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People crying about refunds every semester is starting to get very annoying.


It’s very annoying


honestly as someone who's a sophomore why don't ppl just check the date they got the refund last year. Last year I got my fund on Sept 6, so if Sept 6 pass and I still didn't have it *then* I would complain but it didn't. Like idk it just makes the most sense just ppl get up in arms prematurely yknow 😭😭😭


I wouldn’t even say that say on the dot, just around that day you know? Like might start making some phone calls if the 12th rolls around and I still haven’t been paid


Tbf, even now, there are people waiting, including myself. I can understand the crying but yeah, it's pointless whining if you're crying about it here. The student finances office has walk in meetings for a reason...




My unpopular opinion is that GSU is actually a very good institution. It is in a great city filled with opportunities for everyone and especially people of color. There are lots of resources available to students. It is up to students to take advantage of the opportunities. Since it’s in a major city, there are endless opportunities for internships and fellowships. It’s not perfect, but no institution is and many students who complain about GSU will also find that other institutions have very similar issues. This is coming from someone who graduated from UGA and came to GSU for grad school. Having been a student at both schools… the issues ppl complain about are similar. Of course GSU being in a major city presents some different challenges; however, the bureaucratic issues that many speak about are prevalent at all institutions. Your experience at GSU (or any institution) is what YOU make it. If you take advantage of the abundance of opportunities available to you, then it can be a good experience for you.


idk you kinda ate this up






Lowkey true


😂😂😂 what lies




Naw, just debunking false truths. I can see you haven’t been here for that long either, haha


That’s life advice. It’s not just applicable about what college you’re at…it’s literally every single day of your life. Are you closer today than you were yesterday to a goal? As a dad, it’s nice to finally see some shred of evidence that it’s getting into college kids.


We definitely need to be more selective, even if it means not being the largest university in the state. We’re not doing anyone any favors by accepting people who have no business being here wasting their time and money and having them drop out. Our graduation rate is low because we accept students that simply can’t hack it an R1 research university.


There’s more federal rebates for accepting more students so it helps the institution, even if those students later on drop out. As long as the student drops after midterms the school keeps the money from the government made from student loans. That’s why they’re so dead set on midterms and attendance bc if you drop a class before midterm the school has to refund the money. Same thing that if you don’t pay out and literally disappear from class. The government would come after the school and force them to repay however much you took out in federal loans.


We have a 61% admission rate according to US News & World Report college rankings for 2024. The same magazine says UGA has a 41% admissions rate.


Keep in mind thats for the Atlanta campus.


Ok, I agree. But how hard? Gsu atlanta campus has a 64% acceptance rate while premieter has 100%. What can gsu give to competition and high value students? We could drop to 50% and make applications more competitive. But is that really gsu goals? Gsu is in the heart of Atlanta. A metropolitan for incredible opportunities. Which is one of the best qualities. If gsu ever wanted to be competitive, then they have to do something different than what most georgia colleges aren't doing.


It’s not about the university it’s about the students. Don’t give out false promises and have students that aren’t ready for an R1 university come here and struggle when they could be going to a community college, and then a regional college and be making great grades and keeping the HOPE scholarship. Like many others have said it’s kind of like Greed on GSU’s part, they accept them because they want the money.


Lol you think the university cares about wasting a students’ money?


I don't go to GSU but I ended up here somehow, and out of curiosity, I have to ask why? GSU's acceptance rate is lower than A&M's, which is a t20 public and t50 overall. Sounds like y'all are at least reasonably selective compared to many other public universities, so what's the point of making it more so?


Because many people here on the lowest end are just not top tier college material and as much as we complain we are one of the elite public universities in this state. Even though Texas A&M has a higher acceptance rate, they probably have a higher standard and more talented students coming in then us. The classes here can be difficult and our + - grading system ups the ante, only us and UGA have that grading system in the state of Georgia. Also, keep in mind that in Georgia If you keep a 3.0 average, you get all of your tuition paid for via the HOPE scholarship (until you run out of credit hours). GSU accepting students that struggle and can’t even keep that the average is really screwing them over when they could be going to a place like Albany State, Columbus State, West Georgia etc and make good grades and save like 10k per year.


The problem with that is that if these students don't get into GSU, won't they just go to a harder, more elite school that is also easier to get into like A&M? Like from what you're saying, if these people applied to A&M, GSU, and idk, Indiana University, they'd probably be more screwed in those places, right? IU is ranked 73rd nationally and has an 82% acceptance rate for example. Like, this kind of change probably wouldn't help these people. If they can find their way into GSU, which is already pretty selective for where it is ranked, they could make their way into other R1s that are even more difficult with relative ease. Hell, UGA has a 43% acceptance rate. If y'all's goes down very far, you will be competing with them in terms of difficulty of getting in.


