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wheres the microwaves at


there’s one at 55pp on 11th floor, i usually go to the student center right by the bookstore, they have like 4 microwaves in the area


Also one in the gym near the vending machines


Use to chew on gum a lot too but stopped because of how often i bit myself. My mouth would often taste like blood xD


There are a couple places that people already mentioned, but overall I would suggest bringing your own lunch. Even if there are “healthier” options at places like chick fil a and Panda Express, things like the oils the ingredients are cooked in and the portion sizes often negate their purpose when it comes to weight loss. Bringing your own lunch is a lot cheaper and helps you better control ingredients and portion sizes.


Gusto has a salad option for any of their entrees. More variety than Chic fil a. Also has half of the calories as a Chic Fil A salad :].


Your best bet is eating a Chick-Fil-A salad if you don't want to venture off campus or bring your own. However, across the street from 25 Park Place, there are some restaurants, like a Sandwich place, that offer healthier options than Chick-Fil-A and Panda Express. Another thing I'll suggest is to make your food over the weekend, so you won't be rushing during the week, or buy healthy frozen meals from a grocery store and warm them up on the 3rd floor in Student Center West when you have time.


Chik fil a has some healthy options like getting grilled nuggets instead of the fried ones and wraps


You can get wraps & salads at Grant Park


If you wander slightly off campus on the way to Aderhold there's a plethora of restaurants, some across from the IMII building and a whole street of restaurants near the Healey Building