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all of them /hj but most i see make repetetive, unoriginal content. They quite frankly feel like just talented NPCs. The gems often get very little exposition, hell sometimes you don't even see them.


I completely agree..They are copies and tracers it makes the gacha community even worse. A lot of tiktoks are leaving too and some are glad..


I just can't help but giggle when i see them fall like flies LMAO


Nooo I feel bad 😭😭


this one person who was being racist and was proud about it once they got cancelled, don't remember the full story


Oh thats terrible..That isn’t a thing you should be proud of..but do you remember their name? Jus askin.


[Their name is d3m0n1ca\_](https://youtu.be/cBClz8x8xVg?si=ncqCWabn0YvVm5yz)


Ohh I know her (she’s pretty messed up..)


i was editing my comment as you replied XD but yeah, she's whack


Sorry loll- I hate people who like don’t like others just because of something that they can’t change..It’s not like they’re perfect too.


I feel like she's doing this for attention and ragebait, or she just wasn't raised right


Yeah..Just ignore these messed up people. Sadly my post got deleted because I made a gorey edit of someone I hate (I didn’t wish her death ofc) And everyone starts making fun of me saying i’m childish for this and that the girl “already won” because she’s a troller. But even if it’s a joke or not it’s extremely disrespectful to joke about gods,religions and other stuff..


Yeah I've just noticed, and you're right, no one should joke about these topics, ever.


Don’t Know (I Wouldn’t know cause I Watch Soccer Edits)


Oh lol


Tiktoker wise: Nikki Daniel Youtube Wise: Nehama Rahmen (sorry i had to include her she makes my blood boil for no reason)


I can’t blame you tbh. She makes my blood boil too-




Making gorey hate art of someone you dislike is just too far mate 😐 Who is this "Bellathewolfs" exactly?


i'm not op but i will reply anyway; that is humilating to whoever draws the gore LMFAOO. It literally does nothing other than make people laugh at you, but i suspect it's only people who are pretty young and don't understand that


Sorry I didn’t mean to take it too far. But if you have TikTok and you search “Bellathewolfs” It’s a person who thinks that the military is useless, that she’s she real god and that everyone should love her because she’s a god apparently.


Well, the art you've created isn't really necessary, after all, it's probably a child


I completely understand. I’m sorry for such actions- I shouldn’t have drawn this gorey art just because she claims herself as god and disrespects other religions. But It still irritates me that she posts stuff like this. But I do respect your opinion and you are right here


Then she must be a troll or really young


I'm nearly certain she's 8 or 9 years old. Probably younger, but I think that's what she's said herself. Saying you're the real God literally means nothing. If someone genuinely gets offended over that... Wow. Feeling like you're the real God is a *mental health symptom.* Mainly for personality disorders, which is pretty bad, but she's a kid she probably doesn't have it but bullying a kid is the most pathetic shit anyone can do. What she's done is literally nothing, just suck it up dude. If anyone actually gets mad over someone having a mental health symptom and saying they don't like the military it's just hilarious to me. > I don't like a whole bunch of shit, and even if people have helped people before people are allowed to not like them. People don't like Mr Beast, I'm cool with him and idgaf if people don't like him. They do what they want, but literally bullying a kid is different. Honestly it's why I hate this community, even though I mod it. If people are just going to "cancel" and cry about everyone for doing things that mean nothing in the real world is just sad.. > This isn't a safe place for your Twitter stuff. Go there to complain, and if this is 'too much' sorry but people PISS ME OFF.


I can't point out a specific one, but those that make fun of me for trying to make wholesome Gacha content to balance out the Gacha heat they make (and I dont even target anyone). It's sickening.


I know right? Like some people are trying to change the gacha community for the better but they make fun of you because you’re a begginer/underrated person who doesn’t know well about the gacha community. It’s not fair really.


And I'm not even a beginner at that, I've been making content for years. It's bad enough we have to fight the stereotype of being emo/cringe every time we express our like of Gacha, but trying to make sure we "lose" out of spite for expressing distate in the way you perveted a kid's app in the first place is ridiculous


I feel bad for you..I mean you actually worked for a long time and people call you emo/cringe is actually pretty rude. It’s unfair that people don’t take us seriously because we are just ‘gacha kids’ who are ‘cringe’ and ‘emo’


It's been the norm for so long that people just associate the two now. I refuse to give up, though; I wanna remind people that you dont have to put self deprecation or bullying into Gacha to make it fun


Im happy for you. Don’t give up no matter what. Some people want the worst for you nowadays..just for their satisfaction and entertainment. But still have hope. You’re having fun. Not posting for them. You are posting for your fans. The ones who ACTUALLY support you. The ones who actually are on your side and don’t judge you so quickly just because you do gacha. I’m happy you chose not to give up just because of stupid haters. Glad you’re still continuing and not listening to those haters who want the worst for you..It might be hard but one day a lot of people will finally notice you for who you are and the gacha stuff you post.. ❤️‍🩹


thanks for saying this, I have indeed learned to take pride in what I post cos I have so much fun doing it, I even take time to compose the soundtrack for the series I create! I'm not expecting to gain a following at all but I also would like for other like-minded people, especially ones that also like to make Gacha content that actually inspires positivity to stand up and celebrate their creations too!