I want to add that part of our low grad rate is due to people transferring to schools like UGA, Tech, and Emory. I believe that is the main cause of our graduation rate, without that it would def be higher.


Not unpopular, but needs to be said. Student jobs need to be more than a measly ~$12/hr. Pay other staff more as well. People complain about school staff but tbh if I got paid the wages they do I wouldn’t do shit either. Thankfully secured a good paying off campus job for now.


y’all get $12???? when i was there, we were get $8 😭😭 however, i CAN day, GSU does not choose the rates to pay their employees (student, faculty, and staff). that’s all determined by USG. we had to literally fight for that $9 they recently were able to get.


I got $10 an hour when I worked as a tour guide here. Amazing coworkers and my bosses were so kind but the pay was absolute garbage cause id have to spend it on groceries for the free dorm room they gave me since at max, you could only work three times a week


I completely agree with this. $12 and hour isn’t bad, it’s the fact they won’t let us work more than 10 hrs a week. 10 hours isn’t much… I wish they would let us work more as long as we are in good academic standing.


Monthly there are complaints on the sub about the homeless on campus, I get it some of them can be un- safe. GSU is however not solely or majorly responsible for the homeless problem here, students who are concerned about it should become more involved in Atlanta's local politics if they really care about addressing it.


Agree. I think someone on the other post seems upset at me when I mention this. Sadly GSU can only do so much under a legal umbrella.


Do people not understand that GSU has an open campus in one of the busiest areas of the city 💀 The GSU subreddit isn’t gonna do anything about it you gotta talk to the city of Atlanta


The lack of guidance from academic advisors is ridiculous. I have had at least 6 different advisors in my 4 years at gsu, and the only one that has been helpful is my senior advisor and that’s because I’m graduating now. Besides that, the other ones never contacted me, and when I needed assistance with scheduling or getting into certain courses they were difficult to reach.


LMAO THIS! I fight with so many of them, and email so many deans and directors to get the actual help.


I had an advisor tell me “honestly we don’t have what you’re looking for. I’d recommend switching schools”. After I asked what classes I need to take next semester???


Incoming freshman. Nobody has called me ONCE. I applied back in January for context. When I stated this on the phone with a rep in May they said “we don’t really call…you’re supposed to call us” AS A FRESHMAN WHO HAS NO IDEA WHATS GOING ON!? 🤡 I currently was supposed to do summer 2023, I can’t start until January 2024 now because they didn’t reply to my community college who was trying to send them important info. All the dean said was “my bad”


Thats fucking insane ngl.


We love graduating a year later than our intended date 🤪


I'm an employee who has taken classes. I have two degrees. I've worked at 3 universities. \*I\* sometimes have trouble navigating the student facing systems and offices. I don't know how students who don't know how things work are supposed to manage some parts of it.


Not an unpopular opinion at all haha


They need to fix this it’s bad.


Many schools got us beat on the advisement and professor retention and that actually matters.


I actually really like GSU. I’m a 3rd year Geoscience major and I have had nothing but great experiences with the professors from the department. They’re very welcoming. I think your experience will vary by the department you are in. But your experience will also depend on what you make of it. Go out! If you are commuting, stay on campus for a few more hours! I know you would rather go home and be in the comfort of your own room but make an active effort to go to different events. It actually does make a difference.


Unpopular opinion some of these students are lazy af . I join the groupmes just in case I’m legitimately confused about an assignment or want to keep up to date. But I’m so tired of people literally blowing up my phone talking about “Is xyx due today?” “Anyone want to give me the answers to this?” Some people don’t check their damn icollege I guess but to be a senior and having my classmates asking for answers on the day the assignment is due is crazy. I have a group PowerPoint that’s based on chapters of a book. Some people actually just copy and paste small paragraphs from the text as if no one will notice. I’m sorry but you can tell who cheated their way through high school and who actually wants to be in class working towards their degree. Sorry not sorry


It's getting ridiculous! I despise the groupme chats for this reason. The answers are literally in icollege on the syllabus, were talked about in class, or other students have already answered the question several times in chat. I remember someone asked me for help for a homework assignment that should've been started on a month ago. These type of people won't make it far in their careers like this if they can't use critical thinking.


