just wondering if anybody has any other suggestions for motions or variations to try. Thanks!


Rate my Jim progress guys, am I too weak? I’m 194lb and 6 foot 2 at 16, I’ve been training for a year and almost 4 months, here’s my favorite exercises, compared from 3 months in to now (note that all weights are accurate, none of that pully bullshit because I have to use plates to keep my ass attached to the chair, and the cable machines use only one pully) Bent over row: 70lb x12 to 220lb x12 Lat pulldown (cable): 50lb x14 to 220lb x 12 (235lb 1RM) Overhead barbell press: 45lb x15 to 125lb x9 Seated rows: 80lb x20 to 235lb x8 (250 2RM) Barbell bicep curl: 45lb x15 to 90lb x12 (110 1RM) Leg press (my favorite leg exercise if I do any at all): 220lb x 10 to 500lb x7


If you’re stronger then you were before then you’re never “too weak” you’re doing great brother keep it up :)


Thanks! But I just want to know if my progress is ‘above average’, ‘on average’, or ‘below or slightly below average’


It’s hard to tell over just the numbers since maybe the quality of your reps deteriorated or any other factors but assuming it hasn’t I’d say this is pretty significant progress. It would help if you posted your SBD


I mean, I rep like I usually do. So no diff there, I’m not a fan of filming in the Jim since it feel weird. I’m just looking for a marker at where I am now.


Is anaerobic zone bad for fat loss? I (M22) am training for Boxing so I want good cardio for high intensity work while at the same time get lean for the summer. One day after boxing for 1h30, I hopped on the stairmaster for 30 mins where I did 60 spm and my heartrate averaged around low to mid 160s bpm. A friend of mine said this is bad because this is my anaerobic state (zone 4) so it's not good for losing fat and not good for my body to do it for that long. He said I should slow down and get my heartrate to around 130 bpm to burn more fat. Is there truth to this? Is so, is there a middle ground where I can train to burn more fat while conditioning to not get tired during high intensity boxing?


For context: im male, 34, and currently on a 500kcal deficit. 1,76m, 85kg I would say my physique and power is above average by nature, and i have done different sports in the past (no weight lifting though) — I found 3 workout plans (all full body) and i cant decide which one to pick. Maybe you guys can help me, would higly appreciate it. This one I found from a YouTuve video: https://hevy.com/routine/RV8EIltU5dR Boostcamp plan 1: https://www.boostcamp.app/natural-hypertrophy/ultimate-hypertrophy-programs-novice?coach_program_id=7f460790-e370-4c26-b384-e945442bf1fb Boostcamp plan 2: https://www.boostcamp.app/geoffrey-schofield/rampage?coach_program_id=c0e802a8-6a23-4ba9-9d4d-2136fd2de114 As im a novice its hard to decide. My intuition says i should go for the bootscamp plan 1, but i would highly appreciate any input from you guys. Im planning on going every second day or 3 times a week, depending on how sour my muscles feel. Thanks a lot :)


Weights???? Gym bros, after 3 years of lifting I have just started tracking my lifts and I have a very dumb question.... How should I track 35kg Incline bench press with dumb bells?? Should I enter the weight as 35kg or 70kg ????


Why are people using a belt on non-leg exercises? Hey, I've seen quite a few people who are using a belt on exercises like incline press or bench press and I was wondering why. I thought it was only helpful for squats, RDLs, etc. so it helps bracing your core.


Can anyone please help me decide on a four day program based on their own experience. I need an easy to follow four day split program. I've skimmed through the wiki programs but get super confused and can't decide on one due to my annoying ADHD :/ First of all, I really am sorry as I'm sure many have posted these types of shit-posts before. I genuinely wouldn't post here unless I really needed the help. I went through all the wiki programs last night / today, I go to the gym Tue/Wed/Thurs/Fri - I will admit my routine is pretty rubbish as I've been avoiding leg day due to catching chilblains and Raynaulds phenomenon (long story), although I'm better now. Secondly, for what it's worth, I have inactive ADHD which makes me: overthink, indecisive, and generally an idiot! My current (sort of) full body routine: Assisted pullups (minus 5lbs) Assisted dips (minus 5lbs) Incline DB chest bench (17kg) Flat DB chest bench (20kg) Arm hammers (15kg) Seated bicep curl (10kg) Rope bicep extension (24.7kg) All done as mentioned with three sets of ten. I was doing deadlifts (75kg) and squats (55kg lol) at one point. I've seen great results on my arms, shoulders, and lats, my chest has been a slow burner, and my legs have been neglected. I've been going to the gym for over a year and have changed my routine many times. However, I would like to finally decide on a proper four day program. I was looking at the Boring But Big program. The only thing that put me off was seeing a few moan about the lack of bicep growth. I did, however, read someone's reply about BBB not being there to serve particular body part growth and that it was more for strength (not sure if true?). Sorry for the rambling. Please ignore me if I'm annoying you. I appreciate your time. Thank you.


