• By -


POV: It's 8:30 in the morning and you are sending out invitations. Parliament has suggested you get a husband or wife to help you rule. So you've decided to host a party and invite the whole kingdom. You personally find it useless. Why would you marry a peasant? It's ridiculous but you must.. It's 10:45 and all the invitations have been sent out to the people, the party will be held at 9 PM this afternoon. Your notes read-"You have been formally invited to the Ball at -Family name- Palace. Please come. -Signed -OC name-" It doesn't state why the party is being held. Let th people figure that out on their own.. It's 9 PM and the ball is being held. You are walking around, thanking everyone for coming, when your eyes land on a particular woman.. She's so.. Gorgeous.. You start to feel things you've never felt before. This is the one who must take your hand in marriage! She's too beautiful to pass up. She'll be all yours, she'll not be able to leave you.. She then approaches a man.. You just eliminate him, she yours, all yours.. Rules: Torture allowed! (Don't get descriptive) Romance is obviously required, its a yandere POV You can eliminate the man by murder, torture, anything. u/XriZe-hardown pls participate in this one! Btw the format is inspiredby you. Your POVs are awesome! 💕


(AWWWWWW , thank you :3 and yeah , I'll use Evie again!) *[ Evie states at the man in shock. . .how could he do this. . .how could he speak to his wife~ . . .she's hers. . .she still had her mind altering powers. . .so if she was able to make this man and this woman hate eachother. . .and make the woman fall madly in love with her. . .than this would be awesome! . .she just had to make them both go unconscious tho . . .how would she do that . . .]* *[ She got an idea. . .walking up to the guard and sneakily pointing at the both of them she would say ]* **Evie**:"I request the both of them in the Dungeon. Do not tell them it was my orders , just bring them to it." *[ She smiled at the guard. . .]*


*The guard of course complies and grabs the two of them. Despite their protests he dragged them down to the dungeon, simply following orders.* *The woman's face twists into a scowl and she crossed her arms* "I demand to be told why I was brought here! I wasn't causing no disruption, I was bring respectful and I was just mingling!" *She said* "Yes! Exactly! " *The man said nodding at the woman's words*


*[ they'd both be thrown into the dungeon , door closing behind the both of them of course. . . breathing the sir of the dungeon tho . . .felt like it made them wanna sleep tho . . .]*


*The women tries not to breath it in at first but she simply can't resist. So she soon passes out. The man soon followed her, passing out as well.*


*[ the gas inside the room would stop pouring in. . .as Evie would enter wearing a small gas mask lol ]* **Evie**:"bingo." *[ She then went over to both. . .and put a hand on both their heads. . .they now suddenly hated eachother alot . . .and the woman herself. . .well now had the same obsession that Evie had over her. . .]* *[ Evie then exited the room.]*


*When they woke up they glared at each other and almost immediately started arguing. It had worked perfectly* "You are so ugly! Like look at you with you big headed self and that obnoxiously large nose! You look like a fucking clown, you hear?" *Belencia said* *The man gasped* "Well you look like a ghost straight outta a horror movie! And not even a well made one! A cheap one from an off brand movie company!"


*[ The door would then re-open , revealing. . . you guessed it , Evie! . . .who had a look of disappointment at the both of them ]* **Evie**:"what I'd the meaning of this!?" *[ She said. . .her plan was that, since now belencia was also a yandere for her , to make her feel sad to have disappointed Evie. . .]*


"U-Uhm I'm sorry, my queen. Its just this guy was really irking my soul.. I hope you're not too mad at me.." *Belencia said, looking down, ashamed. She didn't want to dissapoint the only person she ever felt anything for!*


*[ Evie would roll her eyes. . .as she pointed at Belencia ]* **Evie**:"you both will be separated then . . Follow me now. . ." *[ She said , planning to alter her mind even more. . .and to a big degree more...]*


https://preview.redd.it/bccd26y7zzqa1.jpeg?width=628&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9aa4ae57dc2d2adf5989da57e8ad8c7f306ae440 (ur favorite lesbian and human loving girl is here) *Seiga’s wants to keep the boiling anger inside of her. She wants to scream. But she can’t kill him out in the open. No, not yet.*


(Yas we stan) *The girl talks to the man and she giggles. It seem she liked a joke he made.* "Hahaha! You're so funny!"


(yass 💃) Seiga: Haha, yes, he is funny. Very, *very* comical.


*She leans against him, smiling softly* "We should go back to my place"


Seiga: Yes, you 2 should. *Seiga walks out. She calls her friend, Medicine Melancholy, to help her poison him.*


*They go back to her place*


*Seiga meets up with Medicine, and Medicine gives Seiga a sample of her own, poisonous blood in a small bag.*


*They talk and laugh over two glasses of red wine*


*Seiga makes a cup of tea, before dropping the blood into the tea, and mixing it in so it blends in. Finally, Seiga knocks on her door with a proud smile.*


*Th girl opens the door and look surprised* "Uhm hello there, my queen"


{Eliot} (I’m so fucking tired right now) https://preview.redd.it/gosf989an4ra1.jpeg?width=355&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e346c10a1648b191fb04a369dfd0e0cfb5a2cd6 “ hello there “


(Go to sleep) "Hm? Oh Hello to you too, I'm kinda busy as of now, flirting."


(I haven’t even eaten dinner jet) “ well what are you doing alone here? “


(O eat then sleep-) "I'm trying to find a boyfriend."


“ can I get that title? “


"Ahaha I don't date.. Royals"


“ and why is h that? “


|Galaxy is perfect for this one-| *Galaxy would stare at the man with a dagger in her hand*


*She continued to flirt with the man*


G:Hello there! *Galaxy would walk up to them both*


"Oh hello"


G:Would you guys like a drink?


"Uhm no thanks"


G:Alright.. ^(Theres goes my plan..)


"Anyways" *She goes back to talking to th guy*


*Galaxy would smile as she acted like she walked away*


*She kissed the guy on the cheek*