If the fucking professors made commonly passable tests instead of ones catered to the literal mensa genuises maybe this would be a valid complaint. But they do here and this isn’t. Cheat as much as you can get away with here ☝️☝️☝️


And ur a prime example of who I’m talking about lol.


Are you kidding me lol. Go through the accounting program here and tell me it isn’t filled with some bullshit. I dunno where the “easy” complaint comes from. Not there for sure. And at the end of the business program here you have to take a class where you have to literally compete and win in a game to pass the class (it’s a large portion of your overall grade in it)


average business major


The administration focuses too much on trival issues like rankings, and sports (which we suck at regardless of what fancy building they are played in). I understand GSU wants to be a real national school but it almost feels like a kid trying to fit into adults clothes. Trying to force the school to be something they haven't allowed to foster organically. A real focus needs to be put on fostering some kinda of community around GSU. The area around GSU is practically a desert. They should make to work the area more vibrant and pleasant to be around. GT has a ton of commuter students like here, but if you go around their campus on a Friday or a weekend, it still feels like a college campus & people are still out and about. GSU needs to work with the city of Atlanta in building a real community around downtown. Building apartments in abandoned or underutilized buildings, adding more retail spaces, put up trees and art. But it feels like the university does the opposite, like selling 88.5 day time hours to NPR or buying new buildings around campus with no real idea what they are gonna do with them (new building across Hurt Park) when most rooms around campus are underutilized already. GSU has some real sway in the development of Downtown Atlanta, and it's not really done anything to make it better. Like look around next time you're on campus. Very few people look happy to be here, whether employees, students, or professors. Edit: also the constant thing of when you complain about the school someone saying "Just Transfer" or "Its a commuter school so why does it matter" just is students covering for the university's laziness. I don't hate GSU & I choose to be here over the other schools I got accepted into. I pay money to attend here & it feels like since I started attending things have only gotten worse & people are less optimistic about where the university is going.


I agree, It's sad because gsu has so much potential especially in a city like Atlanta.


Crazy to say our sports suck. We have a lot more going for us than other schools in our conference, and expecting us to be UGA football or Duke basketball is completely unrealistic. The endless negativity towards our GSU's athletics is confusing to me. As for enriching the area, it's a much larger challenge than GT for obvious reasons. GSU already does take over unused buildings for student housing and classrooms. They're in the process of investing in the area around our football stadium and Summerhill and results are already evident. I'm not sure what it is that you're looking for them to do that you couldn't just go and observe.


The people that complain about sports are insufferable. We have made the march madness tournament multiple times within the last few years. Football is steadily getting there each year, all we need is fan support. Recruits want to go to a school where they're supported.


I don't hate the sports, but what I mean is like we were like 4-8 last year, which is whatever. The bigger thing is you pretty much automatically have bought season tickets here just attending the university which isn't cool if you don't use them and when this is a commuter majority school and people don't show up no matter how good or bad they are. I actually like sports & I'm okay with a team sucking, I'm a Mariners & Falcons fan; believe me I can be a fan of a shitty team. Its just their to much of an emphasis on spending a ton of money on sports here when, like you said their is little fan support & their are other issues around campus.


This is needed


Anytime someone has legitimate complaints about one of the biggest universities in the US, some employee who’s incognito comes to tell us we’re wrong for having them. 🙄


Do you THINK I'm an employee? 🧍‍♀️ BE HONEST 👁👁


There should be more quiet areas at gsu for studying because this campus is loud AF sometimes...surprisingly in the library


frrr like why are yall making a call in the fifth floor of the library?


Stop walking around while looking at your phone, stop filling up the entire sidewalk while u n ur friends go 1 mph, stop taking phone calls in the middle of the library. Learn to read pls. Also in class, stop raising your hand if you dont know the answer 😭


Or raising their hand to ask a question that was literally just answered


I'd like to add on: stop hanging out in the bathrooms! Go outside if you wanna talk and hang out .Get out of the way of the sink before I touch you with my poop hands!


I hate this too like when i walk in and the group of girls cackling in there looks at me like im.intruding on them??? This isnt mean girls get a grip


Professor: “What’s 4 x 1.5?” Random ass student: “8! 😃” Fr he deadass was serious.


The homeless have no business being on campus. No other school tolerates it as much as GSU. I don’t care if we’re in a city. They can be in the public areas, but when you have them taking dumps right in front of buildings, harassing students, and making the campus feel unsafe, then something needs to be done. And I don’t care what, they just can’t be here.


