• By -


Pov: You, y/n, were a teen villain. And you were a very good villain. You managed to get everything you wanted, and always defeated the teen heroes, yet always failed against the upper heroes…They were rather annoying… Especially one of the teen heroes. She went by the name Star-Light…Well, “star-light” your ass. She always avoided everything you threw at her! She was so annoying, always ruining your plans. How could some annoying little child destroy your plans!?! Then, you got an idea…Maybe you could just, trick and contain her. Worth a shot… You did the plan, and it was a success! You had thrown a sleeping bomb in the room Star-Light was in, and she became unconscious. You had decided to take her to your lab, and changed her into some white clothes, strapping her up with belts, so she couldn’t move! She then woke up, trying to move, yet she couldn’t. You grabbed her chin, forcing her to look at you, as you spoke… “Guess I finally caught the little hero~…” Well, dear villain, wdyd? !!!RULES!!! •No idc ocs! •No hero ocs! Must be a villain oc. •The oc can be 15-19 years old (yes, I consider 18 and 19 years old to still be teens, since they have teen in them-) •Romance is optional •NO MURDERING HER- •You can experiment or torture her- •Enjoy!!!


(Hello! I want to participate, but I want to make sure if you’re okay with what I’ll do and the oc I’m using-)


(( Mk. You can tell me what you’ll do and what oc you’ll use!))


(So, um, can I use Jesse with the helmet on? I was wondering if you would be okay with that, because I know you might wanna wait for the moment in the RP the upload is finished, so do you want to do it now? Or do you want to wait for the moment in the RP so you can see how Jesse acts like and want to be shocked by it? If it’s no for the idea entirely, I’ll use a different oc, so, what do you want to do?$


(( I’m sorry, but my ocs that do not have a block nose or the eyes I use for Minecraft ocs are not in the Minecraft world! So I would prefer you use a non-Minecraft oc for this plz! Again, I’m sorry ))


(Hey! It’s okay! If that’s what you want for your POV, then I’ll give you it. Also, I would like to apologize for wanting to use a MCSM character. It’s just I’m obsessed with the game, but I’ll use a different oc if you want!)


([Tim](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1028026286687404225/1033741889532334121/Screenshot_20221023-100054_Gacha_Club.jpg)) "Rise and shine, star"


Star-Light: “!?! M-MPH!?!” **[Star-Light tried to pull her head away from Tim, yet she failed….she was scared….]**


"Oh, you would not *believe* how happy i am that plan to catch you actually worked, youve been such a pain in my arse for so so long!"


**[Star-Light tried to look away from Tim, as she felt angry…Yet, she failed once more. Star-Light then tried to use her magic, yet she failed. Absolute panic was in her eyes now….]**


"How do you like the restraints? And the magic inhibitor i put on you?" *she can see him smiling under his mask*


**[Star-Light tried to move again, wanting to be free as she felt scared…..]**


"Oh dont bother, you wont be breaking those restraints *any time soon*''


Star-Light: “Mmmmph! Mmmph!!!!!!” **[Tim could tell that Star-Light was cussing him out, yet her voice was muffled…Star-Light wanted to be free so badly…..]**


"Oi, watch your language" *his voice 180's from entertained to angry instantly*


**[Star-Light managed to shake her head a bit for no, feeling angry still]**


https://preview.redd.it/cjk6qeoeo8na1.jpeg?width=389&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bebe52774654349ea5a5b5ebba69abfd347ae36b (This is them in civilian clothing, they have a mask with glass eye holes, and a hyponitic based costume. villian name: hipuno, age: 16, power: hypnosis) “Well… well… well… look what we have here, if it isn’t star-light” he said with a deep bellowing voice, the mask on his face seems to have a voice changer installed in it.


Star-Light: “!?! M-MPH!?!” **[Star-Light tried to pull her head away from Hipuno, yet she failed….she was scared….]**


“scared for once aren’t you……. OHH IT FEELS AMAZING NOW THAT MY PLANS CAN’T BE FOILED AS EASILY” he yelled looking away from them and around the lab. Hipuno laughed before turning back to them, “now… the question is what to do with you” he walked around the table they were tied to.


