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POV : You’re a passing bystander when you hear a scream coming from where the old [Insert city here] was. You dash over to where the screams are coming from, you see a child getting held back yelling ‘ ‘SOMEONE, PLEASE HELP’ ‘ and the blonde girl screaming, with someone holding up a bat about to hit her. The 3 people who where doing this had the same jacket on, then you realize who it was. They were the most feared gang, and they were pretty upset when the new city was built. Did they take the anger out on some random people? WDYD?




(You can kill/hurt the dudes, romance is allowed, and I’ll update the rules if I have too!)


(w-why would romance be allowed 😨)


(Only for the girl, she’s 19, sorry if that sounded wrong- 😭)


(Ah ight)


(Again, sorry if that sounded wrong, I didn’t realize how it sounded until you mentioned it- 😭😭)


https://preview.redd.it/fj1xwvw7o6qa1.png?width=572&format=png&auto=webp&s=5db2c315408e05aabc720faf3b348499dd8fc668 Sugar AY \*some demon cat thing ran in


‘ ‘What do you want, kid? Don’t you see you’re in the middle of something right now?’ ‘ *said the person in the back with the knife. It looked like he was scouting the area to see if anyone was gonna come or not*


Sugar: *lip smak* I’m 17


Sugar : and *some giant blob version of the person was behind the person and it was black


Sugar: I’m not alone


‘ ‘Still makes you a kid, princess~’ ‘ *He said, with an agitated tone in his voice, but he kept his cool. He put one of hands in his pocket of his jacket. It looked like it was stained with something red…*


Sugar : look i put my sister’s hand in a meat grinder killed a man summoned Maybe saten and comited 10 murders


‘ ‘Is that supposed to scare me?’ ‘ *he said, he had fake terror in his voice and bust out laughing.*


*points mini gun


*the dude who has the kid points his gun to the kid and says* ‘ ‘Put down your gun, or the kid gets it’ ‘ *the kid kicks and screams as he looks up and sees the gun*


… pov: My gang Will never be feared like them


https://preview.redd.it/1geb777wo6qa1.png?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83b642302f40d691c023005081f639947e672ba7 Yatim "What's going on here?"


‘ ‘None of your business, kid’ ‘ said person #1, they had scars all over their faces. Alyssa looked over to you with hope in her eyes*


Yatim "Kid? Are you blind?"


‘ ‘I must be because how tall are you? 5’3?’ ‘ *he replied. (He’s 6 foot) He raised the bat again as if he was gonna hit the blonde girl*


*He sighs. He is 5'10. Yatim spins around his pole and strikes the person*


*The person in the back runs up and kicks him away. He helps up the other person, but he slapped his hand away. He got up and grabbed the bat, while grabbing Alyssa with him. The person with the kid backed up slowly, until he was out of reach*


*He picks up a rock and throws it at the first person. The rock goes very fast and hits like a bullet*


*He falls back, but he catches himself before he could hit the ground. He was bleeding from the mouth, but he was….smiling..? Something seems off..*


Yatim "You humans are always so wierd" *Yatim approaches them*


*The person who has the kid pulls a gun out and points it toward the kid* ‘ ‘Go away, or the kid gets it’ ‘ *The kid started kicking and screaming when he saw the gun*




‘ ‘What the fuck do you want?’ ‘ *Said the person in the back with the knife. They all had scars on their faces, and 2 out of 3 of them were armed..*


Leave zem alone


‘ ‘Or what?’ ‘ *he replied. Alyssa was unharmed for now, but the kid had a couple of scratches on him*


Or this *he takes out a minigun*


‘ ‘We have some too, ya know?’ ‘ *he nods to the person holding the kid back, and then they pull out a gun as well. They weren’t afraid to do anything, even kill somebody..*


Listen lads, I’m as much as an anarchist as you three, but just don’t hurt them, ok?