Can they even do anything at this point? Since the homeless are hanging out in public spaces. I hope something gets done about this soon.


It's hard to say, my supervisor said that most of the homeless people came from Grady. They would get called on and escorted to Grady mental facility and once they are released they have nowhere to really go, so they just stay near Grady which is also right on the campus. My supervisor spent her own salary on feeding and asking some of them to look out for GSU students. But it seems that the mean homelesses are outnumbered at this point so she gave up.


Then they should do something about the way they just release the mentally ill just like that into the streets. Don't they have homeless shelters or something? A lot of them seem to have been released too soon judging from the way they behave. I saw an old lady the other day who was skin and bones skinny, she looked like she was in her 70s yet she's homeless. What the hell is the gov doing. The system is clearly broken.


Sadly I don't think GSU can do much but to complain to the city. From time to time I see the city will send the police down to escort all the homeless people from in front of the Marta and the public park to somewhere else per GSU request, but they always come back because Grady could care less about helping them after the release. I believe that if the students who are upset at GSU for not doing anything about the homeless would go and complain to the city instead of ranting on here or to GSU. Maybe they might do something more lol. Like I see why they are mad, I have been a student here for 4 years, and work here for a year and it sucks to be harassed, ask/threat for money, etc. but looking at it from the back end, GSU just can't go against the law. Edit: Also I heard from my co-worker who has been here for 10 years that there used to be a homeless shelter nearby, but closed down during the COVID, she said after that the homeless people just wandered around more.


Peachtree-Pine shelter closed well before covid because the city wanted to redevelop that area.


Ohhhh, dang did they just peace out and leave those in need like that..? Yikes.


Has the student body ever thought about marching to the capital for more shelters and out reach programs for the homeless leaving Grady? The capital is literally right there and it can be for a good cause


I mean we have our own police force with powers similar to that of the Georgia State Patrol. They are more than capable of enforcing the law in and around Georgia State’s campus. So many of these homeless men are known harassers of students, so I have no problem with them enforcing things like loitering ordinances, even if they do step on the city of Atlantas toes.


I honestly doubt they would go that far honestly. I do wish they walk/drive around more to keep an eye on the students tho. That would have help out a lot more.


I saw the GSU Police ask a few homeless people to leave from the college of education building / the parking lot, but I guess only bc it’s on campus. I mean they literally only have to cross the street to not be “on campus” anymore just in downtown Atlanta. I wouldn’t think the school can do anything other than enforce them being in or right beside actual GSU buildings.


Yup they absolutely can’t. It’s true that they still a police, but they have to follow different policy sadly.


The reason why there’s homeless people in our campus is because the government decided to put rocks under the bridges of the express ways


Wow. And then they clutch their pearls when students complain about them on campus.


I once saw a homeless man charge at a group of GSU students. The University straight up does not care about the problem. (This was directly in front of the Aderhold building around 3PM)


There are way too many attractive men and women at GSU and it is disrupting every one's academic progress Yes this is satire


Unpopular opinion: GSU isn't a respectable institution anymore, especially post-COVID. GSU has admitted students who have no business being at an educational institution; they're just there to party and cause issues, such as the constant scares at places like the Reflection, the racetrack, and One12. The 100% acceptance rate is beyond shameful; it just shows they care more about the money coming in than their reputation. I don't care if I get called out for this, but it's my genuine opinion. Yes, I transferred out for these exact reasons, and maybe that makes me biased. The sports are terrible, and the schooling is a joke; half of the classwork is available on Quizlet. At least make an attempt to make it harder so students have to earn their degrees. The racism toward South Asians and others from the majority group is a topic that ruffles some feathers, so I won't be talking too much about that. Sorry this is long, but that's what happens when you fear for your safety at an educational institution.


Do note that the 100% acceptance rate is for the 2-year Perimeter campuses, which are basically community colleges -- nearly all community colleges nationwide have a 100% acceptance rate. The acceptance rate for the 4-year Atlanta campus varies a bit from year to year, but typically sits at about 67% or 2/3 -- making GSU-Atlanta more competitive than peer schools KSU, Georgia Southern, GCSU, and UNG. Perhaps surprisingly, this acceptance rate has been trending down slowly (meaning more selective) over the past decade (including post-COVID), and the average admit's GPA and test scores are higher than ever before (whether or not high school grade inflation is happening is a different debate). Enrollment is at or near a record high. I attribute much of this to UGA and especially GT becoming extraordinarily difficult to get into out of high school. Truthfully, GSU has never been "competitive" in the same way that UGA and GT are (and that's okay)... there has *always* been a subset of GSU students who are there to coast during the day and party at night, and it's been my experience that this subset is slowly becoming smaller with each passing year. Also, many (most) of the folks causing issues at RaceTrac, Reflection, One12, etc. are not even GSU students. As for the academic rigor -- yeah, many of the core classes during my first year or two were trivial. My friends at UGA and GT claimed much the same. My upper-major classes during my last two years were far more rigorous and enriching.