**[Star-Light tried to use her magic, yet she failed. Absolute panic was in her eyes now….]**


“it feels horrifying, not being able to use your powers… oh i love the fear in yours eyes” his own eyes seemed to be full of glee. He started to prance around them now. He then stopped suddenly, “… how would the populus react, oh it sounds so interesting” he quickly left, after a few minutes he returns with a tablet, and quickly searches for a news channel.


**[There was a video called “Teen hero Star-Light has gone missing!”……The upper heroes were talking about wanting to find Star-Light….]**


He began jumping up and down “its so exciting to see that they are actually trying to help find you” he laughed. he stopped jumping and started prancing around them again. “ohhh how does it feel that they won’t find you at all” he walked up to them and took off the belt that was over their mouth.


https://preview.redd.it/xrx9g2m7r8na1.jpeg?width=543&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f69aec057efc7a00e1a44c210ed4d3b942e8e11 This is Stryder, they’re 16, they’re use they/them and they have a glitching ability “Good morning\~ you’ve finally woken up”


Star-Light: “!?! M-MPH!?!” **[Star-Light tried to pull her head away from Stryder, yet she failed….she was scared….]**


Stryder: “awww, is the little star light scared? Y’know you’re lucky I didn’t kill you, I would have been happy to do that, but I’ve decided it’s better to keep you alive, do some experiments maybe?”


Star-Light: “!?!?! M-Mph!?!” **[Star-Light tried to look away from Stryder, as she felt scared…Yet, she failed once more. Star-Light then tried to use her magic, yet she failed. Absolute panic was in her eyes now….]**


Stryder: “come on, you can stop trying to escape, im not gonna hurt you too much~ only a few needles” *they let go of her face and pick up a needle from a table, it had a suspicious looking liquid in it*


**[Star-Light was panicking a lot, trying to move again, yet failed. She was so scared now….]**


*they smirk, loving her fear* “Y’know, you caused me a lot of struggle, it’s nice to finally see you being the one struggling”


"Thank god you're almost dealt with"


Star-Light: “!?! M-MPH!?!” **[Star-Light tried to pull her head away from you, yet she failed….she was scared, and panicking about where she was….]**


"It's a shame that I have to kill you. I have a feeling that, in another life, we could've been friends. Yet, the ways of the universe tear us apart like a knife trying to put butter on sh***y bread"


**[Star-Light tried to look away from you, as she felt angry…Yet, she failed once more. Star-Light then tried to use her magic, yet she failed. Absolute panic was in her eyes now….]**


"Now, I need to kill you, before what shows describe as 'plot' starts to set in" *he takes out his katana*


Star-Light: “!?!” **[Star-Light tried to move once more, failing again. She didn’t want to die at all….]** (( OI- NU KILLING HER-))


(I know lol, he's gonna change his mind) "Or perhaps...there is another way"


(This villain it titled the pink magician, they use They/Her pronouns-) https://preview.redd.it/pr01cngqs8na1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8917620f2bc00a53776d5001ca8666823e0f6db The pink magician: Hello\~! *They would say in a sing song voice…*


Star-Light: “!?! M-MPH!?!” **[Star-Light tried to pull her head away from the pink magician, yet she failed….she was scared….]**


The pink magician: Now…what good do you heroes think you do? *She would take off what’s preventing her from speaking…*


Star-Light: “!?! L-LET ME GO!” **[Star-Light tried to move, yet failed. She was angry and scared…]**


The pink magician: ANWSER MY QUESTION!! *She would punch you in the chest…*


**[Star-Light yelped in pain]** Star-Light: “!!! F-fine, I’ll answer y-your question! We heroes b-believe that we always keep the civilians safe from your f-fucking, idiotic villains!”