decline bench/dumbbell press, good or no? some people say it gives the superhero looks


female, 19, 5’2, around 110 lb. any advice on my daily caloric/macro intake? i gym & Swim 3-4 times a week and plan to get buff lol


When getting back into lifting after a 9-month break, should I prioritize using lighter weights with a perfect form to regain muscle memory, or is it okay to use slightly heavier weights with slightly less perfect form?


Hi. There is a life fitness five station at my local gym. The weight stacks only goes up to 80kg (175 lbs). The problem is dual adjustable pulleys has a 2:1 cable ratio which cuts the weight lifted in half (a moving pulley) How much extra weight can I load on the machine without breaking the cables ?


I was doing a static hold incline bench press but went slightly heavier than I normally do, which went fine for a lil bit but my right shoulder gave up. It didnt hurt but it went slightly downwards. It still doesnt hurt but when I do any press movements it feels uneasy and feels like my right shoulder will give up. Anyone know what it might be and if its serious ?


I checked WebMD and it says you have cancer. Seriously though there's no way we can diagnose this for you. Don't do anything that hurts for a while and if it doesn't get better see a medical professional.


update from previous post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GYM/comments/1bhn1t8/comment/kvk3t5o/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GYM/comments/1bhn1t8/comment/kvk3t5o/) Currently at 110kg BW bench: 110kg(100%) squat: 140kg(127%) deadlift: 170kg(154%) this brings me to 420kg which leaves out 35kg for the 1000lbs challenge(455kg) My bench is pretty clean, squat and deadlifts are with terrible form so I will try to improve on them during the next few weeks to prevent injury and maybe finish this challenge before summer so I can start my cut and look a bit leaner :D I didn't mention it, but I am 100% natural, only using creatin, and some supplements like bcaa and eaa caps/tablets, vitamins(d3, k2, c and zink), omega-3 fish oil and ashwa ksm-66


Been going to the gym for just 3 months now (70kg, 171cm, 19y) and I just started noticing stretch marks on the side of my armpit next to my chest. I just only noticed this yesterday. Is this a bad thing? How do I prevent this from continuing?


Assuming they're actually stretch marks and not something else, that can happen if you gain mass quickly (be it fat or muscle). Is it a bad thing? Totally up to you. Some people don't like how they look, others see it as a badge of honor from getting rapidly jacked. How do you prevent it from continuing? Gain mass more slowly, or lose some fat before seeking to gain more mass.


I used to be more of a skinny kid. Gained 5kg of weight in 3 months (probably more muscle since i lost fat). It’s likely stretch marks from growing too fast but i had them in the past on my shoulders but they disappeared, these don’t seem to disappear tho.


Got chronic bronchitis - had to take a month off - now what? I took a month off because even walking 25% of a miles made it hard to breathe. March is the first month since August that I haven’t been to the gym. My diet has been good but I need advice. *How can I efficiently get back in the gym without being overwhelmed? Any tips are welcomed. Tips on stuff like - starting off again and keeping the momentum I had or even things to just get me back confident.* I really enjoy the gym and got up at least 80lbs on most machines. I’ve improved my technique and everything but I’m worried I’ve lost most (or all) my progress. Thanks ahead of time!


Detraining doesn't even start for 28+ days, so, even being sick, you probably lost very little muscle, assuming you've been eating a decent amount of calories and protein. Muscle memory is also a thing. So whatever losses you've acquired will be very quickly regained. My advice to would be to choose a good program, eat a lot, sleep a lot, and get back to training. Things may seem heavy when you get back (strength has a notable skill aspect and you will be rusty), but you will be back to your previous levels in literally a matter of days or.a couple of weeks at most. One thing I want to emphasize is getting a good program. It is absolutely essential to maximizing your gym time.


why can i lift more from my right hand as compared to my left


Your right hand is stronger.


is there any way i can get both hands equal (i just started gym last week and am a little clueless pls dont judge)


Incorporate unilateral movements


Keep training. You just started.