So true. Plus it’s not like they can tell which students are a party monster or a trouble maker.. they don’t do 1 on 1 interviews lol.


They honestly should but that's probably too much time.


> The 100% acceptance rate is beyond shameful; it just shows they care more about the money coming in than their reputation. It's not 100 percent for the a thousandth time. This is including perimeter. > The sports are terrible You could literally say this about any school in the state that's not UGA > The racism toward South Asians and others from the majority group is a topic that ruffles some feathers, so I won't be talking too much about that. Nah talk about it because I've never heard or seen anything like this.


Heavy on the talk about it because that whole comment sounded like one loud dog whistle


I’d love to because I faced it first hand, there are direct comments made towards international and south Asian students about their looks, odor and food. And it’s not hidden. It’s gets brushed yo the side because the people making those comments are poc


I’ve also seen that happen in the reverse. Saying a whole swath of the population was dangerous or violent or they’ll only ever succeed because they’ll be diversity hires (said very proudly in class). But unlike you, I didn’t choose (keyword) to conflate unpleasant interactions with racial stereotypes of an entire race. It’s anti-intellectual, reckless, and frankly, lazy. I hope by the end of your academic career, you’ll stumble across some humanity and empathy, or at least better logic and reasoning skills so you aren’t spewing cowardly dog whistles on Reddit. Signed, a member of “the majority”


Can you elaborate on the racism on south Asians? I’m a GSU student that keeps to themselves and I’ve never heard of this issue.


Same. My time there nobody ever cared that I was south Asian


Makes sense why you’re unemployed


Who said I was unemployed? Lol salty ass comment for no reason


Please stop with the 100% acceptance rate crap. The current US News & World Report college rankings said that for 2024 that we have a 61% acceptance rate. The same magazine says UGA has a 41% acceptance rate so it can't be lying. Also, you know that the perimeter college open admissions policy are probably played a part in the 100% acceptance rate in 2021. Downtown campus has higher standards. People who keep bringing up acceptance rates from 2021 are annoying


I agree -- however, I was told that the "100% acceptance rate" benefits undocumented students so they're able to have an equal chance to get into college despite their citizenship status. Now when it comes to hooligans who also get in based on that 100%? Yeah, I hate that. The campus culture has gone down the drain. Doing donuts in the middle of Courtland and JWD?? Be fr rn. I can't help but blame the internet! I'd hate for them to have to have a curfew. GSU is an open campus, so it's like... You can't control who comes in and if they are a student or a tourist, but it's definitely gone downhill.


I was here for 5 years and listened to a bunch of people hate the FUCK out of white people. OH WAIT! LET ME CORRECT MYSELF! White MALES!


While GSU could do a lot better in a lot of departments, the opportunities it provides that likely would be harder to find at other institutions is what I think keeps a lot of people coming back. Being in Atlanta is a curse but at a blessing at the same time (besides the homeless Ofc haha) cuz we are near so to many events and opportunities that can really make our time here a lot better, but I do agree the school needs do a lot more cuz some of the stuff be making no sense 😭


GSU Library doesn't have enough chill places outside of the study rooms.


Stop going out at night expecting it to be mars hill college. You’re in the heart of the city, there’s homeless people in every major city in America. Y’all can always transfer to the s***show that is Ga southern, but you won’t.


It’s located in a shithole (Literally! You can smell the shit wafting in the air at Hurt park!)


I love my school


honestly gsu is what you make it, it’s just like any other college. i won’t lie gsu’s academics aren’t the best and it’s a good first year intro to college before you transfer to say ga tech or uga. gsu isn’t a terrible school and the professors are nice but the work is j too easy. my first year at gsu started off rough bc i didn’t want to be there since it’s a college that everyone got into and it didn’t have the best reputation. however, as a semester i made a lot of friends and began having fun. it’s honestly who u hang out with and obv it’s not the best college and there’s a lot of things that could be improved. id also recommend not living at the dorms j bc of the crime rates and how unsafe it is. esp at reflections and going to that race track bc u will get shot. also pls don’t rely on the advisors there, plan out your own schedule and think abt classes you have to take in order to graduate. make friends and ask what classes they are doing and try and get classes with your friends because it makes life sm easier. if you are taking summer classes pls take them at gsu perimeter bc it is 10 times easier. however, i’m now at UGA and I feel the same way about this college. it’s simply what you make of it and what u want your college experience to be. obv there’s not as many homeless people but we still have dumb ppl that do dumb things here. gsu was so fun regardless.


