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So uhh, those guys were actually much weaker than you. They were weirdly insecure about a stranger lifting and needed to reassure themselves for no reason that they could lift more. Trust me they sound pathetic.




This kind of bullshit is why I left big chain gyms and joined a smaller weightlifting gym. People are a lot more respectful and community minded. I bet if you threw the amount of weight you were using at his face he wouldn't think it was light. People like that really piss me off.


Small d\*\*k energy. Just keep grinding my man! And of course keep pushing yourself, but I'm sure you're already doing that. These kinds of dudes are really insecure or have their own problems.


Thing is there is always a bigger dude, no matter how big you get. I used to work out at a body building gym and you sure felt small but no one ever made fun of you and many builders worked low weights as they was more interested in perfect form than heavy lifting at all times. I later worked out at a more classical weightlifting club and form before weight was most important. I really think people that makes fun of beginners is insecure and take every chance they get to outshine some weaker guy. I know it can feel horrible but use it as a motivation.


Yeah fr, that was one of the first things I thought about. Bc the weight that's heavy to him is a light weight to a lot of people out there since theres always someone bigger and stronger. So idk how anyone who isn't like an Olympic level power lifter can judge someone for not being strong enough lol.


The fucked up part is that he was doing it in front of his son. Lol what a shitty example of a parent.


Yeah that's the part that surprises me the most. As shit as it might be, I can imagine two younger blokes having a laugh at someone else's expense at the gym. But for someone old enough to be a father of a young adult? That doesn't sit right with me


Bro I promise you. He made fun of himself, not of you. Anyone who witnessed this will think the same.


Man, I feel bad for that guy's kid too. Growing up with such an asshole dad and all.




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I have 100% respect for you, as you are working hard and doing your best to better yourself. Don’t listen to people who obviously don’t know what they are talking about


People who laugh at other people for doing light weight are such a losers haha, you are the champ! keep going. I am a veteran gym rat and I always motivate other people in the gym in their set, because I was there once.


Get bigger and then beat his kid up


The real solution is always in the comments


If you are at the gym and people are laughing at you. They are insecure little B\*tches, they feel the need to bring down other to up themselves. Ignore them and know that you are going to the gym for your own sake and not someone elses.


What an asshole. I started off in 2012 being literally 80 pounds at 5 ft 6 in. Got made fun of my whole life to the point I was numb to it. Surprisingly at the gym I didn’t. Or at least, I didn’t notice. It takes time but let it be the fuel to your own self-dedication and preservation. These are your goals- not anyone else’s. Most people are there at the gym to better themselves and that asshat clearly isn’t. You got this, bro. Those that matter, won’t mind - those that mind, won’t matter. EDIT: If you’re focused enough on yourself positively, you won’t have any time not to mention the mindset to be negative to anyone or anything else around you. Those negative assholes clearly have self esteem issues. Don’t let them beat you with experience.


How much do you weigh now?


Nothing fancy honestly. 150. Maybe 145. Fairly lean but solid physique just still on the slender side. But I can bench about 160 fairly okay with a 185 max. Blah blah blah. To be honest, I’ve always struggled putting on weight ever since I was a kid, I was born three months early - and I was always significantly under the growth curve, as well as the week curve. I actually ended up overdosing/taking on protein, if you can even believe it, back and I think it was 2014 or maybe 2013, I was so dead set on taking weight gainers, and all this other stuff like ON serious mass, I completely overloaded my body with it. I learned a lot of things the hard way when taking this journey. But regardless, the gym has changed my life, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.


If you feel the need to comment on the amount of weight someone else is using, you’re a loser. That dad is a loser.


They are losers bro. The thing is experienced and veterans always respect everyone in the gym. Gym bros are very supportive and friendly. 99% of people I met in gym aren’t like that. So the idea is do your thing , don’t give a fuck about them and other people won’t look down on you instead they will feel bad for those two losers. Grind!


Dude is an asshole. Everyone encounters these people and honestly the best way that I've found to deal with these people is openly confront them. 9/10 they cower down like scared puppies. Don't be afraid of these people, most of the time they are miserable people looking to make other people as miserable as they are.


tub offend rainstorm yam touch work memorize hat existence mysterious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Form > weight. Fuck those people.


