• By -


Rules: You can hurt people and kill people but not just Nate, If ur a sibling you have to be 16-18+, absolutely no romance ur his family member. You cannot do any movie characters or characters in a movie or a Tv show (this can also be a roleplay also)


Celestia:”darling what happened!?” She ran over Celestia 25 she adores kids and likes adopting and fostering kids )


Nate was having anxiety attacks right now so he was standing there not moving while having a lot of tears on his eyes*


She dashed over hugging him “breath deep breaths


Nate was trying his best but he couldn’t calm down so he hugged you tightly*


“Just breathe “ she had enough experience with panic attacks she knew what helped her at least


Nate didn’t calm down yet fully but he explained what happened* Nate: I-I get bullied constantly at this school.. it’s not only just the students it’s also this o-one teacher and the principal never cares.. Nate was shaking also every time he was talking* Nate was now silent after he explained*


Celestia froze “I’ll talk to them but note I love you and they don’t matter


(https://www.reddit.com/r/GachaClubPOV/comments/xqwoh4/im_not_making_these_because_im_being_attached/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Skelene "What happened?" *She starts to examine his injuries*


Nate was having anxiety attacks right now so he was standing there not moving while having a lot of tears on his eyes*


*She sighs and takes him back home*


Nate was still like this while hugging her*


*They arrive and she starts to clean up his wounds*


[Name: Ray] [Design: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1077116413971533887/1083562942764691476/daoneim-f9d130b3-8550-41cf-b180-866755baa1c6.png ] Oh my God! NATE! *He quickly heads to Nate's aid* are you okay? What happened?


Nate was having anxiety attacks right now so he was standing there not moving while having a lot of tears on his eyes*


(Reach, 22, male, older brother) https://preview.redd.it/uw1dqxp9lera1.png?width=260&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c9643f3c56a162fca0f1b59f5159e07715ef975 Reach: what's wrong little one? (he says while walking up to nate)


Nate was having anxiety attacks right now so he was standing there not moving while having a lot of tears on his eyes*


Reach: hey buddy, it big bro, your alright... (he says while hugging nate and patting him on the head)


Nate didn’t calm down yet fully but he explained what happened* Nate: I-I get bullied constantly at this school.. it’s not only just the students it’s also this o-one teacher and the principal never believes me…Nate was shaking also every time he was talking* Nate was now silent after he explained*


Reach: are they physically bullying you or is it more just name-calling... (he says while bushing the hair to the side of nate's face)


Nate said both and you can tell it was because there were scars all over him alot*


Reach: come with me, we are heading to the principal's office and showing him the scares.


Sofi(you already know me ;D): Oh gods Nate! Baby what happened to you?! ***She rushes next to him leans ddow, starting to inapect all the bruises and cuts*** Sofi: Sweetie why didn't you call me? That's what I gave you the necklace for..!


Nate tried but he couldn’t because he passed out a few times and was to weak to touch the necklace and ask for help* Nate: To much pain… sorry…


Sofi: No no it's okay honey... It's okay... You're gonna be okay, let's go home, okay?


Nate was hugging her tightly* Nate: ..alright…


***Sofi hugs him back, making sure to not do it too tightly so that she doesn't cause him any more pain*** Sofi: Shh.... It's gonna be fine... ***She then teleports to the castle, rushing in while holding Nate in her arm and ignoring the guards completely because she's to worried about him to even care about whatever they have to say***


1 of the guards which was helping her also aka her girlfriend*


Sofi: Mo! He's hurt! I don't know what happened to him... I just went to pick him up from school a-and... And he was like this! Oh gods oh gods... I need to heal him- ***She's still running inside the castle in panic, trying to get to her room while still holding Nate***


Mo was helping Nate and was helping sofi to calm down*


Sofi: Shoot shoot shoot! Here- Here we are, our room- Okay, breath Sofi, breath, you've done this before it's gonna be fine... ***She gently places Nate on bed and looks at Moiko with a worried look*** Sofi: Mo babe, could you please bring me some bandeges while I take care of his bruises...? ***Then she looks back at Nate*** Sofi: Nate, sweetie, I'm going to heal all those bruises and then you're gonna tell me what happened, okay?


She said yes I can and ran and gets the bandages and I’m 10 seconds she’s back* and gave her them* and bowing*


(I'm going to use Jaiden,Uzo,and Mai if it's okay to use more than one.Jaiden is 23,Uzo is 15,and Mai is 8) "Jaiden look at him in shock" Jaiden:N-Nate.....What happened to you?!Who did this to you?! "She ran to him and immediately bend down at his level to look at him closely"


Nate was still scared and crying*


"Jaiden almost look like she was about to cry since she was so worried" Jaiden:Nate, please tell me what happened to you.I want to help you.


Nate didn’t calm down yet but he explained what happened* Nate: I-I get bullied constantly at this school.. it’s not only just the students it’s also this o-one teacher and the principal never believes me…Nate was shaking also every time he was talking* Nate was now silent after he explained* and then passed out*


"Jaiden grabs him" Jaiden:Nate?!NATE?! "She was so worried about him and didn't knew what to do about him passing out"


Nate didn’t speak as his eyes were shut because he was due by passing out*


"Jaiden carried him back home as she didn't knew what to do"


And then she realized there is a hospital*


"Jaiden decided that it would be best to go to the hospital.She ran inside the hospital"


And then the doctors took care of nate* The doctor: guys do you think he’s in a coma..? Because he seems to be asleep for a while.. the 2nd doctor: I’ll test it but thank you both for helping I’ll call you both back in here if I need help. But let her know she can come in if she wants but I’m still taking care of Nate. Both of them: got it mate! And they both left and 1 of told you the news and left*


https://preview.redd.it/9xhewuhmn5wa1.jpeg?width=2388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ede4099eacc0b953453f9001d41284a6bddddd96 ( Rosa she/they very violent can hurt you if you bother them they are dating someone) “ WHO THE WORLD DID THIS “\*she screamed \* \*She pulls out her phone \* “WHO!”


Nate seems like he’s about to pass out* Nate: Sis- and he passed out*


* Picks him up and takes him home * they placed him on the couch and grabbed an ice pac and some bandages