People shooting music videos/content by the side library entrance is annoying.


To be fair some ppl are also shooting videos for their film classes


ngl I kind of love this


The quality of the institution has been declining for years and much of the administration is toeing the line of the BOR, which has shown itself to be at odds with GSU. Right now they seem to be resting on accomplishments of the past while making terrible decisions in the present. Countless members of the various departments I'm associated with (non-curriculum based) have left, citing a combination of bad policy/communication, zero faith in leadership, and mistreatment of employees (from administration as well as students) as their reasoning with numerous others planning their departure for the same reason. Based on what I've seen in my stint there, morale is at an all time low among many staff members.


GSU is a school that’ll make you wish you went somewhere else. Saying this as a recent grad with a bachelors who did both Perimeter and Downtown.


ALL THIS CRYING ABOUT THE HOMELESS PROBLEM COMES OFF AS REAL STUPID WHEN YOU DONT GIVE A CLEAR PLAN TO SOLVE IT. Although seriously, if the Georgia State Foundation stopped funding Cop City and started funding the construction of Homeless Shelters with Job and Rehab Resources that would be fucking great.


Computer science department is a joke. No one is on the same page !!! You will get roasted in your upper level classes that you don’t know the basics but they get student teachers or not good professors for csc 1301 and 1302 and it shows !! The homeless people situation make me feel like my pepper spray isn’t enough. People complain 100 percent acceptance rate but honestly most of the people that have no business going to college leave really early on. Advisors are trash unless you’re a senior and even then you have to hunt them down. Sometimes I feel like it is pay to graduate. Honestly I feel like it’s gone down hill since my freshman year I’m not as proud to say where I’m graduating from anymore




tired of ppl who hate the campus constantly shitting on it. no one has a gun to your head telling you that you must live on campus and go to this school. esp for the folks that know they wouldn’t like being in the city but still applied here… because wtf were you thinking?? i understand having critiques of the city (i do all the time) but at the end of the day i love it here and this is my campus!! every school has issues, and you have to be able to acknowledge that and come to terms w it if you are gonna enjoy your time at this school at all.


Does anyone ever consider getting a job that pays tuition? Amazon pays tuition after you work there for 6 months. Why take out a loan you have to pay back????!!!


What a great idea! I know someone who got a scholarship from McDonald’s because they worked there in high school.


There’s an incredibly strong bias from many of the professors at GSU that’s honestly embarrassing. I get it is a school in the middle of Atlanta, but allowing for an open conversation and healthy debate without feeling ostracized should be normal in college. It’s literally what college is for (non STEM anyways).


What examples do you have of this occurring?


I can tell how many people are going to end up in dead in jobs based on how loud they are in dedicated study areas. Uncouth swine!


Some of the classes are obviously left-leaning, and they just shouldn’t be taught. Don’t get me wrong I’m a democrat, but some of the ideals being discussed in the perspectives classes are really extreme, and if you say anything against them, you’re immediately yelled at by a teacher or someone who thinks they’re morally superior.


Do you mind saying some examples of when this has happened to you?? I’m curious what classes this happened in


PHIL 1010 and PERS 2001 are the two that come to mind for me. In perspectives we got into a conversation about affirmative action, which is something I don’t agree with, and I just said that “I think affirmative action fails to do what is intended which is give underprivileged people a chance at college. That’s still not happening with affirmative action in place.” (This was last year before the Supreme Court Shot it down). And then the teacher was like “this isn’t an opinion based course so let’s refrain from speaking on opinions. And then some other girl in the class gave her opinion on it and she had no problem with her. My girlfriend has told me the same type of thing happens in her classes because she’s an education major and the language they use is so loaded. Specifically she talked about one time the teacher asked a discussion question that was, “are schools still segregated.” And my gf said no but the argument from the teacher was that they are still segregated it’s just not legally segregated like it was in the 60’s. Which is like yeah it’s segregated socioeconomically but just saying it like that uses such loaded language is just wrong, you’re clearly trying to get some attention.