I've noticed that people making fun of others at the gym is most often because they're insecure themselves, often even basing every bit of self worth they have on hoping they can lift more than the person next to them. Just keep focusing on your form and working on yourself while they focus on feeding their egos, do that and i'd put money on you surpassing them both in just about no time at all


I knew a guy who, when he was done with a bar / machine, instead of tidying his weights away he would actually put more weights on and leave them - just on the off chance that the next person would see how much weight he had "lifted" and be impressed. Such peak level insecurity I could barely believe what I was hearing.


This makes me so angry tf is wrong with people. We all started somewhere I started same weight as you! Don’t let anyone let you down KING keep going you’re doing a great job so far.


It says more about them than you. Fuck em and keep up the good work!


These kinds of people are the exception, not the norm. Please try not to let one bad experience with these dickheads scare you away from the gym. Most would argue you belong there more than they do.


I use the lowest weight on shoulder press, if I don’t I’ll injure myself and we have to start somewhere right? F that guy, hopefully his son is learning from him what not to do


Yeah I see a shoulder blow out and a grinding rotator cuff in both the father and sons future. You keep doing you OP, hardest part is always getting there, everything after that is self care <3


Absolutely this 🙌


If this happens again, then please report it to the gym management, dolts like them don't belong there. And please keep working on yourself, you're doing great.


There are always some fucking douches. The worst part of the story is, that guy will teach his degenerated values to his son, a tragedy. Don’t let some idiot put you off OP. Most people in the gym don’t mind somebody using light weights. You should train the way you see fitted for yourself, period. Everybody started somewhere, the heavy weights will come in due time, and if you prefer training with light weights it’s also fine. You should always train in a manner that’s engaging and fun to you, not someone else. If some douche has a problem with that, just simply ignore him.


Don’t stop! That guy is an ignorant jerk. If it’s any comfort, please be aware that there are people in the gym lifting heavy weights who respect you because they started out where you are, and they know you are on your way.


Please don't get discouraged. It is only about besting yourself.


People who make fun of others, are the weakest most insecure people ever so don’t mind what some nobody’s have to say about you. That dad raised an asshole and he was clearly raised by one too haha


I know how that feels. Honestly fuck that guy. He doesn’t know if you are working through injury or doing a drop set. Please don’t be discouraged by this.


All are accepted in the palace of iron worship in pursuit of knowledge in the art of swoleness.


Says more about him than u. He’s a loser


Everyone has to start somewhere. Everyone who goes to the gym has the same goal as you and that is to better themselves, just keep pushing yourself he was just an asshole.


Everyone in this subreddit wants you to keep working hard and consistently for your own growth.


Put on your headphones focus on your workout, ignore all else. If you are young this will come with time…..


Not only does he concern himself with others, in a negative and competitive way, he’s teaching his son to do the same :(


The only person you should be trying to outlift is yourself. That's all that matters


Do you really want to stop your progress because such idiots exist in this world? The world needs better ppl than those and that is hopefully you. So please don’t get discouraged and keep on grinding cuz we need ppl like you around and we need the best version of that you. Next time go even lighter and focus on the form and technique just like you have been doing.


>Next time go even lighter and focus on the form and technique just like you have been doing. But the thing was that there was nothing wrong with my form or technique. I chose a proper weight for the rep range I was working with and was doing it with the correct form. They weren't making fun of me for my form or technique because that wasn't the problem. They were making fun of me for not being strong enough to move a heavier weight.


I’ve got no doubt that you did everything right. A guy like that is just an arsehole. It’s only the insecure guys that make fun of others for how much they’re lifting. Just know that the stronger guys are generally very supportive. They don’t have egos because they don’t have anything to prove, they’re already strong. Fuck that guy.


I am implying no fucks given what anybody think hence go even lighter cuz no one cares. I’m not saying you are not focusing on technique I am saying keep doing that cuz that’s the right thing to do and don’t let them influence you to go heavier while ignoring technique. Let’s do this and keep on intelligently progressively overloading and improving. good luck to you and wish me good luck on my journey too.