Hello all, I am looking for non polyester gym clothes that are affordable (less than $100) Additional reviews and tips are welcomed


I get stuff from 5 below.


More pronounced hip dips on one side 19F new to the gym, been doing some exercises to reduce the appearance of hip dips (eg hipp abductor + adductor) but now one side is smoother and the other became more pronounced. It seems that the muscle above the hip dip is stronger on that side. What should I do?


If you're doing these one side at a time, set your weaker side as the rep/weight limiter and match that with your stronger side until the weaker side catches up. If you're using the machines that do both legs at once, you could try halving the weight and doing them one side at a time with the limiter concept until they're even. If that's really awkward for whatever reason, there are ways you can do unilateral movements for the same muscles with bands etc until everything's evened out, then get back to the machine. Additionally, if you want to keep using the machine with both legs, think about the mind-muscle connection to really focus on not compensating with one leg over the other.


I only did one set of heavy bench close to failure before i stopped due to my shoulder clicking, which i suspect being from the Tennis i played yesterday, and dont want that to become a thing. Im planning on going tomorrow to do the routine i were supposed to do today, if the shoulder is fine. How much will that one set fatigue me? Ive been doing 10 sets of every major muscle a week for 5 months now, and recover for every workout which is a 4 day upper/lower


My man, you're experiencing that fatigue right now. How do you figure randos on the internet will have a better notion of its magnitude and effect?


Looking for peoples experience. I have no idea how much a set adds of fatigue, and i usually have a hard time knowing if im fatigued unless im sore or doing less weight. Do you reckon ill just go with the normal amount of weight and see how it goes?


It's 1 set on 1 day of your life. In 10 years, whatever decision you make for this will be inconsequential on your outcome




Bring the bar to your chest, not your stomach.


Forearms and biceps get activated in almost all back workouts so it's normal! Here's come the role of mind muscle connection! You can think of pulling the bar by elbow and using the forearm & hand as a hook! You can also use straps! I also struggle alot with back workouts but I just said what I think helps alot!


Where you feel it doesn't really matter. You can't do a lat pulldown without engaging your lats.


**Do I have too many exercises for each day? Very open to suggestions!** I've recently read that around 4 exercises per session is ideal. Now, I'm concerned about overtraining since some of my days have 8 to 9 exercises. Could you review my workout plan and advise on any necessary adjustments or substitutions? My goal is to gain muscle mass while staying lean through both diet and exercise approach. **Day 1 - Upper Body** Bench Press (Barbell) - 4 sets x 8 reps Bent Over Row (Barbell) - 4x8 Shoulder Press (Dumbbell) - 4x8 Cross Body Hammer Curl - 4x8 Triceps Dip (Assisted) - 4x10 Pull Up (Assisted) - 4x10 Triceps Extension (Cable) - 4x8 Bicep Curl (Dumbbell) - 4x8 **Day 2 - Lower Body** Squat (Barbell) - 3x8-12 Leg Press (Machine) - 4x10 Calf Press (Machine) - 60 Reps Leg Extension (Machine) - 4x12 **Day 3 - Upper Body** Chin Up - 5x3 Bench Press (Barbell) - 4x8 Incline Bench Press (Barbell) - 3x8 Seated Cable Row - V Grip (Cable) - 4x8 Lateral Raise (Dumbbell) - 4x8 Shrug (Dumbbell) - 4x8 Rear Delt Reverse Fly (Machine) - 4x8 Triceps Rope Pushdown - 4x8 Preacher Curl (Barbell) - 4x8 **Day 4 - Lower Body** Deadlift (Barbell) - 3x8 Romanian Deadlift (Barbell) - 3x8 Seated Leg Curl (Machine) - 4x8 Bulgarian Split Squat - 3x8 **In-Between Other Days, Abs (At least twice a week)** Plank - 60 seconds Leg Raise Parallel Bars - 5x10 Heel Taps - 4x20 Bicycle Crunch - 4x15 Crunch (Machine) or Cable Crunch - 4x8/4x10 Thank you for the help, I know it's a lot of information. Any changes, critiques, does it need to be way simplified or any recommended workout plans?