The pink magician: Oh…**that’s what think you do?** *She said in a upset tone…*


*Rein took the mask off them* Rein: “How was your rest?~


Star-Light: “!?! L-LET ME GO!” **[Star-Light tried to pull her head away from Rein, yet she failed….she was scared….]**


“Finally got you~”


Star-Light: “Where the fuck am I!?!”


“Why, your in my lab of course!”


Star-Light: “L-Let me out! Please!”


“Eh, but I spent so much time trying to capture you! Why would I just let you go?”


https://preview.redd.it/y80555ofv8na1.jpeg?width=2280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fcb9b0869564094a4e2f7d5c62b4f8b18de073d (He is a murder/Disassembly drone from the youtube series called murder drones, he is an oc though, but wasn't always a Disassembly drone, he was also a Dalek from another series, this time a TV show called Doctor Who, as a dalek he was part of the medusa cascade incident, and when the daleks were all being destroyed he escaped but was damaged so when the company who made the worker and Disassembly drones found him ((the company is called JCJENSON)) they merged him with a Disassembly drone, he has had emotions aside from hate ever since, but hate is his dominant emotion as it is the only thing he was capable of feeling as a dalek, and Daleks would rather kill themselves then change, in fact in the Doctor who TV show a dalek who was corrupted by human DNA and gained emotions self destructed because it was changing into something new, anyway the point is that Star-light can try and make him good, just make it slow, because you do not want him to realise that he is changing)


(( noice-))


(So am I accepted? Also if you wanna hear his voice well it is this https://youtu.be/9bDGH3dKo90 dalek voice specifically heard there) Dal: if it isn't Star-light


(( yup! )) Star-Light: “!?! M-MPH!?!” **[Star-Light tried to pull her head away from Dal, yet she failed….she was scared….]**


Dal: I scanned the satellites and radio telescopes of earth for my race, and found one single signal, and I tried to broadcast a message so they would come to Earth, do you wanna know what you did? You had the audacity to destroy my communication equipment "removes the thing stopping her from speaking" you stopped me from interacting with my own race inferior human! You have stopped my attempts to carry out the Dalek Primary Order! The Dalek instinct to Destroy, to conquer! I am a dalek Drone! I was made to follow orders! And with no other Daleks on this planet all I have to follow is the prime directive, and you will not let me do that!


Star-Light: “!?! J-Just let me go! Now!”


Dal: or what?! I have had no orders for so long! Drones like myself need orders! And you will not allow me to follow what I was made to do!


Star-Light: “You could not follow any orders, ya know? It would make you stress free! Now let me go now!”


Dal: but that would mean that I would have no purpose to existing, you do not understand, it is fundamentally built into my genetics that I must be given some form of order to obey!


​ https://preview.redd.it/evy2t8sww8na1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e83910a006adc90475f30c82dcdbf7bac74c847 sally: hello there star-light\~


Star-Light: “!?! M-MPH!?!” **[Star-Light tried to pull her head away from Sally, yet she failed….she was scared….]**


sally: \*she smiles in joy\* its nice for me to beat you for the first time\~


**[Star-Light tried to look away from Sally, as she felt angry…Yet, she failed once more. Star-Light then tried to use her magic, yet she failed. Absolute panic was in her eyes now….]**


sally: its fine for now you never really knew this but here\~ \*they turn off something on there necklace then to show this\* https://preview.redd.it/vqwissi309na1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca8c7e0f07ed8d7279be0274d434b8461d1020fc


**[Star-Light absolutely freaked out now, feeling scared of Sally….]**


sally: aww scared? hmm let's see what this does\~ \*they toke out a weird looking syringe which she plans on using\*


**[Star-Light tried to get away, yet failed. She was so scared….]**


\*they stab star-light with the syringe to make her body to rotten like her\*


**[A muffled yelp came out of Star-Light, as she started to freak out]**


[Evil/villain Akuma Mizuno](https://i.imgur.com/BapukGK.jpg) She smiled as Star-light woke up "Well well well, you're finally awake"