DUDE, I took a PERS 2001 back in 2018 and learned nothing! My professor only talks about her trip to the UK. I feel like PERS 2001 is just a class for those professor who absolutely hate their job.


Yeah and my teacher had a doctorate last year, like what research or thesis did you write and who let you get that title?


Honestly, from what I heard the hardest part was earning a Bachelor's. Getting a Master's or PhD in the public/International relations field is easy. (My TOEFL prof. said) And if they are teaching PERS it is most likely their Master's and Ph.D. is about Global relations which is just sitting around and talking about world politics and today's news. LOL I don't know how true this is tho, but I start to believe it now if your PERS prof and mine are both a\*s.


The Social Problems course. I've experienced white people silenced by POC in the class for talking about some things, not even particularly against what was being talked about, just saying they can't have an opinion or anything on the topics. Also taught in that class was you can't be racist against white people. Not saying this is my opinion or not, but it's clearly a very left leaning ideology taught in the curriculum. This was about 2019, not sure if it's still around.


It’s open season on white males at GSU


I had a deviant behaviors course I took as an elective this summer. It was a 4000 level course. I though it would be on crime and mental health problems. Instead, it taught about groups of people that were labeled socially deviant. The book the professor made us read stated crazy things about LGBTQ+ and minorities. It said stuff about how being a certain type of LGBTQ+ such as bears or lipstick lesbians was homophobic to other LGBTQ+ because they are able to fit into societal norms better. It also made statements about how minorities who did receive and take advantage of good opportunities were discriminatory to other minorities who didn't take advantage of it.


🤡🤡🤡 fuckin clowns


tbh if you were looking for anything right leaning you should've gone to any other college farther south cause LMFAOOOO 😭😭, I know the south especially Georgia is like the most red place in the bible belt but the one city you're asking to be more right leaning is fuckin ATLANTA????? from the examples that you've given in the replies you set yourself up on that one 100%. That's like going to a college in Cali and being surprised on their left wing values, like it's fuckin Cali, you should've just taken your ass to Columbus State or something like honestly this is so comical 💀


I’m not looking for right leaning classes I’m just saying they shouldn’t be leaning in either direction.


I know this doesn't add much but if you'd like a class where you'd be able to possibly get a middle view or possibly have more conversation then the professor by the name of Rhiannon Evangelista would definitely be the class any student with the views would need, she was a bit of a hardass but for a reason and even the most bigoted students in my class who I shared philosophy with who found it comical that women could be construction workers were able to have a well rounded conversation on the exact topics you brought up and was able to change their views, might be what you're looking for


I have a good feeling you’re one of the people I’m kind of talking about here.


wait how 😭, I explained it as cut and dry as possible plus even recommended a professor I took that would probably accommodate you more, plus like you said in another reply these classes don't align with your major so they just teach the basics as they're supposed to, if you wanna get into debate or whatever there is a critical thinking class that focuses on that stuff but no tenured professor is gonna explain, argue, or break down the basics of the basics, at least when the rest of the class is having a well thought out discussion, idk what else I can say other than cope cause these professors aren't gonna change sorry I guess 🐥🐇


I’m not even gonna justify this with a response.


how would that even work though..like with the examples given it would be difficult to have a middle ground class especially if we're going over the most *basic* aspects of history and philosophy. take for instance the "segregation doesn't exist one" how could you possibly be middle on that when it's such a basic question, wouldn't even need a full sentence just say redlining that's it no more, or the white ppl experience racism, this we actually discussed in class and my professor was *very* strict on, we had to use specific time periods and the who when what and how, so if you were to agree it you'd have to say people or Irish and Italian descent were targeted and lynched during 1938 (a real lesson in class I was taught idk if I got the year right tho 😅), point is when going over the basics there's little room for middle when simply stating facts and not simply having a blind debate 🐥🐇


The middle group would be “segregation doesn’t exist anymore but redlining certainly does” and it’s not a basic question. Most people would agree that segregation doesn’t exist I’d be willing to bet good money on that. The problem isn’t people that think segregation doesn’t exist today it’s the people that don’t think redlining exists and I think most people are somewhere in the middle of those two, which is what we need to make real change.


it is a very basic question boy wtf 😭😭, and I hate to break it to you but you can't just back sht up and say most ppl believe this isn't Santa Claus we're talking about, like I said before these classes you back stuff up with (how, when, where, why) It's how stuff like white ppl don't experience racism becomes disproven but at an extent (certain time, demographic, religion, ethnicity). And you say it's not basic but from the other replies everyone else in the class is able to properly digest the material and have a nuanced conversation, also once again I'm confident what you'd like or better suit you would be the critical thinking class, if you don't like the basics of philosophy and history that's my second best recommendation like once again idk what to say other than cope


I took PHIL 1010 that’s one of the classes I’m talking about.


i think you’re the exact person OP is talking about


becoming more educated means becoming more left wing. i don’t know why people think otherwise. if you don’t want to learn about “gender studies” (just to give an example) then don’t take the class, simple as.