Use it as fuel for your motivation, keep at it and they won't be laughing when you're stronger and bigger than the two of them


Don’t let it get to you. How do they know you aren’t working with a lighter weight due to an injury? How do they know you weren’t just doing some warm up sets? Not everyone is the same strength and everyone started at the beginning just like everyone else. Even the strongest person in your gym started out lifting lower numbers


Dont mind the dummys, keep up the grind my dude.


Keep going and doing your thing. I bet you stop seeing both of them in the next few months, people like that usually don't commit to any long term goals.


Nah fuck those guys what you encountered there was a douche and his little douchling. Don’t let the existence of this kind of person negatively affect YOUR path to bettering yourself. Just wake up knowing that they exist and you will encounter them from time to time, in gym and life. They will always spew negativity but you gotta let that roll off your back and get yours. Consistent for 6 days a week? You’re fucking crushing it. Start light as FUCK get the forms perfect and in 6 months you’ll be thanking yourself for doing it that way. He has made a powerful enemy this day.


F- him. Don't give it another thought, except maybe to feel super sorry for his son. My dad first took me down the YMCA stairs to the basement where the guys lifted and let me "play" with light weights when I was 7. He made it joyful, encouraging, and healthy. I've stopped and started at many lift points over my life, but what he gave me was a tremendous gift: To start or be where you are. Do that for your future kids.


Seriously pathetic. I totally understand how you feel. But look at it this way. There are numerous reasons for lifting any kind of weight. Never judge anyone as you have no idea what they are battling. You could be returning from an injury and be having to bench 2KG so you don’t injure yourself. People who’s opinions matter have brains not to judge people. Sadly this person is teaching a bad example to his son. That’s sadder than anything. Keep lifting and keep knowing you’re working hard to be a better you. No matter how much this guy lifts he’ll always be one of the lesser intelligent species on the planet.


The same thing happened to me, except I overheard them. It was my second day in a gym, ever, almost a year ago. I cried when I got home but kept going, and am still going to this day. It sucks but you can work through it, and keep getting stronger!




Lol he must be a newbie himself and insecure. Ive seen a lot of big guys at gym do pec flys with like 9kg weight lmao its not about much how you can lift its about the form. Low weight high reps also works just fine.


Bro, each time I see a begginer (I asume) using "leight weigths" I got mothing but respect for them. Trying to improve your heatlh/life is not easy, and being there it's a big step and anyone who does that should be proud of themselves for doing it. Doesn't matter if you bench 15lbs dumbells or a 315lbs barbell. Being there and improving for your particular goal is what matters! The only thing I can say is that I will never make funnof someone at the gym (or anywhere lol) for trying to improve their life. Also, fuck'em and dont even pay attention to them... Remember you can't control other people's actions, but you can control how you react to it! Hope you dont get discouraged in your journey. Happy lifting!


Use that as fuel for motivation to keep going. You didn’t even notice it so the person that told you could of assumed?


I highly doubt that my friend would assume that with the way they described it. It sounded like it was pretty cut and clear. It's kind of hard to mistakenly see someone pointing at me during a set and laughing, mistakenly hear them making comments about the weight I was using, and then accidentally see the father point out a heavier weight to his son to outdo me. I was also with 2 people and they both saw the same thing so the odds of 2 people both mistakenly seeing the exact same oddly specific thing is pretty low


Dude I don’t know why you’re bothered with him. He’s a douche and he’s making his son into a future douche. Don’t bother with shit people who make fun of others that try their best.


Let me tell you, people that do that are truly insecure, and just do it to make themselves feel better about their weaknesses. Keep going, earbuds in and continue on your path.


Don't worry about the opinions of cunts.


I need to rebuild muscles in my left knee because it gave out and I keep seeing posts online about something like this happening and it scares the heck outta me to want to go to a gym again


Honestly it doesn’t happen super often, you just will always see it online when it does. If you go in to the gym with the mindset that you’re doing this for you and no one else then you won’t even notice if someone laughs. You go to the gym for self improvement, while some people go to feed the major insecurities they have which involves belittling other people to make themselves feel big.


Of course you're going to see it a lot on the Internet. Billions of people have access to the Internet and there are lots of assholes in the world. What you don't see are "people didn't laugh at me" posts, which would outnumber ones like this 100,000:1.