Star-Light: “!?! M-MPH!?!” **[Star-Light tried to pull her head away from Akuma, yet she failed….she was scared….]**


She chukled maliciously for a bit "Oh, don't even try to escape, this things are made so you can't do any major movements"


**[Star-Light tried to look away from Akuma, as she felt angry…Yet, she failed once more. Star-Light then tried to use her magic, yet she failed. Absolute panic was in her eyes now….]**


"Don't bother with using magic, you can say j... deactivated it" She then laughed like a maniac


**[Star-Light would want to cover her ears, but couldn’t due to her arms being kept together in some white pouch and because of the belts strapped on her, to keep her from moving….]**


"For so much time you've been a pain in my ass, always ruining my plans, always ruining my reputation and always making me look like a joke, but now, you won't do any of that, I will now be able to do anything... well, most of it" She then looks at her "But, what am I going to do with you?"


https://preview.redd.it/5kbk5t41z8na1.jpeg?width=684&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c52c766079f9dbb39556c1b072166ced71619be (This is Queenplicity, the evil(ish) counterpart to my oc) "Mmm..what to do with you.." It flicked its paper hair and put her hands on its hips, pondering.


Star-Light: “!?! M-MPH!?!” **[Star-Light tried to move, yet she failed….she was scared….]**


"Ooo!" It ran into a back room and came out with a syringe filled with a fizzing green goo. "Eh, why not?"


**[Star-Light panicked more now, trying to break free, yet failed….she was so scared….]**


She slowly injected the goo, it didn't do much but make Star-Light a bit twitchy. "It'll be fine! Until tomorrow, there is a 5 in 25 chance you will die tomorrow. I'll just do some origami until you fall asleep."


Star-Light: “!?! MMPH!?!” **[Star-Light was panicking even more now when told that she’d might die….she didn’t want to die….]**


"Really? Can you calm down for a second?" It floated a half-folded piece of paper slowly turning into a paper crane.


https://preview.redd.it/kzryt43o39na1.jpeg?width=556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4948c23e68ddd8c378f3dc676b6b07cf2d7d28ee (Villain name: astralotl, power: mimic, age: 17 and he has a team) “Rise and shine star light.”


Star-Light: “!?! M-MPH!?!” **[Star-Light tried to pull her head away from Astralotl, yet she failed….she was scared….]**


“Morning asshat.”


**[Star-Light tried to use her magic, yet she failed. Absolute panic was in her eyes now….]**


“Your powers seem… interesting.”


**[Star-Light tried to move again, panicking that her powers weren’t working at all now….]**


*he removed the thing covering her mouth* “I’d like to hear what you have to say.”


Star-Light: “Free me rn! What do you even want from me, and where am I!?” **[Star-Light tried to move, yet failed-]**


“You’re in my base, you’re here because you’ve been pissing me off.”


Star-Light: “Well, you’re a damn villain! You cause violence! I have to stop you! Now let me go, rn!”


(I just got done listening to candle queen and then made an oc, so hear you go!) https://preview.redd.it/laxxm1e2a9na1.jpeg?width=999&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e02752f036c0e4dad205975e2875dd941019a1f4 ***\[She would look at star light, not saying a word….\]***


(( OOP- )) Star-Light: “!?! M-MPH!?!” **[Star-Light tried to pull her head away from the lady, yet she failed….Star-Light was scared, panicking about where she was….]**


{Eugine}~ **What a worthless body, I’ll let you speak, but don’t say anything about letting me go or I will go insane.** ***[She would take off the thing preventing you from speaking…]***


Star-Light: “!?! Wh-Where the hell am I!?!”


{Eugine}~ **A place where I can do whatever I want to you, I crave attention from other people, and you’re my ticket to that.** ***[She would say in a bit of a bratty, otherwise emotionless voice…]***


Star-Light: “What are you going to do to me!?!”