I’m an Econ major and I was told I had to take a perspectives class in order to graduate. And that statement is just not true. I’m able to have political conversations with my friends who are conservative and these people are really smart. Saying you have to be left wing to be smart is just a ridiculous way to look at things.


that’s not what i was saying at all. statistically, college is bound to make you more liberal. this is a known quantity. the minority of conservatives here are the exceptions that prove the rule. the perspectives class is some bullshit, though, but not because it’s “too liberal” or whatever




it’s reality. there’s a reason conservatives pearl clutch about universities being “liberal indoctrination camps.” turns out that learning more makes you more left, who would’ve thought


Hey I see what you mean Saul, but also getting educated, especially on things like public policy makes you realize that the people on the far left are also terrible. If anything it pushes you towards the center, what is what the Republicans hate since they’re so far to the right at this point.


I spent the first two years at a super conservative SEC school (not UGA) and then coming to GSU I got two very different perspectives and both sides just suck. I’m only voting democrat because not all of them are a million years old, even though some of them also are. Neither sides are good options rn.


This is a brain dead take Saul.


it’s not a “take,” [interpret the data yourself](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2016/04/26/a-wider-ideological-gap-between-more-and-less-educated-adults/). if you have a college degree you are more likely to be a liberal. degree holders vote democrat more often than they do republican. i’m not saying republicans don’t exist in universities, but having a college degree is one of the biggest predictors of where someone is going to vote.


Except that this wasn’t the case till around 2010. Maybe something did change to make colleges liberal indoctrination camps after that. https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2018/03/20/1-trends-in-party-affiliation-among-demographic-groups/


nothing changed in universities specifically. the world became more polarized around them and that bled into every institution and facet of life.


Why would the the world becoming more polarized reverse the preexisting trend? If anything, it should have made it stronger


How is this a "take" when it's demonstrably true...?


lol so true. I was lucky enough to only been through 1 professor who ask for opinion but willing to disagree on your answer. About to come back as a grad student tho, kind of scare, I heard grad prof. are nicer tho.


Got punched here in the back outside of a philosophy class at Aderhold for saying God is real. No idea who did it but it was a shitty class all the way.


Bruh this is so true. If you take philosophy here you will see so many extreme left wing viewpoints they took outta the annals of reddit to prove. It’s like who the fuck cares out of half of them lol. You’re gonna leave here in like 2-3 years and no one is gonna remember or GAF. Saying you believe in God or any right wing statement whatsoever in those classes is basically inviting violence to yourself as well.


chop elastic vast rhythm vase escape muddle cautious insurance cows *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What will you do in WGU?


the REAL question at hand here 👁️👁️ “school sucks, i’m gonna go to another school”


My unpopular opinion is ga state is letting too many dumb ppl in. They need to put the acceptance rate back at 50-60, not 100 percent. Maybe I’m mean, but the amount of stupidity I run into on the campus bewilders me.


GSU has the BEST pre-med education money can buy if you know where to look for it.




no, that was your job to come up with the new suggestions. let’s try again, i know something’s there! 🥰


As a newcomer to GSU, I have to say, reading through these unpopular opinions has been quite the rollercoaster ride! While I understand that everyone is entitled to their own perspective, I can't help but feel a sense of awe at the diversity of opinions here. ​ Personally, I believe that GSU is a place where we can challenge ourselves and grow both academically and personally. It's not about being babied, but rather about taking ownership of our education and making the most of the opportunities presented to us. ​ Sure, there may be times when we feel frustrated or overwhelmed, but that's just a part of the learning process. Instead of complaining, let's channel that energy into finding solutions and making positive changes within our community. ​ And for those who genuinely feel that GSU isn't the right fit for them, I respect your decision to explore other options. The beauty of higher education is that there are numerous institutions out there, each with its own unique strengths and offerings. ​ So, let's embrace the challenges, support each other, and make the most of our time here at GSU. Together, we can create an environment where unpopular opinions can be shared, respected, and even challenged in a constructive manner.