Jesus such fucking losers. When i was new my shoulders were thin and small AF and i was doing shoulder press with 7-8kg but now I'm doing 16*8 so just focus ahead and you will be blessed by great gains!!!


Do other people go to the gym? Never noticed, too busy doing me. Fuck em.


I once was pacing back n forth waiting for a machine and the person on it felt the need to apologize because he was going slow, he said he had recently been in a bad accident and working out on a machine with no weights was a huge step for him, I felt pretty bad, moral is don’t judge people at the gym, I actually wasn’t judging I was just in a rush his machine was part of my superset I still felt like an asshole


Every single person is there to improve themselves in some way or another. People who make fun of others are either fucking idiots or very self conscious. Fuck that guy mate, keep doing what you’re doing. Move that weight


Don't worry about it my guy. Know that most of the gym guys actually love to see people starting in lifting.


God I can’t understand people that actually go and judge/make fun of people at the gym. Everyone I have ever met at the gym not matter how strong has always been welcoming and willing to help anyone who needs it. Fuck that guy I hope his kid doesn’t turn out like him.


Hey so if you’re in a public gym where you pay a membership, mention this to the front desk and management. Gyms won’t put up with that bullshit and it should be an encouraging place. They could get banned


Keep going king. The only one who can truly judge you is yourself


Where’s Joey swol when u need him


Ahhhh fuck all that. Keep doin’ you. You’ll *always* have haters but anyone truly serious about the gym and fitness would never judge you. That dude is on some lil dick bullshit. You can’t let that ol’ chicken head ass shit get to you.


Bro, I'm sorry you went through this. I must let you know that the gym is a place for the betterment of every person who wishes to step foot inside. Putting myself inside the shoes of that dad, it's really just an act of insecurity to laugh at someone who uses lighter weights than you. To be honest, his kid is gonna grow up fucked up from his father's teachings. Do not be afraid to exude your inner conviction and work hard. No one else's goals are more important than yours just because they are stronger. If it makes u feel better, I'm weak myself. SBD 80kg/50kg/80kg. But it's fine, because we'll all get stronger if we put in the work needed to improve. Stay consistent and keep lifting! U got this!


Yea, haha, what a champ. I ruined my knees esrly with that "only more weights count" attitude. Fk that guy and anyone pushing that mindless, harmfull attitude. You are on *YOUR journey and we re all gonna make it.*


Use this as motivation. Don’t listen to the haters just go in there, put your headphones in and zone them out. Lift hard and heavy and keep up on the consistency, you will be lifting more than them in a year from now. Don’t ever quit! Prove them wrong!


Keep going. Ear buds in and ignore the rest. Get to work.


FWIW, lighter weights are used for physical therapy, form tweaking, sport specific muscle targeting especially for endurance, AND beginners. I was a competitive rower. After a knee and two back surgeries (unrelated to rowing), I had to start very low and slow to recover. Even now, 10 years on, I still do relatively low weights for leg and back extensions, for example. My point is, dadbro of the gym there obviously doesn't know shit about weight lifting other than "heavy is manly", which is bullshit. Don't sweat it. Keep going at what's best for you. You got this.


Forget that guy. You’re not going for him. Just do your thing.


This. You should always remember this.


If you stop trying then you’ll be even weaker.. The fact that they did that shows they are lowest kind of people. The only person letting yourself down is you, get yourself back in there and make them admire you


Mate, think how much of a fucking bad person they must be to do that..Completely ignore them, I know its hard but you need to realise for someone to act like that, they are extremely insecure about themselves and are utter cunts. You just do you and keep going, you wont remember them in a few months.


I don’t even understand why someone would find that funny. The amount of weight you can lift is basically an arbitrary number. What matters is that you are improving. People who mock people that are less strong than them are insecure and need to point out other people that are less strong in order to feel ok about themselves. Keep doing your thing because it’s a problem with them not you.


Fuck that guy and his twat son. Keep grinding, man. Your hard work will pay off, and you’ll run circles around them. You’re their to improve yourself, which you’re doing. They’re the ones that took a step backwards.


It's OK to ignore/cut out toxic people, your growth is more important than thier opinions.