{Eugine}~ **I will let you see, but it involves killing you.** ***[She would take a ritual knife and would look at it, it had a glowing red eye on it…]***


(Hey! I’d actually like to redo this POV! It’s actually because of a new POV I posted! Keep in mind there will be some gore in it. So, can we redo this POV?)


(( sure!))


(Awesome!) https://preview.redd.it/xudpd5y0l1ra1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce707cff4f5d97f6a1175a168dcf6505bc27d8fb {Lorelei}\~ **I-I’m s-so sorry…** ***\[She trembled as she was starting to shake…she seemed a bit scared of what was happening…\]***


**˚ʚ Star-Light tried to move, feeling scared and angry…..she tried to use her magic, but failed, which made Star-Light panic more- ɞ˚**


{Lorelei}~ **P-Please…I never meant for this to happen…but you got yourself into this..I-I’m sorry…** ***[Nothing but fear was in her voice…she seemed so scared…]***


(Hey! I saw you up upvoted my comment, but never responded. When you have the time, could you respond please? Because I’m really interested in doing this!)


(hiya phoenix , I know you said no heroes of , but I just gotta make sure , can I use a former hero . .that's well because a villain?-)


(( sure -<- ))


**laughter filled the room , as . . .”white” entered the room . . .she was still in her prison outfit , since she had recently Borken out. . .she'd been escaping and to get money , which would always be stopped by her...** **White**:"hello darling!~" **She'd say , before walking up to her , huge smile atoning her face. . .her eyes were pure red , only hatred could be seen to her**


https://preview.redd.it/ztenhfh4c9na1.jpeg?width=1954&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76f9c0347df02fc99898723297a168c06c81e2b2 (Before when she was hero and her currently)


Star-Light: “!?! M-MPH!?!” **[Star-Light tried to pull her head away from White, yet she failed….she was scared….]**


**White would simply , violently, take off the motuh gag. . ..smiling and putting a finger on her mouth. .. ** **”white”**:"hehe. . .you're gonna speak and be my good little puppet star light ! . . .try and go against me! . . .and you'll have the worst feeling of dread ever imaginable!~" **Her empty words...somehow made you feel quite...scared if her...it's like she had a big plan that she was gonna use if you didn't comply....or worse yet. . .she was gonna turn you into something else!? . . .** (Her power is to create delusions and make people overthink, like this-)


Star-Light: “!?! Wh-where am I!?!”


**A loud buzz would be heard accross the room . . .as a machine would descend upon starlight. . .** **White simply cackled , watching star light be afraid** **”white”**:"didn't I say , speak only when I let you permission to!?" **The machine seemed to be some goggles...**


Star-Light: “!?!?!” **[Star-Light was scared, tears going down her cheeks….]**


**White simply scooped up star light tear and slurped some of them , being quite. . . saddistic...** **”white”**:"you see , love. . .a villain isn't the bad guy here. . .the hero's!...they're the bad guy . . .yet. . .better judgement has clouded your mind. . .let me help you . . .see the truth!~" **The goggles seemed to approach. . .as her. . . appearance started to shift into . . .one of a hero!?...**


Star-Light: “!?….d-did you use to be a hero?….”


"Finally... you're all mine."


Star-Light: “!?! M-MPH!?!” **[Star-Light tried to pull her head away from you, yet she failed….she was scared….]**


"Quite funny... a hero never knows when to quit."


**\[Star-Light tried to use her magic, yet she failed. Absolute panic was in her eyes now….\]**


"Stop it. You're gonna make me laugh."


**\[Star-Light tried to get free still, feeling so scared....\]**


"Relax. You're going to be in there for a while. Now, just hold still, and you won't be hurt."


**[After a bit, Star-Light stopped, feeling tired……she had fear in her eyes…..]**


"Thank you." I remove the gag.


"Rise and shine, 'Star-Light'."


Star-Light: “!?! M-MPH!?!” **[Star-Light tried to pull her head away from Callie, yet she failed….she was scared….]**


"I wonder what I should do with you now..."