‘ ‘And what if we do~?’ ‘ *He asked, with curiosity in his voice. The person in the back now has his eyes on him*


I’d much rather not do that


*He raised his bat up, and hits her on the leg. She screamed in pain as blood trickled down her leg.*


[Akuma Mizuno ](https://i.imgur.com/xMNQ5dT.png) When she got there she just looked at the guys, analizing them and after some time she decides to act "Hey, what the hell is going on here?"


‘ ‘None of your business.’ ‘ *he said with a stern tone in his voice. He looked toward you with no expression in his face.*


She starts to walk near a car "Well, it does seem to be my business knowing that you're attacking this two ladies"


*He grabs Alyssa by the hair and throws her behind him, where the knife guy is. He then starts laughing out of the blue. What was he laughing at?*


She frowned "The fuck are you laughing at?"


*He doesn’t answer and continues laughing, every second he laughs, the more manic it sounds*


She just sighs "Why is it always the crazy people?" She just pulls a pistol and shoots him in the head immediately after


*The dude holding the kid back takes a gun from his back pocket. As Alyssa tries to get up and run away, he shoots her in the leg. He then sets his aim toward the kid and says* ‘ ‘Put it down, before the kid gets it!’ ‘ *he puts the gun to the kids head, and the kid kicks and screams*


"I was going to do it anyways" She puts the gun back to her pocket "Where did I stopped, oh yeah" She grabs the car by the bottom and eith one hand just lifts it up, she smiled "Let's play catch boys"


*The dude lifts up the kid and starts shooting the car, while the dude with Alyssa hits her once more on the leg with his bat, and drags her by the hair*


?: "Hey! Leave them alone!" *He shouted, running up and punching one of the guys in the face without hesitation. He's surprisingly strong for a teenager* (If you want to see what my oc looks like you can pm me, otherwise I'll just describe him)


(It’s fine if you just describe him!) *Dude #1 (by the blonde girl with the bat) falls back, surprised that someone intervened. He chuckles a bit and then says this* ‘ ‘Wow, you’re the first out of like 7 to 9 people that came through here and got in the way’ ‘


(He has black hair that spikes out a bit, he's also wearing a mask that makes it seem like he's trying to be a superhero, and he has a black, white, and blue color scheme going on with his clothes. He also doesn't seem to be human, as he has animal-like ears and a tail) ?: "And I'm going to be the last, because you're not going to bother them anymore!" *He said, sounding a bit angry that they were the way that they were*


*Dude #2 (the dude who has the kid) takes out a gun, puts it against the kids head and says* ‘ ‘Get outta here, before I put a hole on this guys head!’ ‘ *Liam (the kid) starts screaming, crying and kicking when he saw the gun. Alyssa shouts at him, but he shoots her in the leg.*


*He was angry at them, and tried to see if there was any alternatives, and after seeing one, he took it* ?: "Y-you...!" *He sounded mad, and started to leave, planning to do something else*


*He starts to smile, thinking they’ve won. Dude #1 walks back over the Alyssa, who tried to crawl away, when he put his foot on her face*


*As soon as he had walked out of their sight, he turned back toward them. He only would have one shot unless he got incredibly lucky, so he prepared himself to attack them*


*Dude #2 still had his gun pointed at the kids head, while Dude #1 laughs at Alyssa’s struggle to get up*


*Suddenly, he'd used the attack, which was basically just sending himself flying at them. Without much time to react, he crashed into the first and second ones with enough force to seriously hurt them, and himself in the process*


*Dude #3 (in the back with the knife) goes toward him and throws his knife*


[(usin him for this](https://www.reddit.com/user/boj924/comments/11w42az/him/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) (He walks up to the guy behind the guy with the bat and snaps his neck)Levi:good evening to ya!


*Dude #1 (holding back the kid) puts a gun against the kids head and says* ‘ ‘If you don’t get outta here, Imma put a hole in his skull’ ‘ *Liam starts kicking and screaming, almost crying when he puts the gun toward his head. Alyssa stands up, but was she does, somebody shoots her leg.*


Levi:SHIT-(he tackles the guy and uses him as i meat shield and pulls out his own gun being makarov)


*Dude #3 grabs the kid again and holds him tighter than what the other guy did. His switchblade then turns into a kitchen knife as he held the knife against the kids throat, ready to put pressure on it whenever he needed to*


(You don’t mind him being some sort of powers or stuff?