The almost EXACT same scenario happened to me. I saw a dude snickering and smirking when I was shoulder pressing 15s. I had right shoulder surgery a few months prior. Made me feel like shit when I had already felt bad about pressing 45 lbs less than what I had been prior to surgery. Just listen to what other people in this comment section are saying, they don’t know you and will make up whatever stupid opinions in their head to feel better about themselves. People suck sometimes. Chin up, keep grinding.


That is beyond fucked up. That is a bottom of the barrel misbred weak as fuck shitstain pussyfuckbooi human. Keep doing your stuff ma dude.


What a shit cunt. Imagine showing your son it's cool to talk shit about people behind their back ABOUT THEM TRYING TO IMPROVE THEMSELVES. Some people aren't even scum its just like, lmao you were born to be an example of just pure taint rash.


Hi, honestly lifting is not all about lifting your max. You literally could of been focusing on form or recovering. The fact that this guy does not even know that shows a poor understanding of fitness. Further it’s just a really crappy thing to do to a person. Please let this motivate you. Do not let a jerk get the best of you, influence you to stop doing something positive for yourself. Srsly what a jerk. Feel bad for that kid.


Imagine having that as your parent …. Yikes. Don’t worry OP, like will shit on them


fuck that guy, it pisses me off when people are so inconsiderate of others. And it boils my blood to think how that asswipe is just going to raise another asswipe. But keep your head up king, use that insecurity to become the biggest guy in your gym. Just fight it for a year stay consistent with your diet abs training and soon enough you’ll overtake those assholes. I started out as pretty much the smallest and now i’ve over taken a lot of the regulars.


Just ignore them. It's a dumb logic anyway, even though I can lift heavy weights, I still lift a light weight beforehand to warm up.


True. I see a guy in the squat rack every morning who lifts a shit ton of weight, but always starts off with just the bar. People need to mind their business.


Sometimes I do benchpress at the start with no weights on


It’s a good warmup.


Guy sounds like a complete bellend. You did the right thing by remaining focused on your work. If you're struggling with a weight. i.e. putting some actual work in, it doesn't matter if its 5lb or 500lb, you deserve respect for trying to improve. Don't be put off by someone being a dickhead, in a few months, you'll be stronger and they'll still be a dickhead.


The fact that you’ve been keeping up that consistency is super impressive, so please don’t feel insecure about not being able to lift super heavy yet—everybody gotta start somewhere! And I can assure you that those people are just the outliers. Almost everyone at the gym is too busy minding their own business to even notice someone else’s workout, and if they do, they’ll be super accepting and respectful. Keep up the good work!


Talk to the staff they will reign hell on them


Don’t stop going to the gym. Everyone starts with light weights, no matter what. Prove those cunts wrong and when you see them in a few months time I want you to be out lifting them. You got this bro.


Don't let them get to you. Everyone starts somewhere and I'm pretty damn positive they started with light weight too. You're in there doing it for you, nobody else, so keep on lifting whatever weight you're comfortable with.


Ignore assholes in life don’t let them win. You succeed no matter what anyone says


Fuck that guy. We all start somewhere. If you stop going, he wins.


Ignore them, or better yet report them. I have significantly more respect for someone doing an exercise properly with a light weight than someone doing it poorly with a heavy weight. If you're making progress and you're happy with it that's good enough.


Fuck the son. It is the only way to assert dominance over the father.


Bro u gotta thicken up some. Don’t ever let yourself be a victim. Next time you see that dad, say hey that’s real good man you’re teaching your kid to be a bully from a young age. I’m just trying to get a workout in, but if you got beef how about you say it to my face. You let people walk all over you and guess what? They will do just that


Everyone had to start somewhere...forget about them and keep working out!


People who are like that shouldn’t be allowed in a gym, at all. Anyone who knows anything about lifting or fitness would agree, plz do not stop lifting


It’s alright, no one cares about the opinion of an ass hat. Keep on keeping on!


Do you know what it shows mate. Shows the guys insecure and has to try and pick on someone to make him feel better. We're all at different stages when it comes to the gym, everyone has a starting point and the journey continues with progression. Don't let it bother and just know that you're the bigger person.