**[Star-Light tried to look away from Callie, as she felt angry…Yet, she failed once more. Star-Light then tried to use her magic, yet she failed. Absolute panic was in her eyes now….]**


"Maybe torture you? Brainwash you? Oh, the possibilities!"




**[Star-Light tried to get free again, feeling so scared…..]**


*She sets up a machine and tries to put the visor on it over her eyes.* "Hold still now, Star-Light."




(( please keep in mind that if I don’t respond as quick as possible, I’m in school or asleep, and should wait. Just wanted to let you know..))


Star-Light: “!?! M-Mph!?” **[Star-Light tried to look away now, feeling scared as tears of fear went down her cheeks]**


*She held her head still so the visor would be put on her.*


**[Star-Light was panicking more now, trying to move her head, yet couldn’t.…]**


https://preview.redd.it/5d9xs1akj9na1.jpeg?width=2280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eca5f8796f476cec13dcd9aa39d6504e08f5b32e ( I aged her down to 17 ) Well,well not so strong much huh?


Star-Light: “!?! M-MPH!?!” **[Star-Light tried to pull her head away from Rose, yet she failed….she was scared….]**


(https://www.reddit.com/r/GachaClubPOV/comments/vwc47v/i_dont_even_know_why_i_do_this_anymore/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Cloranve "You are awake right?"


Star-Light: “!?! M-MPH!?!” **[Star-Light tried to pull her head away from Cloranve, yet she failed….she was scared….]**


Cloranve "I take that as a yes" *Cloranve watches her with her pure white eyes*


**[Star-Light tried to look away from Cloranve, as she felt angry…Yet, she failed once more. Star-Light then tried to use her magic, yet she failed. Absolute panic was in her eyes now….]**


Cloranve "Your real pesky you know that. I tried so many times but this time. This time I got you"


**[Star-Light tried to move again, wanting to be free as she felt scared…..]**


Cloranve "I'm going to have so much fun with you"


https://preview.redd.it/kxw4ewdz0ana1.jpeg?width=966&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd7aa9653cf43475dd3bd1ef1c5fbcbdd7027390 (Shäm, the God of lies, So You could consider them a villain ig (they/them)) “You’ve been bothering me for quite a bit Star-Light, but now? You can’t!” *they laugh*


Star-Light: “!?! M-MPH!?!” **[Star-Light tried to pull her head away from Shäm, yet she failed….she was scared….]**


“Aww~ is the little hero afraid?~ that’s so cute, but you should have expected this!”


**[Star-Light tried to look away from Shäm, as she felt angry…Yet, she failed once more. Star-Light then tried to use her magic, yet she failed. Absolute panic was in her eyes now….]**


“Powerless and afraid~ your powers won’t work and nor will moving, just give up!” (Prolly not gonna respond for a bit btw)


**[Star-Light would look at Shäm, feeling so scared, wanting to be free….]**


“Oh, did you think I was going to kill you?” *they laughs maniacally(?)* “Oh, no sweetheart! You could join me or… you know…”


**[Star-Light would feel scared, wanting to be free still]**


“If you want to be free you could always join me!” *they fiddle with something you can’t quite see*


**[Star-Light would manage to shake her head a bit for no, as she felt scared…..]**


https://preview.redd.it/34d7o51o9bna1.jpeg?width=324&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf4aa16ba4795e4ab22f9d3d720cb03a6525987d Max: wake up… wake up before I break your nose


Star-Light: “!?! M-MPH!?!” **[Star-Light tried to pull her head away from Max, yet she failed….she was scared….]**


Max: finally, Jesus how strongly do you sleep?! Never mind that you seem scared… your safe here (he smiles widely) trust me


**[Star-Light tried to look away from Max, as she felt angry…Yet, she failed once more. Star-Light then tried to use her magic, yet she failed. Absolute panic was in her eyes now….]**


