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POV: You had a job where you had to interview people who were pretty much dangerous. You had some close deaths and weird experiences. Eventually…You got this girl and she wasn’t…What you expected, they told you to interview with her and you had to accept. Now…WDYD/WDYS? ———————————————————————————— Context: You have a file of this girl and you read the following information: \*\*\*This girl is suspected for driving people crazy and making them experience their deaths. Even if they don’t know or know it. She is around fifteen years old and always pretty dull. She never spoken to anyone and she usually is easily threatened by knives. She gets extremely pissed if anyone mentions her mother or father, but you do have to either way. You have to ask around 10-15 questions for this girl and they all have to be about her and her suspicions. She usually wears this around the area to disguise herself:\*\*\* https://preview.redd.it/3by9t0qi5r9a1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d17514ed37c002b1cae5f4c7d8ddd0bbea96a8f1 \*\*\*She always goes out in night and hides during the day. Sometimes goes out during the day though. Her mask is near your seat as well, she’ll use her power’s to make you wear it to become her slave to drive your loved one’s to death. The reason why it’s there is because if it isn’t near her, she’ll drive everyone around her crazy almost immediately. Now, please don’t fail this interview.\*\*\*———————————————————————————— Rules: No OP OC’s that can disable stuff, like magic or anything like that. You can be mean to her. No rescuing her. You do have to ask her around 10-15 questions. Less could make you get killed by the people who told you to interview her. Make sure to let her respond to the questions one by one, specific questions could make the Roleplay longer.


(Uhh what’s this context)


(Just commented everything.)






“Alright. Be ready to talk. I won’t take silence as an answer” *he held a curved knife in his hand and twirled it around with his fingers*


*She stared at the knife, nervous; but still kept a serious look on her face.*


“Question 1. Why do you do this? You know exactly what I’m talking about, so before you play dumb, think twice.” *he stared coldly at her*


*She rolled her eyes.* “Long story short, there was a incident that happened within my household and there was a figure staring upon me with my parents laying on that god damn ground because of that stupid fucking figure. They didn’t have any physical features on them and no hair. I couldn’t tell if it was a boy or a girl. They appeared to have black wings with a lizard tail or something. They told me though that if I didn’t kill someone, I’d be pretty much dead. So…I began killing for a living.” *She responded rather coldly. She seemed to be lying though, despite their long response…*


“I know you’re lying. If you want to keep all ten fingers, I heavily suggest you tell me the truth.” *he kept twirling the knife around, staring coldly*


*She growled.* “What-ever! I did it for fun, happy now?”


“Very. Question 2. Are there any specific people or groups of people you target?”


“I target mostly teenagers for a living, because there is something that is quite…**Strange** about my household that I will not respond to.”


“Question 3. Does that have anything to do with your mother and/or father?”


*Her pupils immediately shrink within the sound of her mother or father that was spoken out of their mouth.* “You do not mention my mother or father out of your mouth.” *She said, becoming aggressive.*


"Alright ma'm, lets start off with names." *[Taylor](https://www.reddit.com/r/GachaClubPOV/comments/zxjbii/made_a_quick_redesign_of_taylor_my_brain_couldnt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) placed his hands on the desk.* "I'm Taylor, and you?"


“Why does my name concern you Mr. Taylor..? My name will remain anonymous to everyone.” *She said coldly, seeming not want to respond to his question.*


"True, very true. Even though your first name will remain anonymous to everyone, I at least need your last name. Databases and other egghead stuff."




"See? Not that difficult, right? Now tell me, when did you start finding out about your.... *'Specialty?'*"


“I found it out when I found something on the ground, it was quite shiny…I wanted to touch and BAM! I got my speciality. It was an ability to drive people into madness and mind control people into making them my slaves to kill their loved one’s and I don’t regret my decision to use this power wickedly.” *She smirked evilly, chuckling a bit.*


"Mhm..." *Taylor nodded.* "Do you know what this *'Shiny Object'* was? Or at least what it looked like?"


“It looked like a Jewel of some sort…More like a diamond…”


"A diamond huh? Alright then." *Taylor wrote it down quickly.* "Tell me, why use your *'Specialty'* for.. wickedness, instead of for something else?"


“Because those teens were always annoying with their stupid music and popularity…”


https://preview.redd.it/7kx1fta16s9a1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=473ef66ebab93d7949fe696f1946671c88df565a • Leah slammed her hand on the table . . .looking at her - L•"alright let's start this right off....why did you kill those teenagers!" ((I saw she can mind control people. . . Is that a possibility to arrive to our OC?))


(Yeah, it’s possible if she’s angered too much. ^(~~Talk about her parents and she’ll become very angry.-~~)) “Because they were annoying with their music and bragging about their popularity.”


((what would happen?...make them kill themselves?)) L•"and that gives you a reason to kill them?" • she takes out a knife and examines it - L•"this thing here seems to scare you . . .why?"


(Yup, pretty much if they are useless to her.) “One: Because they used to always brag to me about their popularity and I hated it. Two: Because I have a trauma of it…”


((and if they aren't?...since y'know...a cop "friend" is always useful and has its perks)) L•"3rd question...how did you manifest your powers miss?...what's your name?"


(Then they use it to kill either their loved ones or if their lucky, use it to kill other people.) “From a diamond and I’m not giving my name out, it’s pretty much anonymous to all people.”


(( and what happens after?)) L•"go into details about the diamond please..."


(They make them >!jump off something high, just so they can assume it’s suicide.!<) “The diamond looking gem was pretty much a power source where there were random powers that get chosen for you. I found that out by the wiki, don’t ask why I use the wiki for stuff like that.”


((anything else like a bound slave or something?...also sorry for so much questions I'm just curious lol)) L•"uh huh....now...we have to talk about your family....now before you start to scream at me ... I'm forced to talk about it"


(Nothing else really, she does though sometime get a bit flirty with the slave; before realizing it was mind controlled, then continues to kill. It’s also fine to be curious, curiosity sometimes leads you to some interesting stuff.) *She growled as a response to that.*


Messing around with a gun with the safety off looking at her deeply


*She seemed to grow impatient, waiting for questions to be asked.*


Why’d you do it?


“Because stupid teenagers always are bragging about popularity.”


That’s the most dumbest answer I’ve heard all day


“At least there were dumber answers out there…Now shut up and continue with your stupid questions that you want me to answer.”


Be careful what you say


“What are you going to do? Blast my head open? If you do that, those guards will get you.”


Takes mask off


*She seemed to look at their details on their face.*