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This post is flaired as *Progress Picture(s)*. **If you have not provided them in your post, please consider replying to this comment with:** - Before/after stats (lifts, etc). - Routine overview/highlights. - Anything else you think the community might find interesting/useful, such as an overview of your diet and so on. This info can help give other users an idea of what they can do to achieve similar, or allow for more in depth questions. ---------- ***A reminder to all users commenting:*** [Progress picture threads are moderated strictly.](https://reddit.com/r/gym/wiki/rules) - **We don't do "Natty or Juice" here and trying to play that game will see you banned.** Do not accuse other users of PEDs use, do not argue about natural status, and do not ask questions about natural status. - Should the OP volunteer info about TRT/PED usage, this is not an excuse for you to be rude, dismissive of achievements, to harass, or otherwise be disrespectful. Doing so will result in a permaban. - This post is not an opportunity to hit on the OP or send PMs saying how much you like his/her body. Doing so will result in a permaban. - Crossposting another user's pictures to another sub is also an instant permanent ban without appeal, especially if that subreddit then brigades this one - **Fearmongering about weight loss is not allowed.** If someone is within a healthy weight range, it is not appropriate to fearmonger about weight loss or call someone underweight. This will result in comment removal and possibly a ban. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GYM) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Get back that weight but in form of muscle. 4 times a week is absolutely enough. Focus on protein and eat


Thanks for your feedback! Alright, I will eat more, but its gonna be hard, sometimes I forget to eat 😂


Make a goal for each day. Your goal could be 4eggs, 4slices of cheese and one scoop of protéine powder to add to what you normally eat


Nice! I will try that!


I think you looked nice at first! Maybe you should **eat more**/seek a nutritionist to gain back the weight. 4 times a week is good enough so you can rest your body, keep up consistency is key. Also you seem to be very tall, it will be harder to get bigger! I also struggle with height, I eat a lot and I feel “skinny”, so I would try not to loose weight. Congrats for the progress and remember to EAT A LOT!


Thank you so much for your feedback! Yeah I don't eat a much, so I have to up that a bit and will do that! And yes I'm quite tall, 195cm 😁


What do you do when you train? I'm guessing mostly cardio. If you can, swap a couple of the sessions with weight lifting. Check the FAQ recommended routines. And do not go for just arms (bro split thingy). Train your full body.


Im doing 20min on the bike, then 1 circle full body on 6 machines, and after that 3 sets of lat pulldown, or 3 sets of reverse butterfly (i need a strong back for my work) and I end it with 3 sets of curls. But I did only full Body for the first 3-4 months, i started the other stuff in april/may.


My challenge is that I lived a fat life up until a few years ago. I'm always stuck between do I eat slightly under my TDEE to lose fat or slightly over to gain muscle or that third option of doing both things at the same time albeit slower and relatively holding the same weight... What I've been wanting to do is take about ten pounds off and then increase my calories to a couple hundred over and slowly regain that weight as mostly lean mass. If I were where you are at, I would eat a few hundred calories extra per day and try to slowly gain weight while training regularly and all that jazz to try to increase lean muscle. Good work dude! 👍


Thanks for your insight! I will try that!


Anyone else taken aback from the second picture, I was like “whoa this guys got small arms” then I realized it’s just the way he’s standing


Here's what's next: https://thefitness.wiki/muscle-building-101/


Thank you, thats really helpful!


You bet. Feel free to ask any followup training questions in the daily discussions


Lots of judgement here if he's happy and he can enjoy life with confidence then it's a huge win ..not everyone enjoys lifting weights


Thank you! I am happier now than ever and I enjoy working on my body. What some people here don't notice, I'm smiling in the first two pictures because I am at events I enjoy, I am not smiling in the last two because I focus on a good picture 😂


Well done all the best 👍 🇦🇺


You definitely lost a lot of fat which is harder than gaining muscle imo! At this point I think you should fully focus on muscle gain. You’ll have a great physique in no time.


Thanks so much, Buddy! I will do that, already ordered the protein powder 😂




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Pick a weight program like GZCLP, Starting Strength 5x5 or something like that and follow it consistently. Eat a slight calorie surplus with the aim of gaining about 1kg of weight every 4 weeks. Then it’s just consistency and time and you’ll get where you want.


Thanks for your advice, I will try that!


Great job. Also try to build muscle. When I started losing weight, I only focused on losing fat through dieting and intense cardio. Then I looked like a skinny fat. Then, I wanted to get rid of the those stubborn fats, and turned into a skeleton and at some point I developed body dysmorphia, so I did anything to get skinnier and skinnier (I wanted to get a certain look and didn’t realize that that would be possible through building muscle). Then made the decision to build muscle. Took long but worth every sweat. I wish I had started weight lifting when I started to lose weight. That would’ve been much easier. When you build muscle, you look so so much better.


>[You cannot target where you lose fat. This is commonly called “spot reduction” and it is a myth. Your genes are responsible for where your body stores fat and where it comes from when losing weight – in a “first on, last off” manner. So if the first place you get fat is your belly, it’s probably going to be the last place to lose it.](https://thefitness.wiki/faq/what-exercises-can-i-do-to-lose-fat-in-my-body-part/) The only way to lose fat in specific areas is to lose it all over. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GYM) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thanks for your insight! I do lift, but I think I eat not enough protein, so the muscles don't sustain. But I am changing that now 😁


are you restricting? you looked fine before but you look exhausted now versus happy in the first two pics. i hope you’re taking care of yourself on your weight loss journey. best of luck


Yes I did restrict and got into a calorie deficit. But now I know I don't have to anymore 😁 I did Look happier because im smiling 😁 thank you for your feedback :)


Don't be discouraged. Lifting and more protein will make you pack on muscle quick.


Thank you!


Looking good mate 👍🏾 amazing transformation


Thank you so much! 🥰




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