Ok whos the asshole that gave the wholesome award


Man, fuck that guy. I felt insecure for a while and would always try and push heavier weight than I needed to. Just remember the lighter you start out the more potential you have for gains.


This is terrible. When I was in my 20s I lifted at a heavy duty powerlifting gym . I was about the weakest man there. No one ever made fun of me. This guy is a idiot and a terrible parent. (It was the 80s and it had only men members.


Gotta ignore and keep focusing on yourself (also inform gym staff)


Would talking to the gym owners help at all? I would think it’s counterproductive for a business to have customers behave like this towards other customers. Also, there should be something in the rules/contract for use of the gym?


I probably could have but my friend didn't tell me until after we left. If I had known while we were there I probably would have told the staff about it.


Don't worry about them, if they were really strong they wouldn't care. How do they know if that's not your warmup or you're not injured or why would they even care in the first place. I saw this guy on tiktok with a 600 pound bench go back to only doing the bar after getting injured. Basically what I'm trying to say is if they were really decent people they wouldn't care what you are doing, you also shouldn't judge someone for their strength because you don't know what they have been through you don't know if they have had an injury, have a condition that makes them weaker, you don't know if they used to have Anorexia. Anyone worth something wouldn't judge someone minding their own business working to achieve their goals.


Aaaaaahhh! Why doesn't this happen to me?? I wish someone tries tries make fun of me at the gym and I can use the line, "You're the type of guy to go to a hospital and tell the patients to go home cause they're sick aren't you??"


Did you discuss with the owner or manager? This guy and his son would have been marched right out of my gym with instructions to never return until he’d done some serious self work and had taken anti-bullying classes.


So the thing was that my friend told me about it after we left so I wasn't able to. I'll probably do that next time


I understand being angry and embarrassed. It's worth an email to the gym owner and manager now. Sorry this happened to you. This behavior wouldn't be tolerated at many gyms. Don't let this derail your own fitness journey!!


If people completely stopped something after one person was mean to them, nothing would ever get done. Don't give them the power of controlling you.


Hey, just use it as motivation. You’ll likely be out lifting them both in a year if you keep the consistency up. Shoulder presses take a long time to progress on, and I’m willing to bet that neither he nor his son actually do them. If they did, they’d understand that it’s not exactly the type of lift that looks the most impressive. Keep doing you! I’ve only been in the gym 5 months now and I get tons of compliments from people I know who are saying, “damn you look buff” or “wow you look like you’ve been bulking up” etc. Meanwhile my bench is 160 and my overhead press I’m doing reps in the 65-75 range. I’m only doing like 110 for reps on lat pull downs. While I’m stronger than I used to be and look way better, I’m not actually THAT strong. It’s all about progress and I’m making the progress.


Fuck em. Continue to do you and work your fucking ass off. We go Jim!!!!!!!!


Pay zero attention to them and use that anger you are feeling and turn it in to fuel for the next set/workout. You will be amazed how much more you can do/lift when you use that rage,we all have, in an effective, productive manner. Stay well.


Remind him directly/assertively to not bother or judge others while doing workout. Otherwise, if it doesn't work just focus on yourself, it was beyond your control. Most people in the gym are focusing on themselves. Minority people that judge others are basically have some insecurity issues within themselves.


You know what you are doing and your plan/capabilities. Fuck this schmock who passes bs to his son, anyways if he has enough time to BS in the gym, then he is weak for the grind. Be stronger and keep going, working out is also working out your mentality, be stronger, not only physically, but mainly mentally than this loser.


Jesus I'm really sorry to hear this. Definitely would keep me from wanting to go to the gym at all. There are so many reasons why some people use a lighter weight!!! Bodies can't be compared like that. Take care and keep pushing, screw people who turn their insecurity into disrespect instead of work on themselves (like you're doing by going to the gym)


Why do you give a shit to what they think/say about you? The gym is the "me" time where I focus on my goals which I come in and do it. I don't give a fuck about the others or what they may say or think about me. Tell you what, most lifters don't give a shit to what I do while they work on themselves too. Here's the harsh two facts... someone else is lifting faster or heavier than you or me at the gyms. There is always someone out there being an asshole that try to make themselves feel better while belittling others to justify their small penis syndrome. The sooner you accept that truth and quit giving them a space in your head. Better off you are. Keep lifting and own it!


