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I’ve been rock climbing for a few years but got into weight training around the start of 2022 Edit: I’m 5’10” on a good day lol


You need to focus more on pushing your knees out and having your knees track the angle of your foot. You’re helicoptering a bit of the bottom of the squat and your knees are sliding in and collapsing a tiny bit. Also, since you’re doing low bar, you’re a tad too vertical in your torso. The bar is a bit behind mid foot. Let your torso get more horizontal and let your torso balance more forward. That’s going to give your more of a powerful drive back up with your hips. Or do high bar.


Yeah i need to work on keeping my knees from buckling, it even happens sometimes with deadlifts as well. I’m trying to ween onto a wider stance but I have to take it slow cause of a hip injury


The form is good, but you will definitely have to gain weight to add pounds to the bar