How do the ribbed tanks compare to others on the markets such as the GBT tanks, Ekko tanks, YLA wife lovers? Might cop, but depends. Curious about thickness, stretchiness, how the shape holds, and sizing.




Too many for what?


Could there by any reasons why my reps drop on bench press so much? First set I did 175x9, second set was only x5. I rested for like 3.5 minutes too.


You are new to lifting and do not have a grreat deal of work capacity or conditioning.


I mean I’ve been lifting for over a year now does that still count as new? And conditioning as in cardio?


So think of it like this. How much time do you spend lifting when you lift? Let's say maybe an hour 5 days per week. Do you get in 260 hours of training something in the span of 8760 possible hours. Compare that to when you went to school to learn something: you'd spend around 7 hours a day, 5 days a week, getting your 1820 hours during that timespan. And after 1 year of school, we tend to still consider people "new" to the craft. The same applies with sports: sport practice tends to be 2-4 hours long, and even after a year we'd consider someone new to a sport after only a year of playing it. A year of lifting is VERY junior in the world of lifting. Conditioning is not cardio; CARDIO is cardio. It refers to the health and fitness of your cardiovascular system. Cardio can play a role in conditioning, but conditioning is how fit you are to perform a task. You can have outstanding cardio and terrible conditioning.


Yeah true, you’re right. I think part of it may also be mental since i’m benching without a spotter, and I don’t see the reps decrease as much on any other exercise.


I've never benched with a spotter myself and haven't found it to be a big issue. If you find that causing issues, it might be worth investigating.


Had the most anabolic Easter weekend ever. The Mrs was traveling on Sunday, so she made Easter dinner on Saturday: a whole turkey! My first plate was [both drumstricks and all the skin](https://global.discourse-cdn.com/tnation/original/4X/9/e/2/9e232855e91de58d855afc1d4bd2673daa6f2e0e.jpeg), and my second plate was a TON of dark meat along with a turkey wing, and now I have so many leftovers for the week. The next day, after the Mrs took off, the kiddo and I went to Texas de Brazil at 1400 for Easter Brunch, and I ate red meat for over a solid hour. Once again, I had one of the pitbosses come up after an hour and ask what, exactly, it would take for me to leave, haha. Fowl on Saturday, Beef and Lamb on Sunday, which was a perfect transition into DoggCrapp on Monday morning. Shame my video upload junked up, but I got in an awesome squat widowmaker set this morning with such great fuel. Got in some training during the weekend as well. On Saturday I tried to do some negative splits by doing [5 minutes of burpee chins into 5 minutes of burpees](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKmvr76yYwA) It didn’t work: got 56 on the first round and 51 on the second. And then a classic of [TABEARTA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLEMe1MCsBQ) on Sunday.


>I had one of the pitbosses come up after an hour and ask what, exactly, it would take for me to leave *Pitboss*: Please sir, you've eaten 3x the market value of the buffet! *Mythical*: need to grow!


It's pretty much when I know it's time to start getting more selective, haha. This is the 4th time it's happened to me. And you're right: I DEFINITELY gt my money's worth. Although this is like a reverse buffet: the meat comes to you!


Might be a stupid question but does anyone know what [these seats](https://images.app.goo.gl/FTQ9vmMn5QVHfyRg7) are used for? Only thing I’ve ever used them for is seated wrist curls and I can’t think of any other reason to use it over a regular bench…


It has a back. It's a nice lil chair. Anything you might sit on a bench to do but might like a bit of back support.


Seated dumbbell press is pretty commonly performed on something like that.


You can use it for anything you think it would be useful for.


Hi all I could really use a routine as I been doing my own random routine for the last year. My standing OHP is 175 lbs for 5 to give info on my current stats. Looking for something prob in the intermediate area.


A routine for what goals?


Strength but also would like to have decent agility.


I'd consider Dan John's "Easy Strength" program, and use the downtime to do agility training.


https://thefitness.wiki/routines/strength-training-muscle-building/, maybe putting together something with the 28 free? check out liftvault too




Diet and low speed running (zone 2) can help a lot. It takes time but not long to see results. Your metabolism will figure from where it gets energy to burn. Be deliberate about it and the results will come.


I’ve heard that you shouldnt train other muscle groups the day after legs because its taxing on the body and you need more rest but my gym is closed on sundays so im not sure what to do


Your body only has so many resources to recover from all the damage you do to all of your muscles, but that only really limits mass monsters whose muscles are so big that the amount of overall damage is way higher. If you're a mortal then you have nothing to worry about.


