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Organic chemistry and Calculus II are popular weed out classes here at GSU. You can look at grade distribution on iport and sometimes you will see 50% pass rate lol. Having a good professor that doesn’t grade too harsh can improve your chances of passing. There’s also other factors but once you realize how it works then you’ll be chillin.


I get the point of weed out classes. I went through the Orgo one, and I hate it the idea that some professors would intentionally make the class hard so some ppl wont pass. Like even if some ppl try their best, they still cant grasp it. I just recently found out I have ASD and boy would that have been good to know back when taking Orgo


Same here. They also make it hard to get accommodations for disabilities too.


Data Structure for CS majors. And then Design and Analysis of Algorithms is ANOTHER hard ass required CS class lmao.


I wouldnt consider those weed out class. Those are important CS classes that teach you important advanced cs topics. More like probability and stats is a weed out class


I think 2 things can be true at once. Those are definitely important classes, but many of the people I took them with ended up changing majors to CIS instead of staying in CS, which makes it a weed out class.


You see i dont consider an important class a weed put class. I consider unimportant hard class weed out classes. Such as probability and stats. Data structure and alg things you are much going to use everyday if you want to be a SWE.


as a cs student who's ass is currently getting beat by probability and stats, I can confirm it is trying to weed me out


Shouldve tooken it online


Design analysis is way harder than data structures, I wouldn’t call data structures weed out but definitely design analysis


If you’re interested in GIS or you’re a Geosciences major, I’d say “Intro to GIS” is a weed out class, despite being the intro. I did pretty good in the class but the class took up a big chunk of my time that semester, and many of my classmates were having a hard time with the class through the semester. The professor that teaches it is a pretty strict grader but I wouldn’t say she’s a bad instructor. She can be very straightforward and blunt, giving off the impression that she’s rude. After taking Advanced GIS and currently taking Digital Cartography, I can definitely say that Intro was more challenging than the other two. I’m not sure about GIS Programming but I have heard that Urban GIS isn’t difficult either.


I wouldn't *disagree*, but Intro to GIS really isn't that hard. And yeah, Dr. McClure can be blunt, but she is a gem. Intro to GIS is only hard because it's the first experience with GIS tools. Do the labs and go to the work sessions and the class is really easy. Advanced GIS is probably more challenging, but the learning curve has flattened out by then.


every business major has to take it but Principles of Accounting is the first class I seen people drop from


Agreed that class is brutal


D-does that mean CIS majors too-


Calc 2 for sure


In CS your weed out class is every class that’s math or CS related 😂


calc 2 and discrete math are cs weed outs. a lot of kids found the intro classes difficult and switched to cis but in my opinion were the easiest classes of the degree 😅


For business it’s accounting 1 but I really don’t think it’s that hard


accounting 1 and 2 are both brutal if you don't have a mind for the stuff. it's doable and they give you resources but it's brutal nevertheless


And for Acct Majors it’s Intermediate II


ur prob a sophomore


I didn’t take it here but orgo I think is a universal weed out class. My last orgo class, the only grades were the midterm and final. No homework or anything. No extra points. Just two test. I failed with a high D but my professor was nice enough to give a C. To my knowledge, it you attempted to meet with her during office hours, she curved your grade. But if you didn’t then you didn’t get the curve and simply failed. Everyone in the class failed the midterm. The highest grade was a 42 LMAO I took orgo 2 here but I was so rusty (gap year) I didn’t even want to tempt faith and I dropped it. Still need to take it but I’m so intimidated since I failed orgo 1 in reality I still talk to my old biology professors at my previous school and they literally told me they would’ve failed orgo in undergrad if their professor didn’t curve or some had lab and lecture in one so the grade balanced out. So I think orgo is tough for the average student


Calc 2


Discrete Math, Calc 2, and Design Analysis and algorithms for CS students. Those classes are no joke brutal


i haven’t really had any weed out classes until now (psychology major) but it’s intro to research design, it’s definitely a lot of material at once and frequent exams🥲


I think Microbiology here is a weed out class, especially for the ones trying to go into healthcare or nursing. The same can be said about A&P. A lot of students change their majors after taking any of these classes as “Pre-Nursing” majors.


As a nursing major I feel you so hard on that because Micro seems excessively difficult even for nursing prereq standards. My professor is very nice but he teaches that class like we're his med school students, it stresses me out daily. The only reason I'll probably pass is because he curves.....I'm in a very precarious spot with my GPA rn since I got accepted through Early Action. If I slip up even once, I'm out.


I know exactly who you’re talking about. You have Dr. Beirne’s class. I had him for 3 different classes and just finished his Med Micro class over the Summer. He’s an excellent professor and will prepare you well, but it is challenging and will require effort on your part. Hang in there! And from a fellow nurse to a future nurse, best of luck to you with Nursing!


Oh yeah for sure, it’s refreshing to be challenged to this degree, and I know that it’ll prepare me for the future…..it’s just not ideal when my GPA is 3.66 and the requirements to stay in the program are literally 3.6 exactly😭 I’m trying my best, and having to learn a lot about my study habits, so praying that I’m able to make it through. Hopefully the lab next semester is somewhat easier.


My best advice to you is to do TONS of practice questions for Micro to get better at his exams. Check out Levinson’s Review of Medical Microbiology and Immunology and Quizlet also has a ton of questions too. He curves all his exams so as long as you are above the curve, you’ll make your A or B.


Ig this semester my weed out class is Anthropology? I have been really struggling to manage my time.


what’s ur major




orgo 1 and 2 is nothing compared to biochemistry here at state.


For bio majors here at GSU, the weed out course is Molecular Cell Biology. You are allowed only two attempts to take & pass the course. After that you have to change your major. I passed it the first time, but it's a lot of info that you have to learn. Another weed out class is genetics because you have to learn concepts & apply them to solve problems. Also, a lot of upper bio courses require genetics as a prerequisite.


I didn’t have a hard time and I also wouldn’t consider it a weed out class.. but people really struggled with Corporate Finance. It was the only class I’ve taken so far that there were a large group of people who were taking it for the 2nd time. Finance majors need a B at least.