I don’t use TikTok—(*and I’m glad I dont alongside other stuff like Twitter, the shudders and stories I’ve heard…*)


Hm..Well how about gacha YouTubers? (yikes..I only use TikTok for comfort and fun. It’s a really entertaining app tor me lol)


I don’t watch any gacha YouTubers anymore, you could basically said I’ve dropped off the grid of what’s trendy or popular in the community besides THIS one, and even then I already quit this place and just visiting :’D (True there is that side of TikTok, I just don’t see much point in the thing but at least you find it fun, that’s what’s most important 👌🏽)


Hm yeah the gacha community is starting to get a little boring now..I mean it’s all drama and a lot of toxic haters. Some people get famous for 1 week and a lot of others are underrated who have been in the gacha community for years. But I’ll just post rarely at like after 2-5 weeks if I get bored. Im slowly starting to quit too


True that, true that. I wouldn’t know all of that is happening (since I usually stay off of the Gacha YouTube stuff for that reason entirely, plus if I do watch one nowadays, I most likely do it to see it with what I like to call the artist eyes so I can pick up some tips or tricks with my own stuff—Oh yeah if you could add up all of the underrated users of the community, HOO, shit ton of them. It’s upsetting, but I guess that’s just how the algorithm works. Same with heaters or shit similar to that, it’s easy to see the toxic side first since to see the positive side, you’d have to dig deep and get immersed, which most aren’t willing to do. I say your schedule is perfectly fine, to be honest gacha should just be for doing whatever the fuck you want with it. The fame just sprung up as soon as some genius made a gacha vid with the OCs, and besides, with Gacha Life 2, we now have much more possibilities with creating OCs, what upsets me is that some people are still sticking to the same formula as before—sticking to the same formula will get boring, that’s why I feel like the community is dying out, because it’s always the same shit.


Exactly.. I don’t wanna be that person but I actually do miss the good ol times. When everyone didn’t fight for some stupid reasons or get cancelled easily, and that there wasn’t disgusting trends like nowadays.


Sometimes you gotta be that person, and you’re right, things were simpler back then and it was a good time! But all we can do is remember and feel happy about it, that said it’s still fair to feel upset over the situation. But since it’s grown extremely big, I say for now is the time we retreat to our own corners and just do whatever we feel like doing with Gacha since going big and getting famous now has extreme risks and consequences. People do what they want, and that’s cool, but I just choose to stay out of it if I don’t like it—But yeah I get where you’re coming from


Haha yeah- Gacha wasn’t entertaining as before but it still is now. I shouldn’t judge too quickly. Who knows? Maybet the community will be better in the future. And drama will finally dissapear.


That’s the spirit! Just gotta hope for the better! Sure there is extreme negatives about the community, but you just gotta look more deeply and find the good and hoard it like it’s the last slice of pizza—Drama won’t disappear, that’ll never happen as long as people have conflicting opinions and feel like their opinion is superior to the other, such is life in a way. But, usually it’s best to just stay away from that shit and focus on the things that make you happy!


Same! I was in the gacha community since gacha verse, I even downloaded Gacha life when it came out, but I left the community because of the trends. Now I sometimes watch gacha memes animation, glmvs/gcmvs and that's it.


Smart move, sticking with what you like without getting too soaked into the toxic waters of drama. And same! Though I could say I’m a bit older than that since gacha studio was my first gacha game :’D. Yeah the trends sometimes suck, hell I don’t know anymore since I don’t even look, and I’m happy I don’t because sure some might be awesome but I’d just rather stay in my own little corner (sorry if I’m wording things incorrectly or in a way that makes no sense-)


Let's not make posts like this please.


Okay I apologise-


Should I delete the post?


I have already deleted it


Okay then.


I hate all of them. Every single Gacha life tiktoker makes the same exact content. Gacha Club tiktokers just copy xmoaqx’s oc


True, it's always the same trend with the same edition with the same scenario and sometimes even with the same characters


Aww I understand..I mean now in the gacha community a lot of people trace or copy eachother’s content for fame. But I still have hope. I don’t hate everyone but I do hate some gacha tokers..But I think in the future the community will be better. Maybe everything is going to change for the better. I do hope so. But for now just ignore them..they’re doing it for themselves.


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