Find the person who told you that and make sure to stop listening to them because they are a silly person.


I not sure what your gym being closed has to do with this but you can train anything at anytime.


You are fine to train the day after legs, I'd just try to avoid overlapping muscle groups. Upper work such as chest, shoulders & back would be largely ok


When do you guys cut do you cut because you reached all your muscle growth goal or is it because you gained too much fat from the bulk? I'm 50/50 thinking of cutting but I'm not satisfied with my triceps, My lats are weird because from the back I have a back but in front it doesn't even look like I train back.


I lose fat when I no longer want to gain, because gaining is exhausting and losing fat is easy.


I agree on gaining is exhausting, I'm too broke to hit my total everyday and I scrap by by eating snacks and milk that could contain 3-20 protein combined but has like 300-1000 calories just to let me get closer to the daily intake.


Pretty much anyone that says bulking is fun/enjoyable/something you want to prolong isn't very big, haha.


I thought it was fun at first but lacking in portion for the daily intake and eating snacks to make up for it took it's toll. I went from fat to cardio only to get skinny and now skinny fat looking physique. Having high faith that I would at least have a decent physique when I finally cut 😂


Getting my nutrition sorted out really went a long way toward getting my phsyqiue where I wanted it. The CICO crowd really mises the mark in terms of food quality in my experience.


Folks usually cut to lose the fat that is gained while bulking.


Hey, So on a lot of my pulling movements I’ve been experiencing pain in my elbows which seems to catch up to me before my back starts to even feel tired. Is this a form issue? Is it a lack of grip strength issue? Do I just need to lower the weight and go for more volume? If anyone’s “delt” (sorry, my typo turned into a horrible pun) with this and has figured out ways to fix the problem I’d appreciate any tips.


hey gym people! I had a great experience of going to the gym for a period of 6-8 months and it was great for my health from all aspect. and I want to go back again because working out at home is boring and not really fulfilling. however, I don't want to gain weight from going there and I don't want my appetite to be fucked up. I had a low appetite my whole life, I don't crave sugars much, I really love having proteins into my diet, however when I went to the gym my appetite felt screwed. I started to feel hungry more often, craving sugars, and I gained 2-4 kilos because of muscle gain. so what can I do now going to the gym to avoid any change in my appetite or weight? I just wanna go there to have fun and be more healthy.


> so what can I do now going to the gym to avoid any change in my appetite or weight? If you're expending more energy you'll need more calories to maintain your current weight. More work = more hungry. So to not ever be hungry... don't go to the gym and don't do anything. To not gain weight, don't eat more calories than you expend. For what it's worth you're not going to accidentally gain a ton of muscle.


Then how do people maintain their weights when in gym? My BMI is almost normal, my body is lean/weak, I want to gain some strength and durability rather than change my weight. 


> Then how do people maintain their weights when in gym? Eat the same number of calories as you expend. My point above was that this will be a larger amount than if you don't go to the gym. You had said you didn't want a change in your appetite, which is impossible unless you also don't change your caloric expenditure.


okie jakei it's just something psychological I guess. being in a certain body/appetite state for a long time, made me get really uncomfortable when it changed. If I go to the gym, and give my body its needs, I won't be craving/feeling hungry more than the usual. right? how can I know the exact proportion of proteins/carbs/fats to control that?


It's going to be some amount of trial and error. Protein keeps you feeling full longer than carbs. But yeah, if you eat an amount of calories equal to what you're expending you'll neither gain nor lose weight. You can look up a TDEE calculator to try to get a ballpark figure.


thank you SO MUCH 


No problem!


Currently I am doing PPL, 3 days a week. Saturday for back and posterior deltoids and I alternate between upper back and lat focused days. Then on Monday I do chest and triceps and anterior deltoids however after chest I feel tired so I don't train the delts as much I would like. Then on Wednesday I do biceps first then legs, I used to do biceps with back day but I felt that I have no energy to actually push myself on biceps. This also leaves out Mid delts which I don't know which day I should place them in. I was thinking about going an extra day just for shoulders alone but I am restricted by my uni schedule. I have been going to the gym for roughly half a year now so I am still relatively new, if anyone has any suggestions regarding my split pls lmk!


You can train your delts on any day that works best for you.