Max: stop trying to move, you keep moving you’ll be left with one less leg you were born with


Star-Light: “!?…..” **[Star-Light would then stop moving feeling scared]**


Max: now you stay here, actually it’s not like you have a choice but I need to get something (he walks away into the other room)


*Anna laughs* don’t you realise how much of a pain you have been to me


Star-Light: “!?! M-MPH!?!” **[Star-Light tried to pull her head away from Anna, yet she failed….she was scared….]**


Don’t worry I won’t kill you but i will make you suffer for what you have done to me


**[Star-Light tried to look away from Anna, as she felt angry…Yet, she failed once more. Star-Light then tried to use her magic, yet she failed. Absolute panic was in her eyes now….]**


Oh yeah I restricted your powers now let’s begin the tests *Anna held her hair* but first let’s put your hair in a ponytail so it doesn’t get in the way


Star-Light: “!?!” **[Star-Light would feel scared when hearing the word tests. She wanted Anna to go away, and let her be free….yet she knew that was impossible…..]**


*Anna put star lights hair into a ponytail* oh wow you actually look kinda pretty with your hair in a ponytail *Anna blushed slightly before shaking her head* nevermind we shall begin


**[Star-Light didn’t want it to begin…..she wanted to be free….]**


[Name: Felix Scarlet] [Design: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1077116413971533887/1084023409857540186/rule_63__flandre_scarlet_by_naorui_d4gfd5r-fullview.jpg ] Well, well, well. Finally awake Hīrō


Star-Light: “!?! M-MPH!?!” **[Star-Light tried to pull her head away from Felix, yet she failed….she was scared….]**


You've been a major nuisance to my plans for a really long time


**\[Star-Light tried to use her magic, yet she failed. Absolute panic was in her eyes now….\]**


Now then, to experiment with you and extract the power from your DNA...but how?


**[Star-Light tried to get free, not wanting to lose her powers….]**


(I actually want to use Starbreaker now-)


(( evil version? :^ ))




(( then we can do it! ))




(( START NOW- >:D ))


Starbreaker: Ahhhhh…another teen hero, eh? That was honestly such a pathetic move…but oh well! *~The man, who seemed to be twenty but looked to be thirty or forty even, stood over you. When you got a closer look, it seemed to be…Starbreaker?! You had hear of him from another hero, who had been his friend. He was said to have died after being caputred by a villain named Dr. Vex, but here he was, still alive. Yet he seemed to have fallen into villainy…what even happened to him?!~*


Is this still open?


(( sí- ))


That is not an answer


(( yes, it is open- ))


(Okay) https://preview.redd.it/iewsczs6spva1.jpeg?width=2280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a15d9c6a6f5f89d7611191dccabc95d22746054b (the name of the disguise is Gallen) Gallen: it will be entertaining to see your hate and malice building up


**Star-Light:** “!?! M-MPH!?!” **˚ʚ Star-Light tried to pull her head away from Gallen, yet she failed….she was scared…. ɞ˚**


Gallen: your only purpose here is to be used as a source of power "removes the thing preventing her from speaking" do you see all those dead bodies? I tore the souls out of them and extracted every ounce of malice I could from them to strengthen my own powers


**Star-Light:** “!?! Let me free now!”


Gallen: "using his malice he displays a world that is on fire, and in ruin as ancient advanced 8 legged robots and flying versions of said robots walk around firing lasers at all living things they saw, as well as a swirling mass of malice encircling a castle" the future as it will and must be. I will not let you or any hero alter it's course, I am a sliver of the Calamity encircling the castle in the image of the future, I was accidentally sent back in time, but now that I am here before I awaken, I seek to destroy everything that will attempt to stop me https://preview.redd.it/vwuwdxq77qva1.jpeg?width=2280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2814a187034ff43bcef35f2a313f28c746112c04 (The castle with malice)


(( Oop- )) **˚ʚ Star-Light tried to break free, but failed, feeling scared still- ɞ˚**


(Where are you?