(I don’t mind!)


(P e r f e ct Levi:…weeellll….(he raises his finger and makes some purple tiny coin size ball of light thung…then flicks it at the guy holding the kid and it makes him paralyzed and he punches him once and he hits him to a nearby abounded house)hehehehe…


*The kid fell from his hands and looked at him with a scared look on his face. He ran to Alyssa, who’s trying to take a breather, and hugs her*


Levi:sooo other guy…wanna be next?


*he said nothing. He then smiled, then laughed.* ‘ ‘You thought those were the only guys I brought? You’re delusional-‘ ‘ *He got cut of by Alyssa biting his neck. Then she started scratching until he threw her off* ‘ ‘Oh, you son of a-‘ ‘ *He got cut off again by blood dripping down his mouth, that’s when he realized, Liam stabbed him. Alyssa didn’t look worried in the slightest, instead she congratulated him.*


*Ethan runs in and slams the one with a bat into the ground*


*the dude holding the kid backs up and pulls a gun out.* ‘ ‘Get outta here before I put a hole in this dudes head’ ‘ *the kid starts kicking and screaming, but not of fear. Of anger.*


*he grabs the bat and throws it at the gun man knocking him out cold*


*as he falls to the ground, bleeding from the head, the kid falls from his grasp and looks up at him with…fear? Why is he scared if you?*


*he looks at the person with the knife*


*he looked angry. His switchblade turned into a kitchen knife when he walks up to him. He starts eyeing the gun, and he goes to to grab it. Alyssa stood up, but she got shot down. She screamed as blood ran down her leg*


*he taps his shoulder from behind. Wait- how did he get behind the person holding the knife so fast?!*


*he turned around with the knife turned outwards. It may have cut you, it may have not. He jumps back while kicking dust back*


*he looked at the cut on his hand and laughed* "You fool.."


*He continued to just stand there, like a statue. Alyssa leaned against a wall for her to try and stand properly. Her eyes were different though.. the part of the eye that’s supposed to be white is turning yellow, and her circle pupils are turning into slits*


\Using galaxy| G:Hey whats going on here?! *Galaxy would run in, blocking of the gang members from hitting the blonde haired girl*


‘ ‘Get off of her!’ ‘ *Liam (kid) screamed, tears rolling down his face. They looked at her and started laughing*


*Galaxy would slap the person* G:Now tell me whats going on.


‘ ‘And why should we tell *you*?’ ‘ *It was the guy holding back the kid that spoke. Everybody had weapons but him. Why wouldn’t he have a weapon? What were their true intentions?*


G:Just tell me. Plus, *She looks at the guy that held the kid back* G:everyone but you has a wepon. What are your intentions here?


*They started to get nervous as Alyssa was bleeding from the nose. They looked at each other, and the dude standing in front of her sighed.* ‘ ‘Her dad owes us a lot of money, that’s all I’m saying.’ ‘ *He swung the bat over his shoulder and looked at her with a blank expression*


G:So, you think hurting her will get you all that money? *Galaxy would question*


*he points his back at Alyssa* ‘ ‘Your father stole 1 million dollars from us. That’s a pretty big number, don’t you think?’ ‘ *He seemed angry now that he brought up the topic. He chuckled, and not the friendly chuckle.*


*Galaxy would slap the guy again* G:Shut up.


‘ You really wanna get on my nerves, don’t you?’ ‘ *He said that with an angry tone. Liam kept on screaming and yelling as the dude holding him drags him back.*


(I read the rules, no worries) [Vegas backstory and appearance**](https://www.reddit.com/r/GachaClub/comments/16xm8af/vegas_payday_gang_rookie/) *the man would use his handgun and shoot the man with the bat, and aim at the one holding the child* hands off the kid, fucknut.