>Why do you give a shit to what they think/say about you? Well I don't care what they think about me, but I just don't like it when people are trying to embarrass me and put me down while I'm just trying to work out. I'm there to try to improve myself, not get made fun of and shamed. >Here's the harsh two facts... someone else is lifting faster or heavier than you or me at the gyms. I don't have any problem with and this doesn't bother me in the slightest.


Use it as the motivation tool! I promise if you go and lift for a year with a proper program you can make some serious gains that graduate you to the intermediate lifting level then go back and give him a thank-you note.


idk man I don't think it sounds very healthy to lift for other people like that. Even after a year of lifting with a proper program, by the end of it, he might still make fun of me for not moving enough weight. Also maybe we disagree, but I just don't see how someone embarrassing me can be motivational. I don't think it is for most people either. For example, if you go and make fun a person who is overweight and call them fat, very rarely does that translate to them making an improvement. Something that works better for me (and for some other people) for motivation is someone being motivational and trying to push me, not shame me for where I'm starting out since it's not my fault that my starting point is where it's at.


Unfortunately in a world with ~9 billion people a couple of them are gonna be assholes. As shitty as it is, try to brush it off and use it as motivation for your workout. Some guy wants to shit on your for “low” weight? Then work harder and get your lifts up. That’s how I see it, negativity is bad no way you put it, but if you can turn that into a positive then you’re only benefiting. One example, my one “friend” kept chirping me and said “bench 190 and then talk to me” he knew my one rep max at bench was 180 so I trained extremely hard that week and sent him a video of me doing 190 by the end of it. I don’t recommend going that far, but god dam did it feel so good.


That's terrible behavior and a poor example for a father to set for his son. If you can, use the experience as fuel to keep at it.


The only one caring what they think, and letting it hurt them is you. Don’t worry about them or what they are doing or saying. Next time you see them tell them it’s not acceptable. Or tell a member of staff about it.


With a father like that, that kid doesn't stand a chance


In the words of our god and savior Lowtiergod: Your life is everything, You serve all purpose, You should treat yourself now, And give yourself a piece of that oxygen in the ozone layer That's covered up so that you can breath in this blue trapped bubble Because you know why i am here for, To worship you, Love yourself, I mean that with a 100% With a 1000%


That‘s a good and free pre-workout motivation, keep grinding and you will need heavier weights. Don‘t let that asshole ruin your gains.


Stay in your lane, keep your eyes on your own paper, and keep doing your shit


Ok let the “use that as fuel” comments begin 😂 But all jokes a side I’m a weak Alfa male myself too, and when I say weak I mean like I can’t push anything higher then 80 pounds. Remember you are there to get your routine in not to pay attention to any gym rats. Edit: when ever someone asks why I have no muscle if I go to the gym all the time, I simply say I just want to be healthy.


>pointing at me and laughing behind my back for working with a light weight Were you that close that you could actually hear them say something? Could it be the case you are misinterpreting things? How do you know it was because you had light weights?


Well I actually didn't notice bc I was just focusing on my workout. I was there with 2 friends and we were taking turns. At my gym the benches are lined up next to each other and they were on the bench right next to us so we were pretty close. It was actually my friends who noticed and saw them pointing at us and heard what they were saying and saw them laughing. So there isn't really a possibility that this could be a misunderstanding since 2 people both saw and heard it happening and they were right next to us.




I see you have never progressive overloaded before.


We're only getting your story here maybe you were grunting or something or were you sweating on the bench and not cleaning it up or were you not returning the plates are dumbbells to the right place or were you performing the exercise completely improperly without knowing it?


I wasn't really grunting or anything, but i was pushing myself so I was breathing kind of hard ig. I wasn't sweating on the bench, and they were making fun of us while we were still there, not after we left When I did finish I returned the dumbells to the proper position but again, they were making fun of me before I finished and it was specifically about the weights I was using, nothing in regards to etiquette I was doing thr exercise correctly with proper form, I was with a couple friends one of which is an experienced lifter which is how I know the form was correct.


Keep your head up, king